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Colorado Christmas (Service & Submission Book 4)

Page 6

by Megan Michaels

  “Let’s get these cute panties off of you.” Maxim hooked his thumbs into the sides and eased them over her bottom, the elastic stretching over her rounded globes. Once past the crest off her buttocks, the panties slid gracefully down her long legs, pooling on the tops of her feet.

  “Bend over and hand them to me, girl.”

  When she didn’t move, he quirked an eyebrow at her. “Your answer is to be ‘Yes, Sir.’ If I am to speak again, you get spanked.”

  She stooped over to retrieve them, dangling them on her forefinger.

  He put them into the breast pocket of his shirt. “Now, turn around and bend over.”

  He slapped each cheek — hard. She quickly rose, her hands reaching behind her to cup each cheek where a new red handprint was already blooming.

  “Go stand in front of the fireplace and wait.”

  Maxim crooked his finger toward Inga, waiting for her to stand in front of him. He skimmed his finger along the elastic edge of her panties. “Inga, these boy shorts are very pretty on you. They are simple, but elegant — just like their owner. Too bad they have to come off.” She grabbed the hem to prevent him from pulling them down.

  Garrett spoke up immediately. “Missy, you mind him like you do me, or you and I will be having a serious discussion after his spanking. I’m thinking that’s not something you want, right?”

  “No, Sir. I don’t.”

  Maxim pointedly looked at her hands still holding tightly to the elastic. When Garrett started to rise, Maxim held his hand up to stop him. He lowered his voice, saying softly, “Inga, hands on your head. I do not repeat myself without consequences.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, pulling her shaky hands to the top of her head. “Good girl.” He slowly — very slowly — pulled her panties down. They momentarily stuck to her sticky labia before snapping down, a wet spot showing on the gusset, her spicy scent filling the air.

  “Your girl likes a little fear, yes?” He winked at Garrett.

  “Oh, yes. She’s always dripping during a punishment. I’m assuming it’s the same this time too.”

  Maxim nodded, showing him — and everyone else watching — the damning evidence of her arousal. Inga groaned, her head down.

  He swiveled back to her, frowning. “Turn and bend over as Caroline did.”

  Inga slowly pivoted, bending over.

  “Wow. Looks like someone got spanked last night.” Maxim fingered the stripes on her ass. “Appears you were caned, Missy. Yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What were these for?” He pressed deeply, testing the pain level of the fresh stripes. Her bottom waggled on one bruised area; he’d avoid striking there.

  “For swearing at Preston in Swedish and raising my voice at him, Sir.”

  “Yes. It appears that you have trouble with keeping that sassy tongue in line.” Maxim applied two hard swats to each cheek. “Next time, no commentary. I was talking to your husband. You were to be quiet. Go stand in line. Next.”

  Avery padded over to him. Raising an eyebrow at Preston, he pointed to the open hearts on the front of her thong. “May I?”


  Maxim skimmed his finger over the baby soft skin poking through the hearts, tracking with the pad of his finger the shape of the hearts until they stopped just above the entrance to her sex. Her hips thrust involuntarily, and he grinned at her. “You too are aroused, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “But are you afraid as well?” His finger skated over her belly, tapping her there. “Do you feel butterflies here?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. You should.” He hooked his fingers into her panties, pulling them down. Before he could request that she retrieve them, she’d bent over and handed them to him.

  He tossed them back onto the floor. “You will only move when I tell you. I am in charge, not you, girl. Yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Maxim sat down with his hands clasped between his knees, staring at her quietly. “Turn around.”

  She slowly turned so her bottom faced him. He made her stand for a while with no direction, letting her feel unsure, anticipating his next move. He slapped each hip, leaving a handprint on the side of each cheek.

  “Bend over, and stay bent over.” She obeyed, her anus became exposed mere inches from his face. He slapped the center of her bottom four times. She rose up onto her toes to keep her balance. “Do you think you will follow directions?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Pick up your panties.” He kept her bent over for an uncomfortable — very quiet — thirty seconds. “Stand and hand them to me before returning to the line with the other bad girls.”

  She joined the rest of the women, who all exchanged wide-eyed looks. “I want you all to turn and bend over with your hands on the hearth, legs shoulder width apart.”

  Maxim and the men stared at the beautiful asses in front of them. Soft, bare pussies peeked from underneath the plump, white globes, each anus clearly visible. Once again, Maxim thought how different each woman’s buttocks and pussy were. Some were small, narrow, pear shaped, plump, firm and athletic, while others could be delicately narrow, fleshy and puffy, shaved or unshaved. Yep, when looking at women naked, the variation displayed whetted a man’s appetite.

  “Gentlemen, I am putting extra punishment in Caroline’s puckered hole. She knows that disobedience gets extras. I’ll be right back.” He stood, moving to the kitchen and opening the refrigerator.

  Preston and Garrett both walked by him, on their way to their rooms. Preston spoke for both of them. “We’ll be adding punishment to their bottoms too.”

  Maxim returned to the living room, hearing Caroline and Avery whispering.

  “No talking,” he said, sliding the finger of peeled ginger into Caroline’s pussy, gliding it through her juices, transferring the essence of the ginger onto the sensitive flesh. Soon, the burn would increase, growing more intense by the minute. “This figging will remind you who is in charge, and who makes the rules. Who makes the rules, Caroline?”

  “You do, Sir.”

  “Do I? You did not remember this on slopes, no?”

  “No, Sir. I didn’t remember... well, I did remember—” She stopped, sighing loudly.

  Feeling little resistance, he pressed until it was completely inserted, the ring of muscle tightening around the neck he’d carved into it, forming it into a curved flange at the end.

  “This will help you remember, no?” He twisted the ginger.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Preston came in, holding a long, white kitten tail along with a very large plug. Then Garrett returned too, with a tube of ointment and a glass butt plug in his hand.

  “What is in the tube?” Maxim pointed to the green tube in Garrett’s hand.

  “It’s ointment for muscle pain.” Garrett gave him an evil grin. “All natural, but stings like hell in the ass.”

  “God, I need some of that.” Maxim slapped Caroline’s haunches. “You may dislike that more, girl.”

  Caroline let out a long, slow whine, looking over to the other two women. Garrett shoved two fingers into Inga then, working in the ointment.

  “Oh, Master!” Inga stamped her feet. “It burns already.”

  “Disobedience has consequences.” Garrett coated the glass plug with the bright pink heart shaped jewel on the end, pushing it into her dark entrance. “Inga, don’t fight this.” Garrett drew it out, pressing insistently yet again. “Exhale, Missy. Bear down again.” The plug slipped in, the pucker closing tightly just before the jewel.

  Maxim smiled at Garrett. “It works faster than the ginger. She is already unable to hold still.”

  “And that, my friend, is why I’m using that exclusively.”

  “Now, to put your tail in so you don’t feel left out, Avery.” Preston squeezed lube onto the large black plug attached to the silky, long tail.

  Avery muttered, “No danger of that.”

  Preston acted as if
he didn’t hear her, but Maxim certainly did, barking, “Girl!”

  Avery jumped, looking over her shoulder at him. “Yes, Sir.”

  “You forget that this is still my punishment. You are never allowed to mutter or speak out of turn during my punishments. Apologize to Preston.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Maxim looked over at Preston. “Would you be willing to use that ointment on Avery too? Or can she not use that?” He didn’t want to step on Preston’s toes. She was, after all, the man’s wife, but Maxim wanted her to pay a penalty for her sassiness.

  “No reason whatsoever.” Preston said. “Hey, Garrett, throw me that tube. Maxim’s right, she deserves a little fire for what she did and that damnable mouth of hers.” He caught the tube in one hand, squeezing a generous dollop onto his fingers.

  “Preston—” Avery dragged his name out on a whimper as he pushed the lubricated fingers into her.

  “Avery!” Maxim shouted her name, turning to Preston. “Does she sass all day long?”

  “It seems that way, but you didn’t see her when I first received her. Jesus, it’s taken a lot of sessions to bring her where she is now.” Preston coated the plug, pressing it against the tight pucker. “You know what to do, kitten. Open for your tail.”

  Maxim shook his head. “You are patient man, Preston.”

  He wasn’t sure how he’d handle a woman like that. He’d never been attracted to the sassy type. He preferred his women more docile. Caroline had been the sassiest of the women he’d been with — and some days it had him fit to be tied.

  Preston easily shoved the plug, large as it was, into his wife’s bottom. He obviously didn’t exaggerate about keeping Avery plugged often. The tail, full and bushy, hung to her knees. Maxim never thought he would be attracted to a tail, but obviously he’d been wrong. His cock pounded relentlessly just looking at it.

  But he needed to get on with this punishment — and think about Caroline wearing a tail later.

  “Gentlemen, let’s go wash our hands and I’ll continue with this punishment for these bad girls.”

  Chapter 11

  “Turn around and face me.” Maxim stared at the women, his hands clasped behind his back. “You all understood the rules. You agreed to them.” He pointed to Preston and Garrett. “We all heard you.”

  The women’s watery eyes followed his every movement. “I want to know who it was who made the decision to go to harder slope.”

  He stood patiently, waiting for someone to offer a name or confess. But no answer came. “Speak!” He shouted it, making them jump. “I will spank whoever I think it is unless someone speaks up.”

  Again, everyone stared at him silently.

  He snatched Avery by the elbow, sitting on the end of the coffee table, and tossing her over his lap. Her long tail hugged the seam of her ass and sex. Reaching down, he grabbed the silky appendage and moved it up onto her back, tugging on it until she groaned.

  There was no lecture, no discussion — only his hand raining down sharp, fast smacks onto her very pale buttocks. He slapped her over and over, from mid-thighs to the top of her bottom. She tried evading him by rocking on his lap, and then reaching to cover her behind. However, he slapped her hands so hard, that she shook them in the air, screeching with every harsh spank.

  “Stop! Stop! It was me!” Inga ran forward, attempting to stop the punishment, pulling on his arm unsuccessfully. He swatted Avery twice more simply to prove the point that a little slip of a woman was not going to be allowed to interfere with any discipline he meted out

  He pulled Avery up to a standing position. “Go sit with your husband and let him comfort you for a bit.”

  He crooked his finger at Inga. Once she stood between his knees, looking at his shoes, he physically turned her around until her pear-shaped ass faced him. “I believe I told you that you’d lose your bra if there was disobedience or breaking of the rules. Lying — even if it is by omission — constitutes breaking a rule.” He unclasped her bra. Her hands came up, clutching the silky fabric to her breasts. He grasped her elbow, pivoting her around to face him once more.

  “Let it fall,” he growled.

  She closed her eyes briefly, a single tear tracking down her cheek. She let go, the straps sliding down her arms, the bra gliding to the floor. Her peach colored nipples and areolas were eye level, soft and lush.

  Good sign. She’s not excited.

  Although part of him wanted to seek permission from Preston to stroke the soft peaks in front of him, he focused on her misbehavior instead.

  “Ne boysya sobaki, shto layet, a bosya toy, shto molchit, da khvostom vilyayet.” He stared at her quietly, realizing quickly that everyone was looking back at him, waiting for a translation. Maxim cleared his throat. “Sorry. It means ‘Don’t be afraid of dog who barks, but be afraid of the one, who is silent and wags its tail.’ It is the quiet and friendly ones that are trouble.”

  Garrett laughed out loud. “You definitely have that right, Maxim.”

  Inga glared at her husband until Maxim pinched her chin between his fingers.

  “So, bad girl, tell me why you broke rules on slopes today.” He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest, interested in what story she’d relay to him.

  “We... I was bored. Everyone was bored.” She gave a pained expression to Caroline. “I’m sorry, Caroline.”

  “It’s okay—”

  “Nyet. You only talk to me.” He pointed a finger at Caroline. “Next time you break rule and talk, bra comes off, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Preston whistled low. “Jesus eff, dude. You’re brutal. Christ, no wonder she doesn’t sass you.” He raised his hands in surrender. “I’m not criticizing. I’m learning, I need some of this in my life.”

  “We all need this in our lives.” Maxim let his gaze course slowly over Inga’s body, letting the humiliation settle into her spirit. “Naughty girl, tell me. What did you want to do when you were bored?”

  “I wanted to ski on the harder slopes. I was an instructor in Sweden, and I knew she was ready to do the more difficult runs.” She pulled her pink lip between small white teeth.

  He raised his eyebrows at her, leaning forward enough that she backed up a step. “Tell me, girl. Did you have permission to be in charge?”

  “No, Sir, but I—”

  “Nyet. No explanation. No, you are right. You did not have permission. Were you told that if you broke rules you would be spanked like this?” He motioned to the women behind him.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He cupped her face with his thumb and forefinger, staring at her. “Why did you talk the other girls into trouble?”

  “I guess because I didn’t want to do it alone. I knew she could do it. And she did!” She brightened at that, as if somehow the success of the gambit made it okay.

  Maxim reached around, slapping her left hip twice in succession. “That does not make it right. She could have been hurt, and it was my decision, not yours.” He leaned around Inga to address the others. “And you two followed her. Just did as she asked?”

  Avery and Caroline both mumbled, “Yes, Sir.”

  “As instigator, you will be spanked first and you will receive two spankings.” He stood up, patting the gleaming oak wood table. “Kneel on this, bottom facing your friends.” Inga knelt on the wood, looking to him for further instruction. He scooched her forward so her knees were near the opposite edge. “Now, I’ll help you. Put your hands on the floor.”

  Her brows knit together as she looked to first Maxim, then Garrett.

  Garrett dropped his voice. “Do as you’re told, Inga.”

  She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. Maxim wrapped both hands around her waist steadying her until she had both hands on the floor.

  He turned to the men who were sitting facing the table — a perfect view for them. He patted both of Inga’s cheeks. “This is good position. It keeps her from moving too much, or becoming unbalanced. She cannot bring her
hands up to protect her ass, or she will topple over. And it keeps her from being able to clench her muscles, keeping her skin tight. If you try it, you will see it is a good position for cane or belt.” He tapped the jeweled pink heart butt plug. “When this isn’t here, you can also play with her ass best in this position.”

  “Avery,” Preston said. “Please go to the kitchen and get me an implement from the spoon drawer.” She quickly crawled off her husband’s lap, exiting the room. Maxim suspected she was even less enthusiastic about retrieving the implement, than she was about the men staring at her ass.

  She came back with a small wooden utensil, a spoon with a hole in the center.

  Ahhhh, stirring spoon. Good choice. You thought it would hurt less than a big spoon, but you were wrong. This little spoon?” Maxim waved it in the air. “It hurts like hell. Inga will be sore little girl tonight.”

  He tapped the spoon on her almost white bottom, the areas he’d slapped earlier still blushing a faint pink. “Why are you getting this evil spoon on your backside, Inga?”

  “Because I talked everyone into going on the other slopes, and because I was the ringleader.”

  “That’s right. Ringleaders who break the rules, get spanked twice.”

  Although in this position her skin was taut, her fleshy, plump globes still wobbled when struck with the spoon. He made sure to keep the pattern random, varying the strength of the swats as well. She tried rocking back and forth on her knees, but struggled to keep her balance that way. He moved the swats down to her thighs, using less force on the sensitive area. Her screeching let everyone know that the spoon was having an effect on her nonetheless.

  He paused, listening to her shaky breaths, her breathing accelerated. “You will listen to rules for rest of vacation, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Your pussy is weeping. Do you find this exciting, girl?”

  Preston and Garrett leaned forward to get a better view of her pussy.

  “Oh, God! No Sir.”

  Garrett’s low chuckle rumbled from the couch. “Yep. This is very normal for her.”


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