Book Read Free

Promise You

Page 4

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Why the hell not?” I’m feeling relaxed from the all wine I drank and tell Taylor I’ll see her at home later. I toss her my car keys and climb into the car with Mackenzie. I haven’t spent a lot of time with her lately, and I’m not against keeping this night going a bit longer.

  As soon as we walk into Riot, I regret my decision. Dex is standing next to a woman, laughing as they talk. This is what my life will be like from now on, not giving him a chance and watching him be with someone else. I’m a greedy jackass. I swear I have a reason to keep my distance, but I’m not ready to uncover that box.

  Hunter makes his way to us, asking how happy hour was, but my focus is solely on the man that makes my pulse race and skin dampen no matter how cold it is outside. Little by little, the tension has grown between us. How long before it separates us completely? I have a feeling when it comes to Dex, we’ll eventually go our own way—after a failed relationship or just a friendship that moves on.

  “Drink?” Hunter asks, staring at me with raised eyebrows.

  “Martini, please,” my eyes are still glued to the man across the bar.

  “Make it less obvious,” Mackenzie whispers.

  “Huh?” I turn to her.

  “You’re flat-out staring at him. Reel it in a bit,” she giggles.

  Grateful, I take the drink Hunter hands and sip as we talk about the week, happy hour, and avoid the obvious going on in the middle of Riot.

  A few minutes later I feel him approaching. “Hey! I thought you ladies were out for girls’ night.” Dex stands next to me, all smiles.

  “We were. This is our girls’ night after-party,” Mackenzie speaks up since apparently, I’m stewing my jealousy.

  “Sweet. Well, I just signed my first autograph.” His smile beams and his palms rub together. He looks like a kid in a free-for-all candy store.

  “I’m sure that’s all she wanted,” I murmur into my glass as Hunter and Mackenzie congratulate him.

  “What?” Dex’s eyebrows pull together.

  “Nothing. Cheers.” I chug half the martini. “That’s great!” I feign excitement. I have an ugly stream of jealousy rolling around me, and I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions.

  I notice Hunter shrug subtlely. Ignoring him, I say, “I’m gonna go dance.” I make my way to the dance floor, eyes closed as I move to the beat playing throughout the space.

  When I feel someone wrap their arm around my waist, I turn to see who will help me forget the man I’m lusting over.

  “You’ve got other people to dance with.” I push away from his chest. I can’t catch a break.

  “Reese Stone, are you jealous?” Dex’s eyes light up.

  “Pshh… no.” I pull away from him and stop dancing.

  “I think it’s cute.” He leans in too close. “No other woman holds a candle to you.” His breath tickles my ear, and I shiver. He pulls me closer, rubbing his body in all the wrong spots… or right. I can’t tell right now. My body is buzzing too much with the feel of him this close, on top of the martini I downed and my glasses of wine earlier.

  I think at one point I moan as his hips move against mine. When he spins me around and pulls me back to him like some pro from “Dancing with the Stars,” I drool. And when his hands hold me tight at my hips possessively, I’m a puddle. My legs squeeze together, hoping to stop myself from giving into my body’s desire. I’ve got a buzz caused by the man in front of me instead of the alcohol I’ve drank tonight.

  “We’re going to get going,” Hunter and Mackenzie interrupt our moment.

  Mackenzie smirks while Hunter shakes his head. I should take his reaction as my cue, but instead, I remain next to Dex.

  “I’ll take you home.” Dex drapes his arm across my shoulder.

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” We say our goodbyes.

  “One more drink?” Dex and I stare at each other, standing amongst dancing couples and friends. I nod, and we make our way back to the bar.

  With this second martini, I hope to douse the heat that has consumed me. Dex drinks water, and I arch a brow. “Driving.”

  Things have officially crossed into a gray area where we’re teetering between friends and lovers, but if I’m honest, we’ve left friendship behind already.

  After dancing to a few more songs, Dex suggests we leave. I stumble out of Riot with my arm hooked in his.

  Once in the car, I lower the window and stick my arm out, moving it like a wave to the song playing on his radio as I yell the words to the song. Dex laughs the entire ride home.

  “We’re here.” I lift the button that closes the window and turn my head to look at him, leaving it resting on the headrest. Dex pushes a few strands of my wind-blown hair away from my face, tucking them behind my ear. His hand then cradles my face before he leans in. It’s all happening in slow motion, yet I remain motionless.

  As soon as his lips touch mine, it’s as if something inside of me cracks. I have no idea what’s happening when my arms move to hold him to me and my mouth opens, inviting him to explore all he wants. Our mouths move together, tongues stroking, heavy breathing filling the car. A kiss that surpasses PG rated and moves straight to R.

  Dex groans and I push my body towards him. We’re a mess in the crowded car as we try to find our groove. With swiftness, he loops his arm around my waist and pulls me to him, dragging me over the center console. I settle over him, my legs on either side of his, and continue testing how far we’ll go.

  His hand runs up and down my back, leaving a burning trail. Mine are chaotic, wanting to feel everything I can. I reach the bottom of his v-neck sweater and sneak my fingertips underneath. I run them across his sides, hard muscle meeting my greedy fingers as his stomach flinches with my touch.

  “Reese,” Dex pants. “You’re drunk. I don’t want you to make a decision you’ll later regret, even if my buddy below is telling me to shut the fuck up and let him free.” I giggle and then moan as his erection presses into me. “I want you to be willing sober, not with an alcohol-induced decision.” His hands squeeze my hips, and I moan again. My entire body is sensitive.

  “Fuck, Reese. I gotta get you inside fast.” He drops one more kiss on my lips and opens his door, so I can climb off. The cold slapping me with a harsh reality.

  I’m silent the entire walk up to my apartment door, trying to catch my breath, and not from the three flights of stairs I took.

  “Thanks,” I finally look at Dex in the eyes.

  He pulls me close again, one arm protectively around my waist. “We’re just gettin’ started. I’ve got all the time in the world to win you over. I don’t know who broke your heart, but I promise to hold the pieces with care until you’re fully healed.”

  I inhale sharply and shake my head. “Goodnight.” I lean up and kiss his cheek.

  “We’ll talk tomorrow,” he reassures me.

  My heart is in my throat and tears burn my eyes by the time I lock the door behind me. How did he know?


  I hang up my phone again. I’ve called Reese three times and texted about another three. No response. I know she’s not sleeping, although she did have a lot to drink last night.


  Maybe I pushed too hard last night when I mentioned someone breaking her heart. I thought it was romantic. Express how I’d be the one to help her overcome it.

  “What’s up?” Wade asks when I walk out of my room.

  “Wanna go to brunch?” I blurt out.

  “Brunch? What are we? Twenty-year-old chicks,” he laughs at me.

  “I like brunch,” I defend. “They have drink specials and a different menu you don’t find throughout the week.” I cross my arms, and my tattoos catch my eyes. I need to finish this sleeve.

  “Go with Reese,” he throws out.

  “She doesn’t answer her phone.” My jaw ticks.

  “Uh-oh. Did you not try to woo her like I advised?” Wade smirks.

  “You’re a real dickhead. Of course, I did.”

�Well, clearly not enough. because you wouldn’t be standing here asking me to go to brunch.” He chuckles and fills a mug with coffee.

  I’m not going to tell him about last night. Hell, if I even think about it, my dick will get hard again and there’s no way I’m rubbing out another one.

  “Whatever.” I grab a cup of coffee and settle on the couch, flipping through the channels.

  I have a meeting with Peyton tomorrow, and all I can think about is Reese. Her lips, her body, her fucking moans.

  She’s perfect.

  Ever since the day I met her, I’ve been determined to make her mine. The only problem is, she doesn’t see me as more than an unfaithful musician. Or a friend.

  My internal thoughts are taking over. I have no idea what I’m watching on the television or aware of the taste of my coffee. Everything is focused on last night, Reese’s kisses, and her body over mine.

  I can’t sit around thinking about how she’s ignoring me after what happened last night. Anxious, I hit the gym, determined to burn some of this energy bouncing inside of me. I’ve got a big day tomorrow, and I need to make sure my head’s on straight.

  After my workout, I stop by the grocery store. Reese is the first thing I see when I walk in, standing in an aisle, sunglasses still on and her hair tied on the top of her head. She looks from the stand to her phone and back up again. So, she did see my calls and messages.

  I decide to give her space because it’s clear she doesn’t want to talk to me. I grab what I need as quickly as possible and hightail it out of there so I can go home. I make it out of the grocery store and to my car without running into Reese. I’m acting like an idiot. I thought we’d move forward after last night, not backward. In the past, I would have walked up to her, we’d flirt “as friends” and grab lunch.

  An hour later, I’m eating lunch at home and sifting through my thoughts for tomorrow’s meeting when my phone vibrates on the table. I pause when I see her name on my screen and sit up taller, prepared for whatever she has to say. My heart banging in my chest is the only thing contradicting my outer cool.

  Reese: hey… sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier.

  Dex: you ok?

  No need for small talk, something’s not right with her.

  Reese: honestly, this is kinda weird

  Dex: doesn’t have to be. I don’t regret what happened last night

  Reese: i don’t want to lose you over stupid hormones

  Dex: first of all, we aren’t teens. That wasn’t stupid hormones. Most importantly you won’t lose me.

  Reese: where do we go from here?

  Dex: a date. How bout this weekend?

  This isn’t exactly how I planned on asking her to dinner, but I gotta take what I can. I’ve never seen Reese out of her element, and I want to make sure she’s confident about this.

  Reese: okay

  We chat for a couple more minutes before she grabs lunch with Taylor and I focus back on preparing for tomorrow. Then, I have a date to plan and a woman to sweep off her feet. This will give us a chance to spend time together as more than friends, in a place that isn’t Riot. A real opportunity to see where this could go.

  I walk out of my meeting with Peyton feeling like a new man. It couldn’t have gone better if I drafted it myself. As soon as I arrived, he complimented my talent and went straight to business. I’m opening a few shows for Rebel Desire when they go on tour in March, and Peyton wants to work with me. We’ll meet later this week to go over the contract, but I’m happy as hell. It’s finally happening.

  “Hey,” Hunter calls out and meets me on the sidewalk. “So?” The grin on his face tells me he already knows.

  “This is insane.” My hand runs through my hair.

  “You deserve it, buddy. You’re just getting started. Congrats.” He claps my hand in a handshake and pulls me in, slapping my back.

  “Thanks. I know I have a long road ahead of me to prove myself, but I plan to show them I’m worth their time and money.”

  Hunter nods, “You are. I gotta run back in but wanted to congratulate you before you headed out.”

  “Thanks. We’ll catch up this week.” I can’t stop my smile from growing.

  “You bet. You playin’ at Riot on Thursday?”

  “You know it.”

  “See you then.” He rushes back into the building, and I practically float to my car. As soon as I turn on the heat, I text Reese.

  Dex: you free tonight?

  Reese: I thought you said the weekend

  Dex: yeah, just wanna grab a drink. Got some news.

  Reese: omg! What did they tell you?

  Dex: I’ll tell you tonight. See you at Jax after work.

  I choose neutral territory and a nicer bar. Riot’s great, but sometimes it feels like I’m going to work for drinks.

  I go to the gym to pass the time, and then call my mom to tell her the news. She’s been rooting for me since day one. Growing up, it was her and I after my dad passed when I was a kid. She worked overtime to buy me a second-hand guitar when my music teacher told her I had something going for me.

  I owe her everything.

  By the time I’ve spoken to my mom and showered, it’s time for me to meet Reese. Excited to share the news with her, I make one last stop on the way to Jax.

  “Hey,” I stand from the bar as soon as Reese arrives.

  “Hey. Tell me everything,” her voice shakes with excitement, causing me to laugh.

  When I hand her the single flower, her eyebrows furrow. “Got that for you,” I explain in case it isn’t obvious.

  “Thanks.” She looks up at me from her lashes, the light pink peony twirling between her fingers. “It’s beautiful.”

  As we sit at the bar, an awkward silence falls between us. I gotta fix this. This isn’t us, all edgy and insecure. I go straight to the reason I asked her to meet me tonight, hoping this will break the ice and put us back on track.

  “Peyton wants to manage me.” I smile.

  “What?” She screams and jumps up from her seat, hugging me. Her excitement pulls the attention of people around us, but I’m too focused on holding Reese to worry about other people’s curiosity. “That’s so amazing! He never takes on new clients. Always said Rebel Desire was his one.” She steps back, a gorgeous smile lighting up her face.

  “It’s crazy.” I scratch my scruffy chin. “I’m still trying to process it all. He also asked me to open for a few of their shows when they go on their spring tour.”

  “Wow.” She leans back on her stool. “I’m so happy for you. I told you you’d make it.” Her smile is soft, and her eyes are glassy. I shake it off to her excitement for me.

  “Thanks. I should’ve believed you more than I did,” I tease.

  She shoves my shoulder. “You should always listen to me when I speak. I’m always right.” Her eyebrows rise as if daring me to say otherwise. “Let’s order so we can toast.”

  I order a glass of cabernet for her and a whiskey for me. “Cheers.” I tip my glass to hers. “To new opportunities,” my words weigh with meaning. Reese gives me a tight smile and drinks her wine, eyes wandering around the bar as long as they’re not on me.

  We talk about work, and I tell her more about my meeting with Peyton. She bounces in her seat by the time she has her second glass of wine, the tension melting away.

  “I’d only be with them on tour for a month, opening up for a few shows, but I’m excited. It’s an opportunity to put myself in front of thousands of people. I have some songs that are mine, thanks to Hunter’s help from years of making songs together. Peyton did mention we’d get straight to work creating new music for me to have a decent set for my opener.”

  “It’s so cool. I know how hard it is to break into this industry, but I do believe this is the beginning of great things for you.” Her smile lights up her blue eyes, and her shoulders relax with each sip of wine she takes.

  “It is.” My hand finds her knee, and I lean forward. “Best part? I’ve g
ot a date with a beautiful woman in a few days.” My lips skim her cheek as I whisper into her ear. She shivers, and my dick gets hard.

  “Is that so?” She leans back to catch my gaze. Her cheeks are pink, but her smirk is dangerous.

  “Yup.” I squeeze her knee and sit back. “I’ve got big plans, too.”

  “Does she know you’re out with me tonight?” Her brow arches and her finger runs down the stem of her wine glass. I love when she challenges me.

  “Oh, yeah. I think she’s enjoying herself, too,” I wink.

  “I am.” She’s gentler now.

  “I’m glad. You want to grab some food?” I hold the menu up.

  “Honestly, if I could kick off my heels and be barefoot, I’d be the happiest girl,” she sighs and rests her arm on the top of the bar.

  “Well, I can grant that. Pizza at my place?” I don’t want to go our separate ways yet.

  “Perfect.” She finishes off the last of her wine, and I pay our tab.

  The pizza was great, but what’s even better is sitting in my living room with Reese, her feet bare and curled under her. Both of us drinking beers as we talk in a post-pizza hangover. I could spend my life like this with her. She may not see it now, but she will. Hell, I haven’t been with another woman in months because the only one I want is sitting next to me, her eyes sleepy, but her mouth talking about everything I’ll experience on tour.

  When she finishes talking, she stands to take her empty bottle and plate to the kitchen.

  “I got it.” I reach for her plate.

  “I’ll help you clean up.” She walks around me.

  “Stubborn woman,” I say behind her.

  She turns around after placing her plate in the sink. “You know it.” Her eyes light up with mischief.

  I cage her with my body, reaching around to drop my own plate in the sink, purposefully pressing into her.

  “Dex,” her warning comes out like a soft moan. I’ve been fighting with myself all evening to stay in control of my desires, but with her in front of me, I toss the fight away and push my hand into her hair.


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