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A Submissive's Gift

Page 18

by Maggie Ryan

  "Welcome to Haven," Elizabeth said, holding out her hand. As the man shook his head, she giggled. "God, it's so great to see you!" The last vestige of professionalism disappeared as Ethan set down the suitcase he was carrying and picked Elizabeth up off her feet, twirling her around before giving her a kiss. Setting her down, he drew Jeanette to his side.

  "This is absolutely amazing," Jeanette said. "I've been so excited ever since Ethan bought the tickets. The moment we pulled through those incredible gates, my heart started pounding. Seriously, I don't think there is a more beautiful property anywhere."

  Ethan loved her enthusiasm, and knew her words were ones that Elizabeth was so glad to hear. Seeing Logan, his grin as wide as Liz's, Ethan chuckled. "I'm just glad to see so many trees. It gives a Dom such a wide variety of choices."

  Logan stepped down to shake Ethan's hand. "Believe me, you are going to discover you have so many choices your head will spin. Wait until you see the Woodshed." The four were laughing as they entered the hotel, Logan carrying the suitcase as they welcomed their first guests to Haven.

  The afternoon passed quickly as more and more guests arrived. Logan and Liz greeted each couple, thrilled to hear repeats of Jeanette's earlier praise. Ariel and Garrett led those who had rooms inside the hotel proper to their rooms, pleased to discover that all the additional touches like fresh flowers and waiting gift baskets were well received.

  Jason and Nancy led those who would be staying in the equally beautiful, renovated barn to their rooms. No one minded that they had to walk an additional distance, as the entire path was landscaped beautifully, a large flagstone patio with gliders and chairs ready to offer comfort when a guest wished to sit outside. The bottom floor of the barn held only two suites as the rest of it had been converted into a large seating area, with comfortable love seats, cushions and small tables arranged so that couples could either find a private spot or gather with other guests when not in their rooms. Jason explained that all meals would be served in the hotel dining room, but the barn also had been stocked with all sorts of snacks, fruits, soda and even wine and beer. Nancy was busy explaining that the brochure in the gift basket contained a coupon to her boutique, and advising them to sign up early for the Woodshed as she was positive it would be a huge hit.

  "We'll be over as soon as we unpack," Alicia promised. "I need something special to wear tomorrow. It is so exciting that we are not only here to celebrate New Year's Eve, we are going to witness Logan and Liz's commitment ceremony and wedding. Derek and I are so thrilled for them—they are perfect for each other. I mean, can you believe what they've done in less than a year!"

  Echoes of her words, and continuous exclamations of amazement and praise were repeated over and over again. By the time the last guest had signed the registration book, Elizabeth's fears had long since disappeared. She found herself having more fun than she had ever imagined. Logan had to chuckle when she looked slightly lost as she realized that not a single guest was left to talk to.

  "Feeling abandoned?" he asked, pulling her into his arms.

  "A little," she confessed. "I mean, where did everybody go?"

  "Liebchen, remember Haven is a hotel for very special couples. I'm pretty sure that besides meals and the parties, our guests will often be behind closed doors, and I guarantee it won't be to watch television."

  She was slapping at his arm when Nancy came from the back of the hotel. "Remind me to increase my next order. Oh, and increase my prices."

  "You'd better not tell me that you conveniently forgot to put aside my birthday gift to Garrett," Logan warned. Nancy rolled her eyes, assuring him that she already had it wrapped and ready for him to pay for. Liz laughed and the three moved towards the kitchen to take a much needed break.

  It wasn't long before the break was over. Elizabeth and Nancy lit the candles in the center of the intimate tables for two. "Oh wait, shouldn't we add a chair to a table? Angel's family makes three."

  "We need to add two more to that table," Logan said, as he placed new logs in the fireplace. "Craig told me that Angel has permission to eat in the kitchen with Barbara, but that Mom and Dad have been invited to share the meal with John and Betty. Craig's evidently been assigned to keep the girls in line while the others get to know each other better." He paused and grinned. "God, maybe I should sit with them, as that conversation is sure to be very educational." He ignored Elizabeth's swat to his arm as she passed him by, telling him to behave. "Watch it Schatzlein, I'm pretty sure I can have Daddy Craig accept one more naughty girl at his table." Nancy giggled as Elizabeth rolled her eyes and then scooted out of Logan's reach.

  Ariel placed a single rose across one of the two plates on each table, a small placard placed on the opposite plate, as it would be proper to expect the Dominant of each couple to place their choice for dinner. Craig and Barbara would be offering both a lighter fare as well as a meal that would satisfy and replace any expended calories. They had no doubts that the quality of the food would more than make up for the lack of choices.

  Guests began to arrive, exclamations of pleasure heard as they were led to their tables. As more and more tables were claimed, Elizabeth spoke quietly to Logan. "Any idea where Ethan and Jeanette are? I know he was looking forward to dinner."

  Logan grinned, his hand slipping to run across her ass. "As the proprietress of this hotel, I'd think you'd remember we have a very tempting Woodshed. If you'd check the sign-up sheet, you'd find it claimed. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

  "Oh, then as a caring hostess, as well as someone who has personal experience under Ethan's paddle, I think I'd better ask Barbara where she's storing the extra pillows." Liz was smiling as she entered the kitchen, happy that Ethan had decided to take advantage of the Woodshed. "Barbara where are… oh." Her question was left incomplete as she took in the activities in the kitchen.

  Betty and John were seated beside Ben and Helen at the island, glasses of wine in their hands. All turned, smiles on their faces as they watched Elizabeth's gaze fall on Barbara as well as Angel. The two Little women were standing, hands on tops of heads, nose to the wall. Craig's lips curled into a smile as Liz shook her head, her own smile bright.

  "What do you need, Liz?" he asked, as he uncorked another bottle of wine, handing it off to Garrett, who would take it to the dining room.

  "Um, I wanted to ask Bunny where the extra cushions were stored. I have a feeling a couple might be needed, as Logan reminded me that the Woodshed was open." Liz paused and then lost her fight to control her giggle. "How on earth did they get into trouble already?"

  The question wasn't as odd as one would think. The family had been the last guests to arrive, barely having time to settle into one of the downstairs rooms before needing to get ready for dinner. The last time Liz had swept through the kitchen, Barbara had been working beside Craig. Seeing her obviously in her Little role had Liz both amused and curious.

  "Bunny needs to remember that the custard goes inside the profiteroles and not on her friend, and Angel will learn that the pastries aren't to be tossed about like baseballs," Craig said, as if every little girl helped her daddy make the complicated Croquembouche towers that would be the incredible desserts served at each table. "Bunny, you may turn around and help Elizabeth."

  "Thank you, Daddy," Barbara said, her cheeks showing bright spots of red as she turned from the wall. "They're in a cabinet in the pantry. Here, I'll show you," she went on, hurrying into the pantry, Elizabeth following.

  "Are you in a lot of trouble?" Elizabeth whispered, as Barbara opened a large cabinet where linens, napkins and stacks of soft pillows were stored neatly on shelves.

  Handing a couple of the pillows to Elizabeth, Barbara giggled. "Well, not too much, as at least we get to keep our clothes on. However, ask me later and my answer might be different. How's it going out there? Does everyone seem happy?"

  "Just as happy as I know you are, despite being in trouble. We'll talk later. For now, I suggest you get your nose back to the wal

  "Geeze, how many parents does one girl need?" The fact that the question was asked a second before Barbara stuck her tongue out had Liz laughing as they exited the pantry.

  "Give her a few swats for me, Craig," Elizabeth said, as Barbara returned to her place next to Angel. "I don't need to be a mommy to know that Little girls shouldn't stick their tongues out—it's really quite rude, don't you think?" Barbara's whine of protest was met with laughter as Logan stepped into the room to inform Liz that Jeanette would certainly appreciate a cushion.

  When the towers of custard-filled profiteroles, covered in strings of sugar, were placed in the center of each table, gasps of delight were heard. Chocolate spelled out the names of each couple on the edge of the plate. As one, the guests demanded that the chef come into the dining room to receive their praise before a single bite was taken.

  Craig and Barbara, both wearing huge smiles, accepted the accolades they so deserved. Elizabeth just shook her head, amazed that the woman who had been miserable practicing law a mere year ago, was now a woman who could easily move between her role as Craig's adult fiancée and his precious Little girl. When Logan wrapped his arms around her, much as he had that morning before the first guest arrived, she knew that she wouldn't change a single thing.


  After lunch the next day, Liz discovered that when guests were happily engaged in activities they enjoyed, there really wasn't all that much to do as the hostess. Logan again reminded her that Haven was a different type of hotel. Guests would not normally be checking in and out on various days. Couples would book for a weekend, so once they had been shown to their room, amenities explained and schedules for meals discussed, the guests were perfectly content to close the door to their room and focus on each other.

  "Honey, Ben and I can handle anything that might arise," Helen assured her. "Why don't you and Logan go take a walk, or a nap even? You've been here since early this morning. Just get away for a while. You won't have to start getting ready for a few hours yet."

  "No, I need to—"

  "Thanks, Mom," Logan said, cutting off Liz's protest. "I could use a long walk." Taking Liz's hand, he led her out of the house and down the steps.

  "Logan, really, I feel I need to be available."

  "What you need to do is to mind me," Logan said. "You need to remember that you have people who are enjoying the hell out of helping you, and that those people know that today is not just another day for us." He held her hand as they walked down the path that led to the lake. When she didn't reply, he stopped walking. Pulling her to face him, he cupped her face with his hands, forcing her to look up at him, to stop worrying about others and concentrate on his question. "I have a very good idea of what you truly need, Schatzlein. Care to see if I'm correct?" He watched spots of color appear on her cheeks as her eyes lost a bit of their restlessness, their emerald depths seeming to deepen as she relaxed in his hold.

  "Shouldn't we, um, wait until tonight?" she asked, though her body was screaming at her to tell him what she desperately needed. "I mean, isn't it sort of expected that we… we don't do anything until you place your collar on me?"

  Logan felt her body quiver in his hands as she spoke of the collar she would be accepting in a few hours. "Liebchen, there are no rules." His hand lifted to encircle the slim column of her neck, his finger dipping into the hollow of her throat to stroke the spot that would soon proclaim to everyone what they already knew. She had belonged to him—and he to her—from the moment the door to the limousine had closed. They had found the other half of themselves that night, and their hearts and souls had been merging into one ever since. "Clarity, Schatzlein, clarity."

  Her hand moved to cover his heart as she spoke. "You-you, Sir, are what I need."

  "All of what I am is already yours." Logan bent to kiss her forehead before taking her hand again, drawing her further away from the hotel and closer to the lake. Once they reached the shore, he led her to one of the concrete tables and climbed up to sit on the top, pulling her to sit on his lap.

  The serenity of their surroundings worked its magic; he could feel her relaxing into him, her head tucked beneath his chin. He stroked his hand down her back, toying with the long ebony strands of her hair. The knowledge that, in just a few hours, she would be his forever, had his heart filling. Bending, he lifted her chin to press his lips against hers. The passion of their kiss increased until he moved her to straddle his lap, his feet planted on the bench seat, her legs wrapped around his waist, one of her hands stroking his growing erection through his jeans. Moving his hands underneath her sweater, he slowly caressed her skin until he held her breasts in his palms, his thumbs raking across her taut nipples. He was just about to pull her shirt and sweater over her head when the sounds of giggles had him lifting his head.

  It took him a moment but then he found the source. Angel and Barbara were not very well hidden in the bushes a few feet away. Elizabeth had turned to see what had stopped the delicious moment, and shook her head, her smile showing she was not truly unhappy with their appearance.

  "What are you two doing out here?" Logan said, his hands having moved to wrap around Elizabeth, moving her to sit in his place as he climbed off the table. Elizabeth drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them to watch the scene unfold. "Come on out here, it's not like we don't know you are there," he went on, snapping his fingers and pointing to a spot right in front of him. Elizabeth saw him fighting a smile as he snapped his fingers again when the girls didn't instantly obey. When he started counting, she had to bury her face in her knees to keep from laughing out loud as the two pushed through the bushes and rushed to stand in front of him.

  "That's better," Logan said. "Now, tell me, do your daddies, or your mommy, Angel, know you are out here spying on adults?" All three women's faces showed their surprise as Logan easily adopted the stance and tone of a disappointed adult. "Little girls should not be walking alone by the lake, what if one of you fell in or something?" Giggles did nothing to stop his lecture. "Furthermore, it is very impolite not to announce your presence when you realize you are intruding on a private moment."

  "We didn't mean to intrude Log… um, Sir," Barbara said, the toes of her sneakers digging into the leaves. "I mean, it's a big woods and I was just want to show Angel the lake. How were we to know you and Elizabeth would be out here kissing and, um, playing?"

  "And we aren't alone, either," Angel provided, turning her head to look over her shoulder. "I mean, our parents are with us."

  "Really?" Logan said, his head turning in all directions and not seeing a sign of the three adults she was speaking of.

  "Well, um, we kind of were playing hide and seek," Bunny said, her blush burning up her cheeks.

  "Hide and seek, or run away from, let me guess, a deserved spanking?" Logan almost choked when his words had both Littles looking at each other, mouths dropping open. "Ah, I see," he continued. "I'm guessing that some little girls have been even naughtier than I had thought. You two stay right here."

  Watching him walk towards the trees, Elizabeth could sense the indecision of her friends. "I don't suggest you run. Trust me, it will only be much worse when he catches you." She patted the table with her hand and the two climbed up to sit beside her.

  "Where do you think he's going?" Angel asked, her eyes still on Logan.

  "Oh shi—shoot. I think the more important question is what he's doing," Barbara said, her finger lifting to point at where Logan had stopped, his knife in his hand as he began to saw through a thin branch.

  Elizabeth heard them both moan, and smiled as they reached for each other's hand. It was the first time she'd truly seen them interact as Littles with anyone other than their parents. It was amazing to watch Logan, and she was so proud of him for letting his sister know of his true support of her chosen lifestyle. Both women were dressed in almost identical outfits of fleece pants and jackets and sneakers, with their hair in pigtails. She had a moment of sorrow thinking that Ariel was miss
ing this, and then giggled knowing Ariel would be much more concerned about missing the opportunity to see panties being lowered.

  Logan had just finished cutting a second switch when Craig's voice called out for Bunny. She jumped off the table, dragging Angel with her, and had made it almost to the tree line when Logan's voice cut them off. "Stop!"

  It was almost comical to see the two come to a stumbling stop, their heads turning to see how close he was, and then to see how close Craig was as he stepped out of the trees on the other side. With the lake in front of them and the concrete table behind, they finally decided that their chance of escape was not looking good. That thought was further reinforced when Betty and John stepped up to stand at the table where Elizabeth still sat, her eyes darting around to make sure she missed nothing.

  "Get back to where I told you to stay," Logan said, his knife busy as he stripped leaves and twigs off the slender branches.

  Heavy sighs of defeat were heard as the two miscreants, hands clasped together walked back to the table. "Bunny Dietrich, what did I tell you?" Craig demanded, walking to the table.

  "Um, to stay in your sight," Bunny mumbled, her head bent, her toes again scuffing through the leaves.

  "Look at me when I'm talking to you," Craig said, and when her head lifted, her cheeks bright with color, he continued. "And, young lady, did you stay where we could see you?"


  "Excuse me?" Craig said, impressing Elizabeth with the stern, parental tone he used as she watched a dynamic she had never really known existed come to life.

  "No, Daddy," Barbara said slowly, but then rushed to add her explanation. "But, we saw a squirrel and it was running and we just followed it. Then he disappeared and I wanted to show Angel the lake. We didn't mean to spy on Logan and Elizabeth."

  Elizabeth lost her battle, again burying her face in her knees as her giggles overwhelmed her. It was just too cute.


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