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A Submissive's Gift

Page 3

by Maggie Ryan

  Though exhausted, Ariel moaned and pushed her breast into his hand, murmuring softly that she would remember his promise.

  Noticing that the symbol of her royal status had slipped from her head and lay God knew where in the room, he continued, whispering against her neck, "You may have lost your tiara, my little drama queen, but remember, crown or not, all of you will always belong to me."

  Ariel smiled as she slipped into sleep, his words claiming her heart and soul as well.

  Chapter 2

  Scenes like the one enjoyed by Garrett and Ariel were played out across Houston before dawn broke the next day. Every member of the HOPEFULs awoke a little sore, but deeply satisfied that their men knew exactly how to control the delicate balance required to make each level of the different lifestyles they had chosen so incredibly rewarding.

  "How's your bum?" Jason asked, as Nancy walked into the kitchen, yawning hugely. He grinned as she instantly reached back to rub at her sore posterior, then chuckled at the look she gave him before accepting the mug of coffee he had prepared.

  "Geeze, let me think," she scowled, before her lips twitched and she smiled. "It's very sore, thank you very much. I don't recall the rules of the game saying I had to spend today finding it difficult to sit down!"

  Jason ignored her mock complaint, watching as she gingerly took her seat at the table. He put a plate of omelet and toast before her.

  "When have you known me to care about the rules others might play by?" he asked, slipping into his own chair. "Besides, instead of complaining about a little spanking, I would have thought you'd be on your knees, thanking me for persuading Officer Williams not to arrest you for indecent exposure."

  "Um, yes, Sir. Thank you. For everything." Just his look, his touch, reminded her that she was his and he would always keep her safe as they played their games together.

  "Anytime, my love." While he had no problem with her exhibitionism, and enjoyed the scenes he carefully constructed to allow her to play out her desire to do naughty things, he would never put her in serious danger.

  "You did scare the sh—um, crap out of me, you know," Nancy said, as she remembered how shocked she had been when a bright halo of light had captured her the night before.


  After they'd left the others, Nancy had been surprised when Jason had stopped their car in a secluded area of a nearby park that wasn't very far from the heart of the city.

  Hundreds of acres of trees, interwoven with trails for biking, hiking and jogging, were enjoyed by thousands of Houstonians on a daily basis. A huge bayou meandered throughout the entire area. The park included fields for various sports, areas set up with a wide variety of exercise equipment, pavilions where families could cook out and enjoy picnics, and several playgrounds. A smaller, though still very large portion of the land, had been planted with native trees, shrubs and flowers, and was often toured by local school groups to learn about the nature that surrounded them. While evening found many people still outside enjoying one of the venues, people usually began to leave before true darkness descended.

  As he'd opened her door and helped her from the car, she recognized the area as the one just outside the gates of the arboretum, the darkness of their surroundings assuring them that students were gone and employees had long since locked up for the evening.

  Jason grinned as he watched her look around before looking up at him. He didn't bother to speak. He took her hand and led her a few feet into the woods, before guiding her to a large pine tree. Still silent, he turned her from him, lifting her arms to wordlessly instruct her to hug the tree. Once she had, her soft whimper giving testament to her understanding of what was most likely about to occur, his hands moved to the waistband of her jeans. The silence was so complete that the pop of the snap and the rasp of the zipper as he drew it down, seemed as loud as a thunderclap.

  Nancy pressed her forehead to the tree, the rough bark somehow feeling soft against her skin. She felt her jeans being lowered to her ankles, her panties quickly following suit. The warm, humid air of the night wafted across her exposed buttocks, causing her to moan and unconsciously spread her legs as much as the clothing around her ankles allowed, and her bottom to lift and push out towards the man behind her.

  "There's my little exhibitionist," Jason said softly, his hands moving to cup the trembling cheeks of her bottom. "What a licentious girl you are, my dear. Displaying yourself in public, never sure if we are truly unseen."

  Nancy felt heat fill her, knowing his words were correct. She would never understand the way being on display made her feel. Whether it be just the two of them alone in their bedroom, or with a crowd of people arranged around a scene they were playing in a BDSM club, just the thought that someone could see her nakedness, could witness her responses to whatever it was her husband, her Dom, demanded of her, had her dripping. Though she often protested his spanking her—as she was nowhere near as pain tolerant as Elizabeth and Ariel—when on display, she seemed to accept a great deal more discomfort than just that given by his hand or a paddle.

  Her head was arched back, her eyes tightly closed, her torso hugging the tree as her bottom twisted and bobbed under Jason's ministrations. She stifled her cries as best she could, aware that the sounds of the implements he was using, though loud to her, would be almost inaudible only a few feet away. A scream, however, would pierce the night like a laser. Suddenly, she became aware that she was seeing pinpricks of light beneath her eyelids. Opening her eyes, her heart almost stopped when she realized that a spotlight was moving past her, then suddenly snapped back to focus on the very tree that she had her arms wrapped around, her bare, red bottom entirely visible within its beam. Jason's only reaction had been to tell her to remain in position as they heard the car door opening.


  "Now!" Jason barked, the one word causing Nancy to press against the tree as tightly as she could. He watched as a man stepped from his car, flipping off the spotlight but keeping Nancy pinned in the beam from his flashlight as he approached the couple.

  "Good evening, officer," Jason said, calmly beginning to weave his belt back through the loops of his jeans.

  "Good evening, Sir. Is everything all right here, Miss?"

  Her face burned as red as her rear as Nancy realized he was addressing her. With her eyes tightly shut again, as if she could imagine herself invisible to him if he were invisible to her, she swallowed hard but forced herself to answer.

  "Yes, Sir. We, um… we were just…"

  "Playing in public?"

  The comment was so unexpected, that Nancy's head seemed to spin. "Um, what? I mean, what did you… um, I'm sorry?" The officer's laughter was also totally unexpected.

  "Nance, some day you are going to run into an authority figure who doesn't share your kink," the man said, and Nancy's eyes flew open, her arms dropping as she turned around.

  "Carlton?" she gasped, when she recognized the man. When he laughed, she shook her head and bent to reach for her clothing.

  "I didn't hear Jason give you permission to cover up, did I?" Carlton said, turning his flashlight away and grinning over at his friend. "It's a shame to cover such a beautifully punished ass, don't you think?"

  "I agree," Jason said.

  Nancy stood, still clutching her clothing as she watched her husband take the few steps towards her. Part of her wanted to beg he allow her to dress, but the part of her that made the kink so incredibly rewarding, was grateful when he bent and guided her feet from her clothing.

  Jason stood up, her jeans and panties in one hand, as his other reached around to slide across her ass. He had started with his hand, used a switch from a nearby tree, and ended the session with his belt. Nancy had pleaded and begged, but never once attempted to release the tree to reach back and protect her backside from what her husband desired to do to it.

  "I believe you need to give your attention to one of our city's finest." Jason's eyebrow lifted as he smiled, looking into her eyes, making sure
she was okay, that her arousal had not been driven away by Carlton's arrival. Satisfied, he turned her to face the officer.

  "Pardon me, officer," Nancy said, her blonde head lifting to look up into Carlton's face, making sure he knew she was properly contrite despite her ridiculously batting eyelashes and her grin.

  "You should be very pleased, Mrs. Spellman, that I've decided to give you a verbal warning," Carton said, with a slow grin.

  "Oh, thank you, Officer, you are so understanding and kind…"

  "Not so fast," Carton said, his face transforming. "While I would love to be able to walk through the park and witness a dozen such scenes, I'm afraid a great deal of Houstonians wouldn't be quite so entertained."

  Nancy felt her stomach slip, having seen his face looking exactly as it did now, but only as he and his wife prepared for a scene at the club. "Um, thank you?"

  "You can thank me after I take the price of your fine out on your ass. It's been a while since I've had reason to paddle anyone but Beth."

  Jason chuckled, and knew that Nancy would be across the man's lap getting her bottom paddled the next time the four of them were at Tastsinn's. Beth was a feisty little brunette who always managed to get herself a long, harsh punishment session at the club. The four had been friends for years, and Jason hadn't had any trouble in calling Carton to establish which part of the huge park he would be patrolling that evening. "Thank the nice policeman, Nancy," Jason directed, and chuckled when she gave them both a look that said she might be an exhibitionist and a blonde, but she wasn't stupid.

  "Thank you," she said, lifting onto her toes to give her friend's cheek a kiss. It was obvious the two men had arranged the entire scene. She looked over at her husband, a man who made his living as a CPA, a man who owned his own accounting firm, a wonderful, very sexy man who looked as if he could easily pass as an innocent choir boy, but was as kinky as she. "Excuse me, but may I ask what my partner in crime's fee will be?"

  "Don't be sassy," Carlton said, reaching out to pop her tender butt, loving the sharp yelp she couldn't suppress. "I don't believe your Dom is the one standing half-naked in the middle of a public park."

  "Give us a call when you want to play," Jason said, shaking Carlton's hand after guiding Nancy to the car. "Oh, and perhaps you can keep an eye out for any lookie-loos for another few minutes?"

  "Certainly," Carlton agreed, as he smiled at Nancy. "I'll just add a few dozen more swats to Nancy's fine for the continued display of her gorgeous ass. Have a good evening, Sir." He grinned at the amused look on her face as he tipped his hat and walked back to his car.

  Jason was grinning as well as he bent his wife over the hood of the car and unfastened his pants, releasing his engorged cock.

  Feeling him step closer, his cockhead nudging at the opening of her sopping pussy, Nancy looked back over her shoulder. "Better hide the evidence quickly, Sir, otherwise you might be arrested for indecent exposure." She yelped again when Jason swatted her hard.

  "Ignoring the officer's advice already, sassy girl?" Jason slid into her body, fully seating himself before lying across her back. "Besides, if I should slip up, or," he paused and she felt him pulling from her, "slip out, I'm quite sure Officer Carlton would be happy to take it out on this glorious ass."

  Nancy had no desire for more sass. What she desired was sliding deeper back inside her. Thoughts of being seen or having to pay for her naughtiness evaporated as her husband fucked her from behind, her hands splayed on the hood of the car, her cheek pressed to the cool metal. She'd barely managed to contain her scream as her orgasm ripped through her and Jason erupted into her womb.


  Another man was addressing his love as he woke her. "Wake up, baby girl," Craig said from where he was seated on the edge of the bed. He reached out to brush auburn curls from her cheek, and continued to caress her until her eyes drifted open, her sleepy gaze finding his. God, he adored the look on her face as she came fully awake when his hand moved down her naked back to rest on her full, heart-shaped bottom. She quivered under his touch as his hand stroked her softly, far more gently than he had the evening before. "Beautiful," he whispered, bending to place his lips against her own before standing and helping her from the bed.

  As he led her into the bathroom and helped her into a steaming bubble bath, she smiled, sinking into the water as she remembered the evening before.


  Craig had led her into the bathroom when they returned home. He grinned as he undressed her, discovering that she had indeed removed her sodden underwear as there were no panties beneath her clothing. "Care to explain why my precious girl thinks it is proper to go around without her panties?"

  Barbara had explained how, after the HOPEFUL meeting, the women had felt a need to freshen up—which he translated correctly as meaning that they all had wet, uncomfortable panties from sharing their intimate stories during the meeting. She had gone on to tell him that, while Elizabeth and Nancy had accepted various pairs of panties from the box Ariel had opened, she had not wanted to take the chance that not a single pair would fit her.

  Craig hadn't said a word, though he shook his head, wondering if this beautiful woman would ever truly see herself as she was rather than the fat, unattractive woman she obviously still saw in her mind's eye. Stripping off, he joined her in the shower, the warm water sluicing down their bodies. Pressing her hands against the tiles, with an order to keep them there and spread her legs, he began to spank her, her yelps and cries of protest ignored as she learned that spankings on a wet bottom hurt far more than those on a dry one. Her moans and sharp cries echoed around the enclosed space as his hand connected again and again with her buttocks.

  Once her skin was blushing with a beautiful rosy color, he leaned close to where her cheek was pressed to the slick tile. "The next time I believe that you are even thinking about yourself as less than the incredible, beautiful woman that I see, you'll be spanked until you can't sit comfortably on this beautiful ass for an entire week. If a hundred swats and writing a hundred sentences didn't convince you of how serious I am, believe me, little girl, your daddy has many additional methods he can explore."

  She gasped as she felt his finger slide into the divide of her bottom to push slowly but persistently into her anus, causing her to lift onto her tiptoes.

  "And, young lady, you'll then discover how Angel feels when she must make her apology to her daddy with her bottom." His finger continued to move in and out of her, her buttocks clenching even as her sex moistened. "Are we clear?"

  "Ye—yes, Daddy," she managed to squeak, his words instantly returning the evening spent at Angel's to her mind. "I'm trying, I really am."

  "Try harder," Craig suggested, his finger slipping from her as his cock nudged against her sex.

  As he pushed into her, she pushed back, accepting his right to take her wherever he desired, a corner of her mind wishing he had pushed into her bottom. Just that thought, and the shame that instantly accompanied it, had her moaning, her entire body quivering with the wonder of how it would feel the first time her daddy entered her bottom.

  The plug he had placed into her weeks earlier had been hard to accept, and truth be told, the rubber plug was tiny compared to the cock that was now thrusting into her pussy. His hands came around her torso, cupping her breasts, his lips kissing along her neck, effectively driving any thoughts of what might occur in the future from her mind as she surrendered to the incredible present. Craig brought her to a tremendous climax, his body against hers the only thing that kept her in place as her body convulsed.

  "You are my love, my gorgeous, incredible girl, the most beautiful thing in my life. Please, Bunny, please let go of your past—you have no need of it any longer." His words brought tears to her eyes as he continued to make love to her, his fingers moving from their soft strokes on her breasts to begin tugging on her pebbled nipples.

  "Oh, God," she moaned, as she finally began to believe he meant every word he said. His touch seemed t
o electrify her until she felt her second release building. When he ordered her to come with him, she obeyed. Afterwards, he turned her, clasping her to his wet chest, and she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much, thank you for loving me." His promise to never stop loving her filled her soul.


  After they dressed and left the house, he patted her bottom before she slid into the car. That simple touch again felt as if he were proclaiming her as beautiful. Her smile was shy as she took his hand after he fastened her seat belt. His question showed in his eyes as he looked down at her. "You don't have to wait," she whispered, her tummy flipping with the memory of the sensation of his finger stroking her anus. "I mean, perhaps you can teach me what it feels like to have you take my-my bottom without me being naughty."

  Craig felt his cock twitch and he grinned, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Good to know," he said, before moving to get behind the wheel. As he turned the key, he turned to look at her. "Class begins the moment we get home."

  "Yes, Sir," she whispered, her entire body clenching, knowing she'd find it difficult to think of anything else throughout the day. Smiling, she also wondered if she had time to call Angel—perhaps her friend had some tips for an anal virgin.


  Across town, Elizabeth stifled a moan as she pushed down her jeans, deciding that today definitely required she wear a skirt instead. Logan chuckled from where he was buttoning his shirt in preparation to go house-hunting.

  "It's not nice of you to laugh at my pain," Liz scolded, as she tossed the jeans onto the bed before going into her closet and returning with a tiered navy skirt that she could pair with the pale blue blouse she was already wearing.

  "You're right; come here," Logan said, drawing her to him when she obeyed, the skirt dangling from her fingers. "Perhaps an additional change would help," he suggested, looking down into her upturned face, adoring the instant blush that colored her cheeks as he hooked his fingers into her blue lace bikini panties. She gasped as he slowly tugged them down, that simple move causing the touch of silk to rake across her swollen nates.


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