Book Read Free

Promise You

Page 14

by Fabiola Francisco

  “He is,” I nod. “He was happy to see you guys and spend time with Rae.”

  “She really likes him. You know how Rae is, she loves playing matchmaker. Look at Jason and me.”

  I giggle as she uses the same words Taylor did a few days ago. “I know. She’s got quite the talent, too.”

  Cassidy Rae smirks while shaking her head. “How are you?” She stares at me.

  “I’m good. Tired. I think I’m coming down with something.” I cover my mouth as I yawn. The last couple of weeks have been exhausting between some late nights at work, talking to Dex whenever he was free, and juggling everything.

  “Well, I’ve got something for you that will make you feel better.” She bites down her smile. “Be right back.” I watch her walk into the hallway that leads to the bedrooms, curious about what she could have.

  She comes back quickly with a bag in her hand. “What is this?” I ask.

  “Open it.” She can barely contain her laughter.

  I peek in the bag, pulling out something wrapped in tissue paper. As soon as I remove the paper, my laughter booms in her home.

  “Oh my God.” I open up the apron, tossing my head back. “I can’t believe him.”

  “What is it?” Rae asks and I hold it to my chest, covering the image as I look at Cassidy Rae.

  “It’s a gift for Aunt Reese, but for adults only. Why don’t you go color in the living room?”

  “Okay,” she pouts but walks into the living room obediently.

  I hold the apron out in front of me, finding myself face to chest with a woman’s body, in daisy duke shorts and a bikini top, huge boobs.

  “He’s crazy. Where did he find this?” I look at Cassidy Rae, who can’t hide her amusement.

  “I’m not sure. We went sightseeing in one of our stops in Pennsylvania, and I think he found it in a souvenir shop. There’s a card in the bag.” She juts her chin toward the checkered gift bag.

  I fish it out and read what he wrote.

  Now we match. Can’t wait to get into the kitchen and put our cooking skills to work. Miss you.



  A huge smile takes over my face and my hands clutch my chest.

  “Do I want to know?” Cassidy Rae asks.

  I tell her about Dex’s apron and my reaction when I went over to his house for the first time. I can’t believe he found this one and sent it with Cassidy Rae.

  “That makes sense. I’ll admit I peeked into the bag and was wondering why he bought that.”

  “He’s no perv, just creative at gift giving, I guess,” I chuckle.

  “Mom, can I have a snack?” Rae walks into the kitchen, interrupting us, and I put the apron in the bag.

  “A yogurt. We’re going to have supper soon. You’ll stay, right?” She looks at me.

  “Sure. Thanks.” I place the bag on the stool next to me.

  “Yay! Can we order pizza?” Rae removes the film from her yogurt cup, licks the yogurt on it, and throws it in the garbage.

  “I made lasagna earlier. I need to warm it up and it will be ready,” she explains to her daughter.

  “I love lasagna.” And just like that, pizza is forgotten. “Do you want to try my yogurt?” Rae holds a spoonful up right in front of my face.

  I lean back, scrunching my face. “Oh, no, thank you.” I hold back a gag. “Sorry, Rae, maybe another time. My tummy’s not feeling all that great.”

  “It’s okay. I hope you feel better,” she frowns.

  “Thanks kiddo.” I rub the top of her head, her laughter bouncing off the walls.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Cassidy Rae narrows her eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure what it is. I’m fine when I eat but I feel a little nauseous at times,” I explain.

  “And you don’t know what it is?” She tilts her head, her eyebrows lifting as if I should know.

  “No. I guess a bug?” I shake my head. My routine has been interrupted with Dex being away and work, so I’m assuming it’s my body fighting for its normal back.

  Hey eyebrows fly up further on her forehead and she shakes her head.

  “What the hell?” I whisper.

  “Come with me. Rae, I’m going to show something to Aunt Reese in my room. Make sure Ada’s okay.”

  “Okay, Mommy,” Rae sings, eating her yogurt and turning her attention to Ada.

  I follow Cassidy Rae into her bedroom, my eyebrows pinched together. When she holds up a box, I sit back on her bed.

  “This is what I think you have. I’ve been there, twice.” I stare at the pregnancy test in her hands and gulp. My entire body goes hot and numb.

  “Really?” My eyes widen, my heart starts to kick up speed.

  “Only one way to find out. I always have a box on hand, so go for it.” She sits on the bed next to me. “And it’ll be okay.” She squeezes my hand. I stare at her, wide-eyed.

  It makes sense that I’ve been tired and nauseous, I never imagined I could be pregnant though. We always use protection. I take the box from her and take my time getting to the ensuite bathroom. I take a few deeps breaths before opening one of the tests and forcing myself to pee. While the test processes the results, I wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror, my eyes moving erratically while I wait.

  It’ll be okay.

  Dex and I are in a relationship. We love each other. Sure, the timing wouldn’t be the best, but… oh God. My head falls back and I close my eyes, trapping the tears that have made an appearance.

  A soft knock vibrates through the door and Cassidy Rae’s soft voice follows it. “How’s it going?”

  I open the door. “Waiting for the result.” I stare at the test when two lines begin to appear. “Well, you were right.” I scrub my forehead with my fingers. I think I’m in shock.

  “Congrats? I’m sorry? I’m not sure what you’re feeling, so I’m not sure what exactly to say.” She squats down to get a better look at my face.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve been drinking.” My heart sprints, and I begin pacing.

  “It’s okay. Breathe.” She tries to calm me, but I’m too far gone to be soothed.

  “I need to tell Dex, but I don’t want to do that over the phone. I wonder if I could see him this weekend?” I begin to ramble, thinking of different plans.

  “Stop.” The force in Cassidy Rae’s voice halts me. “How are you feeling?”

  “Scared,” I whisper on a breath and then burst into tears. Cassidy Rae hugs me, rubbing circles across my back with her hand.

  “I know how you feel. Been there done that, remember?” I nod and look at her. “You’re going to be okay. You have a family that supports you and a boyfriend that loves you. First, make an appointment with your doctor. Don’t worry about the wine you’ve drank, but don’t drink anymore. Tea will help you feel better. I’ll give you a few tea bags to take home.”

  “Thanks.” I rub my eyes.

  “As for telling Dex, that’s up to you. He’ll be home in a week and a half, so if you can wait that long and telling him in person is important to you, then do that.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, sitting on the bed, my head in my hands. What am I going to do?

  “Now, we’re going to eat lasagna, spend time with the girls, and then you’re going home and getting rest. You look exhausted.” She gives me that no-nonsense, mom glare.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I attempt to joke. “You’re going to have to teach me your ways. God, I can’t believe this.”

  “The shock will wear off eventually,” she chuckles in understanding. “Once you go to your doctor you’ll also have a better idea of how far along you are and get a medical test done. Until then, take it slow and take precautions.”

  We do what she said, head to the kitchen, warm the lasagna, and spend time with the girls. She gives me a hug goodbye when I’m ready to leave, telling me to call her if I need anything even if it’s a freak-out in the middle of the night.

  Thanking her a million times, I head home ready
to sneak into my bed. Dex has a late-night show at a bar in South Florida, so I won’t hear from him for a few hours. As soon as I drive out of their home, it hits me. I’m pregnant. Fuckity, fuck. I can’t help the onslaught of tears that hit me like an unexpected tidal wave. I gasp for air while trying to stay calm as I drive.

  Panic ensues as I think of every possible thing that could go wrong. I shake away those thoughts. I don’t think Dex is the type of guy to break things off because I’m pregnant. I sure as hell hope not.

  I get myself under control as I pull into my apartment complex. I focus on my breath before getting out of my car, looking at myself in the rearview mirror. Ready to face Taylor if she’s home, I climb out of my car and push my body toward the entrance of my building.


  My heart stops, my breath getting stuck somewhere in my lungs, and I close my eyes. Someone tell me it’s not him. I slowly turn around and come face to face with the man who shattered my heart four years ago.

  “What are you doing here?” I cross my arms over my chest.

  Knox stands before me, brown, sunken eyes searching my face. “I’m getting a divorce.”

  Chapter 24


  I sit on my bottom bunk, staring at my phone. My even breaths are a contradiction to the anger and sadness bursting free inside of me. I scroll through the article again. I shake my head, my eyes stinging. There’s no way. Is this why she didn’t pick up the phone when I called her last night? I figured it was just late and she was asleep.

  “Fuck!” I yell.

  “Hey, are you…” Mark’s head pops into the bunk area, looking at me.

  “Not now.” My words are icy, and my eyes must be murderous by the way he takes a step back.

  I read the headline again. My body shakes as I grip the metal and glass device, wishing this shit wasn’t the first thing that popped up on my screen when I looked for last night’s updates. Or that it popped up at all.

  Already moving on? Knox Bentley is spotted with a not so mysterious woman—Reese Stone, Jason Stone’s sister. Rumor has it these two aren’t strangers. Could Reese be the cause for Knox’s sudden divorce to Amelia Stanford?

  Knox, who had been living in Los Angeles for the last few years, frequented Nashville often. I guess part of his escapes into Music City was the brunette seen hugging him in the picture below.

  Take a look for yourself and tell us if you think Knoxia is turning into Kneese.

  This can’t be happening. While I’m here busting my ass to make a name for myself and make her proud, she’s running around with this douche. I have no doubt he’s the person that broke her heart. The man that made her so guarded she wouldn’t give me a chance. The man I’ve been competing against to prove to her she can be someone’s first choice. And she turns around and runs back into his arms?

  I rub my eyes with tight fists.

  “Where is he?” I hear someone yelling. People start screaming in the front of the bus, an uproar happening but I’m too focused on the image on my phone.

  “You son of a bitch.” Jason tears the curtain from its rod and charges at me. “You fucking got my sister pregnant.” We both land on the floor with a hard crash, the back of my head hitting the hard floor with a painful strike. As much as I try to push him away, his adrenaline is keeping me pinned beneath him.

  I try to shove his shoulders to get him off me when Jason punches me.

  “Enough!” Cash and Cole grab Jason, pulling him of me.

  “Don’t fucking get in the middle of this Cash,” Jason seethes.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Jason. All I know is that your sister is sneaking off with old flames while I’m here. Maybe the baby isn’t even mine.” My nostrils flare.

  “You fucker.” He comes at me again, but I’m ready this time. I push him off, making him stumble backwards, but Cash and Cole aren’t quick enough when Jason swings and punches me in the jaw, harder this time. The force pushes me, hitting my back against the corner of the bunks. I hiss at the pain but regain my posture.

  “Pictures don’t lie,” I spit and throw my phone at Jason so he can see for himself. “Maybe I’m not the man you should be accusing.” I move around them and into the living section ready to get off this bus.

  “The last thing my sister is, is disloyal,” he screams to my back. I don’t care to hear him defend his sister. He’ll always take her side, and I’ll be the idiot that fell for her. I thought I meant more to her. If even as a friend, I thought she respected me enough to break things off if she wanted to be with someone else.


  Fuck. My hand pulls the roots of my hair before raking through it incessantly. At this rate, I’ll have permanent paths marked into my hair. I walk away from the buses, crossing the street. I have no idea where to go. We’re somewhere in Alabama, and all I know is that I have a gig tonight at some bar. I couldn’t care less about it at the moment. My hand rubs against my jaw, pain shooting through it.

  I continue to walk down the street, a million thoughts streaming through my mind and none concrete enough for me to grab and make sense of all this. The only thing I’m sure of is the pain moving through me and the tears stinging my eyes. I press the heel of my hand into my chest and look around me.

  I turn back around before I get lost and fuck this up more than I have. I’m pretty sure I just ruined my professional relationship with Rebel Desire, and I can only guess Peyton is waiting for me at the bus.

  As expected, Peyton is standing outside of the bus when I make it back.

  “Let’s go.” His stoned expression should worry me, but I’m too heartbroken to care.

  “Personal life and professional life are separate. Never let your emotions get the best of you. I already spoke to Jason. He got the same speech, so this isn’t me ganging up on you. I don’t care if I’ve been managing you for twenty years or one day, I’m going to be as firm in both situations. Whatever happens in your life, you work through it with discretion. I don’t tolerate fights. You talk it out or ignore each other, but I expect maturity. It’s not my business what happens in your personal life, but it becomes my problem when your career and mine are on the line.”

  I stare at him, nodding. “You’re right. I apologize for fighting with him because of my career, but I’m not going to let someone come and attack me without defending myself.” I cross my arms and stand with my legs widened and planted firmly on the ground.

  “Like I said, Jason already heard what I had to say. This isn’t me taking sides. It is me making sure your careers aren’t damaged because of this.” Peyton doesn’t back down.

  “I appreciate that, Peyton.” I release some of the tension. It’s not his fault my life got turned into a shit show. He’s trying his best to do damage control.

  “This career isn’t pretty. It seems all fun and games when you’re up on stage, and people are cheering for you, but it can quickly turn ugly when the media gets involved. Figure out what you need to do, but you have a show today, and I expect you at your best,” Peyton leaves no room for discussion.

  “I will be,” I say and walk back into the bus. Everyone is silent when I walk in and as I stroll to the bunks, picking up the torn curtain and dropping it on the bench. My phone sits on my bunk, lit up with a new text message from Reese.

  My eyes shut, and my jaw clenches. I swipe it open, reading what she has to say.

  Reese: dex… we need to talk.

  Reese: it’s not true

  Reese: please… let me explain

  Reese: I guess call me when you want to talk

  I sense the resignation in her last message, but I’m too angry to care. She went against what we had. I might as well get this over with. I press her name on my screen and take a deep breath while it rings.

  “Thank God. Dex, please let me explain,” her words rush out as if I’ll hang up at any moment. She isn’t wrong to hurry.

  “You’re pregnant,” I state.

�Who told you?” The surprise in her voice angers me.

  “Who told me? What the fuck, Reese. That’s all you have to say?” My voice rises.

  “Please calm down.” She sniffles.

  “I found out through your brother, who charged at me, by the way. I don’t need that bullshit. Not when I had just seen a picture of my girlfriend hugging another man. The man she swore she was over.” I’m yelling at this point. “I need time. I’ll be home in a week. We can talk then for the sake of the baby,” I decide.

  “Are you serious?” It pisses me off that she has the balls to sound surprised and hurt.

  “Is the baby even mine?” I dare ask.

  A chilly silence fills the call. “You’re right. It’s best we speak when you get back, for the sake of this baby.” She hangs up.

  “Fuck!” The sound hits the small space and echoes around me. I lie on the bed, facing the top of the bunk above me. I slow my breathing, trying to gain control of my emotions.

  I’ve never been one to cry, but right now my chest is begging to break open and let the pain seep out of me like a flood.


  I walk into Southern Charm with Peyton, head down and hands lost in my jean pockets. This bar has become a staple in Tuscaloosa from what I’ve been told, and they’ve been hosting new artists for years now.

  “Hey, Dex and Peyton, right? I’m Jake, the owner. It’s nice to meet you.” He smiles at us in a warm welcome.

  “It’s great to meet you, too,” Peyton says.

  “Nice to meet you,” I repeat, shaking Jake’s hand.

  “We’re excited to have you tonight. We’re expecting a big crowd, and your EPs have sold throughout the week,” Jake explains and then shows me the stage so we can set up.

  The band and I have been quiet all day after the crap that went down this morning. I promised I’d be on my A-game and I will be. They’re counting on me as is Peyton, and I won’t let them down no matter how much I’m hurting right now.

  While we set up, Peyton and Jake talk. I don’t expect any of the others to show up tonight. Actually, I don’t expect to spend much time with them this last week. All I want at the moment is to get back to Nashville, get signed with a label if I didn’t fuck up that opportunity already, and move forward. If the baby’s mine, I’ll be there for it. I lost my dad when I was a kid, and I wouldn’t do that to my child if I can help it.


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