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Page 13

by Shataya Simms

  “You refuse to stay up for Sha-Sha, huh?” I place her back into her crib and then grab my bag to pull out my swimsuit, plucking out a hot-pink one. I quickly strip out of my clothes and throw on my bottoms. As I’m trying to untangle my top, the door flies open. I jump as he stands in the doorway staring at me, not saying a word or moving a muscle.

  “Either come in or get out but shut the fuckin’ door,” I snap at Nyce as he stares at me with my boobs out for him to see. He takes a step in before catching himself and then steps out, shutting the door behind him.

  “Control the situation, Aneesah,” I exhale, running over to the mirror to make sure I don’t have any boogies up my nose or something in my teeth. I am boiling inside. Ready for war but I still want to look good to him while I’m doing it.

  “Not bad for 33,” I smile. I throw on the bikini top and a pair of white shorts.

  “Control the situation. Don’t let him bring you out of character or cause a scene,” I constantly repeat, going over all the meditation exercises I’ve been doing for the past year because if I don’t, I might try to beat his ass and kill him. I am having mixed emotions right now. Part of me is furious like I could physically do him harm for hurting me the way he did and part of me is acting like an excited school girl just happy to be around her crush.

  “Control the situation,” I whisper to myself for the last time before opening the door and running right into him. He cocks his head and smiles.

  “Fuck you,” I spit, balling my fist and popping him in the jaw. So much for controlling the situation. He grips me up and shoves me back inside the baby’s room, shutting the door.

  “Chill, CHILL,” he shouts holding his hands out to prevent himself from being hit again. He leaves his face open as I take another swing, connecting.

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” He yells, looking at me like I just lost my mind. “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKIN’ MIND?”

  I swing again taking a jab to the body. Yeah, these kickboxing sessions are working.

  “I’m not fuckin’ playin’ wit’ your ass, Aneesah,” he says backing up. I go to swing again but he grabs the bun on top of my head like a bitch and puts me in a head lock.

  “Stop, yo,” he laughs as I am trying to swing at his body, demanding that he let me go.

  “Stop you fucker,” he yells, letting me go when I start pinching his butt; something he hates. “I’m sorry.” He puts his hands up like he’s surrendering.

  “Fuck you and get the fuck out of my face,” I yell.

  “It wasn’t like that. Let me explain.”

  “FUCK YOU,” I snap, swinging again.

  “Aneesah, stop,” he says, gripping me up. “AHHH,” he yells again before letting go. He looks at his now bleeding wrist from where I bit him. I smile as I watch the blood slowly drip down his hand.

  “So, you are human. You do bleed,” I smile wickedly. He looks at me pissed off as I stand stone cold.

  “Can you stop acting like a fuckin’ child and talk to me like an adult?” He snaps.

  “No,” I retort.

  “Grow the fuck up. How old are you again?”

  “Four,” I shout. We stare at each other for a moment before we both burst out in laughter.

  “I’m sorry. I miss you,” he mumbles. I stop laughing and stare at him, trailing his body in his white wife beater, army fatigue cargo shorts, and Timberland boots. Arms beautifully sculpted and new artwork inked on his muscular chest peeking out his shirt. He’s wearing the dark platinum and diamond dog tag chain I bought him years ago. With my eyes still trailing, I stop and stare at his hands. It’s missing the ring that is supposed to symbolize his marriage.

  “I’m sorry. Let me explain,” he says softly, stepping closer to me.

  “I hate you,” I retort before kicking him in his shin and walking out the room. I walk out back to join everyone on the patio.

  “You okay?” Pree asks.

  “Swell,” I tell her.

  “What happened to you?” Pree questions Nyce as he limps over to the chair, holding a bottle of Corona up to his jaw.

  “Ask your fuckin’ lunatic of a friend,” he responds, darting his eyes at me. Pree smiles.

  “Good. You deserved it,” she laughs.

  “Fuckin’ lunatic got niggah hands now,” he huffs, rubbing his slightly swollen jaw.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re mad about,” I snap.

  “Cuz I am trying to talk to you like a fuckin’ normal person,” he barks.

  “Well, I am going to get one of the security guards to keep an eye on you two,” Pree says calmly before walking away.

  “Aneesah,” he calls my name.

  “What Jimmy?” I snap. He cocks his head and smiles before laughing.

  “I forgot how cute you are when you’re mad.”

  “And I forgot how stupid you look in person.”

  He chuckles.

  “I owe you a lot and I would like for us to talk. After I left off the island, I was fucked up mentally. There’s so much I want to say to you. So much shit I want to explain to you. I don’t even know where to begin but if you just give me some time, I swear I’m going to make this shit right between us.”

  “Why her, Nyce?” I ask on the verge of tears.

  “I didn’t choose her over you if that’s what you mean. It’s always gonna be you.”

  “You’re not making any sense. Are you fuckin’ with me?”

  “No. Not at all. Give me a chance to explain. I made…”

  “There you are baby. I’ve been looking for you. They made me check in my cell phone at the gate. How bazaar is that?” Tori says popping up out of nowhere sounding all proper and shit in her British accent. “What happened to your face?” She questions, holding her hand up to his slightly swollen jaw as he casually removes her hand. She glares at me.

  “Hello. I do believe that we have met before. I am James’ wife,” she says giving me a bitch smile. The look on my face is not welcoming. I’m about to chop this 5’10-5’11 giant down, thinking about kicking her in her fuckin’ knee. Bitch, don’t try me. I’m not that woman you see on TV.

  Nyce slyly steps in between us as I peep around him watching Pree and Knuck approaching the scene. I swallow my pride and check my ego. I’m not even gonna give her or Nyce the satisfaction. I step around them and walk towards Knuck and Pree.

  “So, she has decided to come after all?” I ask Pree when I reach her.

  “That’s because this butthole let her in.”

  “She said she was just here to grab some keys from Nyce,” Knuck tries to explain. “I made her give up her phone,” he whines. “She said she wasn’t stayin’.”

  “Don’t fuckin’ try it,” Pree snaps, rolling her eyes and marching away. I follow behind her.

  “I didn’t have to give up my phone,” I laugh, already knowing the answer.

  “Because you’re family and I know that you won’t be sneaking pictures of yourself, my Dad, Vic, and whomever else decides to walk through that door.

  “I know. I’m just fuckin’ with you. I guess she won’t be leaving now.”

  “I don’t know. Knuck said that her sisters are in town, so she should be leaving soon.”

  “Five dollars says, that bitch ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  “Shit. One-thousand says that not only will she not be going, she’s going to be overly clingy to his ass,” Pree says as we both share a laugh even though I am burning inside.

  “Sha-Sha, come swim with us now,” Maliah demands pulling my hand.

  “Yeah,” Taj whines pulling on my other hand.

  “Okay,” I tell them stepping out of my shorts. “Race you there,” I shout, running past the kids and laughing because I just straight cheated. As I am running down the path that leads to the pool, Tori and Nyce are talking in what looks to be a heated debate. I take the opportunity to run in between them, elbowing Nyce in his stomach as I do.

  “MY BAD,” I shout as Taj and LaLa follow suit by running in betw
een them, trying to catch up to me. I stop at the edge of the pool to wait for them.

  “You cheated Sha-Sha,” Taj informs me out of breath.

  “No, I did not,” I laugh.

  “Ya-ha,” LaLa chimes in.

  “Okay, what’s my punishment?” I ask. Taj and Maliah look at each other for a second.

  “I know. We all have to run and do a cannon ball in the pool,” Taj suggests.

  “Deal.” We back away from the pool and lock hands.

  “1…2…3,” LaLa shouts as we run, break free from each other and do a cannon ball into the pool.

  I play with the kids for a good 40 minutes before deciding to get out. I stroll over to the patio dripping wet as I approach Knuck, Pree, my whack ass ex with his equally whack ass wife. I see that Nyce’s sisters and his parents have arrived as well, talking to Diana and Mr. J over by the grill.

  “Aneesah, take that shit somewhere else,” Pree snaps when I fling my hair, accidentally getting her wet.

  “You’s rude,” I tell her giving her the finger.

  “Your mom.”

  “I’m telling her too,” I say taking a seat.

  “Capree, may I have my phone please?” Tori asks.

  “No,” Pree says standing and starts to walk over to the outdoor kitchen and bar. I stifle my laugh.

  “Grab me a towel,” I yell behind her. Out of spite, I dig into my bag and pull out my shades along with my cellphone.

  “Baby, may I use your phone please?” Tori asks Nyce sweetly. I notice her simple wedding band on her finger. Not the 12cts that Nyce bought me but I guess that doesn’t matter now. I briefly wondered why he doesn’t wear his wedding band but quickly dismiss the thought.

  “Hurry up before the warden comes back and takes my phone,” Nyce replies handing it to her.

  “Please hurry. Don’t even get her started today,” Knuck cosigns.

  “I think you should be telling her little friend that,” she says darting her eyes towards me. I smile.

  “Sorry Tracy, would you like to use my phone?” I ask sweetly.

  “Tori,” she corrects.

  “Okay, Tara,” I reply making a face at her while she rolls her eyes and uses Nyce’s phone. Nyce looks like he’s on edge, Knuck looks like he doesn’t want to be here, and I am restraining myself from hooking off on Nyce once again. After all, my issue is with him, not her although I do owe her an ass whooping for fuckin’ my man while I was with him.

  “Hey sis,” Tori says talking in German on the phone. Nyce taps her.

  “Babe, stop.”

  “Tori,” he calls her name, but she holds up her finger and continues her conversation in German.

  “I’m stuck at my bitch of a so-called sister-in-law’s house…yeah…I’m only speaking in German, so they can’t understand me…I know but his ex is here. I’m not leaving him here with her…I told you that already, she’s overrated. Can’t sing and is much prettier on television...okay…you and Lizzy should just come here…hold on, let me make sure it’s okay.”

  “Marquise, would you mind if my sisters came over?” She asks in her stupid accent.

  “Um…uh…,” Knuck stutters.

  “Sure. The more the merrier, Tabitha,” I wink.

  “Let me go ask my wife,” Knuck says jumping out of his seat as Pree approaches with a tray of margaritas and glasses. I rise out of my chair to follow him.

  “Hell no. I don’t even want her ass here,” Pree exclaims.

  “But babe,” Knuck tries.


  “Alright, Miss Petty. Let her sisters come. This should be fun,” I interrupt.

  “You like causing trouble,” Pree laughs shaking her head.

  “Not at all but see, Miss Victoria talks to her sisters in German not realizing that we speak the language rather fluently. I kind of want to hear what they gotta say,” I smile. Pree laughs.

  “Oh boy,” Knuck shakes his head.

  “Okay,” Pree agrees as we walk back towards them. “Oh, and babe, our six weeks are finally up so if you tip your little friend off, you won’t be getting any for another six weeks and that includes getting head too,” Pree smiles sweetly at Knuck.

  “I don’t want any parts of this,” Knuck mumbles, taking the tray from Pree.

  We are sitting and drinking our margaritas as we talk amongst ourselves when Biggie’s ass pop’s up out of nowhere, jumping into my lap.

  “Okay…okay…where the hell did you come from?” I laugh trying to get him to settle down.

  “You wanna see your sister, Big?” Knuck asks walking towards the house to get Star.

  “Biggie,” I squeal when he starts to lick my face, jumping all over me.

  “Down,” Nyce commands. Biggie leaps off my lap and walks over to Nyce, planting himself in front of him and waits patiently for Nyce to pet him. I hope Biggie decides to bite his ass.

  “Hey big boy,” Nyce smirks, patting Biggie’s head. Rita, Jada, and Rita’s husband, Joe, approaches.

  “Who brought the baby here?” I giggle.

  “Me. Knuck told me to bring ‘em,” Jada says giving me a hug. “Nice to see you. Didn’t know you were home.”

  “Just briefly. Probably fly out tomorrow night.”

  “So, how’s the tour coming along?” Vi asks, plopping down in a chair. “I miss my baby everyday, but I am glad that she is experiencing this.”

  “She is doing great; you should be very proud of her. She will be coming home more frequently now since I begin filming for my movie next month.”

  “Lena Horne, right? Oh my gosh my grandmother used to LOVE her some Lena,” Melissa smiles.

  “You’re doing Lena Horne?” Vi’s eyes balloon.

  “Yeah…well, I’m gonna try to,” I laugh, still nervous about the part. “This crash diet and fast that I have to do is gonna kill me.” I am certainly not looking forward to it.

  “Where is Destiny anyway?” I ask.

  “She’s at the house waiting for her friend to pick her up. They’re coming though.”

  “ANEESAH,” I hear a group of kids squeal, stampeding my way.

  “Hey babies,” I greet, holding my arms out. It’s Nyce’s friend Black and Mookie’s girls.

  “Thank you for the tickets,” Mookie’s 13-year-old daughter Marley says, giving me a hug.

  “You’re welcome sweetie,” I smile.

  “Yes. Thank you,” Black’s ten-year-old daughter Shayla chimes in.

  “Girls? Did you say hi to Miss Annette and Mr. Leonard?” Sabrina, Black’s wife scolds.

  “No,” they reply running off.

  “Hey mamas,” Sabrina greets, giving me a hug, accidentally squeezing her big boobs up against mine. I like Sabrina; always have and though she has gained weight from birthing three babies, she is still a very beautiful, curvaceous woman, with flawless skin and light freckles on her face.

  “Good look out on them tickets,” she thanks me.

  “You’re welcome. I hope y’all enjoyed the show.”

  “Now you know we did.”


  “MOOKIE,” I squeal, crashing into his arms to give him a hug. I am close to Sabrina, Black’s wife but out of all of Nyce’s friends, besides Knuck, Mookie is my favorite with his crazy Haitian ass. He’s not bad on the eyes either. His chocolate skin is covered in tattoos from his neck down and he has unkempt locs going down his back. Mookie always looks like he is one second away from committing a homicide and has this rude but funny demeanor about him. You either love him or hate him.

  “Where’s Gia?” I ask, referring to his wife.

  “She’s coming. Getting the kids situated,” he replies referring to his five children.

  “Yizzo,” Black greets, holding a box of alcoholic beverages. “Didn’t know what y’all needed me to bring so I brought my whole bar.”

  “Bet,” Knuck smiles, plucking a bottle of Henny out of the box. I grab the Cîroc to start mixing drinks. I hear the dogs barking in the distanc

  “Damn. Y’all brought all the dogs out here like it’s a family reunion?” Pree chuckles.

  “Yeah. I got them trained though. They good,” Mookie replies.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Watch,” Mookie says putting a dog whistle up to his mouth. All four pits obediently run over to us. Biggie, Star, Black’s pit Chaos and Mookie’s pit Lucifer. Lucifer is the alpha in the group. Dog is big as shit.

  “SIT,” Mookie commands, as they obediently take a seat.

  “PROTECT,” he yells again as each dog disburses and plants themselves in front of us women. Big in front of me, Star in front of Pree, Chaos in front of Sabrina and Lucifer in front of Gia; all four dogs in a defensive stance.

  “I didn’t know that he could do that,” I say astonished watching Mook eye the dogs as the dogs growl and drool. Shit. Biggie’s my dog and I’m scared to fuckin’ make a move.

  “Is this what y’all been doing when y’all used to disappear on Saturday mornings?” I accidentally ask Nyce.

  “Yeah,” he cracks a smile.

  “Settle down,” Mookie says calmly as the dogs return to their normal doggy stance.

  “They been having these dogs do this since birth. It’s like having your own personal bodyguard,” Gia laughs, petting Lucifer. We chat amongst ourselves, catching up on each other’s lives and cracking jokes. That’s what we do when we are all together; drink, politic, and crack jokes. The only person that isn’t conversing is Tori who is sitting with a stank face and Nyce who seems distant as well.

  “I hate when he brings her around,” Sabrina whispers in my ear.

  “You don’t like her either?” I chuckle, sipping my drink.

  “I mean, she’s nice and all but she ain’t you.”

  “Nyce can’t even be himself when she’s around,” Gia whispers.

  “Y’all just tryin’ to make me feel better,” I laugh.

  “Nah, girl. You know that you will always be one of us,” Sabrina says throwing an arm around me.

  “SHOTS,” Knuck shouts handing them out. We all grab a shot, minus Tori for whatever reason.

  “To my baby girl. Thank y’all for coming out to celebrate my daughter and thanks for coming to her christening tomorrow,” Knuck toasts as we sling our heads back.


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