Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1) Page 24

by Nikki Landis

  Chapter 41

  Now that Rae and I were together I needed to make shit clear with the RRMC, specifically Rafe. He wasn’t going to react well when I showed up with her at the clubhouse. It had been years since all of the shit went down with the Riders and the Outlaws, but it didn’t change Rafe’s opinion. He would be difficult if not outright dangerous.

  I pulled my bike into the parking lot and cut the engine, turning to my girl.

  “The clubhouse? Why are we here Pete?” she beat me to it, her eyes on the front entrance and the RRMC emblem painted on the doors.

  “I need to notify the club we’re together and talk to Rafe. He’s not going to like it, but I don’t care. If he wants me to step down as V.P., I will, but that takes a vote. I expect he’ll call Church.”

  “Church?” his face scrunched up as I laughed.

  “It’s just a meeting with all of the members. Church is where we decide shit and how it goes down. No one leaves until we’re all in agreement.”

  She pursed her lips together like she tasted something sour, “I suppose you could be in there a long time.”

  “Maybe, depends on what we’re voting and why and how pissed everyone gets,” I chuckled, taking her hand and leading her toward the club.

  She halted me and tugged my hand. I turned to Rae, hoping she wasn’t going to change her mind about us now that we were here, “No matter what happens I’m here Pete, for good, so remember that.”

  In relief I placed my hands on her cheeks and lowered my head, kissing her hard and deep, “Baby I wouldn’t allow anything else.”

  Satisfied, her fingers gripped mine and we walked through the door.

  The moment I entered all voices stopped, the crowded room looking back and forth from me to Rae and our clenched hands. She held her head high, looking each RRMC member in the eye and dared them to say a word to her. I smirked, knowing my old lady was strong and fierce.

  Nobody was fucking with her, that much was clear.

  I’d have words with anyone who tried.

  The quiet was broken sharply when two things happened. One, Hayley walked into the main room and saw Rae. She squealed like a loud animal and ran in Rae’s direction, calling out her name. Two, Rafe yelled my name and stood, shoving the petite blonde bunny off his lap. Her ass hit the floor, and with a surprised grunt she scurried away. His gaze was locked on us as I pushed Rae behind me and growled out, “Rae and I are back together. Get over it, Rafe.”

  He opened his mouth to reply, a thunderous look of rage on his face when the sound of motorcycles filled the air, the heavy roar of multiple hogs on the lot all at once. Rafe bolted for the door as the other Riders followed, guns drawn and expecting trouble.


  This was bad timing. I yanked Rae over to Hay and barked out an order, daring either of them to argue, “Take Rae in my room and lock the door. There’s a gun in the top dresser drawer. Protect yourselves and don’t let anyone in that room unless it’s me or Jake.” I tossed my keys to Hay and she caught them, nodding.

  Before Rae could protest my lips crashed down on hers and then I spun around, running for the door as Jake joined me, rushing outside as the rest of the RRMC stood their ground. I didn’t expect what I saw, and my heart jumped into my throat as Bryce’s crumpled frame caught my attention.

  My brother was lying on the ground, bloody and beat up, moaning loudly as Striker smiled cruelly in my direction.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  HAY WAS YANKING ON my hand, pulling me down the long hall of rooms and into a corridor that led to a locked door. She reached for the keys and unlocked the door, both of us inside as she locked it again in a hurry, “Find the gun Rae, we’ve got to stay safe.”

  I snapped into action as I heard the sound of voices raised in anger outside. Sinking onto Pete’s bed I opened the nightstand’s top drawer. There, nestled inside, were five wrapped packages with my name written in Peter’s bold script on top. I pulled each one out as I completely forgot about the gun.

  “Found it!” Hay exclaimed. She was by my side instantly, her arms around me in a too tight hug. “Where the hell have you been girl? I’m gonna kill you for staying away so long. Pete was a total wreck without you.”

  I sighed, “Witness protection, remember?” My eyes dropped to the packages in my lap, “I didn’t want to leave Hay.”

  “I know babe,” she reassured me, “I’m just giving you shit. I can’t believe you’re here!”

  I managed a small smile, but I was shaken by the realization that Pete had bought me birthday presents every year we’d been apart, “Hay, have you seen these before?”

  Her eyes widened as she gaped at the packages and shook her head, “No luv I haven’t. Isn’t that fucking adorable? He bought birthday gifts for you while you were apart.”

  I stood abruptly, dropping the packages as I began to pace. My foot bumped into a small trash can and knocked over the contents. When I bent to retrieve the mess my eyes landed on a small cupcake, uneaten with a pale pink candle stuck in the center at an odd angle. All the blood rushed to my head, and my knees buckled as I fell the last foot to the ground.

  How was this possible? He celebrated my birthday every year without me, alone?

  I think I was going to hyperventilate. All this time I thought Pete didn’t really care. The years we spent apart I thought my heart was the only one that truly suffered. How could I have doubted? How could I have been so wrong?

  How could I ever have thought he didn’t love me?

  Chapter 42

  Bryce’s eyes were locked on mine, full of resignation and pain. Before this moment I never noticed how they were the exact same color as my own but bluer and how the scar running along the left side of his face had distorted his appearance enough to distract me from the truth. We were nearly the spitting image of one another, a little over a year apart. I can’t believe I was so blind.

  Rafe’s gaze met mine and whatever he saw on my face made him turn to Bryce. Dawning realization filled his eyes when he saw that I knew, along with a deviant grin that sent chills along my spine. Quick as a flash, I whipped my gun in his direction certain he was going to try to kill Bryce.

  A low rumbling laugh filled the air, but it wasn’t Rafe.

  “Stand down Edge, or I’ll make sure your brother dies before you can pull the trigger,” Striker’s words were full of menace and glee. He enjoyed the palpable fear that hung in the air, knowing he held the ace and all the control, “Step away from Rafe and drop the gun.”

  Bryce shook his head, but I couldn’t let anything happen to the only blood I had besides Mack. The two of them, Rae, and my MC family were everything to me, and I wasn’t willing to lose any one of them. Dropping the gun slowly and raising my hands I turned to Striker, “Let Bryce go. The bad blood is between you, me, and Rafe.”

  “True enough Edge, but I’m afraid you don’t know the entire story.”

  “Tell me then,” I spat, moving forward until I could catch Bryce’s eyes. Silent understanding past between us and I smiled, ticking my head in Rafe’s direction. “What does Rafe and the RRMC have to do with you and the Outlaws?”

  Striker chuckled, his gun moving from my chest to point directly at my brother. I broke out in a cold sweat, my chest constricting at the realization that Striker hated his own son.


  “Why don’t we all just calm down?” a new voice joined us, one that caused my heart to beat faster.

  My father.

  Mack assessed the situation with raised hands, moving steadily forward until he stood in front of me, addressing Striker and ignoring Rafe’s snarl of displeasure, “I don’t think all our dirty laundry needs aired out in front of both MCs, do you Striker?”

  The thoughtful expression on Striker’s face surprised me.

  “You’re right Mack. It’s time you, me, the boys, Rafe, and Rae had a nice long chat.”

  “Fuck that!” I yelled, running forward to take this asshole out before he co
uld pull the trigger.

  Mack tackled me the same moment Rafe turned to Striker and nodded, disappearing into the house. In a panic I fought my father, hitting him in the jaw with a strong left hook, and flinging him off, prepared to stop Rafe from going after Rae.

  “I wouldn’t move boy,” Striker sneered. “You interfere in any way right now, and I’ll not only shoot both you and Bryce, but I’ll also take Rae out too.”


  My chest heaving, spots dancing in my peripheral from lack of oxygen, I tried to plead with him. No longer caring if I looked weak, all I thought about was protecting Rae from this motherfucker and preventing her from joining us. “Why don’t we just go? Rae doesn’t have to be involved.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. This concerns her too.”

  Rafe exited the clubhouse with Rae, one hand wrapped around her upper arm as her eyes sought me out immediately, “Pete!”

  “It’s ok baby,” I assured her, willing Rae to stay calm. “We’ll get through this.”

  Her eyes darted around in confusion. I sensed her panic and fear. Shaking my head at her I hoped she would try to stay calm.

  So many MC members on both sides remained quiet, waiting for their next move to be ordered from their Pres. Rafe held onto Rae and led her away from me, barking out commands at my brothers.

  No one was to follow us.

  “On your bike Edge. You too Mack.”

  I met R.J.’s angry gaze and Jake’s fierce expression. They would follow at a safe distance. I didn’t doubt it. Ghost, Valan, and GQ looked ready to spring into action but I ticked my head toward Rae, and they immediately knew what I meant. I wouldn’t risk her life in any way. They had to proceed with caution.

  R.J. clenched his fists at his side but nodded as I stood, stomping away from Mack. My brothers were holding back their emotions for me, but I could still feel their anger. I frowned in their direction and ticked my head toward Striker.

  No hasty decisions or movement.

  He wouldn’t hesitate to kill Rae.

  Striker indicated a few of the Outlaws to grab Bryce. He winced as they pulled him up and threw him in the back of a black van, none too gently. His grunt broke my heart, but it was Rae shoved in next that made me see red. The doors were locked as Striker and three of his guys climbed in.

  “Don’t Pete. She’s safe enough for now. Just get your ass on your bike.”

  Mack’s words didn’t mean anything to me. In fact, I was pissed, “She gets a scratch, and I take it out on you.”

  He simply nodded in agreement, “Let’s go.”

  SHIT. This was bad. Really bad.

  Either these guys were stupid, they underestimated me, or it didn’t occur to them that I should be searched and my phone confiscated. I listened to their conversation up front, a metal grating providing little barrier to their words as Bryce and I were tossed around in the back. He moaned and tried to brace himself against the side with his feet to keep from barreling into the hard metal rear doors. We were headed to some warehouse out at the junkyard. Dick’s Scrapyard.

  Why did those places always have stupid names?

  I’d been in this van before, so I knew there was no way out until we stopped.

  My fingers shook with my frazzled nerves as I swiped my finger across my contacts on my cell. I hurried to make sure it was on vibrate only and let out a ragged breath. Who did I ask for help?

  I immediately thought of Sims. The detective had placed his info on my phone, directly into my I.C.E. list. Well, I’d say this qualified as an emergency.

  I tried to call him first, hoping he could trace the call and find our location. He didn’t answer but went straight to voicemail. Three times.

  How was this possible? Det. Sims always answered my calls quickly.

  I texted him, waited a couple of minutes and texted again. Still nothing.

  What kind of detective was that man? He was always so attentive and protective, someone I could count on. What was happening?

  I didn’t know who else to turn to after all this time. The only person that made sense was Beckett. He was the sheriff of Providences’ son. Surely by now he was also an officer.

  My fingers flew across the keys as I sent a quick, urgent message, praying he still had the same phone number. I warned him not to try my cell since I was sure to get it confiscated.

  “Who are you texting?” Bryce’s low whisper sounded wheezy.

  Shit. He was hurt, bad.

  I added another text asking Beck to send an ambulance too.

  “Beck. How hurt are you?” I asked, concerned.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Sure you will.” stupid biker. “I can hear your lungs. They sound like you might have punctured one.”

  “Yeah,” he answered dryly. “It was all me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Listen you stubborn idiot,” I began, thinking he reminded me an awful lot of Pete right now. “You’re hurt and any minute now we’ll be stopping. I don’t know what they have planned but don’t get any heroic ideas. You’re too badly hurt.”

  He smirked and winced as the van swerved to the right and we collided, “As much as I enjoy your company doll, I’m not really up for the physical exertion. Of course, if you flashed those perky tits I might become a little more motivated.”

  My eyes narrowed as he chuckled low. Sighing, I slipped my phone into my back pocket and lay down next to Bryce. He sounded worse. Maybe if I took up enough space in the van on the floor with my body he wouldn’t roll around so much.

  “What are you doing?” he hissed as I spread out and tried to keep him still on the left side.

  We hit a ditch or pothole and lifted off the ground before slamming back down. My arms shot out and kept him still as the movement settled.

  “Keeping you from dying!” I whisper yelled. Oh yeah, it’s definitely a thing.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m a survivor.”

  My eyes swept over the long scar traveling down the left side of his face. I shivered, not from disgust of his looks but from the man who could inflict such cruelty, “Was it Striker?”

  He shrugged but then winced in pain, “Does it matter? It’s been a constant all my life.”

  Oh God, “I’m sorry Bryce.”

  He waved my words away, but I could tell he wasn’t used to anyone caring about him, “Rae, you’re the weirdest girl I’ve ever met, but I think I understand why Edge loves you so much.”

  I’d been trying not to think of him up until this moment. Tears stung the back of my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them fall. I wasn’t giving up, and neither was Bryce.

  “We’re making it out of here and we’re going to survive, so grow a pair of balls and suck it up buttercup. You’re stuck with me.”

  He coughed a little and I heard the wheezing again, “I’ll remember that later.” The threat was sort of empty considering we were both probably going to die.

  “I’m sure you will,” I retorted, worried about his condition. “You just make sure you survive.”

  “Got it, sweet stuff.”

  Chapter 43

  I was fucked.

  There was no way I could get to Rae easily. Striker and Rafe had an agenda, and I was both pissed and freaking out at the thought my girl could be hurt. Agitated, my teeth ground together as my jaw clenched. I dared any motherfucker to attempt to harm Rae. I’d die to save her, but I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  We pulled into Dick’s Scrapyard and headed toward the back of the large rundown lot to an old warehouse. Minutes later all of us were packed into the building where a few sporadic chairs and rope took center stage. I let out a breath and prepared to let loose on the first guy to try and hold me down. No way was I being tied up, Rae either. Mack? I couldn’t give a fuck.

  Mack and Rae were shoved in two of the chairs, Bryce the third. He was clutching his side and appeared to be in more pain than before. He was pale, his face pinched with exertion and the effort to stay upright. I ca
ught his gaze and he nodded, so slight I almost missed it. Damn, he was a tough fucker. Pride swelled in my chest. My brother could handle his shit like a pro.

  Rae whispered my name. I dared to glance in her direction, “I’ve got this baby. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Striker heard me and laughed, “Edge you always were amusing, even as a boy.”

  I frowned, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Recognize this place?” his arms spread wide as he turned in a circle.

  Looked like a shitty old warehouse to me, nothing else, “No, should it?”

  He laughed, “What about you Bryce?”

  Bryce turned his head, his eyes filled with anguish as he glanced around the room, “Yeah.”

  “Why don’t you let your brother in our little secret?”

  I heard Rae gasp, “You’re brothers?”

  “Just found out baby,” I inform her. “What’s going on Bryce?”

  “Thirteen years ago our mother lost her life in this very room . . . and so did Ron Stenson.”

  Rae’s hands went to her mouth in surprise as she tried to stand but was forced back down by one of Striker’s henchmen. Asshole.

  “How?” I asked, my jaw locked in anger. One of the men in this room murdered not only my mother but Rae’s father.

  “Your mother was a naïve fool,” Rafe spat, his gun drawn and focused on me.

  I needed the truth more than I needed to punch his face for that remark or I would have rushed him, “That doesn’t tell me shit.”

  Striker’s gun moved from me and Mack to level at Rae. She stiffened in her seat, fearful brown eyes darting in my direction.

  “It’s all good Rae. I’ve got this.”

  Mack snorted and shook his head.

  Striker laughed without humor, ticking his head toward Bryce, “Your mother was a fool. She thought I would overlook her treachery. She actually believed I would forgive her infidelity that I loved her enough to let her go . . . to him.” Striker ticked his head toward Mack in disgust, “Ask Mack the Knife what he did.”


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