Book Read Free


Page 51

by Shataya Simms

  “YOU TRIED TO TAKE MY BOYS AWAY FROM ME? MY KIDS? YOU FUCKIN’ PUSSY,” I continue as his bones crush under my fist, sounding like someone breaking up dry spaghetti noodles. I continue to release my fury on him, watching his skin split open and white bone remnants are visible.

  “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU,” I yell, no longer seeing his face under all the blood.

  “NO PHONE CALLS. NOT EVEN A FUCKIN’ BIRTHDAY CARD, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. I WATCHED HER FOR YEARS CRYIN’ OVER YOUR ASS, WONDERING WHY YOU DIDN’T LOVE HER,” I continue, now standing up and slamming my foot into his head over and over again. Someone grabs me.

  “FUCK OFF ME,” I snap as I continue to plow my foot into Terry’s face.

  “He’s dead, man,” Black says trying to grab me. I push Black off me and grab Terry off the ground, tossing him across the room.

  “YOUR DAUGHTER, MY NEICE, YOU FUCKIN’ BITCH,” I continue, still beating him in his head and body, making him feel my wrath.

  “Bruh!” Knuck says leaning against the wall eating a fuckin’ bag of chips. “We got two other niggahs to finish tonight,” he reminds me. I snap out of my rage and stand up towering over Terry’s dead body. His head and face completely mutilated as I admire my work.

  “You good, homie?” Mook asks slapping me on my back.

  “Bring Bo’s ass down here,” I order, walking over to the sink to wash the blood off my hands. Bo’s body comes tumbling down the stairs as the boys quickly grab him and tie him up.

  I dig in my bag to retrieve the documents I had my lawyer draw up extending Bo’s life in case he ever turns into a vegetable.

  “Hurry up and kill me,” he spits.

  “Who said I was gonna kill you? I have no plans on killing you, Bo,” I laugh, nodding my head at the fellas to move his bitch ass to the table while setting the timer on my watch for six minutes.

  “I need you to sign these,” I tell him placing the papers in front of him.

  “Fuck you,” he snaps as his mouth leaks with blood.

  “It’s nothing bad. It’s just papers prolonging your life, you know, in case you get paralyzed or something.”

  “Fuck you, Nyce,” he snaps, spitting into my face. I punch Bo in the mouth and watch him spit blood and a broken tooth out.

  “TWYLA,” I yell out her name. Twyla comes walking down carrying the baby. When she reaches me, she hands him over.

  “Bryson Jr., right? You’re only boy,” I talk to Bo while rocking the baby in my arms. Bo’s eyes enlarge.

  “I know you, kid. You would never harm a baby,” he says not sounding too sure.

  “That was before you kidnapped my girl and my sons. It’s all fair game here,” I tell him with my poker face on.

  “I will drop this little niggah not givin’ a fuck,” I say, gently holding the baby over my head. Of course, I’m not going to harm a child.

  “I’LL SIGN…I’LL SIGN,” he surrenders. I hand the baby back to Twyla and nod my head letting her know that Black can take the baby home. I uncuff Bo’s right hand and hand him the pen. He reluctantly signs the papers prolonging his life.

  “See. Was that so hard?” I ask with a smile.

  “Fuck you little Jimmy,” he says. I punch Bo in the nose before prying his mouth open, cutting out his tongue and flinging it across the room.

  “You wanna play a game?” I chuckle, sounding like that thing from Saw. “Spread your fingers on the table,” I tell him as Knuck and Mookie hold his hand still. Using the knife, I play the knife in between fingers game like they did in the movie Aliens, laughing the whole time. I reach into my bag, pull out a cleaver and chop Bo’s fingers off in one swift movement before chopping off his thumb. Mook hands me the blow torch to seal the wounds to stop the bleeding.

  “Spread them,” I say again, referring to his other hand. This time I don’t hesitate and chop off his other thumb and fingers.

  “Lean him over,” I tell the fellas as they bend Bo over the chair, ass in the air, hands and ankles cuffed to the chair.

  I open my notebook and read over my notes. My watch goes off indicating that I have to go see Lamar.

  “Now, you stay here. I’ll be right back. Twyla is gonna keep you company,” I tell Bo motioning my head towards Twyla. I turn to press play on the radio as the “Birthday Song” croons out of the speakers. I dig in my pockets throwing Twyla a pack of condoms and a Viagra before me and the homies run up the stairs to Lamar, who is tied up in the corner being guarded by the four dogs.

  “Nyce, man. What are you going to do?” Lamar asks fearfully.

  “I lost six years of my life because of you. Six years,” I tell him, sitting my bag down and taking out a cooking timer. I sit the timer on the table.

  “I don’t have six years to waste on torturing you so every six minutes, this little timer is going to ding, and every six minutes I am going to torture you up until you take your last breath.”


  “Don’t speak. I’m done talking.” I take out my surgical supplies to begin my work.

  “Nyce, you should let me do it. Let me have some fun,” Mookie says eagerly.

  “Mook, go sit the fuck down somewhere.”

  “I’m saying, man. You should let me do it. I already caught…”

  “MOOK,” I snap. Mookie looks at me like I just ate the last cookie before sulking to the corner. I put on a pair of blue surgical gloves and grab the plyers off the table.

  “Now open up,” I smile.

  “No, please,” Lamar begs with tears running down his face. Knuck and Mookie hold his head back as I pluck a tooth out of his mouth.

  “Damn. I got it straight from the root,” I laugh examining the tooth. “Now open wide. I have four minutes left,” I tell him sticking the plyers back inside his mouth and plucking another tooth. I put the pliers down and grab the hammer.

  “Spread them,” I demand as Knuck roughly grabs Lamar’s wrist and throws it on the table. Lamar looks out of it like he is going to pass out at any minute. I run over to my bag to retrieve the ammonia and shove it up under Lamar’s nose to bring him back to full consciousness. I want him to feel every bit of pain I am about to cause.

  “Uh-ah playa. I need you fully functional for this,” I smile before taking the hammer and slamming it down on his hand, hearing the bones crush underneath the blow. He screams in pain as the timer goes off. I wind the timer to six minutes.

  “I’ll be back,” I let him know.

  “Nyce, man. Let me do it. Let me do it, Nyce,” Mookie begs again.

  “Nyce. We really gonna torture this niggah for six hours? Just let Mookie have his fun. I’m actually curious myself,” Knuck laughs.

  “No,” I snap before walking back down the stairs. I almost spit my dinner up when I enter and see Twyla fucking Bo up his ass.

  “Shit man, that’s enough and the next time you hear the basement door open, stop,” I tell her as I swallow the food that is coming up my throat. I turn my head as Twyla stops, pulls her dick out and fixes her dress.

  “Pull his pants up while you’re at it please.”

  “What now?” She asks.

  “You’re not done yet. Wait by the door.” I stop the tape on the radio and insert a new one. Pressing play to the sounds of the “Star-Spangled-Banner”, traffic, and all types of everyday noises that we hear but ignore.

  “Did you enjoy that?” I ask Bo who is now looking at me terrified.

  “I guess it’s hard to respond when the cat’s got your tongue,” I burst out laughing. “Sorry, bad joke,” I chuckle as I literally watch a cat that must have been hiding gnaw on Bo’s tongue. I walk over to the table, stop the tape and look over my notes again.

  “I used to visit Tone when he was in the rehab facility. I remember the sounds that use to come from the patients. It was always somebody’s birthday and because of the veterans, for some reason they would always play the fuckin’ “Star Spangle Banner,” I tell him pressing play again. “I guess that’s why I choose the Birthday song
during your rape, the “Star Spangle Banner” during me torturing you and the sounds of plates, traffic and other shit during the in between time. You will remember this night,” I chuckle before grabbing the pliers and removing his teeth, plucking them out one by one.

  “I don’t even want you to enjoy simple things like biting your own food, niggah,” I smile. My watch goes off at the six-minute mark.

  “Damn. I was just gettin’ started. It’s time for me to check on Lamar. Don’t’ go anywhere, okay?” I whisper before stopping the recorder and pressing play for the Birthday song to fill the room.

  “Twyla will be down in a moment to keep you company,” I let him know, patting him on the back before proceeding up the stairs and sending Twyla back down for round two.

  “My, my, my. Has it been six minutes already?” I ask Lamar, punching him in the nose. I watch the blood spill out of his nose as Lamar cries in pain.

  “Who cut off another fuckin’ finger?” I snap when I realize Lamar’s other index finger is missing. Knuck and Mookie just stare at me with stupid smiles on their faces.

  “Y’all niggas don’t hear me?”

  “I’m sayin’. You done dragged us the fuck out of our beds to babysit and not join in the fun? That’s fucked up. I’m already gonna get in trouble when I get home for sneaking out the house. I might as well have some fun while I’m out,” Knuck says sounding like a damn child. Mook and I burst out laughing.

  “What the fuck y’all laughing at?” Knuck snaps.

  “You, niggah. Pree got you by the ball sack,” Mookie laughs.

  “Mookie, I know your ass ain’t talkin’. If Gia’s ass wasn’t out of town visiting her sisters, you wouldn’t even be here,” Knuck taunts. Mookie instantly stops laughing.

  “And niggah, I know you ain’t laughing at us. Please Aneesah can I touch my babies,” Knuck mocks. “Wit’ yo’ beggin’ ass.”

  “Fuck y’all. We a’ight. I just gotta get good wit’ her. She’ll be mine again,” I smirk while using the wire cutters to rip Lamar’s finger nails out of its bed.

  “Man, you just saved her life. She better get off her high horse and give up the ass,” Mookie laughs.

  “She’s saved my life more than once. That trip to Miami when I met up with Fernàn was supposed to be a niggah’s final hurrah. She somehow pulled that shit off to where Fernàn let me live,” I chuckle, cutting off Lamar’s ear and grabbing the alcohol to pour on his open wound. He screams.

  “Please, Nyce,” Lamar cries.

  “Niggah, shut up,” I snap digging into my bag, pulling out my nail gun.

  “Man, if her ass don’t let that Tori shit go. We all know that she was fill in pussy while the homie was all caught up in his feelings,” Mookie laughs.

  “Shut-up. I just gotta do something to show her I made a mistake. A niggah fucked up. She’s mad as fuck at a niggah though,” I smirk, shooting Lamar in the shoulder with the nail gun.

  “Nyce,” he cries.

  “If you don’t quit cryin’ I’m gonna let Knuck remove your fuckin’ eyes,” I state as Knuck’s face lights up while digging into his pocket and removing his knife.

  “Well hurry up and let me do somethin’. You got me out here for no damn reason. I’m trying to make it back home before Pree’s ass wakes up and I don’t feel like hearin’ her fuckin’ mouth,” Knuck chimes in.

  “He scared of his own chick,” Mook laughs as Lamar makes a noise. I shoot him in the foot with the nail gun before yanking the nail out and slowly insert the nail in his ear, playing on his eardrum. He screams.

  “This niggah makes so much noise,” I laugh, snapping Lamar’s head back to carve 666 into his forehead with my blade.

  “Nyce, tag me in. Let me do it, man. Please?” Mook begs holding a pot.

  “Where the fuck you get a pot from, Mook?”

  “I came prepared,” he smiles. I roll my eyes before the timer goes off.

  “Can y’all try not to kill him before I get back?” I ask.

  “Man, I ain’t making no promises,” Knuck says picking Lamar’s head up.

  “NYCE,” Mookie yells my name while I am in the middle of texting Black to make sure he got the baby back home safely.

  “Fuck, Mookie. Go ahead. You watch too much TV, niggah,” I snap as Mookie’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas Day.

  “This niggah wildin’,” Kunck laughs pulling up a chair. “I gotta see this shit.”

  I shake my head and watch Mookie run to the corner for the rat he caught.

  Walking back to the basement door, I proceed down the stairs hitting the bottom step as Twyla is pulling down her dress.

  “You know you like it,” I laugh at Bo as he lays bent over the chair. His eyes looking like he is calling me everything but a child of God.

  “You’ll never learn. I’m King up in this bitch,” I shake my head. “Spread his ass cheeks apart for me,” I say to Twyla.

  “What the fuck, Nyce?”

  “Just do it. The fifteen thousand I’m paying you just jumped to twenty-five,” I tell her, pressing play on the radio and walking over to my goodie bag. I put on my heat resistant gloves and remove the blow torch. Fear written all over Bo’s face.

  “You might want to put these on,” I instruct Twyla handing her a pair of gloves, so she won’t get burned.

  “Spread ‘em,” I demand. I’m closer to Bo’s ass than I want to be, but I light up the torch and start to burn his ass.

  “Your ass is on fire,” I sing as Bo makes noises and the smell of burning flesh engulfs the room. I stop only after Bo passes out. I run back over to my bag, remove the ammonia and put it under Bo’s nose to wake his ass up. It takes a minute, but he eventually comes to.

  “Happy Birthday mothafucka,” I smile, pressing play on the radio and motioning for Twyla to go another round.

  “Nyce, man,” she whines.

  “Last time. I promise,” I tell her and watch her lift her dress and insert herself back inside of Bo, feeling sick to my stomach. I turn my head and listen to Bo’s faint screams. My watch goes off letting me know that six minutes has past and I need to return to Lamar.

  “When I come back, I’ll pay you and then you can roll,” I shout over my shoulder at Twyla not wanting to witness her manhandling Bo.

  I run up the stairs and enter the room where Lamar is.

  “AHHHH…” Lamar is screaming like a bitch as I watch Mookie blow torching a metal pot with the rat caught underneath it.

  “Yo, this shit actually works. The fuckin’ rat is gnawing a whole in this niggah’s stomach,” Mook laughs.

  “Y’all mothafuckas are crazy,” I say looking over at Knuck who’s standing stuck in the corner holding his stomach.

  “I had enough,” Knuck laughs. “I ain’t gangsta like that.”

  “Mook, that’s enough. I’ll be back,” I tell him heading out to call Sabrina to check on Aneesah.

  “Hello,” she answers the phone.

  “Hey. Y’all make it back to the crib?”

  “Yeah, I got her.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. She’s asking too many fuckin’ questions though.”

  I laugh. That’s my Diamond.

  “Be nice to her. This isn’t her lifestyle. She’s not from the streets but if she’s gettin’ on your nerves, make her a cup of Chamomile tea. That’s her favorite. It seems to relax her and put some honey in it. And you can drop a melatonin in it if she’s really getting on your nerves,” I laugh.

  “I got her. Finish doing what y’all do and Nyce?” Sabrina calls my name.

  “What’s up?”

  “If my husband gets hurt, that’s your ass,” she says hanging up. I laugh at her threat, believing the truth behind it. I walk back to the room to where Lamar is.

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” I yell at Knuck and Mook as I look at Lamar’s lifeless body on the floor. His skull is bashed in and blood is seeping out of his head.

  “Look man, I’m tired and I ain’t tryin’ to
be here all night,” Knuck yawns.

  “That wasn’t the plan,” I snap.

  “What difference does it make? He suffered and now he’s dead.”

  “Fuck y’all,” I seethe because I wanted to kill Lamar myself.

  “Well, I didn’t do it,” Mookie says, leaning against the wall, playing with his rat.

  “Knuck, man.”

  “Look, I’m tired and I’m hungry. I’m goin’ to get in trouble when I get back to the crib because of you. I just want to get this shit over wit’.”

  “Y’all niggahs ain’t shit,” I shake my head. I check my watch. The sun is going to come up soon, so I guess they did me a favor.

  “Let’s finish this,” I tell them as they follow me down into the basement. Twyla is sitting in a chair as Bo is passed out bleeding out his ass.

  “There was too much blood, Nyce. I couldn’t finish,” Twyla whines.

  “It’s cool,” I tell her. I dig in my bag and hand her, her stacks.

  “Thanks. I finally am getting my operation,” she smiles brightly.

  “You’re really gonna cut your dick off?” Both Knuck and Mookie ask her.

  “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body,” she shrugs, heading towards the stairs.

  “Twyla,” I call her name.

  “I know, Nyce. I won’t say anything. Promise,” she states, disappearing up the stairs.

  “WAKE UP,” I shout at Bo slapping him across the face. He slowly opens his eyes. I look over my notes one last time.

  “Hold him up,” I tell Knuck and Mook. I hear the upstairs door open and close.

  “BLACK?” I shout.

  “Yeah. We got like twenty minutes before the sun comes up. Redz says we gotta move before shit hits the fan. I already let the young boyz go and the dogs are locked up in the cars.”

  “You paid ‘em?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I covered it so hurry the fuck up before the dogs start barkin’ and shit.”

  “I’m on it.” I remove the surgical tools and plunge the scrapple into the small of Bo’s back between his tail bone and spinal column. I twist the blade around to make sure that I am severing his spine in the right area to assure his ass will never walk again. When Bo’s legs go completely limp, I know that I have hit the right spot. I pull the knife out as Knuck and Mookie lie him on his stomach. I remove the skin stapler gun from my bag and proceed to stitching him up.


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