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Forever Mine (Westin Pack Book 3)

Page 25

by Julie Trettel

  With the tension of her mission behind us, we started to grow closer again. It was insane how much I had missed her in those weeks of distance where she kept her silence, as I had stubbornly asked, but causing a wedge between us in the process.

  Somehow the mission had helped us in the bedroom, too. She was no longer freaking out or pulling away if I got a little aggressive. It was a good thing too, because my wolf was exceedingly aggressive these days and it was rubbing off on me, too. It wasn't all bad though. I felt stronger, more secure in myself than I ever had before. Kyle had even recognized me as an Alpha to the pack council. I had been a little surprised. I had never shown Alpha signs before, but they watched for them throughout the pack. Channeling Alphas in healthy ways that allowed them to be active members of the pack without causing problems was an important process within the pack. It helped guide and direct them into positions of power. My job as CEO already gave me that, so little was changing in my life in that regard.

  Standing before the mirror, looking over my tux on what was supposed to be the greatest day of my life—at least that's what the humans said—I thought life was pretty good. Lily and Maddie had spent countless hours making this day the greatest wedding in the history of weddings. I smiled to myself thinking about it. If this was what she wanted, what did it really hurt?

  Oscar was still beyond excited. I had insisted on incorporating his adoption into the ceremony, despite my sister's protests. He was as much a part of this as Maddie and I, perhaps even more, because we both knew the only reason I had agreed to any of it was for him.

  Dad knocked on my bedroom and walked in, looking like a slightly bigger, grayer version of me.

  “How are you holding up, son?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “It's all just a formality, really. They're already mine.” My grin widened. We hadn't been able to seal our bond, but we would be legally tied to each other after today, a “real” family as Oscar liked to say.

  Mom peeked her head into the room, and immediately started to tear up. “It's time.”

  Dad went to his mate and consoled her, as he escorted her from the room before she could begin fussing over me. I said a quick prayer that my groomsmen had sobered up some. Since we were going all out, they had insisted on a kickass bachelor party the night before, and less than twelve hours ago had all been completely shitfaced—well, with exception of my best man, Oscar. Of course I didn't drink, so it wasn't an issue for me.

  “Hey, look at you!” I said, seeing Oscar in his tux for the first time. He looked so grown-up and proud, with little Z toddling after him carrying the ring bearer pillow. No, we were not allowing a one-year-old to carry the actual rings. He had fake ones tied to it and they would only be for show.

  Lily and Elise had truly gone all out. There was froufrou girly stuff everywhere. My new backyard was covered in tulle and flowers and though we had asked to keep it small, it looked like half of San Marco had shown up anyway.

  Maddie's family hadn't been able to make it, except for her sister Shelby, who was one of the bridesmaids. Collier Pack had three newly mated pairs and challenges had been scheduled requiring their Alpha. I knew the reunion of Maddie and Shelby must have been an emotional one, and I truly hoped my mate was okay. They had held their own bachelorette party and my sisters forbade me to come anywhere near her until the wedding.

  We didn't get settled into the house as we had hoped, but I did have a surprise of my own for our honeymoon night. Our new king sized bed had arrived the day before. It was the only piece of furniture in the house, but as far as I was concerned, it was the only one that mattered. The rest would be delivered within the week.

  I didn't realize I was nervous in the least, until I saw Kyle, Patrick, Chase, and Cole Anderson dressed and sober enough at least. Relief washed over me. Chase hadn't yet met Madelyn, at least not since her return. He had driven in from college late the night before to stand up for me in the wedding. I knew he would love her and welcome her to the family.

  “We're all ready, Liam. You have five minutes then we need to start walking out. Cole will lead the way,” Oscar informed me, checking his watch every few minutes to ensure we weren't late.

  “Kid, you've been hanging out with Aunt Lily entirely too much.” They all laughed, knowing it was true.

  Walking to stand in front of so many family and friends was kind of surreal and a little nerve-wracking. Cole took his place in the center and I stood off to his left with Oscar, Kyle, Chase, and Patrick lined up beside me. Music started playing and Jessica Moore walked down the aisle first, looking lovely in a light-purple dress. She was ready to explode at any second, but being Maddie's first true friend, of course aside from Lily, in San Marco, she had insisted she could make it. Elise came next in pale-blue that made her teary eyes shine brightly, followed by Shelby in some peach colored dressed. Finally, Lily made her appearance. I rolled my eyes and grinned at her pink dress with matching pink highlights. It was just so Lily!

  At last the piano and harp strummed along with “Here Comes the Bride” as Maddie began walking towards me. I heard the oohs and aahs as she got closer, obscured from my view by all the standing guests. Finally, she reached the aisle and I had a clear view of the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen. My mouth dropped open and I gawked at the vision in white gliding towards me. She was stronger, and more confident, yet still my Maddie in every way.

  “Isn't she beautiful?” Oscar whispered, and all I could do was nod.

  “Dude, close your mouth. You're embarrassing yourself,” Chase chided in good humor.

  Suddenly I got it. I understood why human men would go through all the wedding planning shit just to have this one moment. As Maddie finally reached my side, I grabbed her and kissed her as the guests around us hooted and hollered.

  Cole cleared his throat, pretending to look annoyed. “Liam, that part comes at the end.”

  The crowd chuckled, but I didn't care. In that moment it was just me and Maddie . . . and Oscar, who wedged himself between us, giving me a stern look that said I better pull it together. Maddie bit her bottom lip, trying to hide a smile, and blushed.

  “Dearly beloved, you all know I have no clue what I'm doing here, so please bear with me,” Cole started, inciting more laughter. “And you all know why we're here today, to join this family in adoption and holy matrimony. Oscar,” he started, sounding very official, “it has been petitioned and signed by the court for the legal adoption of you by none other than Liam Michael Westin. Technically it's already a done deal, but in light of the festivities, Oscar Jacob Winthrop, do you hereby take Liam Michael Westin to be your dad?”

  “I do,” Oscar said excitedly.

  “You agree to listen and obey, respect, and love this guy?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said, more seriously this time.

  “And Liam, do you take Oscar to be your son, to love and cherish and raise as your own for the rest of your life?”

  “I do,” I said, picking him up as his arms wrapped tightly around me.

  “Well, then, by no power vested in me, ҆cause like I said, it's already been filed with the courts and a done deal, I present Mr. Oscar Jacob Winthrop Westin.”

  Those present rose and clapped. Oscar glowed in the cheers. It was official. I was a father. My heart expanded just a little more at the thought.

  “Now, now, calm down. Everyone take a seat so we can get this show over with. I hear there's a buffet with a carving station that's calling my name,” Cole announced.

  I looked back at Maddie, whose nose was pink, and her perfectly done makeup was starting to streak just a little. I didn't think she'd ever looked more beautiful, so I kissed her again. Cheers went up all around. This time Kyle chimed in.

  “Might as well simmer down. This could take awhile at this rate.” To me he added, “There's a thing called a honeymoon for a reason, so keep your lips to yourself until Cole tells you otherwise.”

  I grinned sheepishly. Nothing and no one was going to ruin this d
ay for me.

  Cole cleared his throat. “Are we ready to proceed?”

  I shrugged and kissed her one more time. It was a quick, playful kiss and she was thoroughly embarrassed by the end of it, when I announced he could proceed . . . but to make it quick.

  “Man, I rehearsed this part and everything,” he said in exaggeration as he threw his notes into the air behind him. “I'll just wing it to speed things along. Maddie, do you take Liam to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish, and keep in line as best you can, yadda yada yada, as long as you both shall live?”

  She giggled. “Yes, I mean, I do.”

  “Right answer,” Cole praised. “Now Liam, you gonna love this girl with all your heart for the rest of your life? Protect and respect her, and even try not to complain too much when Lily tries to get her involved in one of her no-good plans?”

  I laughed, glancing passed my mate to my twin who was easily three shades pinker than her dress. Cole winked at her and I saw her stumble—swoon, I think Maddie would call it. I tried not to laugh as I said, “I do.”

  He called for the rings next. Maddie raised a shaky hand that calmed instantly as I took it and placed the ring she had chosen on her finger. I lifted it to my mouth and kissed her hand, hearing her heart rate increase.

  “Dude, keep those lips to yourself, we're almost in the end zone,” Chase announced, loudly enough for everyone to hear. I just grinned back at him.

  Maddie placed the ring she had picked out for me on my left ring finger and the possessive feeling that washed over me had my canines elongating.

  “Mine,” I growled, pulling her toward me as I captured her mouth in mine and really kissed her this time.

  “Close enough!” Cole announced. “Keep on kissing your bride. I now present Mr. and Mrs. Liam Westin.” To Kyle he added, “I really hope this doesn't start a trend. I think he's a prime example of why shifters never caught on to the wedding trend.”

  Maddie finally broke our kiss, blushing and laughing along with our friends and family.

  “We did it!” I announced, picking up my kid with my left arm, and wrapping my right around my bride as the band played more music and we headed back down the aisle with our wedding party in tow.

  I headed into the house and kissed my bride again, as Oscar hugged us both together, before thanking the others, especially Lily, for making it such a wonderful day. I truly meant it, too.

  The reception passed by in a blur of dances, hugs, and well wishes. I even took it well when Maddie smashed cake into my face at Lily's insistence. I never understood that tradition, and still didn't after experiencing it.

  Life wasn't perfect. The Verndari were still out there. Jacob had been concerned enough that he and Annie had decided against coming to the wedding, for Maddie's safety. There was still evil in the world, but looking at Oscar it was hard to reconcile the nightmare Madelyn had faced with the amazing outcome of my son. Mine, I thought. From that day forward he would always be my son.

  We said good night to each of our guests and looked around at the massive cleanup job we had before us.

  “No,” Lily said, doing that weird, awkward twin thing she sometimes did that felt like she was reading my mind. “We'll be over in the morning and all of this will be taken care of and cleaned up before you get back.”

  “Get back? From where?” Maddie asked.

  “No clue,” Lily said. “Liam insisted on handling that part all himself. Won't tell anyone a thing. Not even a teeny, tiny little clue.”

  “Go home, Lily,” I said, hugging her tightly and picking her up and twirling her around as she giggled. “And thank you. Really. It was perfect.”

  She had tears in her eyes and for once was speechless as she left after hugging Maddie goodbye, too.

  “So?” Maddie said awkwardly. “What's the plan?”

  I scooped her up in my arms and carried her down the hall and up the stairs. “Well, Lily's going to inevitably put a major kink in them,” I said, kicking our bedroom door open and hearing her gasp at the sight of the bed she had all but begged for and I had told her was too big for the room. “I hadn't really planned on going anywhere.”

  She looked back at me, smiling. “It's perfect. I really was dreading the idea of a car ride somewhere tonight. I'm exhausted.”

  “I hope not too exhausted,” I growled, nipping her earlobe.

  I carefully undressed her like the precious gift she was, and laid her on our bed. Making quick work of the penguin suit, I quickly joined her. I wanted to give her a sweet, beautiful moment to remember, but I had been hard since the first moment I'd laid eyes on her hours earlier. I wanted her too much to take it slow.

  “Mine,” I growled aggressively, encouraged by the smell of her arousal. She was mine, for always. We were married. It may have only been a silly human tradition, but it felt like more than before somehow, even if only in my own mind.

  I feared I might be too rough in my need for her, but she met me with equal force. I was on the cusp of what I sought most when she gasped and jumped back. I looked at her, panting in the midst of our lovemaking, but there were tears in her eyes, happy tears. Grinning, she smiled brightly, showing me a full set of canines. Nothing could have shocked me more and I didn't even fully register it until I felt her teeth sink into the base of my neck. I followed her lead and a sort of frenzy started that sent us both into blissful oblivion.

  When I finally came to my senses, she lay in my arms, sobbing tears of joy. I could feel that joy more clearly than I ever had before. Our bond.

  “Mine,” I growled, stroking and kissing her. “Forever and always. Forever mine.”



  I sat on the back deck watching Liam push Oscar on the swing. My guys, I smiled to myself. Life might not always be exactly the way we want it, but mine was a pretty good one. I had a wonderful man who loved me unconditionally. Lord knew he'd proven that time and time again. I had a smart, funny, courageous son who filled my heart.

  I was proud of how well Oscar had settled into San Marco. He might have even fit in better than me. The mystery of what he might or might not be only added to his popularity among the other children.

  There certainly were few kept secrets in Westin Pack. Kyle and Kelsey believed in open honesty with their pack, for the most part. The truth about the Verndari was still kept to only a select few, and I understood their reasoning behind that decision.

  I was worried about Annie and Jacob. They hadn’t come to the wedding, and though we’d spoken a few times, not much was ever really said since the day I rescued Raina and the shifters being held as prisoners there. I wondered if Jacob even suspected it was me.

  My parents and sisters were coming for a visit in just a week. I was a nervous wreck and had been obsessively cleaning the house for days in preparation. I guessed those extra bedrooms Liam insisted on adding to the house were going to get used after all. It had been wonderful to see Shelby again and she had stayed and been back to visit a few times, but I hadn't seen the rest of my family in over eight years. They hadn’t met Oscar yet. It was going to be a tough reunion, but I spoke to at least one of them every day. Thomas still wasn't talking to me, but I hoped he'd come around eventually.

  Lily was coming over tomorrow to help me prep some meals for their visit so I wouldn't have to spend all my time in the kitchen, though I already knew Mary was planning to have us all over at least one night. She loved cooking for a crowd. Me? Not so much, but I could learn. My kitchen skills would never be gourmet, but my cooking was getting better and my guys had no complaints, at least not that they'd admit to me. Who knew running a house was so much work?

  As I sat there, contently sipping a steaming cup of coffee and smiling to myself, I thought back to all we'd come through, and all we had to look forward to. I was secretly hoping to make Oscar a big brother soon. I had finally made an appointment with Micah, the local physician, who had seen no physical reasons I couldn’t get pregnant aga
in. I hadn’t told Liam yet, but knew he would be over the moon about it. He was so good with kids.

  I shifted in my seat and my back began to itch. I scratched it, not giving it much thought. A few minutes later it started to kick in. I tried to think back through everything I had eaten that day. Nothing seemed off, but I knew I was about to have another allergic reaction. I was already rubbing my back against the chair, trying to find some relief.

  I had battled these hives for as long as I could remember. Jacob had had every allergy test he could think of run on me, and nothing. They always came back fine. I wasn’t allergic to anything as far as the tests showed, yet I would still get these awful hives requiring massive doses of Benadryl to cure. It always knocked me out and I hated the groggy feeling I'd wake to.

  "Oh no," Oscar said sadly, walking towards me hand in hand with my handsome husband. "Looks like we won't be going to the movies after all."

  "What are you talking about? Of course we are," Liam assured him.

  "No. Look. Mommy's having the allergies again," he informed him. "Mommy, want me to get your medicine?" Then he turned to Liam to fill him in. "The medicine makes the itchies go away, but it always puts her to sleep for a really long time.

  Liam watched me curiously "Sweetheart, how often do you get these, uh, itchies?"

  I sighed. "At least once a month, sometimes more. They've been happening a lot since we got here."

  He closed his eyes and looked like he was biting back a smile. "And do you know what triggers them?"

  "No. It's suspected to be a food allergy, but we've never been able to determine exactly what. All the tests come back clear." It was the truth.


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