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Page 23

by Shataya Simms

  “Fuuuckkk,” I exhale as I massage his muscle with my hand. When I feel his pre-cum trickle out of his head, I flip him over onto his back, kissing him softly on his neck.

  “Lift up,” I whisper, taking his shirt off before shoving him back onto the bed. I fully remove my shirt and gently press my lips to his, massaging his lips with my tongue. I break out of our kiss and graze his chest with my tongue before deeply sucking on one of his nipples.

  “Shiiittt,” he croons as his fingers entwines in my hair. I help him shimmy out of his jeans and boxers before gliding my tongue down and I am face to face with his manhood. Letting out another breath, allowing the hot air to seep out of my mouth before inhaling his dick, deep throating it as it goes down with ease.

  “Fuuuckkkk,” he lets out as the juices in my mouth slides out from the corners and his dick is standing at attention. Using my mouth, tongue, and hand, I attack his nature while expertly using my tongue and hand to massage his balls. His breathing becomes heavy and labored and his body stiffens.

  “Fuck naw,” he says, roughly pulling my hair and lifting my head up.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask wiping my mouth. He says nothing. He just grabs me by my shoulders and shoves me back on the bed. Lifting my foot, he slowly sucks on each one of my toes while massaging and applying pressure to my foot, causing me pain and yet so much fuckin’ pleasure; my flood gates open up. Oh fuck. He’s doing that thing he said that he knows how to do. I didn’t believe him but fuck.

  “Holy shit,” I moan, not quite understanding how this kid is about to make me orgasm and he hasn’t even blessed me with his mouth or dick yet.

  “Ahhhh,” I exhale, body tensing, and a slow drip escapes out of me.

  He lets go of my foot and trails his tongue up my leg, pausing at my knee cap and giving it a french kiss before licking up slowly, stopping at my treasure chest.

  Yasss niggah. Do that shit, my mind screams. Tron blows his hot breath on her before using his tongue, playing in my pussy crease—you know, that part where your inner thigh meets your vagina. He glides his tongue up in between my thighs, kissing, licking, sucking and playing; sticking his fingers inside and playing in my walls. He continues to tease me with his tongue, dipping his head in between my lips, kissing her sloppily and greedily, attacking her with his mouth and using his fingers to penetrate.

  “Mmmmmm,” I let out as I cum. Tron lifts up off the bed and grabs his shirt and pants.

  “W—what are you doing?” I stutter.

  “I didn’t hear you beg for it,” he smirks. Yanking his clothes out of his hands and pulling his naked body on top of mine, I engage him into a passionate kiss as he toys with my pussy using his hands.

  “Tell me that you want it?” He whispers in my ear, sticking the head of his dick in and then taking it out.

  “Is this what you want?” He whispers again, sticking in the tip before pulling out. He’s starting to piss me off.

  “Tell me you want it, Aneesah?” He murmurs, kissing on my neck as his dick knocks at my entrance.

  “You want it?” He questions, dipping fully inside me, feeding my walls as I let out a little whimper before he disconnects us.

  “Stop it,” I grit through my teeth, lifting my hips up trying to reconnect his body to mine. He cracks his schoolboy smile.

  “Let me hear you beg for it,” he says, breathing his hot breath on my skin while he dips back inside me before pulling out.

  “I see you like being stubborn,” he smiles, plunging back inside me but this time he lingers a bit, slowly stroking my walls as I pull him close, screaming in my mind for him to fuck me as I grind my hips.

  “You want me to stop? Tell me you don’t want me to stop. Let me hear you,” he taunts, slowly pulling out.

  “FUCK, TARRON,” I snap. “Don’t stop.”

  “Are you begging me not to stop?” He asks, looking into my eyes before softly kissing me.

  “You win,” I give in. “Please don’t stop. I’m begging you.”

  He smiles.

  “Had you held out for about twelve more seconds, you would have won because my ass was about to break. You feel fuckin’ amazing,” he says kissing me, swirling his tongue inside my mouth as I greedily accept, our bodies entwining with one another as he digs deep into my soul.

  “FUUUCKKKKK,” we exhale at the same time, sweat dripping off the both of us as I greedily grind my hips up on him to the point he slows down.

  “Wait…fuck…wait,” he says but I ignore his pleas and grab onto his ass, feeding him my kitty.


  I grind my hips faster, locking my legs around his waist. He forcefully grabs my left hand, throwing it to the mattress and locks our fingers together.

  “Shiiiiittttt,” he moans as I feel his cum warming up my insides before he collapses on top of me. I shift my hips a little.

  “Don’t fuckin’ move,” he murmurs in my ear. I laugh and slowly thrust my pelvis.

  “I will punch you in your fuckin’ ribs. Don’t fuckin’ move,” he breathes into my ear. I giggle before he slowly withdraws from me, pulling me into his arms.

  “That was…” he says before laughing.

  “It was gooooood,” I complete his sentence. “Hi-five.” I lift my arm up and we slap hands against each other before laughing.

  “I like you, you know?” Tron confesses.

  “I would hope so,” I laugh.

  “You’re just…different. There’s something about you. The look you give when we are in the studio and you’re so focused on killin’ shit. It’s…such a fuckin’ turn on,” he chuckles, lighting a blunt.

  “Likewise. I love that you are such a visionary. You don’t half-ass do something. You paint a full picture, thinking outside the box. That’s rare amongst people that are new to the business. Keep that. Always do things your way. Take the constructive criticism but always go with your gut.”

  “Thanks,” he says passing me the blunt. We sit in silence for a moment smoking.

  “I crave you,” we say at the same time before laughing.

  “It’s more than the physical, it’s mental too,” I admit.

  “And you don’t think that I feel the same way? You give me chills every time we are together.”

  “Chills?” I question.

  “Chills, butterflies, whatever that feel good feeling is in your gut. I just want to lick and taste you whenever we are together. Pull your body close to mine, feel and get lost in your energy. Passion. I don’t think that is something I ever had before.”

  “You’re only 26. You shouldn’t be worried about shit like this. You should be out, dickin’ down random chicks, living your life,” I tell him trying to change the subject because whatever this is, I don’t want it. I’m not even interested in it. Yes, I do feel the exact same way that he does but…but…he’s a child.

  “You gotta learn to let the age thing go,” he yawns.

  We lie quietly wrapped up in each other’s arms, our high and alcohol intake heightening as we pass the blunt back and forth until we fall asleep.

  I wake up with my head pounding. What the fuck? Why am I naked? I turn my body and Tron is lying next to me sleeping. Aneesah, you didn’t. Pieces of last night hit me like a ton of bricks. Fuck! I remember last night. I remember our conversation and I remember the sex being hella good. Probably the best I’ve had. He knows that I was intoxicated, and some people lose their memory when they are intoxicated. You gotta play this off.

  Tron stirs in his sleep before popping his eyes open.

  “Good morning,” he smiles.

  “Tell me that we didn’t do it?” I say in a panicked voice hoping to throw him off. I hop up and wrap the sheet around my naked body. The sunlight streaming through the window is hurting my eyes and I use my hand as a shield.

  “You don’t remember?” He asks, looking as if I just hurt his feelings. “Awww Aneesah, don’t do this to me,” he says hopping out the bed.

  “Fuck, I gotta
go,” I tell him.

  “Wait,” he says grabbing my hand. “You’re really gonna do me like this?”

  “Like what?” I ask searching for my clothes.

  “I know you remember so who do you think you’re foolin’?”

  “I don’t remember shit,” I snap.

  “So, you tryin’ to say I fuckin’ raped your ass?”

  “No, no, I’m not saying that. Look, I had a lot to drink.”

  “Wow,” he says running his hands down his face. “That’s so fuckin’ foul, yo.” He stares at me.

  “Did we at least use a condom?” I ask still trying to play this whole situation off.

  “Naw,” he answers putting on his jeans.

  “Don’t worry. I’m on the pill,” I tell him throwing on my shoes. I head for the door.

  “Do you at least want me to drive you to the airport?” He asks looking disappointed.

  “No. I’ll call a car service.”

  “Aneesah?” He calls my name looking at me with disbelief.

  “Look, we shouldn’t have crossed the line. I was wrong and I’m sorry.” I place my hand on the door knob and pull it open, but he forces it back shut.

  “Wrong how?” He asks.

  “You have a girlfriend,” I remind him.

  “I will call her right now and end things. All I want is to be with you,” he says sincerely.

  “Calling her isn’t necessary.” Tron stares at me, looking deep into my eyes not saying a word. He pulls me close to him and kisses me. Against my better judgement, I respond. I want this. I want him. He has a way with me that I can’t explain. He makes me forget about my past and I don’t even know why but if I give in, there is no doubt in my mind that I am going to fall in love with him fast and I don’t want that; I don’t want this.

  “I have to go,” I tell him pulling away. He sighs before tossing me his keys.

  “I’ll have someone drive me to the airport to pick up the car later. Just text me where you parked it. I hope you get home safely,” he mumbles before I rush out the door. I hadn’t even bothered to pack up my stuff or say goodbye to Pops. I hurry to the car, jump in and drive myself to the airport.

  Four hours later, I am walking into Pree’s house. It’s a little after one in the afternoon.

  “Hey Stella,” she smiles at me when I walk into the family room. She is in the middle of breast feeding Kenya.

  “Oh, shut up,” I snap. “Where’s Taj?”

  “Out with Knuck. Guy time,” Pree says throwing Kenya over her shoulder to burp her. “So, Troneesah,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, I saw it too,” I shake my head at the name that is now buzzing around the internet as pictures of Tron and I surface. It wouldn’t have been so bad if only the video of Tron singing to me and me melting in the fuckin’ chair hadn’t been trending.

  “Did you sleep with him?” Pree asks. I don’t respond.

  “You done stole that little girl’s boyfriend,” she laughs. I bury my face in a pillow and scream.

  “Oh wow. Stella really did get her groove back,” Pree giggles.

  “I swear if you weren’t holding the baby I would knock you upside your damn head.”

  “Whatever. No need to be all hostile. How was it?” She smiles. I smile back with my face lighting up.

  “I fuckin’ think it was the best I’ve ever had, and a bitch is in love.”

  Pree’s eyes balloon.

  “For real?” She asks amazed. I shake my head yes.

  “I walked out on him this morning though.”

  “Why? What are you afraid of?”

  “Did you not hear me? Hello? I was serious. I’m gonna fuck around and fall in love with his ass and it’s gonna happen hard and fast. Vic and I, what drove our relationship was the ability for us to create together. Nyce and I had everything else. That homie, lover, friend relationship and with Tron…I have both,” I confess. “Nyce understood me but he never understood the music in me.”

  “And Saheed?”

  “What about him?”

  “You’re not going to admit that you weren’t in love with him?”

  “You heartless bitch.”

  “Not heartless, just honest.”

  “I did love Saheed despite what you think,” I snap.

  “Okay,” she backs off.

  “His love was different though,” I admit. “We lacked passion. That intense passion where you just want to melt inside the other person’s soul.”

  “And you still think you loved him?”

  “Shut-up, Pree. Explain my reaction when I found out he was cheating on me then?”

  “That was your ego. We all have one. The niggah hurt your ego.”

  “Whatever. I’m not talking to you about Saheed.”

  “Okay, then what is the problem with Tron?”

  “I’m too old for him Pree. This is all wrong. What the hell am I going to do with a man-child?”

  “Nyce gave you a chance and y’all are six years apart,” she reminds me.

  “Yeah, and we see how that turned out. Niggah’s been hurting me since ’82,” I laugh. “What a beautiful mistake,” I sigh.

  “Who? Nyce or Tron?”


  “Aneesah, just go with it.”

  “Pree, I’m old. I don’t have time for games.”

  “It seems that the only one who is playing games is you.”

  My phone buzzes alerting me that I have a text message.

  TRON: Did you make it home safely

  ME: Yes

  TRON: I will ship your stuff to your house

  ME: Thank you

  “The media is going to tear me apart,” I sigh, handing her my phone so she can see all the nasty tweets I’ve been getting, labeling me a homewrecker, a whore, and a cougar while Tron has been getting nothing but praises.

  “It’s bad enough that Heather B’s fans are always attacking me but now I gotta deal with Kai’s fans too? What the fuck?” I say in frustration.

  “Since when do you care?”

  “When my life started mirroring an episode of Degrassi High or some shit.”

  “That was our show. Remember?” Pree says excited.

  “Can you stay focused please?”

  “Sorry,” she laughs.

  “I’m just going to end it and chill. I don’t want to be in this type of relationship.”

  “For the record, people are loving you two together as well,” Pree says tossing me her phone. I read her twitter feeds with the hashtag #troneesah.

  “Look!” I exclaim, handing Pree her phone back.

  “Of course, Heather’s punk ass always has something to say.”

  @therealheatherb…I guess the rumors r tru. old bitty cant get sum1 her age. Shes the old wolf n the pack LOL #oldass #growup #noonewantsyou #teamkai

  “See. I don’t want to go through this,” I say, taking the baby out of Pree’s arms.

  “You have to live for yourself Aneesah. Fuck what everyone else thinks.”

  I laugh thinking about Pops motto. We are here to live, fuck shit up and then die.

  I stay with Pree and Kenya for the remainder of the day. Pree tries to convince me that I need to give this a chance, but my mind is already made up. It’s a NO for me and besides, I’m still on tour and shooting this movie. I don’t have time for a relationship anyway.

  Chapter Thirteen

  September 2016

  Tonight, is the MTV Video Awards and I’m excited for my performance. We have been rehearsing non-stop and I am using real wolves for my set. On another note, I haven’t seen or talked to Tron in almost a month. When we have to correspond regarding business, he sends me a strictly professional email. No hi or soft introduction attached to them. I miss him. I miss talking and texting him every day. I miss hearing his voice, his smell, and his corny jokes. I just miss him. Per social media, his relationship with Kai has been going strong. He seems happy and I’m happy for him. Fuck that. I’m lying. A twinge of jealousy hits my heart every

  I’m in my Penthouse in New York City getting ready for tonight. My only excitement tonight is my performance and possibly seeing Tron.

  “Quit moving your head girl,” Dontay snaps at me as he’s doing my hair.

  “Sorry,” I laugh.

  “You excited about tonight?”

  “No. It’s just another long, boring award ceremony,” I half tell the truth.

  “Tron will be there.”

  “Yeah, I know.”


  “And what?”

  “You gonna get your man back? You haven’t been the same since you two stopped talking.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You laugh different now, your smile is different. You’re not glowing anymore.”

  “Tron was never the reason for my glow, Dontay,” I snap.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “You’re fired,” I tell him and rustle my hair to mess it up. He pops my hand with his comb.

  “Whatever. Like I haven’t heard that one before.”

  “You could just be straight so me and you can be together,” I laugh.

  “I don’t need to be straight to put it on you,” he smirks.

  “Whatever free spirit.”

  “You’re all done.”

  I rise from the chair and change into my red and nude lace mermaid dress that Morgan designed.

  “Well, how do I look?” I ask Dontay.

  “Damn,” he says staring at me lustfully as he places my hand on the crotch of his jeans. I feel his hard-on through his pants.

  “You are so gross, and our relationship is completely inappropriate,” I giggle.

  “You like it. Don’t act like that’s not the reaction you are hoping to get from Tron’s ass.”


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