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A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 25

by Samantha Jacobey

  In the end, Tori told herself it should have been happy times, fall setting in full swing and Halloween rapidly approaching. It should have been, but she couldn’t shake her feeling that something wasn’t right, even after Marge had been laid to rest.

  She had spoken to her brother a few times since he left, aware that he had his own demanding life to deal with. When she informed him of the older woman’s passing, she had not intended to pressure him to come for a return visit. To her surprise, he eagerly made the trip, seizing the opportunity to spend time with his younger sibling in her time of sorrow.

  He flew in the week after the funeral, but even having him close did not ease her mind. That old familiar feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop had her in its grasp, and she could almost feel the darkness lurking. It’s out there, waiting to overtake us, and nothing she did seemed enough to push the awareness away.

  Life of a Star

  Things had been strangely tense around the small family during Brian’s second visit. Well, he seems pretty pleased to be back to his old life, Tori assessed as she whisked around the kitchen making dinner; the life of a star. She felt happy for him. He loves his life, and I love mine, she told herself for the umpteenth time since his arrival.

  The back door opened and Michael noisily joined them, “How’s dinner coming?”

  “Almost ready,” she smiled at her mate. “Wash up and have a seat, love.”

  Obedient to the letter, he washed his hands and dried them on a small towel, then laid the plaid piece of cloth across the edge of the sink. Observing his wife’s stiff movements, he wondered if the pair had had a fight. Catching her, he looped an arm around her waist and looked her in the eye, “You ok?”

  He used German, which startled her, “I’m fine,” she shot back in kind, a stab of guilt at their rudeness. Pulling away, she went on with preparing the meal.

  Taking the chair across from their company, “How’re things with you?” His voice sounded non-committal, polite as always.

  “I’m good. Glad to be home. The guys were pretty relieved that I made it back, too. Afraid I might decide to stay here and give up on them altogether, I guess.” He laughed, a bit anxious about his choice.

  “That’s good,” Michael agreed, “At least you know they missed you. You’re headed back tomorrow, right? Whirlwind visit?”

  Brian had arrived the previous afternoon and would be leaving the next day, but he ignored the jab. “Yeah, maybe they did. More likely upset they would have to replace me. That’d be a pain in the ass. The group wrote some great music during our time here in Texas, though. We’re pretty eager to get back into the studio and put it into an album, so that’ll be our next step.” Watching her as she flitted around, he couldn’t really tell if she were even listening to him.

  “They’re making sure to allow me time to see you along the way, too. Even with the busy schedule that a new album will mean.” This time, she smiled at him, and he breathed a small sigh of relief. “And I’ll be calling you, at least once a week.”

  Michael grinned, “See, love? That old phone may come in handy after all!”

  Tori didn’t bite, only shaking her head in response. I’m tired of debating with him over my brother, and how he thinks he’s always right.

  “Our place is back to normal, too. You can’t even tell anything happened there.” He spoke of the estate in New Jersey, of course, his voice picking up a hint of excitement.

  “That’s good, hun. I’m really glad those guys didn’t tear up all your stuff from mom and dad, either,” Tori agreed, placing food on the table.

  “Yeah, that would’ve been a real tragedy.” He paused, at the part that mattered the most, and would most likely get a reaction, “And we set up one of the bedroom suites for the two of you. You know, in case you ever wanna come visit.” He watched her keenly, not sure how she would take his gentle prodding.

  Tori laughed quietly, actually expecting it, “That’s really sweet, hun. I bet it’s real nice.” And I bet I don’t ever see it. But, he’s only here for a short time, no need of letting this upset me. “Maybe we could go for a few days, say at Christmas?” She gave Michael a wide-eyed gaze for effect, hoping this time it would work.

  Michael glanced over at his brother-in-law, shaking his head. He then shot his wife a surprised look, “We can’t do that! It’ll be our first Christmas as husband and wife! I thought we would spend it here… in our new home…” he eyed her coyly, tugging at her heartstrings with his tender stare.

  With a shrug and a chuckle, she let the subject drop. He has some excuse every time it’s mentioned. And of course Brian is leaving tomorrow, but at least he came. Things had changed between the two men, she felt sure of it. Part of the darkness, I guess; with me caught in between.

  Her brother grinned slightly, “Well, if you won’t come to me, maybe I can make it back here.” He felt uneasy making the suggestion, unsure if they would want him if it were going to be that special. “We’re doin’ another promo in LA here in a few weeks, but I should be free to make the trip by then. Or Thanksgiving. Whenever you’ll have me. You know.” He shrugged, feeling like an outsider begging to be let in.

  “LA, wow. Seems so long ago.” Tori’s mind became instantly swept away, a stab of jealousy at his ability to return there, or go anywhere he wants, for that matter, so easily. Pushing the sad thoughts away, “Sure, Christmas will be fine,” she turned to smile at him, “I’ll plan on seeing you then. A longer visit, under better circumstances.”

  “Yeah, come anytime, bro,” Michael’s grin spread wide, maybe too wide.

  Brian pursed his lips before he accepted the offer. He could tell something had been bothering her, but wasn’t about to ask what. “Ok, Christmas it is,” he smiled as well.

  Tori felt relieved the arrangements had been settled, and the three of them could eat their meal in peace. I wish they wouldn’t do this to me, her thoughts scattered as they ate. The conversation had shifted, but she could still feel the tension, as if they were pulling at her, each wanting her to take their side in some hidden battle between them. When did this happen? she wondered as she slowly chewed. Or has it always been here, and I just never knew?

  Brian had rented a car for the trip, and they bid farewell at the shop after brunch at the diner. Standing next to the vehicle, bag at his feet, he found himself making small talk, “You know, we need to put in a private airport around here. Or see about finding one I can fly into that’s a bit closer.”

  “Yeah, would be nice,” Tori grinned, then squinting at him, she took the plunge, “I love you.” Her words sent a flutter of surprise across his features.

  “I… love you too! Wow, I hadn’t realized you had made it that far!” He grinned ear to ear as he reached to hug her.

  “Yeah, me either,” she slapped him on the back as she clung to him, “But I missed you last time after you left, so I thought I better say it for real. Be careful out there, ok?” Tori hadn’t wanted to spook anyone with her creepy intuitions, but with him leaving again, she suddenly felt the need to have her feelings known.

  “Sure thing, sis.” He cast a wayward look around the shop, “I guess you really love doing this, don’t you.”

  Tori’s lips curled, “Yeah, I guess you could say that. It’ll be a nice living for us, too.” Now what’s he up to? Or is he just stalling…

  Pursing his lips, Brian continued warily, “I’ve been thinking about that. You shouldn’t have to make a living at something you love.”

  Taking a shocked step away from him, “Why not?” she demanded, then snapped with a frown, “You do.”

  Eyes darting to meet hers, he had walked into that one and knew he needed to change tactics. “Fair enough. What I meant was, you should have another way to make money.” Her brow furrowed deeper.

  “What exactly is this about, Danny?” her arms crossed in anger, “You’re leaving and can’t go without insulting me first?” Or was that another jab at Michael? The two of them had bee
n sparring with words since his arrival and she was about sick of it.

  “Uh, no,” his shoulders slumped in defeat. Sighing deeply, he leaned over and withdrew a folded set of pages from the side of his bag. Handing them to her, he accepted his choice, “This is for you.”

  Unfolding the papers, Tori found a check in the center of the sheaf, made out to her in the amount of $12,486. Staring at it, she could feel the rage seething inside her, “And what the fuck is this for? I don’t want your money!”

  “It’s not mine,” he countered evenly, “It’s yours. It’s part of your share of mom and dad’s estate.” She stared at him coldly as he reached over to show her the pages behind the check. “See? I had it put into a fund for you. Your half of our inheritance, plus interest from the twenty years it sat, untouched. Plus, I bought out your half of the farm, with interest there as well.”

  Her jaw dropped as she stared at the sum, just shy of a million dollars. “I… I can’t take this,” she stammered, shoving the sheets towards him.

  “You don’t have a choice. It’s done. The check is three months-worth of income from the fund, so you’ll only get about a third of that each month, but it should be more than enough to live in this dinky little town.” He paused, smiling, “And you control the rest. The broker’s contact information is there, so you can get in touch with them if you want to change how any of it’s invested.”

  Jaw open wide in disbelief, “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered airily, still staring at the pages.

  “Thank you, that’s what you say.” His straight white teeth gleamed, “And you’re very welcome.” Reaching for her again, arm encircling her tightly, he breathed into the dark hair that matched his own, “I love you, Nikki. And I’m so glad that you were found. Don’t ever think that I’m not.”

  Not expecting a reply, he stooped to gather his bag. A peck on her cheek, he climbed into the car and off he drove, leaving her to push aside her dark feelings, and hope for the best, a cloud of dust hanging in the air behind him.


  That night, Tori realized she had begun to feel a little better about being in their new home. Her off days of exercise were becoming tolerable, and she had settled into a routine, now that Marge no longer needed full-time care. Maybe things are going to work out after all, she told herself as she got ready for bed.

  The couple made love that night and the following morning as usual before Michael went down to make breakfast for them. Dragging her feet after her shower, she took her pill in private. I guess I need to set aside time to talk to him since things are calming down. Not sure what I’m going to say exactly though; I’ve kept it a secret for so long… I don’t want him to think I was hiding it from him. But deep down she knew in a way she had been, still terrified of where it might lead.

  She had hit the second section of sugar pills in her pack the day before, still considering them as she made her way down the stairs. I wonder if it’ll take the entire six months for them to work. Pushing the subject out of her mind, she joined in the making of the meal with a small sigh.

  Fortunately for her, they planned to work on the house that day. She felt odd shortly after breakfast and made a second trip to the bathroom to discover she had started her first actual period in six years. The sight of it scared her a bit. Oh my God, this is real! Michael is going to be so surprised! And thank God I stocked up on supplies, she smiled at her own forethought as she pulled the boxes out from under the sink, briefly thinking of LA.

  Cleaning up her mess, she understood she would have to take the pills faithfully. We don’t want to conceive before we’re ready. Especially before I’ve had a chance to warn him it could happen, she thought with an excited grin. And the doctor wants to be sure I’ll be able to carry the baby once it’s inside me. Feeling immense joy, she toyed with the idea of sharing her secret.

  Gazing around the place, she could almost feel the house growing on her as her enthusiasm swelled. Freeing her vivid imagination, she allowed herself to consider the experiences their child would have growing up in the stately old structure. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all. She contemplated the possibilities as she bounced down the freshly painted staircase, fingers trailing the banister.

  Returning to her work on the kitchen cabinets with new diligence, she thought about how soon they could have the major repairs completed. I bet we could have the house in order by Christmas. And then I could begin adding all the small details and decorations that will make the house a home! She had already begun imagining new curtains and color schemes.

  By the time they made their way to bed that night, Tori had even chosen the room that would be the nursery, adding fuel to her newfound joy in their larger setting. Laying her husband down, she set about taking care of him with her talented mouth and tongue, eager to please him before they drifted off to sleep at the end of a perfect day.

  The next morning, Tori trotted over to the diner for her off day. She had come to find that having an alternate and equally pleasing activity planned helped make her new routine easier to stick with, and visiting with her best friend was such an occasion.

  The clink of the bell on the glass door a happy, familiar sound, she smiled as she took her seat at the counter and observed Trish, who poured coffee for more of the locals. Glancing through the portal to the back, she noticed an unfamiliar face moving around in the kitchen, hmmp, I thought I had met everyone in town.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Trish presented her usual glass of ice water with a festive flare, “Coffee today?”

  “No, thanks,” Tori half smiled, tossing her chin towards the back, “Who’s the new guy?” She noticed the sparkle in the older woman’s eye as she beamed.

  “That,” she grinned uncontrollably, leaning on the counter to get closer, “Is Larry. Fresh out o’ the navy he is. Retired.”

  Tori heard herself laugh, “Wow, you seem pretty excited about another cook!” Keeping her voice low, she teased her friend eagerly, “Is he single?”

  A pretty pink flush rising up her neck, “Yeah, but it don’ matter. He’s only here fur a short bit. Stayin’ with his brother. You know, Phil Porter, out on his ranch. Only workin’ here until he gets settled in a bigger town.” The dreamy expression on her face looked refreshing as she glided away to pour more caffeine for her patrons.

  Tori was still lost in thought when her husband slid onto the seat next to her, “Mornin’ love,” he cooed with a silly drawl, happy to see her perkiness had returned since the funeral.

  “Hey,” she smiled back, then indicated the man still moving around behind the wall. “I think it’s time we rented out our old place.”

  “What?” he demanded in a shocked tone, “I thought you said it meant too much to you. You didn’t want to have someone else living in it.” He had been after her for weeks to rent the apartment, and it surprised him that she would suddenly be ready to concede.

  Tori shrugged, “Yeah, I did.” She paused and chewed her lip, knowing she had only refused before because he pushed her to do it, and she didn’t like to be pushed. Sentiment had been an excuse, easily disposed of, “But, he’s a middle-aged man, a quiet bachelor, which means our property would be in good hands. Besides, he makes Trish giggle.”

  Michael laughed out loud, “Oh, he does, does he?” He swung his gaze around to observe the rounded figure still bouncing about the room. “Ok, I’ll find out if he’s interested,” a bit in awe that his bride would play match maker.

  “Thank you, love,” she kissed her mate, and they enjoyed their breakfast together before making their way down to the shop to begin their day.

  Twist of Fate

  Tori’s fingers trembled as she fitted the bolt through the opening, damn it, dropped the nut. Her hand patting the concrete beneath her, she drew a few deep breaths. Relax, baby girl. You can do this.

  Kneeling next to a motorcycle, she worked to finish her latest build. At least that’s what it looks like I’m doing, she confessed inwar
dly. In reality, she waited for her husband to arrive at the shop. I have to talk to him. Now. I can’t put it off any longer.

  Tori had menstruated for the second time in as many months, and she knew to delay any longer would be absurd. What am I so afraid of? That he’ll be upset? That he’ll say no? She had already gone over this conversation with herself before, but apparently she needed to have it again.

  Halloween had just passed, and the air cooler as fall settled over the small Texas town. She had made her way to the shop alone that morning; her husband had wanted to finish the final winter preparations on the house, in case they had a cold snap before Thanksgiving.

  So, she informed herself firmly, when he gets here, this is what you’re gonna do. First off, you’re gonna breathe. Second, you’re gonna look him in the eye… and not cry. Gulping more air, she pushed it out through her dropped jaw noisily. Fuck me, this is harder than I thought it would be. I just need to spit it out. To hell with the plan. He loves me, he’ll understand.

  A few blocks away, back at their house, Michael had finished with the furnace and dropped his tools into the large box. I wonder if she’s ready for an early lunch? He contemplated the day’s agenda with a small smile and checked the time, damn. Only nine. Too early for lunch.

  He surveyed the current condition of their home as he reached the front door. Things are really coming along for us; he ran fingers through his brown curls with a smile of satisfaction. Hearing the jingle of the phone, his heart gave a startled jolt. Still not used to that damned thing. Maybe we should go ahead and take it out, like she wants.

  He had convinced her to keep the line in case of emergencies, but hardly anyone who knew them had the number. Brian calls, that’s about it. Another jingle plinked out of the hallway. Terry and the Tates have it, I made sure of that. Another ring. More than likely, it’s for Marge. Yet another ring. Or another salesman. He waited at the door for the sound to stop; it didn’t. Well fuck, that’s twelve.


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