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Don't Come Looking For Love 3: Family Ties

Page 10

by Natavia

  “Can you put your hands down there and rub it? I won’t tell nobody! I will keep it on the hush!” I said licking my lips.

  Kenjay laughed. “Naw. I don’t think my woman would appreciate that!” he said.

  “WHAT?” I asked him. I know I said I needed my space but him having a woman wasn’t sitting right with me. Maybe Sameer said what he said because he knew something I didn’t.

  “I’m just fucking with you! I’m just dating somebody!” he said, like that was any better.

  “Who is she?” I asked standing up.

  “Latavia, you better sit your ass down! Fuck are you getting mad for? Shit, you left me! Then I caught you having dinner with a nigga you was fucking!” he said, standing up.

  “Is she here?” I asked him.

  “Naw, you already know I wouldn’t disrespect you like that! But I will holla at you later.” He kissed my lips then walked off.

  Cam came to me and smiled. “Looks like you and baby daddy are getting along.”

  “I thought so too before the nigga told me he was dating somebody.”

  Cam’s face dropped. “Well, I don’t know what to say about that one. But I’m going to be honest because it wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t. Kenjay is a good catch, Latavia, despite what he does. He can be an asshole but he is very charming. Girl, you better put on that lingerie and go to his house, pumps and all! He said he was dating, so it’s not that serious!” Cam said.

  We heard arguing coming from Tee-Tee and Jamie.

  “I don’t know what’s going on with them, but lately they haven’t been able to get along with each other,” Cam said walking towards them.

  “Jamie, on some real shit you need to mind your business! I swear I’m going to forget you are my sister and slap the fuck out of your simple ass!” Corey said pulling Tee-Tee back from her. Pam wasn’t nowhere in sight and that was good because she hated foul language but used it without a care in the world.

  “It’s not my damn fault she keeps popping out babies for your crazy ass! Coren is bad as hell and we all know it! She doesn’t have any manners just like her ignorant-ass daddy! Nigga, I wish you would touch me!” Jamie screamed.

  “Is that lil’ winch fussing with my secret lover?” I heard Geraldine ask Britain.

  “Killa, get your woman before I strangle her and that’s real nigga shit! I’m ready to hit her ass like she a nigga!” Corey said. Jamie threw her soda on Corey.

  “Bitch, I will beat your ass”! Tee-Tee shouted but Cam pulled her back.

  Killa got up to grab Jamie. “Yo, what the fuck is your problem?” he asked her. She yanked away from him.

  “Your cheating ass is the problem!” She dropped the bomb on him around a lot of people. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at them.

  “This is not the place or the time for this shit!” Killa spat.

  “So, what! I don’t give a damn! You move me all the way out Cali to fucking cheat on me! You lying son of a bitch!” she said charging into him. Pam ran over to her daughter to pull her off of Killa. Corey laughed, shaking his head.

  “Let me go, Ma! That nigga ain’t shit! You lying bastard!” Jamie said, going off swinging and kicking while Royal helped his mother out. Killa picked up his daughters then left.

  “That stupid bitch! I keep telling Jamie she was going to lose her fucking man! She don’t clean, cook or none of that shit! She hired a nanny for her daughters like she has so much to do! Then the nanny is young and attractive! She spends more time with her kids than Jamie does!” Tee-Tee ranted on.

  “Chill the fuck out, Tee-Tee!” Cam said.

  “No, I’m not chilling out! She’s lucky I’m pregnant! She shouldn’t have brought her bitter ass here with that bullshit! Jamie is still the same dramatic bitch making everything about her! The sad part about is that Killa isn’t cheating on her! She is so jealous she hired a woman who spends more time with her family than she does! I hope Killa leave her ass for good this time!” Tee-Tee said then stormed off.

  “Umph, I would take him. That tall caramel nigga is fine! I wouldn’t mind climbing that tree and swinging on those branches! I’m going to be like Tarzan!” Geraldine said, making everyone laugh.

  I looked over in Kenjay’s direction and he was chatting with his father. Kenjay must have said something funny because Leodonis laughed until he turned red. Kenjay pulled out his phone then started texting. A few seconds later I got a text from him.

  “We all do things then regret it later. I can see you miss ya man!”

  Tears welled up in my eyes as I put my phone away. I mingled in with everyone getting to know people with Kenjay’s text message heavy on my mind.


  I pulled up into the junkyard. I got out of my whip to meet Royal and Leodonis. I gave them both dap.

  “Hijo, you are about to see how we operate. Getting your hands dirty is exciting, I know! When I was your age I was the same way as you. But when you start getting the power you don’t get your hands dirty. You let the men who work for you do it!” he said. This nigga’s accent was too heavy. Half of the time I couldn’t understand him.

  “Watch and learn lil’ nigga!” Royal said, patting me on the back.

  “Yo, I told you stop calling me that!” I said. They laughed.

  An eighteen-wheeler pulled in through the gates with a bunch of old beat-up cars on the back of it. The metal rattled as he came to a stop. I wanted to know what these niggas had going on. The driver got out then my face dropped. It was Latavia’s father. What the hell is this nigga doing here? I wondered to myself.

  “This is my good friend, Lathan! He been working with me for years.” Leodonis gave Lathan a hug.

  “Your daughter is very bossy. She gives my son a hard time,” Leodonis told him and then laughed.

  “So, I’m assuming you already knew who she was, huh?” I asked Leodonis.

  “Yup! I knew her since she was a baby. Lathan always kept his life personal and away from his family. She doesn’t know me though. This is how we operate. Business and family are separate, hijo. You treat your wife as a wife! Put her first, no matter what! Business is like the mistress! Never let the wife find out about the mistress!” he said. I nodded my head.

  A car pulled up with some young-looking niggas getting out of it. It took them an hour to get the smashed metal off the back of the truck. Royal felt underneath one of the smashed cars then pulled out a brick of cocaine. That was some slick shit right there. There were about twelve cars.

  “Royal is taking my place but every move still has to come through me. I promised my wife I would quit and I did. You and Royal split this empire 50/50. So, it’s best you two learn more about each other. You two are more than just business related. He is your brother and nothing is ever done without the other knowing!” he said.

  “So, you’re basically telling me and not asking me?” I asked him.

  He laughed. “The prince always follows the king! No questions asked,” he said.

  “What if I don’t want this life?” I asked him.

  “Then you don’t, hijo! I’m not forcing you. After you learn how we operate, you can walk away. If something happens to me or Royal, you need to know the ins and outs. It’s a tradition! You are not forced until you are the last one.”

  What the hell was my mother thinking when she slept with this crazy-ass nigga?

  After they unloaded Latavia’s father’s truck, two more like his pulled in. The drivers this time were white men.

  “There’s more! This is going to take all night!” Royal said.

  “Your wife doesn’t trip?” I asked him.

  “Naw, she doesn’t. She knew about me before we got married. It has never been a problem because she trusts me. I told her I would never bring my problems to my home where she and my kids sleep. Once you instill that in them, they don’t worry. She forgets what I do although I have a few businesses and all of that,” he said.

  “Do you think Latavia acts like that because it
came to our doorstep?” I asked.

  “Nigga, I don’t think, I know! She doesn’t feel safe and that’s the number one rule before anything! Your family has to feel safe with you. Now, if Cam told me she didn’t feel safe, I would walk away. At the end of the day your woman and kids come first!” he said.

  “I didn’t know that shit was going to happen! They was coming for me to get to Leodonis!” I said.

  “That’s true. But, her problems with you was before that happened. Leodonis coming in the picture was what added to it,” he said.

  “I feel you,” I said shaking my head. This nigga’s mind frame was just like Leodonis’s. I can tell that Leodonis groomed him since he was a little nigga. After they were done getting all of the drugs from the cars, Latavia’s pops pulled me to the side.

  “My daughter doesn’t know about what I really do,” he said.

  “Oh, I know. But you should’ve put her bitch-ass brother on! You had that nigga sleeping on the couch, wearing dirty-ass shoes and all of that. Nigga, that shit was wrong!” I told him then he laughed.

  “Fuck that little nigga! He wouldn’t have lasted five minutes!” he said. By the time I got home it was five in the morning. I didn’t even make it up the steps. I crashed on the couch.

  I smelled bacon cooking when I woke up. My stomach growled and my mouth watered. I went into the kitchen and Latavia was cooking breakfast, humming and shit.

  “What are you doing, shorty?” I asked her.

  “Cooking you breakfast. It’s almost ready,” she said.

  I sat down at the table then sipped my orange juice, looking at her.

  “What’s going on with you?” I asked her.

  “I miss you,” she said.

  “So after being gone for two months you finally miss me?” I asked her.

  “I missed you as soon as I walked out of the door,” she said. I chuckled.

  “What if I was laid up with a bitch, then what?” I asked her.

  “Then she would get locked up for breaking and entering. My name is still on this house too. Did you forget about that? Oh, and I know you better not have had a bitch up in here!” she said.

  “What if I did? Why are you worried about me now?” I asked her. Latavia kept playing with a nigga. One minute she missed me and loved me, then the next she was threatening to leave me. I didn’t care if she was coming to her senses. She not telling me the sex of our baby still was getting to me. All I had been thinking about was if I pissed her off in the future, would she take my daughter away from me and keep her away. I don’t like that shit!

  “Oh, I’m not worried. Don’t think I haven’t been popping up on you while you were sleep. One time I even did the laundry for you. You never woke up. But of course you was calling my name in your sleep. I must have been putting the pussy on you,” she said. I wasn’t surprised because Latavia wasn’t all the way there upstairs!

  “Well, you should’ve woke me up and told me to go to the doctor’s with you! Fuck is wrong with you, shorty? You left me and now you’re stalking me? Now, you are like that bitch in that movie ‘A Thin Line Between Love and Hate’. Cooking breakfast while a nigga is sleep!” I said. She shrugged her shoulders.

  She sat my plate down in front of me. She made scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, fried potatoes, grits and scrapple. She brought me a warm cinnamon bun with raisins in it.

  “Eat the food first, Kenjay!” she told me as I eyed the cinnamon bun.

  “What are you eating?” I asked.

  “Oatmeal and fruit. I have Gestational Diabetes,” she said.

  “What the hell is that?” I asked.

  “Something that happens with pregnant women when their body changes the way it responds to her hormones while pregnant. They said it usually goes away after birth.”

  “That’s the bullshit I’m talking about! I’m supposed to know shit without me asking you. Yo, I swear!” I said, shaking my head as I chewed my food.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Whatever, shorty! As soon as we argue or something doesn’t go your way you start taking advantage of my feelings. What the fuck made you shut me out when it comes to the baby, anyway? The baby that you begged me to give you?”

  “I don’t know! I just went into a place where I wasn’t thinking clearly! Can we get past that?” she asked.

  “On whose terms? Mines or yours? Let me guess, yours? I guess you want me to be back with you. So you can try to force me to change? What’s going to happen after that?” I asked her then she started crying.

  “Why are you being so harsh?” she asked.

  “Because you fucking hurt me when you left! You disappeared! No calls, nothing!” I yelled at her. She jumped.

  “I apologized!”

  “Yeah, you did, but why is it that when I apologize to you it doesn’t matter? What makes you think that your apology matters to me? I still love you and always will but I’m not the nigga for you. I might not ever be the nigga for you. All I want is to be a father to my daughter and you have the upper hand in that! You use that shit against me!” I told her.

  She started crying really hard. Her mascara was running down her face. Like always I felt bad but Latavia hurt me too! But I’m a nigga, so I didn’t wear that shit on my sleeves.

  I got up and kissed her forehead. She hugged me, crying into my chest.

  My phone rang in my pocket and it was Ebony. I met her the night O’Shea performed at club Kiss. That was only a few weeks ago. I chilled with her a few times but I hadn’t fucked her. Latavia snatched my phone and I snatched it back.

  “Who the fuck is Ebony?” she asked me.

  “Someone I’m chilling with! Are you cool with that?” I asked her.

  She pushed me away. “Seriously, Kenjay?” she asked me.

  “Yeah. What the fuck? This is what you wanted,” I said, laughing. She smacked all hell out of me.

  “Thanks for breakfast, but I’m ready to get in the shower and get my day started.” I walked away from her.

  She stormed out of the house, slamming the door. I opened the window in the living room.

  “You better not touch none of my whips neither with your crazy ass! I’m serious too, Latavia! Don’t touch my shit!” I said to her.

  She lifted up her maxi dress, pulled her panties down and mooned me. She smacked her ass. “Kiss my motherfucking ass, Kenjay!” she said. I laughed.

  “That’s why you have shit flies flying around your dirty ass! I can see your crusty-ass pussy from here!” I said to her.

  “You little dick bitch! You two minute-pumper! Nigga, fuck you! You and I both know my ass is clean as well as my pussy! You should know since licked my ass, nigga! So, if I’m dirty, you are dirty too, bitch!” she screamed. I shut the window.

  After I got dressed and showered, I headed out the door. I pulled up to Ebony’s community thirty minutes later. She had me by seven years at thirty-one. I rang the doorbell. A minute later she opened the door with a robe on. Ebony was gorgeous, nice and thick just how I like it. She was dark-skinned with a long weave that came down to her ass. Her breasts were small but her ass made up for it. She was also short at about five-foot-two and I’m a sucka for a short, thick broad.

  “Come in, handsome,” she said, pulling me into her crib. I sat down on the couch and she sat beside me.

  “I missed you,” she said. I smirked.

  “Is that right?” I asked. One thing I learned about older women was that they didn’t beat around the bush half of the time.

  “So, what are your plans for today?” she asked, standing up.

  “I’m running behind in getting dressed. I just got out of the shower when you pulled up,” she said. Her ass was lying! She wanted the dick!

  I pulled the string on her robe and it flew open. Her pussy wasn’t bald but it was shaved with a nice triangle shape. She had a watermelon scent.

  “Shorty, why are you lying?” I asked, rubbing up her leg. I put my finger in her slit and she was moist. “You want
the dick, don’t you?” She didn’t say yes but when she moaned I could tell she wanted it.

  I stood up, pulling my pants and boxer-briefs down. My dick stood straight up. It had been a while since I’d been up in some pussy. I sat down then put a condom on. She eyed my dick then her eyes widened.

  “I hope your ass knows how to take dick! I hope you know how to ride it too!” I told her. She dropped her robe then climbed on top. She held my dick as she lowered herself on it.

  “OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!” she cried out. I pulled her all the way down. I didn’t have time for that shit!

  “Damn it, Kenjay! That shit hurt!” she said. I ignored her. I moved her hips for her. She threw her head back then started moaning as I bounced her on my dick. Her pussy wasn’t as wet as Latavia’s but it was manageable. She dug her nails in my shoulder, trying to hold on as I roughly fucked her. She tried kissing me but I moved my head. I couldn’t do this shit.


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