Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1) Page 13

by Nikki Landis

  She had stayed in my lap all day, and I knew she missed me when I was gone.

  The guys were downstairs, hanging out in the kitchen. I smiled at the thought of the two of them raiding the fridge. Mom knew at least Pete would be over so she had stocked up on snacks. I was about to tease them when my doorbell rang.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, opening the door.

  Two men dressed in baggy jeans, black shirts, motorcycle jackets, and combat boots stood in front of me. They were older, maybe in their thirties. Huh, were they lost? This wasn’t quite the place for a motorcycle club or the neighborhood they’d be cruising. Covered in tattoos, chains hanging from their belt loops, they screamed trouble. An uneasy feeling worked its way into my stomach. This couldn’t be the Outlaws. I was certain of it.


  So who were these guys?

  “Is Charles here?”

  I shook my head, “You want me to give him a message?”

  One of them stepped forward, “You alone little girl?”

  That uneasy feeling nearly became panic, “Uh, no.”

  He smiled. A cruel look entered his eyes, “You lying to me?”

  I backed up and bumped into a hard body.

  “You doubting my girl?” Pete was behind me, “Vader’s not here.”

  The tallest one laughed. He eyed Peter with humor and quickly dismissed him, “You give him that name?”

  My chin rose in the air like I was defiant. So not true, “I did.”

  Both men laughed. The one who stepped forward a moment ago let his eyes travel over the length of my body, “You like to play?”

  Peter stiffened as his arm slid around my waist, “I think you should leave.”

  “Or we can party,” R.J. was leaning against the doorjamb, sharpening his long hunting knife. His shirt was swept aside revealing the gun tucked into his waistband.

  Tense silence stretched around us for more than a minute.

  Finally the taller one laughed again and turned to leave, “Tell Charles the MC says hello.”

  Peter and R.J. didn’t move until the motorcycles had pulled away and disappeared out of sight. I saw the logo on the back of their jackets. Satan’s Outlaws. What the hell could they want with Charles?

  “Inside now.”

  R.J. nodded, his eyes scanning the neighborhood as Peter yanked me into his arms.

  Once the door was closed and locked behind us, I shoved him back, “What are you not telling me?”

  “Baby, there’s no need to be upset.”

  I glared at him, “Don’t call me baby. I’m not an infant. What the hell is going on?”

  R.J. shrugged, “He’s right, no harm done Rae.”

  “Don’t you lie to me too R.J.,” he received my cold stare. “Not you. We agreed at the hotel.”

  He swallowed hard, “We did.”

  “Why do you both have guns in my house? I thought I was safe.”

  R.J. opened his mouth but Peter beat him to it, “To protect you.”


  “Danger,” Peter barked the word through clenched teeth. “I said we should have stayed back at Mack’s cabin, but you insisted on coming home.”

  I sighed, exasperated with the entire situation, “No shit I’m in danger.” On a Sunday afternoon? In my house? From Satan’s Outlaws MC? Why?

  I thought the issues were mostly resolved.

  “Now Rae,” R.J. warned, holding up his hands, “don’t get pissed. We’re only looking out for you.”

  Pete shook his head, “Life is dangerous. Let us protect you, Rae.”

  “You had guns at the drive-in too,” I pointed out. “Then all that mess at the cabin. You said not to worry. Do you always carry them?”

  R.J. nodded, “Yes.”

  “Why are Satan’s Outlaws coming to my door?” I folded my arms across my chest. “Tell me. Now.”

  Neither one answered.

  “Start talking,” I stared down R.J. first and then Peter.


  Dammit. I wasn’t kidding, “Fine.” I walked to the door and opened it. “Leave.” If they weren’t talking, then they weren’t staying.

  Peter shook his head, hard, “No, Rae.”

  “I said leave.”

  R.J. pulled Pete toward the door, “We’ll go Rae.”

  Pete was beyond angry, “I’m not going far.”

  He never did. I knew that now, “I know.”

  Pete shook free from R.J.’s grip and crossed to me quickly. His lips met mine as he crushed me into his embrace, “You can’t be alone.”


  He kissed me again but gentler, “I’m coming back.”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  R.J. yanked on Peter’s arm, “C’mon. Give her some time.”

  My eyes met R.J.’s sympathetic gaze. He winked at me and I found it hard to stay angry with him. Pete, I could stay angry with forever. Sighing, I blew out a breath, “Thanks.”

  “Sure thing honey. Text if you need us.”

  Peter’s jaw clenched. “I’m coming back,” he repeated.

  I sighed, “Don’t.”

  “Damn Rae. This isn’t the fucking time –”

  R.J. placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, “Pete.”

  They exchanged a look. Peter stomped out of the house as R.J. followed.

  What was up with the two of them lately? Best friends one moment and worst enemies the next.

  I shut the door loudly, making sure it was locked. Sighing, I slid to the floor, drawing my knees up to my chest. Tears slipped down my cheeks, dropping onto the fabric of my jeans. I hated secrets. I wasn’t a child. Peter better stop treating me like one. Or else.

  Why did everyone always act like I’m some helpless little girl who couldn’t defend herself or handle tough situations?

  “I wish you were here,” I whispered, thinking of my father. “You always knew exactly what to say and do, and you never treated me like I was helpless. I miss you.”

  The garage door began to open. Vader and mom were back.

  Before I had to endure their company I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. All I wanted was to close my eyes and forget this afternoon and my argument with Peter. Lately everything seemed to spiral out of control around him, and I hated the fact that I was unable to stop it.

  “Shhh, don’t scream.”

  I spun, my eyes widening at the gun pointed directly at my head.

  “Don’t move, little girl.”

  Chapter 23

  I paced in the backyard, refusing to leave Rae’s house, even for a second. My boot kicked at the lawn, clumps of grass and dirt flying up in the air. I was pissed, but it was more than my anger that was eating me up inside. I could sense Rae’s sad and frustrated emotions. My chest was aching with her pain and I wanted to run inside to her and take it all away.

  “Pete. You can hardly blame her for getting angry.”

  Pacing faster, clenching my hands into fists, I nearly growled at him, “We can’t tell her. Not yet. She won’t understand.”

  “I disagree.”

  I spun and walked up to R.J., toe to toe, “Don’t push it.”

  “I don’t answer only to you so remember that,” R.J. took a step back but it wasn’t in a pussy ass defeat, he wanted to keep us calm which still pissed me off anyway. “We’re best friends but don’t expect me to take your bullshit. Rae is my responsibility too.”

  Running my hand through my hair in agitation, I was only a slight bit sorry, “She’s making me crazy.” I shook my head and began to pace again, “I can’t think around her bro.”

  “You’re letting yourself get too close. I told you to wait.”

  I laughed humorlessly, “And you think I haven’t tried? I’ve wanted to tell her how I felt for the last three years R.J.”

  “I understand that, but now she’s in greater danger, and you’re too close. You’re gonna get one of us killed.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

>   The garage door opened as Rae’s mother and Charles returned home. We slipped around the side of the house out of view. I felt a sudden moment of panic in my chest and hardly had time to blink before I realized it was Rae. Standing beneath her bedroom window, I heard a scuffle and then a man’s deep voice.

  “Shhh, don’t scream. Don’t try anything either, little girl.”

  “Rae,” we spoke in unison and exchanged a look, both of us scurrying to her rescue.

  R.J. began to climb up the tree. I grabbed the awning and pulled myself up, catapulting my body onto the roof. I crept along, crouching until I was directly underneath the window sill.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” Rae’s voice wavered slightly, but she was calm.

  “You’re coming downstairs with me so we can have a chat with your stepdad.”

  “That jerk is no relation to me.”

  The man laughed at her response, “Move sweetheart, nice and slow.”

  Slowly I inched my way up until I could see into the room. Rae was walking into the hall with one of the two men from earlier. The shorter guy. The one who looked at her like she was his next meal . . .

  And he had a gun pointed right at her head.

  Anger flashed through my brain, firing a string of curses in my head. If that bastard tried to touch her . . .

  R.J. gestured for me to go in first. I slid inside my gun in hand, and crept slowly forward. R.J. was close behind. We swept the room and cautiously entered the hall. Another sweep and the upstairs was clear. Leah was still asleep in her crib. R.J. closed the door silently.

  “Well Charles, isn’t this a nice surprise?”

  There was a scramble, muffled voices, and then silence.

  “That’s better. No one has to get hurt.”

  R.J. met my gaze and we nodded, deciding to split up downstairs, each taking a side. We could surround the living room from the two exits with only the front foyer and windows to worry about. Making hand signals and gestures, we crept along, until I could see the biker’s back.

  Rae’s wide, frightened eyes found mine, but she managed not to let the recognition show on her face.

  Well done baby, I applauded in my head.

  Charles was arguing with the intruder, “Devlin, this is not necessary. I was coming to the clubhouse tomorrow.”

  “A bit late for that now, isn’t it?”

  “My family doesn’t have to be involved.”

  “Your family?” Rae shrieked. “I hate you!”

  “Rae!” her mother scolded. “Enough! This isn’t the time.”

  Rae shook her head, “No, Mom. He did this. We’re in danger because of him!”

  I frowned and shook my head at her. Don’t be stupid, I thought, please.

  Devlin laughed, “I like her. Why don’t you let me take her and work off some of that debt?” He sauntered over to Rae and hauled her to her feet. “You a virgin baby?”

  Rae stiffened as I saw red. Pissed off and ready to jump in any moment, I was fully comfortable with shooting that asshole right between the eyes.

  “Don’t touch my daughter!” Rae’s mom stood as Charles pulled her back down on the couch.

  “Devlin my stepdaughter isn’t going anywhere. Why don’t I call Striker?”

  Both Devlin and Rae continued to stare each other down.

  “Answer the question sweetheart.”

  “Go to hell,” Rae spat, her cheeks flushing.

  Devlin pulled her in roughly and kissed her, right on the mouth.

  “Take your hands off me! I’m not some common whore,” she yelled, incensed. Her hand rose as it formed a fist and clocked him right in the jaw.

  Fuck. I groaned inwardly. She was going to get hurt. R.J. was gesturing frantically to get my attention. He looked positively livid.

  “I like it rough honey. You’re coming with me.”

  Rae shoved him back, “Fuck off!”

  Devlin smacked her across the mouth, blood spurting from the side as he split her lip, “Watch it girl, or I’ll put that pretty mouth to a different use, and I can guarantee you’ll be unable to talk.”

  Rae’s eyes widened then hardened in disgust, “No thanks.”

  Charles was calling someone on his cell. A voice answered the phone, deep and cheerful, “How’s it going, Charles?”

  “Striker, I’m more than happy to come to the clubhouse right now. No need to hold my family hostage.”

  Striker laughed, his deep voice chilled me to the bone as it echoed in the quiet room, “Why would I do that? Surely you could have cooperated long before now.”

  “My fault. I was lazy. Forgive me, Striker.”

  Devlin was listening to the conversation with interest, but I caught his eyes roaming over Rae constantly, “Boss? Want me to bring in the girl too?”

  “Do I need to do that Charles?” Striker let the question hang in the air.

  “No, I can come right now. No worries.”

  “Dev, bring Charles. Put me on speaker.”

  “You’re already on Pres.”

  “Sarah and Rae?”

  “Yes?” Both women answered.

  “Charles will be gone for an undisclosed amount of time. We have some things to discuss and clear up. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call the police.”

  “We won’t,” Sarah assured him.

  “I certainly hope not, because if the police or anyone else is informed, I’ll have to send Dev to pick up Rae . . . and she won’t be coming back.”

  Devlin’s eyes lit up as he grinned at Rae.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I was trying to rein myself in, but murder was an option if that asshole tried to touch her again.


  Dev tossed the phone back to Charles, “On our way.”

  “Good,” Striker answered before he hung up.

  I moved back into the shadows with R.J. and hid long enough for Devlin and Charles to leave. Only once I heard the Harleys pull away did I run into the living room.

  Sarah was holding her daughter tight, trembling. Rae appeared shocked, her face pinched and pale.

  I pulled her from her mother’s arms, intense relief flooding my system. R.J. yanked her close next, crushing her in his embrace.

  Sarah stood, running up the stairs as Leah cried from her room.

  “I’m fine,” Rae whispered, her voice shaking. “I’m fine.”

  My arms surrounded her slowly, concerned at the glassy look in her eyes. She was not fine.

  Chapter 24

  I couldn’t seem to stop shaking. My whole body shivered like I was freezing, but it had to be the adrenaline. I wasn’t cold at all. I don’t remember how I got upstairs. Did I walk?

  “Shhh, baby,” Peter was holding me in his arms, leading us over to the bed. “Everything is going to be alright. You’ll see.”

  I didn’t answer, tired of hearing him say that when it wasn’t true.

  The next time he told me I was going to go off on him.

  “She’s in shock,” R.J. blurted as Pete shot him a shut the fuck up glare.

  The first thing I noticed was my body overheated. I lifted my t-shirt over my head and tossed it aside, leaving my tank. My jeans hit the floor next. “I’m hot,” I complained, walking to my window and pushing it all the way open.

  “You want anything, Rae?” R.J.’s voice was soft.

  I shook my head, distracted, “No.”

  Wincing, I noticed the pain in my lip. It throbbed like a bee sting and was hot and swollen. Peter led me into the bathroom where he picked up a washcloth and ran it under warm water. A tick in his jaw revealed his anger as he pressed the cloth to the corner of my split lip, “I’m sorry.”

  There wasn’t space in my head for apologies or secrets. Not now. I could only stare at him, unable to respond.

  His hand cupped my cheek, “I know.”

  He always knew how I felt, perhaps even before I did. For once, I was grateful for that, “Pet.”

  Without hesitation he lowered his
head and nuzzled his nose to mine, and then I was lifted as he carried me back into the room, curling his body around mine protectively. My shaky hands gripped his shoulders tight and slid around his neck. I didn’t miss the way his voice caught when he whispered close to my ear, “I’ve got you. Always.”

  “We’re here Rae,” R.J. assured me, his eyes holding a combination of anger, concern, and love.

  As if the thought only occurred to me right this moment, my eyes darted around the room in fear. That biker Devlin had been here. I could still smell the faint stale stench of his cheap cologne and cigarette smoke. Before I could stop them, tears filled my eyes and slipped down my cheeks.

  “Baby, I’m here,” Peter whispered and lay down next to me on the bed, his hand holding mine.

  R.J. walked toward my bedroom door, obviously thinking it was time to leave.

  “Don’t go R.J.,” I begged him.

  He paused as his eyes met mine, uncertain, “You want me to stay?”

  I lifted my hand as he approached the bed, “Yes, I’m scared.”

  R.J. slid next to me as I picked up his hand and held it. He sank to the bed on my left, opposite Pete and clenched our fingers together. I lifted my eyes to Peter, hoping he understood, “I need you both.”

  He kissed my forehead and nodded, “Rest now. We’ll both stay.”

  I sighed, the tension leaving my body, as I sought to escape reality.

  If only that were possible . . .

  I WAS RUNNING, FAST and hard, pumping my arms and laughing, speeding past the tall, dark-haired man and a beautiful blonde woman who stood close by their hands intertwined. Her smile was kind and patient, her eyes glowing orbs of emerald green that brightened when she caught me.

  “My little Peter,” she cooed, clutching me to her chest. “I love you so much.”

  “Mama,” I laughed, tugging on her hand and pulling her away, “I want to play.”

  “I know you do my little son, but it’s not safe. Not today.”

  Sulking I began to pout. She never wanted to play anymore, “Please?”


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