Nureyev : The Life (9780307807342)
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1.1 Rudik as a toddler: Courtesy of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation
1.2 Rudik’s father: Courtesy of Alfia Rafikova
1.3 Hamet’s photograph: Courtesy of Alfia Rafikova
1.4 A summer vacation: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.5 Summer vacation group shot: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.6 Rudik’s innate elevation: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.7 Two of Rudik’s mentors: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.8 Rudik with Ufa gang friend: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.9 Posing outside the Nureyevs’ isba: Courtesy of Inna Guskova, Ufa Theatre Museum
1.10 Alexander Ivanovich Pushkin: Courtesy of Jutta Jellinek, © Teja Kremke
1.11 Alexander and Xenia Pushkin: Courtesy of Alla Bor and Lubov Filatova
1.12 Pushkins in their Rossi Street bed: Courtesy of Jutta Jellinek, © Teja Kremke
1.13 Marietta Frangopoulu: Courtesy of Egon Bischoff
1.14 Clowining in the Vaganova dormitory (all six images): Courtesy and © Leo Ahonen
1.15 Rehearsing with Alla Sizova: Courtesy of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation
1.16 Portrait of Teja: Courtesy of Alla Bor and Lubov Filatova
1.17 Menia Martinez: Courtesy of Liuba Myasnikova
1.18 Dancing the solo from Le Corsaire: Courtesy of Inna Guskova
1.19 Tamara Zakrzhevskaya: Courtesy of Tamara Zakrzhevskaya
1.20 The Romankov family: Courtesy of Liuba Myasnikova
1.21 With Natalia Dudinskaya: Courtesy of Robert Greskovic
1.22 Soaring as Frondoso: Courtesy of Maude Gosling
1.23 As Albrecht with Irina Kolpakova: Courtesy of Maude Gosling
1.24 With Alla Shelest: Courtesy of Maude Gosling
1.25 “Sit down on suitcase”: Courtesy of Faina Rokhind
1.26 Rudolf and Margot in Le Corsaire: © Leslie E. Spatt
1.27 Rehearsing Swan Lake: © Keith Money
1.28 Rudolf and Margot’s 1962 Giselle: © Fox Pho
tos; courtesy of Robert Greskovic
1.29 Rudolf and Margot in Swan Lake: © Agence de Presse Bernand; courtesy of Robert Greskovic
1.30 Rehearsing Marguerite and Armand: © Michael Peto
1.31 Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo and Juliet: © Keith Money
1.32 Roland Petit’s Paradise Lost: © Keith Money
1.33 With Christopher Gable: © Donald Southern
1.34 In La Sylphide: Courtesy of the Rudollf Nureyev Foundation; © Zoë Dominic
1.35 The seduction scene in Le Jeune Homme et la mort: © Jürgen Vollmer
1.36 Rudolf surrounded by Claras: Courtesy of Robert Greskovic; © The Sunday Times
1.37 With Benjamin Feliksdal: © Hans van den Busken
1.38 In Balanchine’s The Prodigal Son: Courtesy of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation
1.39 The Sleeping Beauty with Karen Kain: Courtesy of Karen Kain
1.40 With Ann Jenner: Courtesy of Robert Gresovic; © Judy Cameron
1.41 With Jerome Robbins and cast: © Edward Griffiths; courtesy of Robert Greskovic
1.42 Discussing Scriabin’s score with Frederick Ashton: © Michael Peto
1.43 Watching Kenneth MacMillan: © Keith Money
1.44 With Rudi van Dantzig in Amsterdam: © Bob van Dantzig
1.45 With Mikhail Baryshnikov and Paul Taylor: © Lois Greenfield
1.46 Rehearsing with Murray Louis: © Jack Vartoogian
1.47 With Clara Saint in Geneva: Courtesy of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation
1.48 Facing a blitzkrieg of flashbulbs: © Serge Lido; courtesy of Robert Greskovic
1.49 Picking out a tune: Courtesy of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation
1.50 Coached by Eric Bruhn: © Peter Ward
1.51 Rudolf and Erik in class: © Jack Mitchell
1.52 The sixties pop star: © 2007 The Richard Avedon Foundation. Courtesy The Richard Avedon Foundation
1.53 Private Lesson with Valentina Pereyaslavec: © 2007 The Richard Avedon Foundation. Courtesy The Richard Avedon Foundation
1.54 Posing for Avedon, May 6, 1963: © 2007 The Richard Avedon Foundation. Courtesy The Richard Avedon Foundation
1.55 The famous legs: © 2007 The Richard Avedon Foundation. Courtesy The Richard Avedon Foundation
1.56 Working with Nigel Gosling: © Michael Peto