Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1) Page 12

by Nikki Landis

  Tucked into the surrounding forest, the private property behind the inn was sectioned off and gated. I managed to find a hole in the fencing big enough to stash the bike out of view, even if someone was searching for it. Now I could only hope that the Outlaws didn’t find out Rae and I were here.

  I turned to check on Rae and smiled completely in awe of her, as I always was and probably always would be. She was out, sleeping deeply and unaware of any danger. I longed to crawl back into bed with her, but I knew that denial and longing would once again be my daily companion, so I thought it best to stand guard as long as possible.

  Texting Pete, I let him know the situation and where we were located. The Outlaws didn’t leave for several hours, but none looked in my direction even once. The only thing I could surmise was that they were clueless that Rae had left the safe house.

  Someone had tailed us from the highway though, and I was curious to find out who followed us to the hotel. Not the Outlaws. Not Beckett or Shane. Too soon for Peter or any of the RRMC.

  Mack? It was possible.

  Maybe he sent someone to tail our group. For safety? Hell no, probably because he was a nosy fucker. Mack made a habit of knowing everyone’s business.

  Close to dawn I climbed back into bed and slipped my arm around Rae. As my eyes fluttered and closed, I smiled, hugging her body tighter as I relaxed. All too soon I had to take her back to the safe house, but for the next few hours I would enjoy the feel of her in my arms and hope that it was enough to sustain me for a long time to come.

  “R.J., wake up.”

  I felt a soft little nose nuzzle my own.

  “Wake up sleepyhead.”

  My eyes shot open as she laughed. “I’m starving. You need to feed me,” she giggled, slapping my arm, “and you snore too much.”

  “Sorry my love,” I answered groggily, pulling her in for a kiss. She turned her head as my mouth pressed against her cheek instead of her lips. I wasn’t surprised. Her reaction was one I expected, but I wanted to tease her anyway. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

  She smiled, shaking her head, “Nope.”

  I laughed, “You’re so beautiful I can’t take my eyes off of you for any real length of time if you’re in the room.”

  How did Rae never notice?

  “I don’t know how I missed that,” she admitted.

  “I was just thinking the same thing. Silly girl.”

  The sleek purr of a Nova rumbled gently outside, and I knew our time was up. Selfishly I wanted to refuse Pete, but I couldn’t do that. Rae was his girl. Not mine.

  Goddamn that was painful.

  “Pete,” we both said at the same time.

  Neither of us moved as a hard knock sounded on the door.

  “I’m tempted to strip you down, lay you in the bed, and leave the bathroom in only a towel as he enters,” I growled. I hated how possessive Pete could be about Rae. I never minded sharing her, but Pete wouldn’t have it.

  “You wouldn’t,” she giggled, covering her mouth.

  Oh, I would.

  “Open up R.J.”

  Peter’s voice sounded anguished, but I could feel his anxiety and fear. He probably thought I said too much, but I wasn’t stupid. Rae had a limit to the amount of shit I could tell her about our lives and the MC. No way would I let our girl be in any danger I could prevent. Pete needed to remember that.

  I scowled as Rae sighed. It was too early in the morning for an argument, yet I knew it was unavoidable.

  “This is my fault, I’ll take the brunt of it.”

  “Don’t be a martyr Rae. I left with you, and I’ll have to answer to Pete,” I reminded her. She didn’t know it, but I was beholden to Peter “Edge” Harding. I answered to him and my actions affected not only our trio of best friends but the entire MC.

  Fuck all the politics. I was tired of taking orders and getting nothing in return. Just once I wanted to stake a claim on something I wanted. But Rafe dictated how shit went down, and even Pete knew better than to press his luck.

  Mack’s protection only went so far.

  “Open up!”

  This was going to be awkward.

  I opened the door and stepped back as Peter walked in the room. He didn’t say a word but went straight to Rae and fell on his knees before her, “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and I knew she wasn’t going to forgive him easily.

  Good for her. Make him sweat it out a little.

  “Why don’t I give you both some privacy?”

  “Fine,” they spoke at the same time.

  With a small chuckle I left and went to retrieve Jake’s bike.

  Noticing the clear lot, I hoped we weren’t being watched or followed anymore but I couldn’t be sure. Something felt off. The rivalry between the MC’s was an old feud, but shit was a lot crazier than I would have thought. Pete wasn’t in the mood to hear my opinions right now, but he’d have to get over his shit soon enough.

  There wasn’t any other choice.

  Chapter 20

  “I’m sorry doesn’t forgive everything,” I pointed out, the moment Peter dropped to his knees in front of me and apologized.

  “I’m aware of that, but baby my heart is just breaking right now and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “You behaved like an ass.”

  “I just said I was sorry,” he reminded me softly.

  “Why aren’t you angry?” I asked, wondering what he was up to. Peter was too calm. I expected him to storm into the room and yell at us. He didn’t, although I noticed he ignored R.J. completely.

  “I overreacted before and look where that got us,” he sighed and stood, sitting next to me on the mattress. “I sort of lost my shit after you left. Forced me to think long and hard about our relationship. I don’t want to fight with you Rae or argue and play at silly games. I love you,” he whispered softly and cupped my cheeks in his hands, “try to forgive me for being an overbearing ass who just wants to protect you and keep you safe.”

  “Pete,” I whispered back, my voice catching, “I love you too –”

  His lips met mine and effectively cut me off. I moaned slightly at the level of passion that radiated from his muscular frame, falling back as he draped over me with his muscular body, his lips trailing across my jawline in searing kisses that branded me as his with every pass, “You’re my baby, my one and only.” He kissed me again as he pressed my arms above my head, grinding his hips into mine. “I might claim you Rae, but you own me body and soul too.”

  “Oh Peter,” I didn’t say anything else because I knew his words were the truth. Now I only felt guilty for my night with R.J., and that wasn’t right either. He was important to me too. “I love both of you. Surely you know that.”

  “I do,” he admitted, “but I also know that you’re only in love with me.”

  He was right. My feelings for R.J. didn’t rouse the same level of hunger deep in my soul or make me tremble with delicious anticipation. Only Pete affected me with a longing that nearly stole my breath. “You’re right,” I acknowledged, shaking my head, “I’m so in love with you it’s frightening.”

  A wide grin lifted the corners of his mouth in a sultry smile, “And that reason, right there, is why we’re perfect for each other Rae.”

  I yanked my hands from the hold he had on my wrists and grabbed his head, pulled it close to mine, and ran my tongue along his bottom lip, “If you want me Pete, you have to be willing to share everything, not just what you want.” I nibbled lightly with my teeth and heard his answering grunt. “Love me all the way or not at all.”

  For a moment I was swept away at the level of intensity that shone in his eyes and then his lips were back on mine, his hands began to roam the curves of my body, and his hips drove into mine as he groaned, “I want all baby, every little bit. Every piece of you, it’s all mine.”

  Both of us were so lost in passion we didn’t hear R.J. return. A throat cleared as Peter jumped fr
om the bed and pulled me with him, my hand clasped firmly in his strong grip.

  “We’re good. Time to go back to the safe house.”

  “Surely I can go home now, right?” I asked, my eyes darting back and forth between the two.

  “No Rae, honey,” R.J. spoke up, “I saw the Outlaws here last night. They’re still looking for us.”

  Peter stiffened and began to walk quickly toward the door like he remembered the danger for the first time, his hand clenching mine so tightly it went numb, “Rae needs secured now. We end this shit tonight. I’m going to pay a visit to Striker.”

  “Who the hell is Striker?” I asked, wondering if he was another biker.

  Neither answered me.

  R.J. followed us out the door, yelling for Peter, “That’s stupid. We need to discuss this Pete.”

  “I don’t have to discuss shit with you R.J. You proved that yesterday.”

  No one said a word as we climbed in the Nova. R.J. started Jake’s Harley as I caught Beckett in his truck across the street. The seatbelt buckled around me before I realized Pete had done it.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Are we being followed?”

  His jaw pumped a few times before he answered, “Yeah, pretty much nonstop.”

  “So how are we going to make it to the safe house?”

  “Not sure yet, but Beckett has a plan.”

  “And R.J.? He’s vulnerable on that bike.”

  “Then I guess he should have thought about that yesterday,” he snapped.

  I sighed, “You can’t punish him forever you know. He took his chance and now we all know the truth. What’s so bad about that?”

  Peter was watching the road and checking his mirrors, but he managed a quick glance in my direction, his foot pushing a little harder on the accelerator. The Nova lurched ahead as we merged onto the city streets as the speed increased.

  “Nothing is wrong with the truth Rae, but how he did it, now that’s a problem.”

  I braced my arm against the door as we took a sharp right turn, racing down Frontier Street.

  “Hold on baby!”

  Peter flipped a fast U-turn at the next light and slammed his foot down on the gas.

  “What’s happening?” I screeched, falling over on the seat.

  Pete pushed me down with his right hand, “Don’t sit up Rae. We’ve got company!”

  “Shit!” I cursed as the seat belt cut into my side. I’d have a bruise later, no doubt about it.

  “Fucking hell!” Pete yelled, swerving the car from left to right. “They’re right on us Rae. Just stay down!”

  Chapter 21

  Peter pushed on the gas again, driving the pedal practically into the floor with his boot. Multiple motorcycle engines revved behind us among several gunshots that seemed to ricochet off nearby buildings. “Pet?” I asked, terrified that a bullet would hit him while I was in the car.

  What the hell was going on? Gunshots and car chases in the middle of the day? We weren’t in Providence, but that didn’t seem to matter. No place was safe!

  “I’ve got this baby. Don’t worry!”

  Um, worrying was all I was doing right now. How did this happen?

  I screamed as I felt an impact hit the right rear bumper of the car and Pete fishtailed, the Nova spinning in a full circle before he gained control, and then we were off again as he gunned the accelerator.

  The chase was on.

  “I’m going to fucking kill Bryce. The bastard!”

  Behind us I heard the heavy guttural engine of a Harley and hoped R.J. wasn’t hurt.

  “What hit you?” I asked, trying to keep low.

  Pete swerved the car to the right and turned quickly, his boot still heavy on the gas, “Another car. Son of a bitch who hit my dad’s Nova is gonna pay.”

  “I thought the Nova was yours.”

  “It is,” he shook his head, “It’s the only damn thing he’s ever given me that he loved.”

  I nodded, understanding. Pete’s dad was a hard man. Mack had a reputation as someone not to mess with. Even I knew that, although I couldn’t think of a single reason why that instilled so much fear.

  “Better try not to wreck it then,” I commented dryly when he hit a curb and smashed the left door with a metal trash can.

  “Shit!” he cursed, grumbling under his breath.

  I tried not to giggle, but I think the combination of adrenaline and fear was nipping away at my sanity.

  “Rae,” he exhaled, frustrated with my obvious humor.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted, trying to cover my mouth with my hands and hold on to the seat at the same time. “Are we still being followed?”

  Pete glanced in the rearview as I watched his shoulders relax. His voice was less clipped than before when he answered, “Stay down Rae, but I think we’re good.”

  Behind us the Harley revved its engine and then pulled up to our right as we stopped at a red light. R.J. gestured to me with a frown. Peter nodded, seeing his look of concern, “She’s safe bro.”

  R.J. winked in my direction and then ticked his head forward, gesturing west to Peter. I knew the freeway led out of the city to the west since that’s the route R.J. took on the bike. Sometime later I noticed the only sound I could hear besides the radio was the Harley. I checked the mirror and couldn’t see anyone but R.J. and normal traffic.

  “Peter, what happened to the truck?”

  “Beckett implemented his plan.”

  “Which was?”

  “The sheriff caught up to Bryce.”

  Huh, interesting. Was he arrested now? “What about Beckett?”

  “He’s good honey, I promise.”

  “So we’re safe?” I asked, sitting up and rubbing my neck where it was stiff.

  “Not really,” he sighed, “but I suppose it’s the best I can do for now. Why don’t you lay back and rest? We’ll be at the cabin, nice and safe, soon.”

  I wanted to argue that I wasn’t tired but the truth was the adrenaline had peaked in my bloodstream, and now I was left exhausted from the stress and excitement.


  Peter had the car door propped open with his leg and was reaching inside for me. I had a moment of déjà vu when I remembered how I arrived here the first time. Snug in Pete’s embrace, I was carried into the cabin as R.J. followed closely behind.

  Before I could say a word, Hayley came running toward us and tackled me in the fiercest hug I’ve ever had from her since that fateful day we met so many years ago. My bestie since we were little kids and the school bully tried to steal my Wonder Women lunch box. Hay was the one who punched him that day and set him straight. We’ve been inseparable ever since. She barreled into Pete as he laughed and staggered against the onslaught but kept us all upright.

  “I’m alright Hay, honest.”

  “Don’t you ever scare me like that again Rae Elizabeth Stenson! I’ll kick your ass!”

  I burst out laughing and shook my head, “I honestly think you could!”

  “Damn straight,” she retorted, but her laugh was one of relief.

  “It’s ok Hay. We made it back in one piece.”

  Peter snorted, “Not all of us.”

  Hay shot him a look of impatience, “What happened?”

  “Somebody hit the Nova.”

  She arched a brow, shaking her head in amusement, “Damn thing is made of solid lead. I doubt its hurt bad.”

  “Gonna take us weeks to repair the damage,” R.J. chimed in.

  “Fuck you,” Pete spat, glaring at R.J.

  “What’s your problem? Rae deserved to know the truth.”

  “By running away with her? Not caring about her safety or comfort? You were reckless R.J.!”

  “She was safe enough with me,” he argued, “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to her.”

  “And if they would have found you? You think you could have protected her alone?”

  “Fuck you, Pete. I ha
d it under control.”

  Best friends fighting and all because of me was ridiculous. “Stop it!” I yelled, wincing as my head began to pound.

  Peter hugged me tighter, angling his body so I was away from R.J, “You fucked up. We’ll discuss this later. It’s upsetting Rae.”

  Jake sauntered over and slid an arm across Hayley’s shoulders, “Stop it with the pissing contest. I don’t care who has a bigger dick.”

  I burst out laughing with Hay as she squealed, Jake picking her up and heading down to their room, “Catch you all later. I want time with my girl.”

  R.J. sank onto the loveseat, his eyes fluttering in fatigue.

  “I’ve got watch tonight,” Peter managed between clenched teeth. He didn’t try to hide his annoyance. “Go get some sleep, Rae. I’ve got this baby.”

  I shook my head, “Not without you.”

  Two minutes later I was snuggled on the couch after Peter tucked me in, “Night baby.”

  I thought I heard the guys talking as I was drifting asleep and hoped they worked through their issues. We didn’t need inner conflict on top of everything else.

  Chapter 22

  The next morning I asked to go home. The guys wanted to insist I stay but I was adamant. Pete admitted he was staying in contact with my mom and she wanted me to come home when I could. She was worried and thought I would be safer with her than off with Pete and R.J. in the middle of nowhere. She was kind of right about that. Peter’s stare was little too hungry at times, even if I liked it. Supposedly Charles was behaving better, and Leah was probably missing me. I missed her and my mom. All of this craziness wasn’t going to stop just because I went home to see my family.

  Two weeks later the chaos seemed to be settling. No weird confrontations. No late night visits in my room from Charles. The house was civil and everything seemed under control. Noticing my mother’s stress, I decided to convince her to leave and go on a date night with Vader. Maybe he would actually show her a nice time. She needed it.

  Step-Vader and mom went out for the afternoon, and I spent time with my little sister. A nice change of pace that left me home to enjoy R.J. and Peter’s company and forget the anxiety of the last weeks. After watching Beauty and the Beast with Leah, singing along to the movie, making her lunch, and tickling her until she couldn’t take anymore; I put Leah down for her afternoon nap.


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