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Unveiled Page 49

by Shataya Simms

  “Shit. I’m too old for this,” he laughs as my mouth hangs open. “For the second time, this time doing it right. I love you. I want to be with you. I want to build a life with you. You and my kids are the only thing that matters to me. Y’all are my world. You say that you’ve loved me since you were nineteen but I’m telling you, I loved you since I was twenty-six, since the day I saw you in the gas station. I knew it then, but I was too young and dumb to understand so I ran from it but I’m not running anymore, Aneesah. I’m where I want to be and I’m not going anywhere,” he says, placing the tiny diamond ring on my finger.

  “Be my wife. Marry me. Have more of my babies and let’s stop playing house and make this shit official,” he states as I nod my head up and down unable to say anything. Tears are running down my face and my words are tangled in my throat.

  I tackle him to the ground, falling on top of him and shower his face with kisses. I hold out my hand to admire my ring.

  Well, I told him I didn’t need much, I think as I stare at the tiny diamond that is so small I could probably put it in Arden’s ear. I smile and am joyful anyway, not caring about the size of the ring.

  “So, is that a yes? I kind of need you to say yes,” Nyce smirks.

  “YESSSS,” I squeal. He stares into my face and wipes my tears before standing up and helping me off the ground.

  “SHE SAID YES Y’ALL,” he yells. People start coming out from behind the bushes clapping their hands. My mouth drops as I stare at Rita and Jada holding my babies, Jalena and Moe, Nyce’s parents are here smiling, Morgan and Kay, Mr. J., Diana, Vic, Chink…everybody. Everybody that we love and care about are here.

  “Stop crying and go get ready. You’ve been planning your own wedding for months,” Nyce whispers in my ear as I stand stuck and in shock.

  “Come on, girl. They have to set up and you have to get ready,” Pree says as she and Morgan pull at my arms.

  “Hey,” Nyce grabs me by the waist. I turn to face him.

  “Something old,” he cracks a smile, taking the little ring off my finger and replacing it with the ring he gave me on Christmas Day 2010. A flawless pink diamond, set underneath a colorless pear cut diamond that is encircled by round, baby cut diamonds all in a platinum setting. The pink diamond looking like it is being protected by the colorless diamond; like a person’s heart being protected by their ribcage. It is exactly how I remembered it.

  He kisses my cheek and winks his eye, tucking his finger under my hanging jaw to close my mouth.

  “Go get ready. I’ll meet you at the finish line,” he smiles before walking away leaving me speechless. I don’t think I uttered a word since I said yes.

  “Come on,” Jada says pulling me. I follow the girls inside the castle as a crew of men are setting up. Jada walks me into the kitchen as Monica turns and smiles at me.

  “Finally, it’s your turn,” she smiles, removing the ear piece from her ear. “Your Pinterest boards and your friends knowing you to the T has helped tremendously.”

  “I wanted to show you this, so you don’t get all stupid, teary-eyed on your day,” Jada says turning me around to face this six-foot black and white layered tower cake with red roses cascading down the layers. My mouth drops again when I notice that the black and white are actually pictures of Nyce and I throughout the years dating all the way back to 2001, where it all started at the age of 19 and him being 26. There are even photos of us with our babies.

  “Red velvet and buttercream,” she smiles. “And since you tore into that piece I let you sample weeks ago, I think I nailed it,” Jada hugs me.

  “Okay, okay,” Monica says clapping her hands. “You guys have the whole top floor. You have approximately five hours to get ready. Go on now,” she says shooing us away as I follow the girls up the stairs and into the first room.

  “TA-DA,” Pree smiles opening the door. There are about 200 wedding dresses staring at me. All the dresses that I had begged Pree to try on as well as some that I had within my Pinterest account. They even have multiple bridesmaid’s dresses for me to choose from, all on mannequins for display.

  “He did all of this?” I whisper, finally saying something.

  “Yup, well…he had some help,” Vi winks.

  “So, come on and choose your dress so we can start your bridal shower,” Destiny smiles.

  “Bridal shower?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Sorry it has to be today. This was the only thing we couldn’t sneak and do without tipping you off, but you had a great time at your bachelorette party, didn’t you?” Pree asks.

  “Bachelorette Party?” I question.

  “New Orleans. You said you wanted a giant sleep over with everyone you love,” Pree smiles. I pull her into my arms and squeeze her tight.

  “Thank you,” I cry. I am completely and totally overwhelmed with emotions.

  When I finally calm myself down and get my anxiety in check, I thumb through the wedding dresses as the girls are getting altered for the dresses I chose for them to wear. Morgan walks over to me.

  “I want to show you something,” she says pulling me towards her. I follow her into another room and my jaw drops when I see the most beautiful gown on a mannequin next to the glass slippers that Nyce bought me once upon a time ago. The same glass slippers that I tried to break. It wasn’t until after that episode that I learned that the unbreakable shoes were made out of colorless diamonds. If Nyce and I were to ever go bankrupt, these shoes alone are enough to get us out of any type of debt.

  “Before you make a decision, know that if you say no, I won’t be upset. This will be the show stopping piece in my next fashion show if you don’t like it.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? It’s gorgeous,” I cry running towards the dress. It is everything I imagined and more. I stare at the fitted bodice of the gown, mermaid style before it dramatically fluffs out at the bottom. Swarovski crystals and pearls making the dress sparkle. The dress dips low in the back and I admire the details of the Cathedral veil, shining bright with its crystals and lace.

  “How long is this?” I ask Morgan about the veil as I am still in tears trying to process all that is happening.

  “About 26 feet,” she laughs. “Try it on so I can make the alterations.”

  I try the dress on, feeling like a Princess; feeling like Cinderella getting ready to meet her Prince. Morgan alters my dress accordingly before telling me to take it off before I am ready to. I want to live and die in this dress. I reluctantly take the dress off, change into another dress that is waiting for me and join everyone in the other room for my bridal shower.

  Once the shower commences, I take a quick peak outside at the wedding setup. It looks exactly like the fairy tale that I always dreamed of. The man whom I thought wasn’t listening to me for the past 17 years, chatter on and on about this magnificent dream wedding I envisioned, listened to every detail while adding his own flare.

  “No peeking. Don’t you trust me?” Monica asks.

  “Yes. Thank you so much,” I smile.

  “Now come on. It’s time,” she says ushering me back into the room. I quickly shower and change into a white silk robe before Jalena begins to apply my makeup. There’s a knock at the door.

  “You ready for your hair?” Dontay smiles. I squeal and jump out the chair running into his arms.

  While Jalena finishes my makeup and Dontay beautifies my hair, there is another knock on the door and Judge Rodriguez walks in.

  “Oh my gosh,” I squeal giving him a hug. I cannot take any more surprises. My heart is ready to burst in pure happiness and joy.

  “You look beautiful,” he says kissing my cheek. “I have something for you to sign. It’s not too late to back out, you know,” he whispers, handing me my marriage license with James Hennessey’s signature already neatly written on it.

  “Don’t be rude and ruin my day,” I politely smile at Dani’s father while signing my name.

  “Well,” he says, folding the papers. “You are officially marri
ed. The rest is just for show,” he lets out a hearty chuckle. “And of course, I’m here to support you and marry you guys since I am the officiator,” he winks. “Something borrowed.” Smiling, Judge Rodriguez hands me a velvet box. “It was for Dani for when she got married but…,” he shrugs his shoulders. “It was her mother’s and I know that she would have wanted you to wear it.” I open the box and a beautiful rose diamond pendent glistens before my eyes.

  “It’s been in her family for centuries.”

  “I can’t accept this,” I say in awe.

  “You must. I am honored to give this to such a beautiful woman,” he says kissing my cheek before walking out. We fix the flower pendent in my hair. My hair cascades down in luxurious curls and the flower gives a finished look. I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  “Is this really happening?” I ask no one in particular.

  “You look beautiful and once you put your dress on…” Dontay says smiling in the mirror with me.

  “Where are my babies?” I ask when I notice that they have disappeared again.

  “We got them covered,” Pree responds handing me a box. “Something new and blue,” she winks. I open the box and hold up a pair of light blue, almost clear diamond earrings.

  “You…,” I exclaim starting to tear up.

  “For the girl that never cried when we were little, that’s all you seem to do now,” Pree laughs, wrapping her arms around me. Rita and Sabrina come in with my babies all dressed up.

  “Look at them,” I gush, watching them sit quietly in their stroller. Jasir in his suit, bow tie and backwards Kangol hat and Arden in her blush pink tutu dress. The bow that is wrapped around her head is too adorable. I laugh, taking a picture of Ja sitting in chill mode and Arden trying to eat her foot.

  “Come on. It’s after 11:00. Nyce is trying to be your husband by twelve o’clock to ring in the New Year,” Jada says. There is another knock on the door and Mr. J comes walking in.

  “You look beautiful, Princess,” he says kissing my cheek all misty eyed.

  “You’re not crying, are you?” He doesn’t respond.

  “I love you too, dad,” I whisper to him before giving him a kiss.

  “James has signed a prenup,” he whispers in my ear, patting his breast pocket. I shake my head and roll my eyes at him.

  “Okay places, places everyone,” Monica yells out as we proceed down the stairs. Mr. J holds out his hand as I am shaking in nerves, feeling like I am about to throw up.

  “You ready to take this walk?” Mr. J asks. I release a deep breath.

  Linking my arm into his, the doors open, and we walk out entering the garden. With the moon shining bright over the ocean, the stars twinkling high in the sky, the beauty of the beach off at a distance, this scenery is serving as the best damn backdrop ever. Everything is perfect and magical as hundreds of candles and lanterns softly illuminate the garden. It is taking everything in my power to not cry as I am still trying to process all that is happening.

  “You look pretty, Sha-Sha,” Maliah says in her flower girl dress. Taj is standing beside her holding the ring pillow and tugging at his bow tie.

  “Thanks honey. You look pretty too,” I tell her giving her a kiss. The music cues and Glenn Jones starts to sing his song “In You” as the wedding party starts to march down the aisle.

  As I approach the aisle making my entrance, my stomach feels like it is about to explode. People stand up out of their seats and all eyes are now on me. I focus my eyes on the ground because I am about to cry for the 100th time.

  Cause in you I found perfect love,

  That one of a kind most dream of

  I never thought it could be,

  But in you I found everything I need…

  I finally lift my head and lock eyes with Nyce in his black tailored suit which is tantalizingly fitting his body like he just stepped off of a magazine cover; his earrings and cuff links sparkling under the light. He smiles and gives me that look. That look that started all of this. Cocking his head and winking his eye, all of my nerves release and I have to stop myself from running to him and my babies. Knuck is holding Jasir and Pree is holding Arden. They all look like black royalty up there. Everyone wearing smiles on their faces as they patiently wait for me to approach.

  When I finally make it, when I finally reach him, I guess we both have the same thought and say fuck tradition.

  “I got her,” Nyce says to Mr. J, gently pushing him aside and planting the yummiest kiss upon my lips, my tongue chasing his and we haven’t even said “I Do” yet.

  “Ah-hem,” Judge Rodriguez clears his throat as people start to laugh. We break from our kiss, forehead to forehead and just stare at each other before we reluctantly let each other go.

  “Sorry,” we apologize before bursting out in laughter. Judge Rodriquez starts the ceremony. After prayer and a few light friendly words from the Judge, he turns to Nyce and gives him a head nod.

  “James has prepared his own vows to say to Aneesah,” he announces as my heart stops. I look up into his eyes.

  “I knew I always had the girl of my dreams from the moment I met you. You are my best friend, my heartbeat, my soul, my life. I am sorry for every heartache and heartbreak that I have caused you, but I promise to make it up to you for the rest of my life and beyond. If you take your last breath at 12:08 on a Friday afternoon, best believe I will be taking mine at 12:09 that same Friday afternoon because I can’t live without you. I never could. I’m fucked up…ahhh…I’m messed up mentally when I try to live without you,” he pauses, shutting his eyes for a moment. I swear if this niggah cries I am going to lose my shit. I mean that ugly Kim K-Viola Davis cry. With tears and snot running down my face.

  “From the moment I saw you at that gas station in Jersey, not one day has gone by without me thinking about you. From the moment I…,” he pauses and leans in to me, “popped yo’ cherry, I knew you would be mine forever,” he smiles. “The girl who silences my demons and makes my world okay, my life sane. I love the way you are able to clear my head and take away my pain. You give me life, girl and I promise to love you forever like I’ve been doing but better, even beyond the grave. My Cinderella. I hope that I will always and forever be your Prince Charming,” he says gently kissing my hand and wiping my tears.

  “H-h-how am I supposed to top that?” I stutter, tears steadily streaming down my face. “I am so unprepared,” I cry with a laugh as people join in my laughter.

  “You don’t have to say anything because I already know. Just tell me you love me, promise me more babies, and to always have my back.”

  “I love you, promise to give you more babies, and you already know that I will always have your back. You’s my niggah,” I laugh as we give each other a fist bump.

  “Rings please,” Judge Rodriquez says, holding a hand out to Jada and Mookie. Nyce places the ring—the same exact ring that I saw at the jewelry store that day when I was buying Arden’s earrings, onto my finger as I smile brightly, thinking how he really did have this all planned out.

  At exactly twelve midnight, I kiss my husband as the sky illuminates with fireworks and people light their sparklers.

  “Oh my God, we’re married,” I exhale, looking up into his face.

  “Are you happy?” He asks coming down to my level, foreheads touching.

  “Extremely,” I reply, stealing a kiss.

  We turn to march up the aisle together before Nyce says fuck it, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder with a fist pumping up in the air like he’s just won the lottery.

  “She’s all mine now,” he shouts as I laugh hysterically, waiting for him to put me down before he ruins my dress.

  After our photo-op, we are lined up outside the doors waiting to enter the reception.

  “Yoooo, I am tired as hell,” I laugh.

  “Does this mean I’m not getting none tonight?” He cracks a smile. I playfully punch him in the arm.

  “I told you no sex three months prior to
the wedding.”

  “And I told you I wasn’t doing that shit,” he laughs. I hear the music cut to Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye’s “You’re All I Need” as Morgan and Black are first to burst through the doors, making their entrance.

  “You almost had it right,” I giggle, listening to the song.

  “Just wait for it,” he smiles, putting his sunglasses on. I follow suit as the rest of the wedding party makes their entrance to the original rendition of “You’re all I Need”.

  “You ready Mrs. Hennessey?” Nyce asks, kissing my cheek.

  “I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing that,” I blush.

  “Good because I don’t think I am ever gonna get tired of saying it.” He cracks a smile, slips his hand inside of mine and entwines our fingers.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, please rise for Mr. and Mrs. James Hennessey,” the DJ announces switching the song from the smooth melody of Marvin and Tammi and cutting into the song with the heavy base of Method Man and Mary, making it the perfect remix. Nyce grins.

  “Never doubt ya boy,” he smiles, making our grand entrance while acting like fools coming down our little Soul Train line.

  It’s damn near 1:30 in the morning when dinner is finally served. All you hear is people’s forks scraping their plates. See. That niggah didn’t have everything planned out as he thought. Though it is very romantic to do a New Year’s Eve wedding celebration, no one wants to eat this late or early but I’m not going to tell him that. Overall, bae did a great job.

  “Excuse me,” Pree says standing up from the dinner table, tapping her glass to give her speech. “This is my sister and my best friend for life; I love you like a sister because you are my sister. I still remember the day we met in the fourth grade and me thinking that I am going to help this girl. She was so quiet,” she laughs. “We became instant friends and share an unbreakable bond that can never and will never be broken. We are stronger than a sisterhood. More like two pieces of a puzzle that perfectly fit together.

  “I remember when she came to my house and told me all about Mr. James Hennessey and how he wouldn’t give my girl the time or day, but I guess on one perfect day, he finally gave her his time and it’s been a roller coaster ride ever since,” she giggles as the room erupts with laughter. “I am so happy that finally, after all of these years, y’all finally got it together. I love you guys. May you finally get your happily ever after that you two deserve,” Pree says tearfully. Nyce plants a kiss on my cheek.


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