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Twin Spins!

Page 10

by Sienna Mercer

  That had to be the sweetest thing Ivy had ever heard and it didn’t even make her nauseous. She gazed up at Brendan, with his intense dark eyes and cute shaggy hair. Would he still love her when she was so far away? He smiled, warm and familiar. Ivy smiled back and, somehow, she had a feeling that everything would be fine.

  Chapter Eleven

  Olivia had once landed a perfect round-off back handspring with a full twist at her school’s homecoming game, but pulling off this dance had been ten times harder . . . and better! She watched Ivy line dancing with Brendan and a mixed group of goths and bunnies. I knew that she’d have fun if she gave the dance a chance!

  She only had one extra wish. Olivia squeezed her eyes shut, clicked the heels of her fabulous pink boots, and wished for Jackson to be with her. But when she opened her eyes again, she was still alone. Hey, a girl has to try.

  A sudden scuffling sound caught Olivia’s attention and she whirled around to see three girls blocking the end of the balloon archway. She glanced at the punch bowl. It was abandoned. Oh no, she knew taming the Terrible Trio had been too easy!

  Olivia rushed over to Lucrezia, Melinda and Veronica to see what was causing the fuss. ‘Can I help you guys with something?’

  Lucrezia stepped back and Olivia was stunned to see Camilla – just back from Paris and dressed as a space-cowboy character. Probably from one of her favourite sci-fi books, thought Olivia. Camilla had donned a fishbowl helmet over her Stetson, and even Olivia had to smile at her friend’s eccentricity.

  Melinda, on the other hand, looked disgusted. ‘She cannot come in looking like that.’ Melinda swished her hand over Camilla as if she were something Olivia should be able to clean up. ‘She’s not dressed for the theme.’

  Olivia frowned. ‘You guys, have you learned nothing?’ She caught Jenny’s eye from across the dance floor and Jenny headed straight over, arriving in front of the group looking as self-assured as a real, live sheriff.

  Jenny pushed her white cowboy hat down over her head. ‘Lucrezia, Melinda, Veronica, it is not your job to be refusing people entry. Your job is to attend to the refreshments.’ She pointed at the unmanned beverage table. ‘And you’ve abandoned it. Remember what we talked about?’

  Olivia nodded at Jenny. She had provided first-rate backup, but this time Olivia could tell it wasn’t going to be enough.

  ‘Look,’ Olivia stepped up. ‘Tonight is all about letting people have fun. Relax a little. Maybe you can all join the line dance together,’ she suggested, knowing this might be asking too much too soon.

  Veronica shrieked. ‘Relax! Weren’t you the one trying to dictate what theme we should have in the first place?’

  ‘Hey!’ Camilla stomped her space-inspired snow boots. ‘I will not have you girls compromise my artistic integrity. I am a fangirl,’ she shouted, through the thick plastic of her helmet, ‘and I’ll come wearing whatever I want!’

  Lucrezia raised her eyebrows at Olivia, ignoring Camilla. ‘Veronica’s right. You’re the one who insisted on this theme. What a hypocrite.’

  Olivia wanted to tear out her hair. She knew they had a point, but she’d learned her lesson since then and she didn’t want to be pulled off course again. She reached past the line of girls, lunging to try and help Camilla get in. ‘Follow me,’ she told Camilla.

  But as she reached out, Lucrezia bumped shoulders with Olivia and the three of them got caught up, staggering in a big heap towards the balloon arch. Olivia felt the arch sway behind her and Camilla landed on top of Olivia with a sharp elbow to her stomach. ‘Ouch!’

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Olivia flinched as balloons burst in loud, crackling rounds. The archway sagged crookedly, making Olivia wish she could sink straight into the floor. We’re ruining the dance! Olivia sat up, straightening her knotted shirt, scared to see how many students were staring.

  Jenny helped Olivia to her feet. ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘I am,’ said Olivia, patting down her ruffled skirt. ‘But I think my pride might have taken a few hits. Is everyone looking?’

  Jenny pressed her lips together, looking shifty. ‘No, no, not too bad.’

  Olivia’s heart plummeted. ‘Thought so.’ This made the second event today that Olivia was glad her boyfriend hadn’t been there to witness. With every ounce of confidence she could muster, Olivia walked back up to the Terrible Trio. ‘Girls . . .’ Olivia borrowed Ivy’s best death squint. ‘If you don’t start behaving, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.’

  Melinda studied her flawless French manicure. ‘See, you guys?’ It would have been impossible for Melinda to look haughtier if she was part of the royal family. ‘There’s that rule book again – coming back into play when it suits Olivia best.’

  Olivia’s shoulders sagged. She didn’t know what to do. She’d tried to reason with them. She’d tried to push back. Maybe they were right, maybe she was a dictator. Aunt Rebecca’s words echoed in her head: Stand your ground, Olivia!

  Rebecca had fought to buy back the farm. Why? Because she knew it was important. Maybe I don’t need to borrow my moves from Ivy, but from my human family instead!

  Olivia looked at the three girls, then at Camilla. Standing up for her friend had to be the right thing.

  ‘Haven’t you ever wanted to be a little different?’ Olivia asked the girls, looking them up and down for any clues that maybe they weren’t so uniformly pink through and through. Her gaze stopped at a piece of shiny jewellery. Hanging from Lucrezia’s neck was a saxophone charm strung along a thin silver chain. ‘Like perhaps wanting to play in a jazz band?’

  Lucrezia’s frown softened.

  The hem of Melinda’s skirt was uneven and Olivia realised she must have made it herself. ‘Or what about making one-of-a-kind fashion statements?’ Olivia suggested.

  Melinda let her arms fall to her side, dropping the hard glare at the same time.

  Finally, Olivia turned her attention to Veronica. She scanned every inch of her, but couldn’t spot one thing that was different. Veronica was polished from her toenails to her icy blue eyeshadow.

  ‘Oh, give it up,’ said Veronica. ‘You think we can’t see what game you’re playing?’

  Lucrezia cradled the dangling saxophone charm. ‘Actually, V, I think Olivia has a point.’

  ‘You can’t be serious. Just because you have some stupid charm and Melinda likes to make her own outfits? Please.’

  Melinda’s face got red, creating an unfortunate clash with her hot-pink get-up. ‘Don’t call her charm stupid and don’t laugh at my sewing.’

  Veronica tossed her arms up. ‘You guys are completely missing the point! Don’t you see what Olivia’s trying to do?’

  ‘No, you’re missing the point, Veronica.’ Melinda fluttered her home-made skirt. ‘I’m proud to be a little different and I like this skirt!’

  Olivia whispered to Camilla and Jenny, ‘Let’s go. They’ll never notice.’

  Together, Camilla, Olivia and Jenny slinked into the assembly hall, leaving the Terrible Trio to fight it out amongst themselves.

  ‘That was close,’ said Camilla.

  ‘No kidding.’ Olivia laughed. ‘I guess there are lots of different ways to stand your ground.’

  ‘There are, but you were amazing! You deserve a medal or something!’ Olivia thought Jenny might bounce right out of her boots. ‘Or better yet – you should be on the diplomatic corps!’ After planning this event, Olivia was pretty sure the only thing she wanted to be on was a beach.

  Olivia noticed the music had stopped. ‘Hey, who cut the sound?’ she asked, worried there might be a glitch.

  The DJ picked up the microphone. ‘There is going to be a short break for speeches. Everyone –’ he waved – ‘gather round.’

  Speeches? Olivia hadn’t included speeches on tonight’s agenda.

  ‘Did you know about this?’ she asked, turning to Jenny.

  ‘First I’ve heard of it.’

  Oh no! Olivia wrung her hands. Surely nobody wante
d her to speak . . . or did they?

  Olivia let out a huge sigh of relief when she saw their head of year making her way to the stage. Ms Starling wore a bright red bandana around her neck and her hair was the slightest bit disheveled, as if she’d been taking a few square-dancing spins around the dance floor herself.

  Ms Starling tapped the microphone to make sure it was working. ‘Firstly, I want to thank Olivia Abbott,’ she began, immediately making the temperature of Olivia’s face spike to a thousand degrees. ‘She has done a wonderful job pulling this event together, and on such short notice, too. The whole school is united.’ Ms Starling shot a significant glance at Lucrezia, Melinda and Veronica, who were busy sulking in the corner of the hall. ‘And thanks to Olivia, everyone who’s anyone in Franklin Grove is here. It’s truly wonderful.’ Ms Starling’s eyes twinkled and she clapped for Olivia.

  Soon, the whole school was joining her in applause. Whoops and cheers filled the air and the next thing she knew, Olivia’s feet were lifted off the floor. Her body pitched and tottered, but then she was up, balancing on top of her classmates’ shoulders and parading around the room. This is so cool! Olivia blinked, taking a mental snapshot. Ivy stood to the side of the hall, watching her and laughing. This was the sort of moment that Olivia wanted to remember forever.

  Perched up on her friends’ shoulders, the assembly hall looked magical. Glitter, hay and twinkling lights all came together to create the perfect effect. As the cheering parade circled around, Olivia saw a silhouette framed in the doorway. She cocked her head. He was the only one not joining in the festivities and yet she could clearly make out the outline of a Stetson. And there something in the way he stood – it seemed so familiar.

  Olivia was momentarily blinded by the flickering on of a spotlight, which settled on the mysterious figure. Her hand flew to her mouth. It’s Jackson!

  ‘Oh my goodness!’ Olivia tapped the shoulder supporting her. ‘You’ve got to let me down!’ Olivia scrambled to the ground and sprinted over to Jackson, throwing her arms around his neck. ‘You’re here! You’re really here!’

  ‘Do you think I’d miss this?’ Jackson murmured into her hair. From behind his back, Jackson pulled out a pink rhinestone cowboy hat and placed it on top of Olivia’s head.

  She felt the rim. ‘Jackson, it’s absolutely perfect! How did you know?’

  Jackson jerked his head over to where Ivy was still looking on, smiling in Brendan’s arms.

  ‘Have I ever mentioned I love having a twin?’ Olivia asked, pushing up on her tippy-toes to plant a kiss on Jackson’s cheek.

  ‘It was tough to keep this all from you.’ Jackson straightened Olivia’s hat. ‘I was sure my wardrobe manager was going to give it away when I was on the phone to you while she was helping me choose your perfect Stetson.’

  Olivia smacked her head. ‘So it really was your wardrobe manager!’

  Jackson’s forehead wrinkled in the cutest way Olivia had ever seen. ‘Who else would it have been?’

  Olivia blushed and looked away. ‘Um, I don’t know,’ she said quickly. ‘I didn’t recognise the voice, that’s all.’

  Jackson shrugged off Olivia’s comment and laced his fingers through hers. He led Olivia out to the dance floor. The singer nodded to the other band members and they switched to a slow song. Jackson curled his arms around Olivia’s waist and she pressed her cheek into his sturdy chest. Now this was what Olivia called ‘perfect’.

  She recognised the recording light glowing on Charlotte’s camera. She was filming the whole thing. Charlotte wiped a tear from beneath her perfectly applied mascara. Who knew – Charlotte had a sentimental streak!

  ‘Olivia.’ Jackson’s breath tickled her ear. ‘I can’t stay long. I managed to talk my way into one night off, but tomorrow it’s back to work.’

  Olivia kept swaying with the melody, enjoying the smell of Jackson’s cologne and the fact that there was no telephone between her voice and his. ‘I understand. I can save sadness for another day. Tonight, I’m all about the happy.’

  As the last slow notes of the song faded, Ivy and Brendan made their way over. Olivia hugged her sister. Without her, this surprise wouldn’t have happened.

  ‘Er . . .’ Brendan looked at Jackson. ‘I think this might be a sisters-only moment. Punch?’

  Olivia nodded at Jackson and the boys went off in search of Lucrezia’s famous punch recipe.

  The next part was harder. ‘Ivy, I know.’ Olivia rested her hands on Ivy’s shoulders.

  ‘Know what?’

  ‘I know that you might not be back after the summer. Your dad – our dad – he sat me down earlier today, after we were done preparing for the dance, and explained everything to me.’

  Ivy slumped. ‘Are you mad at me?’

  ‘How could I be?’ Olivia thought her sister needed to have a little faith. ‘You’re about to find out if you can become the best vampire ever. I mean, how cool is that?’

  ‘Not as cool as having you as a sister,’ said Ivy, her goth-lined eyes shining.

  As everyone danced around them, the twins shared another hug, this one longer and tighter than the last. Life was changing and for the first time since they had discovered each other, Ivy and Olivia were going to be apart.

  Will things ever be the same?

  In this intimate, at-home interview, VAMP magazine’s Georgia Huntingdon chats to Olivia and Ivy, a very special set of twins.

  Georgia Huntingdon: Thank you so much for letting me visit today! I have to ask – did you have any clue your Transylvanian grandparents were planning to come to Franklin Grove?

  Olivia Abbott: We had no idea! The first we realised was when Horatio, their butler, brought us breakfast on a tray. We were both still in our pyjamas – talk about crazy!

  Georgia: I must admit that I can’t quite picture the Count and Countess so far from home. I hear you took them to a – gasp! –

  diner. How did they react?

  Ivy Vega: Ha! Better than you’d think. The Count was totally impressed by the smoothies and I definitely saw Grandmother bobbing along to the music. Turns out they aren’t so hung up on

  etiquette as you’d think. Horatio was the one who was freaking out! He found it impossible to stand by and not help the staff clear up.

  Georgia: If I may turn serious for a moment, could I ask about your romance, Olivia? Jackson nearly didn’t make the school dance you organised, did he?

  Olivia: That’s true, but we have to remember – he’s a Hollywood actor. He was busy promoting a film and . . .

  Georgia: I know all about promotional tours. They’re a nightmare! But seriously, darling . . . Didn’t you feel just a tiny bit neglected?

  Ivy: My sister wouldn’t let anyone neglect her. Despite being so busy, Jackson made it to the dance so that that he could support Olivia. Did you see that rhinestone hat he bought her? And the

  cowboy boots? You tell me that’s not love!

  Georgia: [clearing her throat] Yes, yes. I see. Moving on . . .

  Olivia, how did you come up with the ranch theme for the dance? It was so original!

  Olivia: It’s all down to our aunt – our mother’s sister. We were visiting her ranch and it just . . . I don’t know . . . came to me!

  Georgia: [laughing] It must have been all that fresh air! Ivy, did Brendan ask you straight away to be his date to the dance?

  Ivy: Not straight away. In hindsight, I can see that he was dropping hints, but . . . I don’t know. I just totally wasn’t expecting anything!

  Georgia: I hear he bought you a unique corsage. Can you describe it for our readers?

  Ivy: It was a thistle! Honestly, he knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

  Georgia: A thistle! Isn’t that quite dangerous to wear?

  Ivy: Not if you’re careful. It was the perfect present from the

  perfect boyfriend.

  Georgia: Are wedding bells in your future together?

  Ivy: Me? In a big white meringue of a dress? That
’s so bunny – I don’t think so! Anyway, I’m far too young to be thinking about


  Georgia: Ah, yes! You have other plans. I hear that you’re going to be paying Transylvania another visit. How does it feel to be on the verge of becoming a student at Transylvania’s most elite academy?

  Ivy: Um, well . . .

  Olivia: She’s absolutely delighted! I know my sister will be a star student and make the best vampire ever.

  Georgia: I’m sure our readers will agree with you, Olivia. But Ivy – I can’t help picking up on a spot of . . . Are you unsure about going

  to Wallachia Academy?

  Ivy: I’m just keeping an open mind at this stage. I’m confident the academy will be everything my grandparents promise me it will be . . . [Long pause]

  Georgia: Okaaaaay. One last question to you both: What’s all this I hear about a royal wedding?

  Ivy: We have nothing to say.

  Olivia: [Giggling] No comment!

  Georgia: Oh, come now, girls. We’re friends! You can tell me! The rumour mill is going into overdrive. Something about a certain Transylvanian prince and a . . .

  Ivy: If you want the inside scoop, you’ll have to ask the prince

  himself – if you can get near him.

  Olivia: I’m sure you understand, Georgia. It wouldn’t be right for us to speak on behalf of others.

  Georgia: That’s very gracious of you both. So, any fat, cream-coloured envelopes arriving at your houses lately?


  Georgia: Well, that’s all for today, I think. Thank you both so much for another wonderful interview. I can’t wait to hear what you have to share with us next! A tale of wedding bells, perhaps . . . ?

  [More silence]

  Georgia: Thank you both. Bye for now!

  Olivia & Ivy: Bye, Georgia!

  In the next part of VAMP magazine’s exclusive series of interviews with the twins, Georgia does her best to persuade Ivy and Olivia to share Translyvania’s biggest story of the year – dare we suggest, a WEDDING?!


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