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Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series

Page 6

by J. Alexander Black

  “Are the packets printed?”

  A staffer looked up, “Yes, they are all right here.” The staffer indicated a pile of bulging manila envelopes.

  “May I have the DeVoot package?” The staffer handed it over. Matthew opened the package and removed the contents; he looked at the other Committee members and dropped the pages into the shredder. Nothing further was or needed to be said. Matthew returned to his office and picked up the phone.

  Twenty minutes later as DeVoot was opening a bottle of champagne with his board members and his IT staff, Alvin Getts suddenly had a bad feeling. He’d had that feeling before and on the only occasion that he had ignored it, it had cost him nine months in jail. Damn that was fast, Matthew you old bastard, you are getting better, he thought as he stood.

  “Well I am no longer needed here. I am returning to America to enjoy myself,” he said trying to act casual.

  Pauel barely noticed him leave. I hate Americans, he thought. Pauel stood and raised his glass. Everyone in the room followed suit. Alvin stepped out of the elevator and into the throng of office workers rushing out to join the river of humanity flowing out of the city on their way home. As he cleared the building a white panel van with blue and red diagonal stripes screeched to a halt and fifteen members of the elite Korps Landelijke Politiediensten leaped out and ran into the building. The Dutch National Police yelled at the crowd to part and they did -- quickly. As half the team took the stairs and the other half commandeered the next elevator, Alvin hailed a cab. He sat in the back seat smiling and patting his brief case. Inside was an envelope containing one hundred thousand US Dollars. He had insisted on payment in cash because he knew even hackers get hacked. There’s always someone who is better.

  With that thought, curiosity got the better of him and he set the briefcase on his lap and opened it. With a small knife, he made a slit in the side of the package and removed a bill, only it wasn’t a bill it was


  “That son of a bitch,” he muttered aloud. The cab driver turned slightly and said “Ja?”

  “Niets. Het is ok,” replied Alvin, and the driver turned back around.

  Alvin smiled and pulled his laptop out from under the package. As he opened it, it sprang to life on the page he had preselected. Two key strokes and the balance in the DeVoot Construction Cayman Island Account went from two and a half million to zero in three seconds and strangely enough the Cayman Island Account of Alvin Getts gained the same amount. What a friggin’ moron. You don’t give me access to your systems then try to screw me.

  “Proost. Here is to a very profitable year,” said Pauel. The computer terminal in front of him was flashing an alert. He keyed in his password and all color drained from his face and the glass of champagne fell from his hand, crashing to the floor and shattering on impact. He stared at the empty account balance unbelievingly just as the KLPD burst into the room.



  President and Mrs. Umberto disembarked on the grass in front of the U.N. building and the white Jaguar took off. For now, it would be housed on the Orion. He walked into his office and immediately called Sarah Chambers, President of the United States.

  “Madam President. How are you?” He is being formal, thought Sarah, he needs something.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. President. How did you find the Hevinians?”

  “I continue to be amazed at how much we are like them,” answered Umberto. He then continued, “They are looking forward to meeting with the world leaders in two days. But if I may, I would like to get to the point of my call. In the meeting, we discussed the possibility of a continuing threat from the Kaedians not only for Earth but also for the new colony on Altis-5. To meet this threat, I have acquired the use of the Orion to deploy the EDB as an advanced party to prepare the way for the colonists. The Hevinian Minister has brought new pulse beam technology for use there to provide enhanced communication to and from Earth. It will also give us expanded search capability and increase early warning tenfold.

  So, I am requesting the assistance of a U.S. Navy Construction Battalion unit to deploy for one year with the EDB to provide the skills and manpower to establish a base. I also need the expertise of SETI and NASA on site to set up and test the communication systems. Once the announcement is made about the advance party, we will be flooded with volunteers so I believe it would be preferable to have this team already formed. There will be a brief for the advanced party aboard Orion in three days so I will need everyone onboard by then. One other thing, the Hevinians have brought additional Jaguars and Barques for Confederation use, and I will be asking the Committee on Global defense to begin recruiting an international team of pilots to fly them,” said Umberto.

  The President of the United States did not hesitate. “Mr. President, the United States would be proud to accommodate the Confederation in this.” He wants to be formal, well so can I. “Let me work on it. I will call you back in two hours. Oh, and by the way, I am under a lot of pressure from the manufacturing community to begin the knowledge sharing process with the Hevinians. Do you think you could help with this?” What she means is the big American corporations are dying to get their hands on the Hevinian technology, thought William.

  “I will call the Minister and see if we can expedite a technology conference. You understand the information must be made available to all countries but perhaps in return for your generous support I can recommend the conference be held in the US.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. We would appreciate that.” Sarah hung up the phone and called her Secretary. “I would like you to set up a secure conference call with Kelly Dunbar and Bill Sheppard. Thank you.”

  One minute later her new Secretary of Defense, Dunbar and the NASA Administrator, Sheppard were on the line. Sarah outlined the phone call she had just had with the Confederation President.

  “I believe it is in the best interest of the United States to consider the Confederation request and send a Construction Battalion (CB) unit to Altis-5. Kelly, I want a CB onboard Orion in two days. Bill, I am sure there will be enough SETI volunteers. To my mind, SETI’s mission can be accomplished as well there if not better. I need details in an hour and a half. Thank you.”

  Ray brought the executive Jaguar to rest in the hangar onboard the Orion. He was beginning to feel like a chauffeur. Well, not for much longer, he thought, within weeks they will be on their way to a new life on a new planet. He walked over to where Kris was exiting his Jaguar.

  “What are you thinking about so intensely?” asked Kris.

  “I need to take a trip down to Maine. Marcie needs

  to spend some time with her family before we go.” Since the battle, there had been a regular daily

  shuttle between Earth and Orion and most of the

  families aboard had taken advantage of it to spend time

  with families on Earth or just to go shopping. To the

  dependents and personnel of the EDB space travel had

  become as routine as taking the bus into town. Marcie

  had been busy running the clinic but now that things

  had quieted down she felt she could take some time off

  and had asked Ray to take her home to say her


  “I had planned on picking up a few things to bring

  with me do you mind if I tag along? I was thinking of

  letting Charlie Cole use my camp while we are away, he

  must be getting close to retirement and somehow, I

  think he will be staying on Earth. What are you going to

  do with your house?”

  “I haven’t thought about that. Perhaps we will give

  it to Marcie’s mother. The place she has now is tiny with

  no back yard. Every time she comes for a visit, she

  spends all her time in our yard pulling weeds and

  deadheading plants. Besides, if her relationship with

  Charlie keeps going the way
it is they will be moving in together soon and will need a bigger place. That reminds me, I must pack up my tools. I would like to have a blacksmith shop on Altis-5. I wonder if there is room in

  the Jaguar for an anvil?”

  “I have to go talk to Anne and find out if she wants

  to go or stay,” said Kris. Anne’s twelve-year-old

  daughter Jennifer had been paralyzed in a car accident

  when she was ten years old. Then over a year ago,

  she’d lost her dad to the war in Afghanistan. For a year,

  Jennifer had withdrawn seeing no one except her

  devoted friend Ron Campbell. He and Jennifer had been

  friends sharing a love of anything space related since

  age five. At Ron’s birthday party, Kris, Anne, and

  Jennifer had met and Jennifer had smiled for the first

  time since her father’s death. Kris had brought them

  aboard the Orion where the advanced Hevinian medical

  facilities had repaired Jennifer’s spine. In the meantime,

  Kris and Anne’s relationship had gone to the next level

  and they’d stayed aboard.

  “That is a no brainer,” laughed Ray. “Anne loves

  you, Jennifer loves you and they have no other relatives.

  They’ve made new friends here.”

  “I understand that but it is important that I ask.”

  He found Anne in the coffee shop with Jennifer and the

  ever-present Ron.

  “Hi Honey,” he said as he kissed her cheek and

  then Jennifer’s.

  “Hi,” said Anne and Jennifer in unison. Jennifer

  looked at him and winked.

  “How were the Hevinians?” asked Anne.

  “Great,” said Kris, “and Ray met a cousin he never

  knew he had.”

  “That’s wonderful,” said Anne. “I would love to

  meet her. While you boys were gone, there was a village

  meeting. There are tough decisions to be made and they wanted to show their support. Their preference is to go to Altis-5 in advance to prepare the way as best they can for other colonists. This makes a lot of sense to me. Even though Jennifer and I are not military dependents, we are considered villagers and we have decided to go as well. We were hoping you would also decide to go,”

  she added hesitantly.

  “Oh, you must go!” Jennifer said enthusiastically.

  “It will be so much fun.”

  “If you guys are going then wild horses could not

  keep me from going. Is there anything else you need to

  pick up from your house before we go? Ray is planning

  to take Marcie down to say her goodbyes and to pick up

  any last minute small items they need. I need to pick up

  a few items myself and arrange for someone to look

  after my cabin.”

  “Yes, I need to go, Jennifer can you stay with Ron

  and his family while I go with Kris for a while? We

  should be back after supper.”

  Jennifer gave her mother a big hug then turned to

  Kris, she stretched up to wrap her arms around his neck

  but he was too tall so he went down on one knee. As

  she gave him a hug, she whispered to him, “You need to

  propose to my mother soon.”

  “And that would be alright with you?” queried Kris. “You betcha. Ron and I discussed it and we decided

  you would make a great dad.”

  “Well as long as Ron says it’s ok,” Kris said with a

  huge grin. “We’ll talk about it when we get back.” When Ray and Marcie showed up, they headed

  over to the squadron hangar having decided that Ray’s

  Jaguar would be large enough for their purposes. Ten

  minutes later, they slipped away from the Orion and

  headed to Maine. Anne watched fascinated as the view

  of Earth expanded rapidly. A few weeks ago, she was wondering where life would take her. Out of State or even another country but to another planet? She looked at Kris and smiled as she put her hand in his. It doesn’t matter as long as we are together, she thought, as her

  heart fluttered with feeling.

  It was 11 am on the east coast. A typical late April

  day, bright and sunny but cool in the mid-sixties.

  Boothbay Harbor was just waking up from its long

  winter’s nap. With very few tourists around, the

  municipal parking lot should be empty. Ray had called

  ahead to the Boothbay Harbor Police Department who

  cordoned off all the parking spaces next to the water.

  Ray brought the Jaguar in slowly coming into the Harbor

  from the ocean attracting a lot of attention from the

  locals. By the time they parked and stepped out, a

  crowd had gathered. Ray said a few words to the crowd

  and begged their indulgence explaining they were there

  for a short visit. The crowd gave an enthusiastic

  applause while taking many pictures then quickly

  dispersed, most owned local businesses and were

  beginning to prepare for the annual arrival of the

  snowbirds who would soon make the trip north from

  their over-wintering grounds throughout the south. It

  was a short walk up the hill to Anne’s small apartment

  overlooking the Harbor on McClintock Street. While she

  packed up clothes and a few small sentimental items

  Ray arranged for her few pieces of furniture to be crated

  and picked up by the next Barque. The landlord was out

  of town shopping, the one problem of living in an iconic

  fishing village at the tip of a peninsula was the lack of

  regular retail stores. As they had about an hour to wait

  for him to finish his shopping and drive in from

  Damariscotta, Anne decided to take everyone to lunch at

  her favorite restaurant. The Boathouse Bistro was in a

  three-story building on a side street called the By Way. There was a dining room on each floor but Anne liked to climb the outside stairs to the top floor where the view overlooking the Harbor was spectacular. They sat

  comfortably in white resin chairs at a matching table. The waitress came over, looking excited. “Anne

  where have you been, we have missed you.”

  “Everyone this is Joan, my friend. Joan this is

  Marcie, Kris and Ray,” said Anne.

  “OK, I know what Anne is having, what about the

  rest of you?” said Joan.

  “I think lobster, I mean we are in a lovely Maine

  fishing village, what could be better?” said Marcie. Joan pointed across the Harbor to a small structure

  with several lobster boats in front. “That’s where the

  lobster came from, right off the boat this morning. It

  doesn't get any fresher than that.”

  “Then lobster it is,” agreed Ray looking over at Kris

  who was nodding his head, “and a Sam Adams for me,

  Kris?” Kris was still nodding, “And a white wine for

  Marcie, what about you Anne?”

  “Yes, a white would do nicely.”

  For over an hour they enjoyed their lunch, the

  sunshine, and the view. Finally, Anne’s landlord

  appeared at the restaurant. He was happy to terminate

  her lease as he was already calculating the rent

  increase. With all the paperwork signed, they headed

  back to the parking lot and after expressing thanks to

  the local police by posing for photographs they boarded

  and took off for the Western Maine Mountains. As this

  may be their last visit for a long time Ray decided to
/>   take the scenic route. With the screens on all around

  them it was like sitting in a flying chair. Anne began to

  feel a little nauseous as she watched the surf line racing

  away underneath her so she focused on the view ahead

  and began to feel better. It was thrilling for the folks walking along Popham beach to see the Jaguar go racing by silently overhead as it flew southeast along the rocky coastline. They turned right over Brunswick then they picked up the Androscoggin River where it flowed into the Kennebec and followed it over the twin cities of Lewiston/Auburn and on to the small mill town of Jayton Mill, Marcie’s birth place. Marcie had never flown low over her home town before and it was almost surreal to follow the river as if looking at a map. As they came to the town she located her school and the convenience store. As they passed over the old mill she could see a parking lot with a few cars parked outside the new restaurant. Her brain subconsciously registered several tourist buses passing through town but her thoughts were on the house on the hill next to the old smithy where she and Ray had lived unremarkably as far as the rest of the world was concerned. She had always thought they would live out their lives here surrounded by her longtime friends and relatives. Her children would grow up playing with their cousins and schoolmates without the fears and negative influences of larger metropolitan areas. She was pulled out of her reverie by the sight of a busload of tourists pulling out of her


  What the hell is going on? she wondered, but just

  then Ray turned away left, passed over the one still

  functioning mill and descended onto a dead patch of

  grass that served as the front lawn of Kris’s cabin hidden

  in the woods. Upon entering Anne was amused at his

  woodsy style of decorating that seemed as if it had

  leaped out of an L.L. Bean catalogue but as Kris began

  packing some of his smaller trophies she realized he was


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