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A Submissive's Gift

Page 14

by Maggie Ryan

  "Come with me," he whispered in her ear, one hand dropping to find the swollen bud of her clit, the sound she made as he captured it between his fingers music to his ears. "Come, Schatzlein, sing for me." As she sang, he thrust into her as deeply as possible, his seed jetting into her womb as her contractions milked the length of his cock until he was empty. His own legs were unsteady as moved away, keeping her in his arms as he took a seat on the bench.

  "Shit!" He stood up quickly and, despite herself, Elizabeth giggled as she realized he had sat down on the bath brush. His mock scowl did nothing to stop her giggles as they turned into full laughter.

  "Excuse me, Sir, but just to clarify, I believe that gift was meant to wash my back, not to spank my ass," she teased, as he set it aside and pulled her down to straddle his knees.

  "Sassiness only guarantees that I demonstrate its multiple purposes again," Logan said, as he cupped her face and bent down to kiss her.

  He did wash her back several minutes later, as well as every inch of her body, his fingers gently massaging her scalp as he washed her hair. When he finally turned off the tap and wrapped her in another bath sheet, he grinned. "I hope we budgeted for huge water bills."

  Elizabeth giggled as she stood before him so that he could comb out her hair. "I think we are going to need more towels as well. We've gone through how many in just a night? At this rate, we are going to have to increase the budget to add additional washers and driers."

  "Or," Logan suggested as he grinned, pulling the towel from around her and dropping it on the floor, "our guests can simply air dry." Elizabeth laughed as she pulled the towel from around his waist.

  "That's why you are such a good partner, you are always thinking of ways to save money."

  "I pray to God that's not the only reason," Logan said, reaching for the hair dryer to begin the long process of drying her hair.

  As the warm air, as well as his gentle fingers, separated the strands of her wet hair, Elizabeth looked over her shoulder. "That is but one of a million reasons, and I will gladly spend a lifetime reminding you of each and every one."

  They finished in the bathroom and dressed, each smiling at the other as they stripped the sheets from the bed and gathered the towels from the bath. At the door, they turned to look back at the first room occupied at Haven.

  "Thank you, Sir," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  Logan knew she wasn't thanking him for the incredible night they had shared. "No, Schatzlein, thank you. Thank you for bringing me back. Thank you for trusting me, for loving me again."

  "Oh, Logan, I never stopped."

  He bent to kiss her again, knowing this room meant even more to them than the room at the top of the house. Finding her voice for the first time had been monumental—knowing that no matter what life threw at them, neither of their voices would ever be stifled again as long as they had each other, was magical.


  "Well, good morning," Garrett drawled, pointedly glancing at his watch, his lanky form leaning against the large island in the new kitchen at Haven. Logan's grin, as he led Elizabeth to one of the bar stools and lifted her onto it, said that sarcasm was lost on him. No one bothered to hide the fact that they were watching to see how easily she settled onto the surface of the stool. When she couldn't hide a slight wince, Barbara shook her head, leaving the room and returning with a thick cushion.

  "Thanks," Liz said, lifting herself to allow the pillow to be placed beneath her. Sitting again, she gave a sigh of relief.

  "You're welcome," Barbara said. "Haven Note: I think we need to get a few more pillows. I'd hate to run out if every guest needs one to relax enough to enjoy breakfast." The two women laughed, every person understanding that tenderness was quite often the result of a night spent submitting to a Dom. Craig smiled as he placed a mug of coffee before Elizabeth.

  "Yes, more pillows and more towels," Elizabeth agreed, sighing in pleasure as she took her first sip.

  "We didn't hear a single sound," Ariel said, dunking her toast into her coffee before taking a bite. Swallowing, she gave a big sigh. "It was really quite boring—well, at least to those who had to just listen."

  Liz rolled her eyes at her friend. Ariel was an incorrigible tease, but her love of life and all that it entailed was contagious. "I would think you'd be grateful, seeing as how you promised to give up being so curious."

  "Get real," Ariel scoffed. "Not only should you know that would actually be impossible, I didn't win the prize, remember? All promises any of us made are null and void. Come on, at least let us know if you even tried to make enough noise to make the test worthwhile."

  "Oh, I assure you, the test was more than either of us could have imagined," Logan said, his smile mirrored by Elizabeth's. "I promise the room's soundproofing was tested."

  "Humph, like your word is good enough," Ariel said shaking her head. "Come on, where's the recorder? We want solid evidence that the test was a success."

  Logan shook his head, as if disappointed that his word was to be questioned yet again by his little sister. Sighing, he took the recorder out of his pocket. "Is it really necessary? I promise you'll hearing nothing but static."

  "Let us be the judge of that," Ariel said, rolling her eyes and pointing to a spot on the counter.

  Logan put the recorder down. "Ready?" he asked, his finger hovering over the button. At their nods, he activated the recorder. When nothing happened, Jason picked up the recorder and shook his head.

  "Gotta rewind it before you can play the tape." Pressing the proper button to rewind the tape, Logan suggested he not rewind to the very beginning, explaining that since the six of them had been present for several minutes, it wasn't necessary to play the tape from the beginning. Jason nodded, advancing the tape for several turns. "Shall we try again?" With nods all around, he pressed the button marked 'play'.

  Heads bent forward as nothing but the slight hiss of tape spooling through the recorder sounded. Ariel, her face propped onto her fists as she leaned forward, determined not to miss a single sound, sighed deeply. She had just begun to sit back, accepting that her voyeuristic little soul would be denied any prize, when an eerie sound came from the recorder. She leaned closer, listening intently.

  "God, is Haven haunted?" she whispered, as the distinct sound of footsteps was heard. She jumped back when a soft but chilling groan emanated, and then shrieked and almost fell off her stool when a shrill scream burst from the recorder. Ariel shrieked again when Garrett lifted her off the stool, her legs kicking out as if the very demons she imagined were after her.

  Everyone burst into laughter as Logan's voice came through the speaker, "Gotcha!"

  Elizabeth shook her head as Ariel realized that her big brother just couldn't resist. They had listened to the tape earlier, satisfied that Ryan had met her requirements when the only sound the tape had produced was those of their footsteps when they had left the room to go upstairs. She had shaken her head when Logan formed his plan, having to stifle her giggles and then scream as loudly as she could when he gave her the signal. Though she felt slightly guilty for her part in the scheme, she had to admit, it had been very effective.

  "You are such a creep," Ariel said, her legs wrapped around Garrett's waist. "Do something, Garrett, he scared me to death!"

  "Babe, I hate to admit it, but I'd pay to see that again. God, you should have seen your face when you thought you heard a ghost. It was priceless."

  "You are all just big meanies. Put me down." Ariel demanded, her fists pushing against Garrett's chest.

  "Promise you aren't going to do anything irrational?" Garrett asked, as he set her onto her feet, prepared to capture her again if she took off for Logan.

  "Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Ariel assured him before turning to face her brother, who was calmly leaning against the island, sipping his coffee. "However, let me be crystal clear about one thing, big brother." Logan met her eyes, his smirk telling her to bring it on. "You can antici
pate this: Hell hath no fury like a woman scared."

  Logan almost choked on his coffee as he laughed. "Geeze, Ariel, you are an educated woman. The correct phrase is 'scorned'. Even when you attempt to threaten me—"

  "Oh, I'm not attempting," Ariel said, as she walked towards him. "I am promising you that one day, when you least expect it, that fake scream will sound like a whisper compared to the one you give." Reaching him, she stroked his arm, her beautiful eyes meeting his. "Try this phrase: Revenge is a dish best served cold."

  Garrett's laughter had the others joining in, not a single soul in the room, including Logan, having any doubt that his little prank would have him wondering how long it would be before he ate from the dish Ariel would set down before him.

  Chapter 12

  The week before Christmas passed in a blur. Additional towels and pillows arrived, as well as additional food items. Craig grinned when a delivery was made that proved to be an old fashioned blackboard, his eyes finding Barbara's and seeing her blush, remembering the sentences he had given her.

  "That's the perfect size," Jason said, as he and Craig went to the Woodshed to install the board. Original implements hung on the wall, as well as new ones that Nancy and Elizabeth had ordered from Harry. Every piece of leather had been oiled, every inch of wood varnished. The old rag rug on the stoop had been replaced with one that gave the name of the building, large black, block letters spelling out "The Woodshed".

  Discussions had been had over whether or not to install some sort of electric keypad that guests could swipe their room key through, negating the need to stop at the front desk and sign up for a time and pick up the old fashioned skeleton key to gain access. Though it would have been a far more efficient way to keep track, the women had admitted that being led to the desk by their Dom, listening to him request a time slot, and watching as he took possession of the large key, had them leaking into their panties before even reaching the building. The electronic system was instantly nixed.

  Though staff would be hired to help run the hotel, everyone agreed that this time they wanted to do everything themselves. No one minded that it meant long days of work, for every moment spent in preparation had their love for the hotel growing. The group had gathered again to finish decorating the hotel, Elizabeth wanting every detail perfect for their first guests.

  Jason and Craig returned, the smiles on their faces causing the women to take deep breaths, knowing without a doubt that at some point in time, they would be standing facing the board, using one of the pieces of chalk to write out whatever words their Doms directed. Imagining the scratch of the chalk against the slate, coupled with the knowledge that their lover would be watching every letter being formed, as well as their bright red bottom jiggling as their sentences were written, had panties growing moist.

  Logan clapped his hands as he entered the room, startling the women out of their contemplations. "Come on, we've got a Christmas tree to cut down." Since they owned all the properly around the lake, it had been decided that no purchased tree would do. In fact, they would be cutting three trees—one for the lobby, its lights greeting guests, one for the sitting area in the barn, and one for the ballroom upstairs. Pulling on jackets, they all trooped out the door, throwing out challenges to each other to see who could find the perfect trees.

  Scattering throughout the wooded area, they continued to call back and forth as tree after tree was rejected as being too skinny, too short, and too scrawny, until Barbara yelled that she had found the perfect one. It stood about seven feet tall and was beautifully fat, it's branches full. She beamed as the others agreed, and the women stepped back as Craig took the first swing with his axe. It wasn't long before the tree fell onto the tarp spread out to catch it. A second tree, just as perfect, was found nearby, and it was placed beside the first. Once both had been bundled securely, they left them where they lay as the search for the larger tree they needed continued.

  "Logan, that is huge," Elizabeth said, craning her neck to look up to the top of the tree that towered above her.

  "It's perfect," Logan said. When the men agreed, and began a discussion about which way the tree would fall, moving the two tarps from place to place, the women shook their heads, soft smiles on their faces.

  "So, if a tree falls in the woods…" Nancy began.

  "You can count on the sound of men arguing over who guessed its direction," Ariel concluded. When it became clear that the process could take a while, the women began to gather pinecones to use as centerpieces for the tables. They had filled the bag they had brought before the first thwack of the axe was heard. The tree fell slowly at first, and then faster to crash to the ground, shaking the earth.

  After a moment of respectful awe, the tables turned when the men discovered that a tall tree meant a heavy tree, and the women laughed as it took all four of them, cursing and shouting different directions to each other, to get it up the three flights of stairs and into the ballroom.

  "I'm thinking we need an elevator installed," Logan quipped, rubbing his lower back.

  "Poor baby," Liz crooned, replacing his hands with hers as she slipped them underneath his shirt to stroke his skin. "You are a smart man, Logan, but, honey, do you seriously believe that tree would fit in any elevator?"

  Logan chuckled, the tree forgotten as her hands magically soothed his ache. "Liebchen, you are far smarter than I," he admitted, before bending to kiss her. "But, just in case you've forgotten who wears the pants in this family, I can promise you my hands will be stroking more than your back when I get you home."

  "Yes, right after you stroke Ben-Gay over his old, aching muscles," Ariel quipped, stepping out of the way when Logan made a grab for her.

  The two additional trees were far easier to get into place, and they all went back into the woods to gather pine boughs for the women to make into garlands that would adorn the doorways. Ribbons were woven through the branches, and small silver bells and small red and silver ornaments were attached. As each was completed, they were handed off to one of the men to hang. The scent of fresh sap combined with the aroma of hot chocolate as everyone worked to decorate the hotel.

  Ben and Helen arrived just in time for dinner, which was served in the kitchen. Craig and Barbara spread the food out along the island for people to help themselves, before gathering around the antique trestle table that had been found during the trip to Round Top.

  Ariel's attempt to guess what presents would be waiting for her on Christmas morning earned her a swat as she leaned forward for another roll. "I'm guessing Santa is going to bring you nothing but switches," Garrett teased. "God knows, he won't have to look far with all these trees."

  "Is it too late to get her a gag?" Logan asked, ducking when the roll sailed across the table.

  "Oh, I'm sensing my first sale." Nancy laughed as she picked up the warm roll and popped a piece into her mouth. "The only thing I love more than eating is the sound of the bell on that incredible cash register." Everyone laughed, the men knowing her first sale had been days earlier as each had popped into her boutique to purchase the perfect gift for their woman. They all did agree that the shiny brass cash register had been worth the effort of hauling it into the store. It gleamed under the lights, and the sound of the buttons being pushed and the total rung up on the antique suited the age of the hotel perfectly.

  After the kitchen had been cleaned, wine was poured, and everyone gathered to decorate the trees. Helen sat with Ben, her eyes misting over as she handed out ornaments, her love for the young people filling her heart as their laughter and good-natured teasing filled the room. It was very late by the time Logan accepted the large silver star, bending to kiss his mother's cheek.

  Looking at Elizabeth, he saw her nod and her soft smile. Returning it, he walked across the room and handed the star to Craig. "Please, would you and Bunny do the honors?"

  Barbara was surprised at the gesture, fully expecting Elizabeth to place the star on the tree as she had the one downstairs. Thinking abo
ut it, she realized that Ariel had placed the star on the tree in the barn's lobby. While it made sense that she place this one, she hesitated. When Craig turned to her, she knew the height of the tree would require he lift her. Seeing his smile, she finally released the last of her fear that she was too big or ungainly. Nodding, she climbed onto his shoulders and squealed as he stood up to his full height. It was still a challenge—despite their combined height—to place the star, but when it was secure, she felt a sense of acceptance flow through her.

  The smile on her face, as Craig set her down and Logan hugged her, told them that she had finally released the last residue of doubt that she was just perfect the way she was.

  Setting the timer for the lights, Logan flipped off the overhead switches, and the tired group trooped down the stairs. They would all spend the night in their own cabins, but would move into rooms at the hotel the next day. Everyone had agreed that it would be more fun to spend Christmas Eve under one roof, with Ariel reminding them that it would also give every couple a chance to test the rooms themselves.

  Hand in hand, each couple stepped out the back door, walking through the woods to the lake, and then following the path to the cabins. The moon was full, the perfect round globe hanging high in the black sky, giving enough illumination that their steps were easy. As they reached the cabins, all turned to look back at the hotel. The sight of the enormous Christmas tree, with hundreds of lights twinkling behind the huge sheet of glass on the third floor, had them all enthralled. Several minutes passed as the lovers stood, arms around each other, totally content to be exactly where they were.

  "God, it is the perfect tree, isn't it?" Elizabeth whispered, her eyes glistening with tears of joy.


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