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Page 42

by Shataya Simms

  Terry? As in Destiny’s father, Terry? As in the man that Nyce hates more than anyone, Terry? As in Terry and Bo? The same men that Nyce and his crew have been chasing for years.

  “Look…look…she’s figured it out. So, you have heard of me?” Terry asks when I put two and two together.

  “We gotta move,” Bo states, looking at his watch.

  Suddenly, we hear footsteps walking around upstairs as Bo and Terry scramble to their feet.

  “Relax y’all. It’s probably the feign,” Lamar says as the men walk up the stairs with guns drawn and leaving me alone with Yaya. She stares at me like she is possessed with wickedness. I watch her closely before the lights suddenly go out and we are left in complete darkness. I hear the sounds of men screaming and dogs growling and barking. I take the opportunity to rise from the chair and pull the gun out of my underwear just as the lights flicker back on.

  “I won’t let you harm my babies,” my voice cracks, adrenalin pumping as I point my gun. She glances at her gun sitting on the crate and toys with the knife in her hands, looking as if she’s contemplating something.

  “Yaya, please don’t make me do this,” I swallow, keeping my teary eyes on her. Through all the ruckus and screams I hear upstairs, I continue to concentrate on Yaya, making sure she doesn’t make any sudden movements.

  “Okay,” she exhales, slowly raising her hands up to surrender. She quickly shifts her eyes at the gun on the crate before lunging forward. I scream, aim at her shoulder and pull the trigger, trying to get her to back the fuck up but instead of shooting her in her shoulder, her head explodes and her blood splatters onto my face. I don’t know what happened. I know I pulled the trigger, but I did not aim it for her head. I stand in shock, gun still in my hands now aiming at the wall since she is no longer in its view. I’m shaking in fear, trying to process what just happened as I stare at her lifeless body on the floor, feeling her blood ooze down my face.

  Someone’s hand comes down on my shoulder causing me to jump and I accidently pull the trigger, shooting the wall. They gently grab my shaking arm, taking the gun out of my hands.

  “Are you okay?” Nyce asks. “I didn’t think you had it in you,” he whispers with a slight chuckle. “You have to get out of here. Sabrina is in the car waiting for you,” he says calmly as I continue to tremble. I don’t move. I can’t move. I am shaking uncontrollably, my feet glued to this spot.

  “Aneesah,” he calls my name, staring down into my eyes as I stare up into his, unable to move or speak. He is dressed in all black, like a ninja in the night. He digs into the bag he is holding, pulls out a towel and begins to wipe my face.

  “I know you are in shock right now, but I need you to put one foot in front of the other and leave,” he whispers as he continues to wipe my face.

  “ANEESAH,” he barks when I don’t respond. He places his hands on my belly, pressing down firmly, causing the babies to move.

  “Okay,” I exhale in a voice that is barely audible. He pulls me by my hand and guides me up the stairs. The first person I see is Big Charlie holding Dani in his arms.

  “Wait,” Nyce says to him while digging in his bag. He pulls out a pair of surgical gloves and a syringe and inserts the needle inside of Dani’s arm, drawing her blood.

  “What are you doing?” I ask while scanning the two rooms. Terry is in one corner with Knuck’s dog Star, sitting quietly in front of him. Lamar is in another corner with Chaos standing guard and another man is dead on the floor with his throat ripped out. Bo is sitting quietly tied to a chair with Biggie and Lucifer sitting in front of him. Lucifer has blood all around his muzzle and Biggie is staring at me wagging his tail, looking as if he is waiting for me to claim him.

  “Nyce, man. I didn’t know,” Lamar starts to explain. Nyce holds his index finger up to his lips telling him to be quiet.

  “My Uncle, Nyce. You can’t touch me because my Uncle will kill you,” Lamar spits out.

  “Your Uncle Tone gave me his blessings, pussy. Code of the streets,” Nyce states while he continues to draw Dani’s blood. The front door suddenly bursts open causing me to jump. In walks Black and Knuck followed by this tall ass woman with big feet in a body hugging tube dress and a long ass weave hanging down her back.

  “Oh my god, I am such a fan,” she says to me. What the fuck is happening?

  “Twyla, you gotta job to do,” Black barks, pushing her forward.

  “Alright, alright honey. You don’t have to be rude,” she flirts while Black escorts her over to the couch.

  “Aneesah, you have to go,” Nyce says. The door opens again and Mookie walks in carrying a large duffle bag.

  “What’s that?” I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  “Surgical supplies, baby. We about to operate on these niggahs,” Mookie smiles mischievously as Knuck slaps him in the back of his head.

  “What the fucks wrong wit’ you? Shut the fuck up,” Nyce snaps at him. “You have to leave. NOW. Get out,” Nyce states, focusing his attention back on me.

  “I’m taking her to the hospital,” Charlie interrupts while still holding onto Dani.

  “Alright, man. Thanks for coming,” Nyce utters, giving Charlie a head nod.

  “Nyce…,” I start to cry. “Can you come home with me please?” I whimper. “Can we just go home now, together?”

  “I need you to leave,” he says calmly.


  “GO!” He snaps. I look in his eyes and he has that faraway look in them. I am no longer talking to Nyce; at least, not the rational Nyce. Nyce is gone and replaced by whatever demon lives inside him. I look into his eyes and touch the side of his face with my hand, wanting him to remember that he has something to live for. He gently places his hand over mine and removes it from his face.

  “Go,” are his final words to me.

  I walk out the front door into total darkness. There is a utility truck and cop cars parked at the end of the block, preventing anyone from coming down the one-way street.

  “Girl, get in the car,” Sabrina’s voice startles me as she briskly walks past me carrying a baby.

  “Sabrina?” I question. She enters the house and passes the baby to Knuck before coming back outside, forcefully grabbing my arm.

  “The car, Aneesah,” she snaps, pushing me towards her car.

  “Where’s my car?” I ask hopping in.

  “Gone. Charlie’s driving it to take Dani to the hospital,” she says nonchalantly while backing her car up to the utility truck and cop cars.

  “Thanks, Redz,” she says to the guy who is blocking the road and hands him a duffle bag.

  “What the fucks going on?” I ask in confusion. Too much is happening right now.

  “Nothing,” she replies. “Can you please wipe your face? The blood all over it is grossing me out.”

  “We have to go back,” I cry. “We have to do something.”

  “Aneesah, you are giving me a fuckin’ headache. Now shut up and wipe your fuckin’ face. There is water and towels in the backseat.” I do what I am told, crying silently as Sabrina drives.

  “Whose baby was that? What’s going on?” I ask as she drives but she ignores me. I fall silent again trying to process everything.

  “Thanks,” I mumble once we pull up to my house.

  “Yup,” she replies, hopping out the car.

  “You’re coming in?”

  “That is what I was instructed to do; to not leave your sight so you are stuck with me for the next couple of hours. I can’t believe I’m stuck babysitting your grown ass. What the fuck were you thinking? Remove your got damn shoes and leave them outside,” she snaps all in one breath while kicking off her shoes and pushing me out of her way to walk inside. I do what I am told before stepping inside.

  “You don’t have to stay. I’m okay.”

  “You’re stuck with me,” she repeats annoyed. “Go take a shower Aneesah and bring me the clothes that you are taking off, down to your panties, bra, and socks,” sh
e orders.

  I go up to my room and take a long hot shower, rinsing Yaya’s blood off while the shower stream washes my tears.

  When I walk back into my room, Sabrina is sitting on my couch watching Love and Hip-Hop, eating cookies and drinking a glass of wine.

  “These bitches are crazy,” she giggles. “You okay, Mama?” She asks turning to me.

  “I don’t know what’s happening,” I reply, reaching for my phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Calling Nyce.”

  “Put the damn phone down and let that man be,” she snaps.

  “Sabrina, he might get hurt,” I whisper.

  “Oh, so you do care? Trust me he’s fine, they are fine,” she pauses and looks at her watch. “This is years of payback Aneesah so let it go and let Nyce do him.”

  “You’re so cold,” I whisper as she shrugs her shoulders.

  “What about my dog?” I cry.

  “Oh my god, you’re giving me a fuckin’ headache,” she states annoyed. “Give me your clothes.” I hand them to her and watch her throw them in a trash bag.

  “Hello,” she answers her phone. “Yeah, I got her…she’s fine, she’s asking too many fuckin’ questions though…I got her, finish doing what y’all do and Nyce…if my husband gets hurt, that’s your ass,” Sabrina says hanging up.

  “What did he say? What am I supposed to do?” I cry.

  “You’re supposed to sit the fuck down and watch TV,” Sabrina replies rolling her eyes.


  “This shit is normal in our world, the world that Nyce gave up for you, now sit the fuck down and watch TV,” she orders grabbing the trash bag off the floor and walking out the room. I change into a pair of pajamas, not knowing what the fuck is happening. Sabrina returns to my room bringing me a hot cup of tea.

  “Here. Nyce said this is your favorite,” she says handing it to me.

  “I’m not in the mood for tea,” I mumble.

  “Aneesah,” she snaps. “I am about five seconds away from killing you myself. Am I going to have to deal with this shit all night? We are in this mess because your ass don’t know how to chill. You’re my girl and all, but damn, you’re so prissy and clueless sometimes. No wonder Nyce be ready to fuckin’ shoot your ass.”

  “Fuck you Sabrina and what the hell is that smell?” I snap.

  “Your clothes are burning in the fireplace downstairs and when that’s done, we are going to get rid of the ashes but first things first, I need to clean your tub out so where are the cleaning supplies? I need bleach, peroxide, and Nyce said there is a bottle of that Zymit shit to get rid of any blood residue.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Aneesah, enough wit’ the fuckin’ questions. Let me do my job so nobody goes to jail for murder tonight. Now, where the fuck are your cleaning supplies?”

  I walk Sabrina to the laundry room and open the supply closet.

  “Thank you for being helpful,” she says sarcastically.

  “Do you need me to do anything?” I ask, ignoring her sarcasm.

  “Just go watch TV and drink some tea. Relax. I got this.”

  “I can help you clean.”

  “You don’t need to be inhaling the chemicals so please go waddle your pregnant ass back up the hallway to your room and stay out of my way. My nephews have experienced enough trauma tonight and they haven’t even been born yet.”

  I walk back to my room and sit down in front of the TV, drinking my tea to calm my nerves. I quickly fall asleep. When I wake up, it’s morning. Sabrina is asleep on one of the chaise chairs. I get up off the couch.

  “Where you going?” She asks jumping up.

  “What did you put in my tea?” I snap. She laughs.

  “Relax. It’s harmless. It won’t harm the babies.”

  “Have you spoken to anybody?”

  “No. Like I said, they’re busy,” she says turning on the TV. “Oh shit,” she shouts, turning the volume up on the news. Sabrina and I watch the house, where all that shit went down a few hours ago, go up in flames.

  “SABRINA!” I scream.

  “Shut-up, Aneesah,” she snaps and for the first time I see fear in her eyes. She pulls out her cell phone.

  “Baby, peaches…,” she giggles into the phone before hanging up. “Everything is fine,” she says in relief.

  “Huh?” I ask in confusion.

  “I called Black. If I say peaches, he’s supposed to respond with cream and that means that everything is fine,” she smiles. The alarms start to ring throughout the house. We both jump and run downstairs. Sabrina leaps into Black’s arms as I stand at the bottom of the stairs staring at Nyce.

  “Are you okay?” I ask looking at his hands. His hands are cut up and bruised and his jaw looks slightly swollen. He isn’t wearing the same clothes he had on last night either.

  “I’m fine,” he responds walking up the stairs.

  “The fire accidently got out of control, but everyone is good. Biggie is in the backyard,” Black says walking towards my front door.

  “He needs you. Try not to be so damn annoying today,” Sabrina whispers in my ear before walking out. I go out back to see Biggie. His fur is wet, and he smells like shampoo.

  “What did they do to you?” I ask as he licks my face. I walk back inside and into the kitchen, throw some ice in a bucket in addition to making an ice baggie. Walking over to the bar, I grab the bottle of Honey Jack and a glass before running upstairs into my room. Digging into my stash of weed, I roll a blunt before taking the items to Nyce. I pause at his door before knocking. He doesn’t answer so I let myself in. Nyce is sitting in the chair by the window in the dimly-lit room. The only light coming from the sun, peeking through the blinds. I give him the bag and bucket of ice. He eagerly accepts, sticking his bruised hand inside the bucket. Pouring him a drink and handing it to him, I watch him sling it back, not saying a word. I then offer him the blunt and lighter. He lights the blunt and I watch the cherry glow as he greedily inhales. We sit in silence as he smokes and drinks, trying to find his way back to peace.

  “Is your hand okay?” I whisper, watching him pull on the blunt. He doesn’t respond.

  “Do you need more ice?” I ask, standing up off the bed. He doesn’t answer. It’s coming though. He’s about to blow.

  “I’ll go get you some aspirin,” I offer, walking towards the door.

  “How stupid can you fuckin’ be, Aneesah?” He yells. Here we go!

  “You don’t have to yell at me, Nyce,” I tell him softly. “I know I fucked up but I’m not your child.”

  He stands up and towers over me. Even in the dark, I can see his chain heaving on his chest as his breathing becomes labored. Fuck! He’s big mad at me. I prepare my ears for the tongue lashing I’m about to receive.

  “I am not your dad but those babies, those boys you are carrying belong to me and I’ll be damned if your silly ass or that trifling bitch brings harm to them. You could have gotten yourself killed tonight. What the fuck is wrong wit’ you? You care more about that bitch than you do our sons?”

  “No. I…”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m not done talking. I was fuckin’ terrified,” he admits, pulling me into his arms. I can feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest. He lets me go and continues. “Do you know what I would do if something happened to you? DO YOU?” He barks, causing me to jump.


  “Shut the fuck up,” he snaps. “You got one more time to do some dumb fuck shit like that. LAST FUCKIN’ TIME. You understand?” He barks, berating me like a child.

  “Answer me mothafucka,” he snaps when I don’t respond. What the hell? Just a second ago he told me not to talk.


  “I don’t want to fuckin’ hear it. You fuckin’ keep putting yourself in situations that you can’t get out of. You put our babies in danger.
All that shit you be talking to me about. I don’t even want to look at your ass right now.”

  “I know but what was I supposed to do? Leave her?” I manage to get out.

  “YES. YES. She is NOT your FUCKIN’ PROBLEM and being her friend has done you no good.”

  “If it wasn’t for her, you’d still be in jail,” I remind him.

  “If it wasn’t for her, your ass would have never been on drugs.”

  “I chose to be on drugs, Nyce. She never forced me. I hated myself then, and you saved me from myself. I am just trying to do the same for her,” I explain.

  “You don’t get it. She doesn’t want to be saved.”

  “Yes she does and she will. You’ll see. I can help her like you helped me.”

  “I want her gone. Until these babies are born, she gotta go. Once they’re here, you can hang out with whomever the fuck you want.”

  “No. I’m not doing that,” I reply softly knowing that what he is saying is accurate.

  “Aneesah, don’t fuckin’ play wit’ me. I swear on my life I will hold you fuckin’ prisoner in this house until my boys are born even if I have to deliver them my fuckin’ self. Tell that bitch to go and once the babies are born you can do whatever the fuck you want. Once they are born, I will take them from you and you will never see me or them again. Keep fuckin’ wit’ me.”

  I slap the shit out of his face as he forcefully grabs ahold of my wrist.

  “Why the fuck you threatening me and my kids for?” I snap, trying to get out of his grip. “They are all I fuckin’ care about and I will kill you before I let you or anybody else take them from me,” I yell as tears stream down my face.

  “Then fuckin’ act like it,” he barks, letting go of my wrists. We stare at each other for a moment; fury and hurt burning in our eyes. My phone illuminates before buzzing as Dani’s name flashes across the screen. He swiftly picks it up off the bed and smashes it against the wall.

  “Her or me?” He asks calmly.

  “You know where the door is,” I reply, walking out his room.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Nyce doesn’t leave even after Dani is released from the hospital and is staying with us to recover. Dontay and I take turns caring for her. All she’s been doing since her release is sleep, up until the day she disappears again leaving me heartbroken, frustrated and confused as to whether I should give up on her like everybody else.


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