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Colorado Christmas (Service & Submission Book 4)

Page 9

by Megan Michaels

  Garrett stroked her arm. “We should really get you upstairs for a nap. You didn’t sleep that well last night and the skiing today has worn you out. It’s important that you sleep when you’re tired during the first trimester.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Garrett, please—”

  “No. Do not roll your eyes at me. I’m serious. You need rest. I think one of the first things I’m going to purchase is a punishment log for this pregnancy, it looks like you’ll make that necessary.” He wagged his finger at her, shaking his head. “No arguments.”

  He stood, pulling her to her feet. “Tell your friends goodnight.”

  She sighed. “Goodnight, friends.”

  “Yep, I’ll need that punishment log, all right,” Garrett muttered.

  Maxim shouted up to them as they ascended the stairs. “Your tux and dress should be hanging in the closet. Set your phones to wake up and get dressed before our ride arrives at four-thirty for the Christmas Chalet.”

  “Will do, Maxim!” Garrett gave a thumbs up over his shoulder without turning around.

  “I think we should all follow suit and take a nap,” Maxim said. “We will be having a fun evening of food, drink and dancing. Resting would be in our best interest at this point.”

  Chapter 15

  Maxim took her breath away. Stunning as he was normally, seeing him in a black tux, white dress shirt and Christmas red tie literally had left her unable to walk or talk.

  “You okay, Caro?” He rushed to her. “Do you feel dizzy?”

  “No, Sir. I’m fine. You’re just… hot in that tux.”

  He grinned at her, that lopsided grin that made her belly flip and had his dimple showing on the right side. “Oh yeah? Does that mean I may get lucky tonight? I think I’ll be having my way with the lucky girl, turning her ass as red as her dress.”

  He pulled her to him, grinding his hard cock against her, the gush of juice from her sex dampening her panties before they could even leave the house. “Maxim. We need to go downstairs or we’ll be late — and a certain someone told me if I was late again, I’d be whipped.”

  “Well, then by all means, let me make you late.”

  She’d slapped at his shoulder. “Maxim, we need to go!”

  He laughed, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Don’t push me, girl. You might find yourself getting spanked sooner than your bottom would like.”

  Things had just become serious. The last thing she wanted was to be spanked this soon. “Yes, Sir.”

  Caroline and Maxim were the last to enter the great room before their ride to the Christmas Chalet. The men and women were all bedecked in their Christmas regalia, everyone looking spectacular. The women were in either red, or red and white accented dresses. Christmas red. That was how Caroline would have described her silk dress, long and flowing with bare shoulders. Maxim had put her day collar on, a delicate silver chain with a heart shaped ruby stone that matched her dress perfectly. She’d been tempted to put her hair up off her shoulders, but Maxim loved her hair down and he’d begged her to keep it that way, the weight of it cascading down her back.

  The men all had black tuxes with red ties, just as Maxim did. Inga’s dress was beautiful, a full length red satin dress done in a princess cut with accents of white. A pale ribbon was under her breasts with white piping on the three quarter length sleeves and around the neckline. The flowing material from the bodice down kept her comfortable, she had no doubt. Inga had said that even though she wasn’t far — along only ten weeks — things were already started not to fit. Maxim had thought of everything.

  Avery had a full length red chiffon dress with a column neckline, with ruching of the fabric on the side of the dress between her waist and breasts. With her dark hair and hourglass figure, the dress was absolutely stunning.

  Caroline found herself almost giddy with excitement about this surprise dinner Maxim had planned for them.

  “Before our ride gets here, you women will need coats.” He went to the closet and pulled out three hangers that held beautiful long-sleeved white faux fur coats that went to their hips.

  “Oh my, Maxim. You did this for us?” Avery turned to Preston, her eyebrows furrowed.

  “Maxim, let us help pay for some of this,” Preston said. “This is way too exorbitant.”

  “We will hear of no such thing. This dinner is something I planned to surprise my future wife and to thank you all for this wonderful vacation. Please, it is our pleasure.” He handed them the coats, the men helping their women into them.

  It was at that moment that Caroline heard Christmas bells. “Listen! It sounds like Santa.” She giggled. The sound came closer and closer, and she walked to the window just as a covered sleigh pulled up in front of the chalet. It was shiny red with lit lanterns on the front and rear, the horses decked out with red reins accented with large, brass bells. It was something right out of a Christmas storybook.

  “M-Maxim? Is this our ride?” At that comment, Inga and Avery rushed to the window.

  “Yes, I thought it would be nice to take a little sleigh ride. It isn’t far, and they said they have heated blankets and foot warmers inside to keep you warm. If you do not want it, we can call taxi.”

  “A taxi? Are you fucking nuts?” Avery threw a hand up to her mouth, her eyes widening.

  Maxim stalked over to her, pinching her chin in his hand. “Do you wish for spanking so soon, naughty girl?”

  “N-no, Sir. I apologize, Sir.”

  “You will watch your mouth tonight, or I ask for permission to whip your backside, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean no, Sir. I won’t misbehave. Yes, I’ll watch my mouth.” Avery wrung her hands in front of her. Caroline felt a little bad for her, the woman looking truly frightened under the Russian’s scrutiny. But if anyone knew how Maxim could bring that out in a woman, it was Caroline.

  “Good.” He released Avery’s chin. “We all now know that Avery wants to ride sleigh. How do you all feel?”

  Everyone agreed that the sleigh ride would be perfect. Once inside the sleigh, they bundled all the women with blankets, the foot warmer under their feet for the cozy romantic ride to the Christmas Chalet.

  * * *

  Nothing prepared Caroline for how beautifully the Christmas Chalet had been decorated. The windows, tables, and ceilings had twinkling white lights, cast the whole space in dim, muted light. The far side of the room was dominated by a huge fireplace with pine boughs lit by more of the white lights. On either side of the fireplace stood ten foot Christmas trees, decorated in white and colored lights with red, silver, and gold ornaments of varying sizes. The women shuffled into the room, mouths hanging open, taking it all in. The tables had two foot white, spindly trees at the centers, again decorated with white lights and white and silver ornaments. Every table had a large pillar vase filled with water and the same silver, gold, and red ornaments with floating white lit candles. White linens covered the tables and chairs with red napkins in ornate gold rings accented with a miniature red Christmas ornament. Red and white plates were nestled together at each seat.

  Caroline took his hand. “Maxim, this is... delightful. You and Murray did this?”

  “Well, no, my dear. I may have asked that it be decorated, but all of this.” He swept his arm through the air. “This is all orchestrated by Murray and his friends.”

  Murray walked up behind them all. “I take it you all like it then? Was the ride pleasant?”

  “It more than meets expectations if the silence and open mouths are any indication,” Preston said with a chuckle. “I haven’t seen Avery speechless — ever. This has her beyond words, right kitten?”

  She playfully slapped his arm, turning to address the chef. “Murray, you outdid yourself. I can’t believe what you’ve accomplished in this short time.”

  The man coughed, looking toward Maxim. “Well—”

  “I have something to confess,” Maxim said. “It hasn’t been a ‘short time’ at all. I’ve been orchestrating this
with Murray since I found out where we were staying — and since Caroline and I became engaged.”

  Caroline’s head whipped around “What?” She walked up to him, linking her arm with his.

  “I hope I’m not sorry. But I know how impatient you are, and for the first time I can recall in a long time, I’m feeling impatient myself. Caroline, let’s get married. Right now. Here. Murray is a Justice of the Peace, and has agreed to do it. We can have a huge reception with your gorgeous wedding dress. Hell, we can even do our wedding over again in New York City, if you like. But let’s get married here, in this gorgeous chalet, with our friends. You look like a dream and I can’t think of anything more romantic than marrying you on Christmas Eve.”

  Caroline watched his gorgeous brown eyes brighten with tears. How’d she find this romantic man? Someone who loved her completely, foibles and all. It’d been difficult for him, no doubt. She was rough around the edges, her natural defense against the strength of feeling Maxim stirred within her. In the end though, he’d penetrated her every defense, making her his own. He’d made her a better boss and a better friend, disciplining her until she curbed her tongue and sarcasm. He’d blistered her ass when he found out about the purging and anorexia that she’d been dabbling in again. He took great lengths to attend therapy with her to overcome it, watching her like a hawk, implementing proactive routines to prevent her from backsliding into it again. His strict, harsh punishments kept her on track. But more than all of those, his love and acceptance had helped her in her struggle to overcome her illness. He didn’t just love her, he adored her. And she readily admitted that she couldn’t wait to marry him, to become Caroline Turner-Volkov.

  “I’d love to marry you here. And if I can wear my wedding dress in New York with a reception, I’ll be okay. My parents and family would kill me if I didn’t have a huge wedding out there.” She threw herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Let’s get married!”

  Maxim kissed her neck, while everyone clapped, looking on.

  Maxim shouted, “You heard the woman, Murray, let’s start this wedding.”

  Murray left the room, returning with a woman who wheeled in the bouquets for the women, and red and white rose boutonnières for the men. Caroline’s bouquet was an array of white and red roses with green pine branches, berries, and holly leaves. The women had bouquets of red and white carnations with the same berries and pine branches.

  Murray ushered them to the fireplace, starting the ceremony, the fire behind them, the ceremony flanked on either side by the huge lit Christmas trees. Caroline couldn’t imagine anything more romantic.

  “Love between a man and woman which matures into marriage is one of the most beautiful types of love. Today, we celebrate that kind of love. We ask for blessings for this couple, Maxim and Caroline, in their marriage. And we ask that they both be surrounded by love and light in this Christmas season, and always.”

  “Hand your bouquet to one of the women, Caroline, and then hold Maxim’s hands.” She handed her bouquet to Inga, and placed her hands in his, marveling again at how his large hands dwarfed her own.

  “Maxim, do you take Caroline to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her until the end of time?” He handed him Caroline’s wedding band.

  “I do!” Maxim smiled, his dimple showing as he slid her wedding band onto her finger “Caroline, this holy Christmas season has deep meaning. It is season of love and giving. You are the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received, and I take you as my wife this day. I promise to love you, honor you, cherish you, protect you, and to be faithful to you for as long as we both shall live. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Murray handed Caroline his ring. “Caroline, do you take Maxim to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and obey him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him until the end of time?”

  “I Do!” She slid his wedding band onto his finger. “Maxim, you too are my precious gift. When we celebrate our anniversary each year during this most beautiful of all seasons, it will always have special meaning as we remember this day when we gave ourselves as gifts to each other. Now, as I take you as my husband, I promise to love and honor you as long as we both shall live. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Murray smiled at both of them. “The author of this passage is anonymous but I feel it fits this day:

  I often get asked the question: Is there anything more beautiful in life than a young couple clasping hands and pure hearts in the path of marriage? Can there be anything more beautiful than young love? And the answer is given: Yes, there is a more beautiful thing. It is the spectacle of an old man and an old woman finishing their journey together on that path. Their hands are gnarled but still clasped; their faces are seamed but still radiant; their hearts are physically bowed and tired but still strong with love and devotion. Yes, there is a more beautiful thing than young love. Old love.”

  Murray reached out, clasping a hand from each of them in his own. “This is a blessing for your love to become ‘old love.’”

  Maxim reached into his front breast pocket, pulling out a beautiful silver chained collar with a heart-shaped padlock about an inch in diameter. The lock was embellished with a ruby stone in the upper right. Pulling the key from the pocket too, he opened the padlock. “Kneel, Caroleena.”

  She gracefully went to her knees in front of him, giving Murray a quick glance.

  Maxim chuckled. “Don’t worry about Murray. He’s a Dom too, and I might add was very disappointed that he missed the group punishment yesterday.”

  Her face immediately flushed just thinking about Murray watching their naked bodies being figged, plugged, paddled, switched and then plugged again. She would have been mortified.

  “Caroleena, I want you as my wife. But I also want you as my slave, yes?

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Repeat after me,” he instructed.

  “I, Caroline Turner Volkov, herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things to Maxim Volkov.

  Caroline repeated the words in her soft, smooth voice.

  Maxim continued reading. “His girl, his wife, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases.”

  Maxim then placed it about her neck, snapping it shut with a click.

  “I am yours, Master,” he said, and she repeated.

  Maxim extended his hand, helping her to stand.

  Murray smiled, quietly congratulating both of them, before loudly addressing them and their gathered friends. “Maxim and Caroline. Since you have both promised to give yourselves to one another and to love each other through your sacred vows, the giving and receiving of your rings, and the collaring of your slave, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May the Christmas season always be a reminder to you of the vows you have spoken today, and may your love so endure that its flame remains a guiding light unto you forevermore. Congratulations, you may seal your marriage with a kiss!”

  Maxim pulled her to him and his soft, warm lips enveloped hers, finalizing their marriage as husband and wife.

  Murray raised his hands, looking out at their friends. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. & Mrs. Maxim and Caroline Volkov!

  And on cue, We Wish You A Merry Christmas started to play.

  Chapter 16

  Murray had given both of them the keys to the Christmas Chalet, as a gift from him for the next three days as a honeymoon of sorts. Afterward, they would rejoin their friends at the Chalet.

  The whole upstairs was a huge master suite with Jacuzzi and hot tub. Maxim had helped her to take off her dress and then whistled, circling her like a hawk. “I like these panties, girl.”

  “Do you?” She grinned, giggling, watching him chew his lip, the bulge in his pants growing quickly.

  “Yes, Caro. And you know it, bad girl.” She had on a bright red lacy jeweled G-str
ing with a deep front and back V-shape. The narrow lace strips rose over her hips, dipping to the top of the crack of her ass with a delicate pink satin bow, but it was the front that had him enraptured. The red lace straps dipped down to her mons, and there were half inch silver open circles with clear rhinestones, each circle attached by a string of rhinestones that slipped into the seam of her sex.

  He slid his finger through the hole at the top, positioned right over her clit, tapping the little bundle of nerves lightly. Caroline gasped, stiffening in his arms. He skated the pad of his finger over the jeweled ring, following the beads to the next circle and doing the same. He worked his finger through the tight seam of her sex, the silky inner lips slick with her juices. He slipped out, gliding down to the next circle, this one positioned at her entrance. He pushed his finger into her, pumping vigorously, the moist sounds of her excess juices filling the air along with her spicy scent. Her hips thrust in response, and she bore down upon his fingers, urging him to go further into her.

  “I think I need to get my wife out of these.” He hooked his thumbs into the lace, stretching it over her buttocks, letting the panties glide to the floor. He turned her in order to undo the clasp, letting her bra glide to the floor as well. “Get on the bed, knees up and splayed, waiting for me.”

  She quickly climbed onto the bed, lying on her back as he requested, making sure her legs were wide open, knees bent. She watched as Maxim took his clothes off, his muscles rippling under the white dress shirt as he slowly undid the button, his abs and pecs coming into view with each undone button. He tossed the shirt onto the dresser, moving into her view, slowly undoing his belt, slipping the tail through the buckle, easing the tooth out of the hole. Grasping the buckle with his left hand, he pulled it out of the loops quickly, the leather slapping against the cloth. She closed her thighs, squeezing her clit, then quickly opening them again, obeying him, despite her struggle to keep her hips still.


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