Angel in chains (Forever yours)
Page 6
“How about a short one?” he asked and pulled her closer.
“I don't know ...”
“Don't worry. I won't drop you.”
She hesitated when he wanted to lift her up. “Are you strong enough for this?”
“I'm strong enough for much more than this, and I intend to show you that soon enough.”
Inez cleared her throat and blushed. She knew what he meant. Aledyan seemed to have quite an attitude when he was himself, and she liked it.
When he lifted her up in his arms she felt the adrenaline kick in. She laughed and gasped at the same time, not really knowing what to expect. Aledyan never took his eyes from her while he stretched out his wings. Her gaze immediately fell on them. She wanted to reach out and touch his wings again, but she knew what that would do to him, and Aledyan needed to focus now. She trusted him when he said that he was strong enough for this. It seemed like it. She saw no traces of the weakened state that she had found him in. That energy kick Yorin had given him seemed to be working.
Aledyan began to flap with his wings, sending a cold wind around them and making the pebbles on the ground scatter. Inez grabbed him tightly by his shoulders and tensed. They were only going to go a few feet upwards, and still she was more nervous than she had expected to be. This would definitely take some time to get used to.
A feeling of sorrow struck her in her chest.
Would she ever even get the chance to get used to this?
No, she was not going to think about that right now. She was not going to destroy these few wonderful minutes with thinking about the future they didn't have.
He seemed to notice her change and gave her a worried gaze.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she said. “It's nothing. Are you going to lift off soon?”
His smile, that she thought couldn't get any wider, became even wider. That made her look down and gasp.
“Oh my God!” she shouted and clenched herself to him. Aledyan laughed.
The ground seemed awfully far down, and the last thing she wanted to do was to fall. She held on to him as if her very life depended on it.
“Mmm, this feels good,” he said and closed his eyes. He had a dreamy look on his face. “It's been a while since I felt the wind underneath my wings.”
“What did you do every time Yorin came back?”
He opened his eyes and looked at her for a while before he answered. “The first time I tried to escape even if I knew it was impossible. I attacked Yorin and his men in pure rage, but it only led to my getting beaten pretty badly and .... after a while I just stopped fighting.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “But you have given me something to live for, a reason to exist again. Thanks to you I feel alive again.”
“I won't let him hurt you again. There has to be a way to get us both out of here.”
“If I can't find one, then I won't let you take my place. I will not put you through this. I'm not even sure you would survive it. You're human and would starve to death, if Yorin didn't deal with you first.”
“But you don't need to eat,” she said.
“Yes, but that's me. This cave is build for me. If you took my place ...” He didn't finish the sentence.
“I understand,” she said.
He started to fly around, his wings beating a steady rhythm. She liked the sound of it. It was hypnotic and soothing. It sounded good enough to fall asleep to.
With each passing minute, she felt more and more comfortable in his arms, and after a while it didn't bother her anymore that she was in the arms of an angel, flying within the cave. Heights had always been a problem for her, even if it meant just a few feet, but he had somehow managed to wash all that away. Now she only had eyes for him, and she couldn't stop looking at him. It was as if her gaze pulled itself to him, devouring him with her eyes over and over again.
Then it hit her.
She trusted him now, completely.
Aledyan bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, but Inez turned her head and found his lips. She heard him gasp from surprise before she felt him smile.
“Mmm, I like the taste of you,” she said.
“You know, if you continue doing this I will take you right here,” he said and moaned when she nipped his ear with her lips. She felt him shiver.
“Is that even possible?”
“Keep this up and you'll find out.”
Aledyan landed softly on the ground again and stretched his back and wings. If she released him, Yorin would be in for a surprise. The hatred in Aledyan's eyes was so clear that it almost frightened her, but she didn't pity the warlock. After what he had done to Aledyan he deserved to be dealt with harshly. She just hoped that Aledyan would know when to stop. She didn't want someone's death on her conscience, not even Yorin's.
“Come,” Aledyan said and grabbed her hand.
She followed him to his bedroom and watched him walk toward the huge bag that lay on the bed. She had already looked inside it. Apart from the two blankets there was clean clothing there, fresh white linens, a few books, cosmetics and even candy.
“Isn't this nice,” Aledyan said with a sarcastic voice while he looked through the books.
“Do you always get a bag filled with stuff from Yorin when the cave opens?”
“No. If I struggled he wouldn't leave me anything. Even if I don't need to eat I still need fresh linens and so on. They age. They sure aren't nice to lie on after ten years. Imagine twenty or thirty.”
“How about cleaning yourself?”she asked. “Do you have to do that?”
He nodded. “I have a small pool on the other side of the cave.” He turned toward her with a teasing smile. “I thought you'd like to try it out.”
Inez jumped slightly and gave him a surprised look.
“Actually I thought we could try it out,” he went on and came closer her. “We could talk, enjoy each other's company, maybe even kiss ...”
Inez lowered her head and blushed. Even if they had already made love once, his gaze made her feel as if he were touching her for the first time. She felt like a giggling, teenaged schoolgirl who had just got asked out on her first date. She longed to touch him again, to feel his warm skin against her body, to give him pleasure again. Her mind was already going through all the things she wanted to do to him.
She had always denied herself what she needed and wanted, focusing on her work. This time things would be the other way around. He even had her complete trust now. He could have set himself free the first time, but he hadn't. That proved to her that he wouldn't leave her here. Somehow, they would find a way.
But first, the pool.
Aledyan laid the bag on the ground before he ripped the old linens from the bed. He gave her a grin and started to make the bed with the new linens. They smelled fresh, and Inez quickly understood why he did this now. He intended to bring her here after the bath in the pool.
Inez watched him for a while. It felt nice to watch this huge warrior with the majestic wings on his back changing the linens. It was not something you saw every day. For some reason, she found it cute, and it made her wonder if he did the dishes as well.
She stood behind him, as close as his wings allowed. Aledyan turned his head and pressed his wings against his back so that she could come closer. What happened next made her gasp and stare at his back. The wings started to fade, and it almost looked as if they somehow disappeared into his back.
She hadn't expected that.
Aledyan had a wicked little smile on his face.
“Where did they go?”
“They are still there, just not visible or touchable.” He came closer. “It will be easier this way.”
“Why didn't you make them disappear when you were weak? Wouldn't that have spared you a lot of pain?”
“I have to concentrate to keep them away. It's not really a natural state for me, but it's useful, whenever it's needed.”
“I see.”
He put his arm around he
r waist, pulling her closer to his body. “I'm ready if you are.”
Chapter 18
Aledyan had never seen anything as beautiful as Inez. It looked as if she would do anything to set him free. It moved him and warmed his heart. If they made it out of here alive, he would make it up to her. He would always be there for her, always defend her and give her strength when she needed it. He would dedicate his life to her, as long as she lived.
But she also looked scared, and that was a feeling he shared, although not for himself, for her. He knew what awaited her if he failed to set her free once the chains were on her wrists. He promised himself he would find a way, but right now he just wanted to hold her.
They stood in each other's arms. Complete silence surrounded them, making him feel as if they were the last two people in the world. Her hands caressed the naked skin on his back, giving him goose bumps. It felt good. It felt amazing, and it had a calming effect on him. He wanted this to go on forever.
He gentle touched her hair. It felt soft, like silk, and he longed to wash it for her. He would make sure that the following hours became a memory she would look back at with a smile. He would make sure it became the best moment in her life.
“Come,” he said and grabbed her hand.
He picked up the towels Yorin had left him. Inez grabbed the cosmetic bottles, and he led her toward the other side of the cave, where the pool was.
He hadn't bothered looking at the cosmetic products Yorin had brought. Usually they would have interested him because it would give him a glimpse of how the world looked now. The only way for him to know was through the things Yorin brought him, but this time Inez was here. She was far more interesting than a few bottles.
The pool was just like his bedroom, hidden deeper inside the cave in a room of its own. The water was shallow, only reaching to his knees, but the water was warm, and it was a pleasant way to spend some time. He didn't know how, but the water remained clean somehow, it didn't matter how much he bathed in it. Aledyan assumed that magic was involved.
One torch lit up the room, spreading a gloomy light along the stone walls.
“This place feels very ... romantic,” she said while looking around.
Aledyan put the towels next to the pool. He took the bottles away from her and placed them on the ground next to the towels. “Let's pretend, just for a few hours, that this is all there is. Just you and me.”
The thought seemed to appeal to her because her face lit up. “Aren't we going to talk?”
“Yes, but once we have everything settled it's just us, no worries, no pain.”
She looked deep into his eyes. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good,” he said and came closer. Nervousness became immediately visible in her eyes. This time he would make it different. This time he would take his time and make sure she was comfortable. He would make sure that once the chains clasped around her wrists she would feel safe. He wanted her to believe that he would come back for her and set her free. He had no idea yet how he was going to accomplish that, but he would find a way.
He knew now that she meant the world to him. If he couldn't find a way to set her free he would return to the cave, willingly, and stay by her side. He knew that he would then have to watch her fade away, and die from starvation, but she would not be alone at least. That thought filled his heart with pain, and he tried to shake the image of a dying Inez in his arms. He hoped it didn't have to come to that. Somehow he would find a way. He would save her.
“Don't be afraid,” he whispered, caressing her cheek. “I will never leave you.”
The way she looked at him made Aledyan think that she believed him. It had been like that from the moment he chose not to set himself free when he had the chance. Aledyan was thankful for that. He would never betray the faith she had in him now. He wanted it to stay like this, forever.
He grabbed her arms, drew them around him and placed her cheek against his naked chest. She allowed him, and the skin to skin contact send a shiver of pleasure through his body. His body reacted in ways that were not familiar to him. He had never really been interested in women before. They were beautiful to look at, but that was about it. He had never wanted to be this close to one before, and he knew very well why. Many had tried, but only the right one could awaken these feelings within him. And here she was, in his arms, making him feel warm, but also nervous. She made him feel longing, wanting and desire. Especially that one part of his body reacted, telling him to get on with it, because the longing had started to drive him crazy. Her tiny arms that were wrapped around him didn't improve his situation, but he didn't move. This time he wanted to take his time, enjoy being with her and forget about everything.
She looked up, and he saw a shy smile on her face. It looked cute on her. It made him want to kiss away that last little piece of nervousness that he saw in her eyes.
“Do you really want to do this?” he asked, probably for the tenth time. He wanted her to be absolutely sure because once it was done there would be no turning back.
“Yes,” she answered. “I will not change my mind.”
His heart skipped a beat, and Aledyan looked deep into her eyes. “You are the one.”
Chapter 19
“The one?” she asked even though she did have an idea what he meant.
“Yes, you are the one meant for me.”
She swallowed. There had been something between them from the first moment she laid eyes on him. Someone else would have run away, but she didn't. She hadn't been able to because of the instant attraction she had felt for him.
“How can you tell for sure?”
“Because of what I feel for you,” he answered.
The way he looked at her made her knees weak. It felt like his gaze pierced right through her soul. “And what do you feel?” The words didn't come easy, she almost stuttered them out, and her knees threatened to give in.
He looked at her for a while before he answered. “Love.”
Inez knees finally gave in, but she didn't land on the ground. Aledyan's arms tightened around her waist and he pressed her against his warm body, not allowing her to fall.
“Love?” she asked with a shaky voice.
“Yes. Angels can only fall in love once, and until we do we aren't familiar with the emotion. You could say we are numb to it until this special one comes into our lives. Then everything awakens within us.” He leaned closer, placing his cheek against hers. “I have never longed for a woman before, never had the need for one, not until I saw you. You make me desire things I have never needed before. You make my body come alive.”
Without any shame he grabbed her hand and placed it against his groin. Inez almost bolted out of his arms. She had not expected him to do that. When she tried to withdraw her hand he would not let her.
“Do you feel that?” he asked. A teasing smile decorated his beautiful features.
She sure did. It was impossible to miss his rising desire.
“This is all because of you,” he said.
“You mean that you have never had an erection before?”
“No, I'm saying that this has never happened before because of a woman. We are meant for one, and only one. The one that makes our bodies come alive, make us feel love, desire and longing. You make me feel all of that, and I will do everything I can to make you feel that as well.”
He released her hand, and standing pressed against his chest made Inez feel tiny. He was taller than most guys, and his muscular body didn't ease that impression of him.
“You are stuck with me, Inez,” he went on. “I will make you realize that I am the one you want to be with for the rest of your life. You will never get rid of me.”
He spoke softly, gently but his words were dominant. He really meant what he said. It was almost as if he had just made a vow.
“I understand that you think this is going way too fast, the emotional development between us, but this is natural for me and others of my kind. We know from the first
minute we meet the special one. Unfortunately I was too tired and weak in the beginning to realize it, but once my strength returned it didn't take long for me to know that you are the one for me.” He leaned closer. “I want you, and I know you want me to.”
Inez was speechless. She just kept staring at him, wondering if she should pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
“I do want you,” she answered with a trembling voice.
Aledyan smiled. “You have me.”
He didn't give her time to think about what he was doing when his mouth came down on hers. He open her mouth with his and pushed his tongue inside, sending electricity through her body. Inez moaned and gave in to his kiss.
He didn't pull away from her lips when he said: “I would never do anything to hurt you and I'm grateful for the faith you have in me. You still want to set me free, even if you know that you need to take my place.”
“Yes,” she said. “I no longer doubt you. If you hadn't cared about me you would have taken the chance to leave the first time we made love, but you didn't. You prevented it and I must confess that I stopped thinking when you started kissing me then. I forgot everything, even that small detail that sleeping with you would set you free.”
He grinned. “So let's make you forget again.”
He helped her out from her t-shirt, gently caressing her skin while doing so. Her skin reacted immediately and pleasant chills crept all over her.
“Just you and me here, and nothing else, right?” she asked.
He nodded. “Just you and me.”
“And our little talk?”
He went silent for a short while. His hands touched her bare arms before they glided toward her back. He was heading for her bra and the thought of what that meant made Inez burn with expectation.
“We're having it right now,” he answered. “I will be honest with you, Inez. I have no idea what will happen once I'm out of these chains. I don't know a way to remove them from you once you are bound to them, and I hate the thought of leaving you here alone, but I must find someone who can help us. God knows what can happen during that time. If Yorin comes back and finds you here instead of me ...”