Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1) Page 25

by Nikki Landis

  I turned to my father and took a step back when I saw the guilt on his face, “What did you do?”

  Angrily he ran a hand through his short cropped silver hair, “I fell in love with Patty. It wasn’t on purpose. I never intended to betray your friendship Striker.”

  Wow. My dad stole my mother from Striker? No wonder he hated Mack.

  “She told me she had to leave me and tried to take my son,” Striker’s haunted eyes flicked to Bryce, filled with rage and hate. “If I’d known he would look and act so much like her I would have told her to leave with him and never return.”

  Bryce was unfazed by his father’s callous comments. He met Striker’s gaze with a look of disgust and hate, “She was too good for you.”

  Fuck, this was some serious shit.

  Striker took a step forward and I thought he would hit his son again, but he stopped and laughed, shaking his head. “Always ready to start shit with your ole man? Not had enough yet Bryce?” he asked with a sneer.

  My heart rate was escalating with the level of animosity in the room. The likelihood that any of us were leaving this warehouse alive grew slimmer with every minute that past. I squared my shoulders and brought the topic back on point.

  “What does any of that have to do with this warehouse?”

  “Striker kidnapped Bryce and drove here, threatening to kill him if Patty didn’t come. She begged me to act and help.” Mack’s voice sounded full of pain and anguish, “I asked Patty to stay behind while I went to rescue her son. Ron insisted on coming with me, knowing the confrontation with Striker would be dangerous.”

  I held up my hand, confused, “Bryce and I are only a year apart. We weren’t babies then.”

  “No, Edge you weren’t,” Striker agreed. “I let Patty have the boy after she promised to cut all ties with Mack and the RRMC. She didn’t listen.”

  Rafe chose that moment to scoff, “Bitch was fucking Mack behind his back. When we found out we took Bryce and you Edge for leverage.”

  I frowned, “I don’t have any memory of that.”

  “It’s true Edge,” Bryce whispered as our eyes met. “Mom was freaking out. I remember her being anxious.”

  I nearly missed the most important part of Rafe’s words. “We? How the fuck were you involved Rafe?”

  “I think you should ask Mack.”

  Fuck, didn’t anybody know how to answer a damn question?

  My angry gaze rested on my father, “Don’t make me ask any more questions.”

  Mack sighed, a look of frustration on his weathered face, “Ron and I brought backup including Rafe and a few other patches. When we arrived, I realized not only was Bryce here, but you were too.” Mack swallowed hard, “We came in guns blazing but it was too late, Patty had burst into the room ahead of us and was trying to reason with Striker for her sons’ lives.”

  “And the bitch wouldn’t move away from them, no matter how much I warned her.”

  My lip curled into a snarl. “Call my mother a bitch again and I’ll fucking gut you,” I threatened.

  Striker tilted his head back and laughed, hard, “You never were a disappointment Edge. Your brother though . . .”

  My heart ached for Bryce. His father truly hated him for Patty’s choices. She fell in love with another man. Her sin caused so many ripples to take place, such hate and vengeance, that no one in this room had ever recovered. My birth only increased the tension and animosity.

  Mack cleared his throat, “I saw Patty and tried hard not to lose my shit. She knew and so did Striker that I truly loved her too. She tried to stay away from you Peter to keep you safe, but it killed her. Sometimes she crept up to the house just to watch you.” He paused and shook his head, “When she refused to leave her boys that day in the warehouse, Striker lost his temper and raised his gun. They were yelling, tensions running high.”

  Rafe grunted, “Ron moved forward, his hands up in surrender, thinking he could talk them both down. He always was a peacemaker.”

  Rae’s head lowered and I knew my baby was hurting but this story wasn’t over yet and I needed to hear who the murderer was before I could seek my revenge.

  “With Striker distracted I took my chance and lunged for him, thinking I could knock him to the ground before anyone was hurt.” Mack’s voice was low, filled with guilt, “Striker wasn’t using the safety and the gun discharged, firing a shot.” Mack sank to his knees, lost in memories, “I managed to wrestle the gun from Striker but then Rafe tackled me and tried to rip it from my hand.”

  Rafe’s voice was filled with disgust when he spoke, “The gun had hit Patty who was protecting her boys, the bullet piercing her right in the chest. She was bleeding out. I knew I had to do something. Ron yelled for Mack to notice but he was focused on Striker and not paying attention. Seeing that Mack and I were grappling over the gun he ran forward to keep anyone else from being injured.”

  Mack hung his head, shoulders sagging forward, “I didn’t see Ron until it was too late.”

  My head was pounding, the blood pumping through my veins so fast I was lightheaded.

  “Tell me it isn’t true. Please,” I begged, my accusatory eyes landing on Mack.

  “I shot Ron.”

  A low inhuman moan of despair launched from Rae’s throat.

  I was rushing toward my girl before I realized I had moved. Her tormented wail echoed in my head, breaking and shattering my heart as I watched her crumple to the ground. I pulled her into my arms, my desperate gaze landing first on Bryce and then Mack. “Fuck!” I yelled, completely shocked by the turn of events.

  Rafe pointed his gun at Mack, his fierce expression sending an icy chill along my spine. “And now justice will be served.”

  Striker laughed, “But not before his only son dies in front of him. Don’t think I’ve forgotten for one minute about Akando or the other warehouse.”

  Like I gave a shit if he was pissed. Akando had it coming.

  I was yanked from Rae as she screamed my name and I fought against Striker and two other Outlaw members. Devlin wasn’t here but I didn’t care. Three more held Mack as Striker’s gun pointed directly at my forehead. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to ignore Rae’s screams in the background.

  I always knew this life would kill me . . .

  But I never thought my father’s sins would be what caused my death.

  “Edge, brother!”

  Rafe’s and Striker’s guns discharged at the same time, the loud ricochet of the bullets leaving the barrels echoing in the large skeletal room. Bryce’s fear flooded my body and I gasped when I realized at the exact same moment he did that I was going to die.

  Faster than should have been possible Bryce and I ran for one another. In his eyes I saw determination and intense concentration, but no fear. He shouldn’t have been able to reach me as quickly as he did, stretching toward my arm the same moment I instinctively reached for his.

  Time slowed.

  My heart stuttered.

  Bryce and I made contact.

  The second our bodies touched a vast explosion shot through the room accompanied by a pulse that vibrated within the foundation’s walls, the very air paused a millisecond before it sent the wave surging outward. A greenish glow encompassed our joined frames and crackled like booming thunder, jumping from our skin and darting into the atmosphere.

  Everything went black.

  Inhale. Exhale.

  I blinked, coming back to awareness.

  Both Bryce and I were flat on our backs, lying prone next to each other.

  Moaning was coming from both Rae and Mack. Unfazed I sat up and scurried toward Rae but froze as I reached her, knowing she was fine, as well as Mack. I could feel and sense their heartbeats, frantic but unharmed. My baby was alright.

  The surge of power that reflected from Bryce and I had thrown the others remaining in the room hard, catapulting them into the solid concrete walls. Bodies were strewn across the barren floor. Metal fragments and the stench of gunpowder w
ere the only indication guns had been discharged. Blood was spattered like some horror movie, limbs twisted and broken at odd angles. No other heartbeats.

  Only four people were alive.

  Everyone else perished.

  Chapter 44

  “I have to know the truth, Mack. Just this once I’m asking you not to bullshit me anymore. Tell the damn truth. There’s nothing else that matters.”

  I was sitting on Pete’s lap and held tight in his arms, R.J. on my left, his hand holding mine, and Bryce on my right. Miraculously he seemed to be healing entirely on his own. Bryce was breathing easier and the color was returning to his face. Shocked as I was over the events that had just taken place, I still couldn’t wrap my head around what any of this meant.

  An hour ago Sherriff Daly released us from custody and asked that we remain at the clubhouse until the incident at the warehouse could be sorted. When we entered the RRMC HQ tensions were running high and we were bombarded with questions. Mack insisted on debriefing with those in charge first and then planned to call Church.

  We were left alone in the meeting room, affectionately known as the V. V for vagina since these guys felt at home and closer to God when buried deep inside pussy. No, I can’t make that up. Valan and Ghost were happy to inform me of the significance but also thrilled to let me know Edge was a born-again virgin since hooking back up with me. Apparently they had doubts he was ever going to have sex again.

  I was able to resist rolling my eyes. Barely.

  And so it was Pete – V.P., R.J. – Treasurer, Ghost – Sergeant at Arms, Valan – Original Member, Jake – Full Patch, and me sitting with Mack, the exiled Original Member.

  Silence engulfed us for a few minutes before Mack cleared his throat. Palms flat on the table he stood, his voice loud and clear as he recited the RRMC motto, one hand over his heart, “I will defend my club above all else. I will protect the members, our freedom, and our property, sacrifice all I am and have so the RRMC lives on. I will fight to the death to save and preserve the club and its members, my brothers. Anyone who threatens my brother threatens the club and is my enemy. I will live by my word, this code, and never break it until the day I die.

  Ravage Riders in life, in death, and forever.”

  Pete, R.J., Valan, Ghost, and Jake all repeated the oath in unison, sitting down once they were finished.

  Mack leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his massive chest, “I suppose you want to know how I met Patty.”

  Bryce answered before Pete, “Yes.”

  “Patty wasn’t quite human,” he let the impact of his words settle over everyone at the table and then continued, even after a few grumbles and doubting remarks filled the air. “I found her by accident one night while riding along the back roads on my hog. It was late, well after two in the morning. I liked to ride late at night and clear my head when shit with the club became too much. Ron and I often went on late night rides, but on this particular evening he was out with Sarah.”

  “Go on,” Pete encouraged.

  “The night was dark and full of stars, hardly any clouds in the sky. I rode toward the horizon with the wind on my back. I was relaxed, enjoying the throttle of the engine and the freedom.” He paused to rub the back of his neck with a sheepish grin, “Until I saw the lights. Like something straight out of a science fiction movie, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Bright lights in a wide spectrum of colors and a greenish tinge that reminded me of the Northern Lights.”

  “What did you do?” I asked, totally sucked in by his story.

  “I decided right then and there that I had to know the source of those lights. They seemed to call to me, to tug at my body like physical hands. It was fuckin’ weird,” he admitted, and Bryce smirked while Ghost shook his head.

  “I guess we always knew you were a little fucked up,” Valan laughed.

  “I rode toward those lights and followed for nearly an hour until I came to a clearing out in Juniper Hills. It was always peaceful up there. Quiet and calm away from the city and the stars were always so bright. Patty used to say that all the time,” he sighed and ran his hand through his cropped silver hair. “The first thing I found when I stopped my bike were the lights dimming. I thought I would miss where they came from and it made my heart hurt for some strange reason. I ran until I found a woman, beautiful and slender, a fucking knockout with blonde hair and green eyes that seemed to see into my soul.”

  “Holy shit,” Jake replied the same moment Valan smirked. “Wish I would have found one like that.”

  “Love at first sight?” I asked dreamily, leaning my head on Pete’s chest.

  “Oh yes, and I never would have believed it possible. Still wouldn’t believe even if you all swore but I couldn’t deny what I felt and knew. Patty was everything I ever desired, my dream girl. I never knew a love like that and haven’t since. When we had Pete, I thought life was perfect.”

  Peter didn’t say anything, but I could feel how much that statement affected him. Surprised I could sense him so intensely my eyes nearly filled with tears. I squeezed him tighter as Mack continued.

  “She didn’t tell me who she was for a long time. I think she wanted to make sure I loved her first and wouldn’t freak out or leave her. Patty admitted she wasn’t fully human. She’s from the future –”

  “Bullshit!” Valan stood and began to pace. “How can you expect us to take this all in as gospel?”

  Ghost shook his head, “Bro, I got to agree. This is insanity.”

  “Not the fucking Terminator,” Jake joined in, leaning back in his seat.

  Bryce stood and inhaled a deep breath, “I’d think the same as all of you if Edge and I didn’t share a similar moment.”

  Three heads swiveled to look at Pete. Peter leaned forward slowly and reached toward Bryce. The moment their outstretched hands touched, a greenish glow enveloped their bodies and a crackling like static electricity filled the stagnant air. Everyone in the room gasped, and several jumped from their seats.

  “You boys are half human and half . . . alien I guess. Maybe? Time traveler? A combination of both? I never learned what her species was called although I know they were some kind of humanoid with far superior technology and intellect. I don’t know the specifics. I’ve spent years researching but have come up empty for the most part.”

  “So what does this mean for us, Mack?” Bryce let go of Pete and sat down.

  “I don’t know. You’re part of a time traveling race that seeks the stars and protects the secrets of what she called Riders.”

  “Riders? Like this club?” I asked, frowning at his description.

  “Precisely. This club was founded to protect the line of those who travel, who jump – I guess you could say – in time. The founders were members of her race who crashed on Earth when their ship had several malfunctions. Humans weren’t ready to accept alien intervention in their lives. So they stayed hidden and established this club, having children with humans and establishing relationships in order to build for the future.”

  “So are they aliens or part human or what?” R.J. frowned.

  “They’re just like you and me – the same looks and anatomy – but with far superior strength, intellect, and enhanced senses.”

  “Enhanced senses,” Jake repeated. “Shit.”

  Ghost whistled. “Is that why Jake, R.J., and Pete are so close?”

  Mack nodded.

  “Ravage Riders? So I get the Riders part. What about the Ravage?” my curiosity seemed to grow the longer we sat here.

  “Ravage because Riders can access ripples in time or any part of the timeline. They ravage or repair tears in the continuum and can jump through black holes. Their power is astounding.”

  Silence greeted his words for several minutes.

  “Is it only me and Bryce?” Peter’s question made Mack smile.

  “No, I believe every member of this club has an affiliation of some kind.”

  Valan slumped into a chair, “No

  Ghost started to laugh, hard, “I always knew I was a bad motherfucker.”

  Jake glanced at Pete and R.J., “We always have been a bit different huh?”

  “Yeah,” R.J. agreed. His gaze turned to me, “What about Rae?”

  “Ron’s parents were founding members of the RRMC. She’s one of us. In fact, Rae is a pureblood.”

  Wow, both my parents? “My mother and father were Riders? Maybe that’s why Peter and I have always had such a pull toward one another.”

  Pete held me tighter and kissed my lips softly, his voice relieved, “I think so which makes me feel less anxious.”

  “Me too,” R.J. whispered.

  “Patty was sent here to retrieve the others who first crashed. The night I met her was the night she landed on Earth to find the others and bring them home, only her ship was badly damaged. A beacon led Ron and Sarah right to her. For months, years she tried to repair it but didn’t have the technology here to enable the repairs.”

  “So she stayed and fell in love, twice,” I observed.

  “Yes, but she was torn. She wanted to leave, her planet was in danger, but she had her life here. I never learned what was happening. She kept a lot of secrets, I didn’t want to lose her so I never demanded answers. I’m a hardass, but with her I couldn’t raise my voice. She cast a spell over me, much the way you have over my son Rae.”

  Huh. Interesting.

  “What about Rafe? He must have been one too?” Valan’s observation silenced the room.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t matter. He got what he deserved. His plans to kill Pete and I were his mistake, and he paid for it. If none of you have any more questions I suggest we include the rest of the club. It’s time we reelect officers and heal the rift among members that Rafe caused.”

  I think there were plenty of questions but the rest needed to be answered in Church.

  I spent the remainder of the afternoon and early evening with Hayley, spilling my guts about who we were and how it impacted the future. She was stunned, but my bestie took it all in her stride. I knew I could trust her and she loved Jake. Including her was a necessity and I didn’t care who disagreed.


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