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A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 30

by Samantha Jacobey

  “Yeah, we can do that.” Glancing over at the pretty brunette who hovered nearby, he nodded at the request and she began to prepare a plate for the newly injured man’s meal. Switching to their French, he tried to keep the family business private, “Are you ok? I mean, you seem really upset over a little sunburn.”

  Looking up at his crystal blue eyes, Tori felt torn. She hadn’t told her brother how badly her husband disapproved of his lifestyle or her being there to share it with him. Staring, she considered what she should say, if anything, suspecting that her sibling already knew. “He isn’t happy here,” she finally confessed, with a stab of shame that she had spoken to him so insensitively.

  “Yeah, I got that. He huffs around like he’s the only one that matters,” Brian vented his own frustrations.

  Tori pushed her food around on her plate, “I know, and I don’t really know what to do about it. But listen, I don’t want that to ruin our time here, you know? I mean, when you’re all better, he and I will go home.” Her eyes flicked up to watch his expression, not even sure if she still wanted to.

  Brian’s Adam’s apple moved as he swallowed, “Yeah, I mean you’re only here to take care of me, right? You have a life back in Texas, after all.” He smiled, forcing himself to keep a straight face.

  “Right!” she nodded, relieved that he seemed to understand.

  Finishing their meal, the pair made their way back to the studio for a couple more hours before Tori finally insisted on going to bed. Finding the light off in their room, Michael sprawled and uncovered, she did her best to be quiet as she stripped down and curled up on her side. Being careful not to touch him, she pulled the blanket up to her chest with her back to him.

  Lying in the darkness, she couldn’t decide what she felt more, guilt or anger. I should have been more concerned about him, she reprimanded herself one minute. But fuck me, he’s a grown man, he don’t need me to take care of him! she mentally screamed the next. She continued the debate until she fell into a fitful sleep.

  Downstairs, Brian hobbled about setting up a few things for the next time they played together. Gotta be careful about this, he warned himself. Don’t want her to know I made this. But getting her when she wasn’t aware was the key, that way she comes across being herself. Everything in place, he turned in as well, eager to get some rest for a new day.

  Soul Searching

  The three continued to share time out in the pool as well as down along the beach in the late afternoons and evenings, and Tori’s fan club always seemed eager to take in the show. This, combined with his brother-in-law’s perceived plotting, put Michael in a foul mood the better part of the time. His burn took several days to heal, but he pretended it didn’t bother him the best he could, using it as an excuse to avoid physical contact with his wife of any kind.

  Tori noticed her husband’s withdrawal of affection, horrified it had lasted over a week. Guess I’m back to being a filthy whore, she felt confident his jealousy reigned supreme. Well, fuck him if he can’t take it. Becoming moody herself, she put her time and effort into her brother, tending to his needs and spending time in his small studio making music, which she loved.

  She thoroughly enjoyed the new songs the group had written, and played them for hours until she could perform them just the way Brian wanted them to sound. The pleased smile on his face made her happy inside, despite her growing turmoil at her husband’s odd behavior.

  Sitting at dinner after ten days of awkward silences and hurt feelings, she didn’t think things could get any worse, when her brother spoke up unexpectedly. “I think it may be time to head north,” Brian commented with a half grin.

  Tori only stared, wide-eyed disappointment that their holiday would be coming to an end. “You gonna be ok? I mean, you need me to go with you?” she prodded gently.

  “Sure!” his voice squeaked slightly, “I mean, yeah, if you wanna come. You’re always welcome, you know.” He cut his eyes over at Michael, well aware he wouldn’t be happy if they did. “But, I think your old man would rather pass on that,” he sneered slightly for a moment as he challenged her mate to speak up.

  Michael chewed his bite slowly, refusing to take the bait, “Whatever you two decide is fine by me.”

  Brian’s smile lessened a bit, disappointed he didn’t get a rise, “Actually, I spoke to the guys, and they’re ready to meet. So, we’re heading to New Jersey tomorrow. At least I am.” He let the statement hang, putting the ball in their court, so to speak.

  Tori watched him, then dropped her gaze for a moment, again feeling like a piece of rope being pulled at both ends, and angered by her husband’s lack of affection. “Hey, Danny; let’s see how you feel tomorrow, ok? Maybe we’ll come along.” I’ll go if I want to, and if cry baby don’t like it, he can go home.

  The couple had scarcely been on speaking terms for days, going to bed each night with him facing the wall, while she stared at the glass and the stars beyond. Spinning his ring with his thumb, Michael chastised himself, you’re gonna lose her if you’re not careful. She loves him, too, and you can’t ask her to pick between you. That’s never a good idea.

  He recalled the day he had told Brian he would win in such a fight, but now he wasn’t so sure, and didn’t really want to find out. “Yeah, maybe tomorrow we can decide,” he quietly agreed with his wife.

  Finishing the meal in silence, the group broke up to go their separate ways, each of them lost in thought. After a bit more soul searching, Michael was struck with the idea that they had gone to bed with this issue between them too many nights already, and he needed to make peace.

  Finding her on their balcony looking out over the lake as the sun sank into it, he moved in close but resisted the urge to touch her. Well, this is silly, what the hell are you afraid of? She’s your wife, after all. But he knew she wasn’t happy with him, her anger radiating from her for days.

  Shifting his gaze from the sunset before them, he took in her profile. “You know, I trust you completely. I hope that you know that, at least.” He could see the stiffness of her body as he prepared to grovel. Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she frowned, crinkling her nose, “Have I done something else to make you think that you shouldn’t?”

  Inhaling deeply, he shifted his gaze back to the water, and the red streaks dancing across it. “No, love, it’s not you. And this’s really hard for me.” Damn, now I look like a dick no matter which way I go. Deciding at the last minute to cop out and go with the jealousy excuse, he continued, “We’ve been here almost two weeks, and I see those guys still watching you. All I want to do is take you home.” At least the part about going home is true. He drew a deep breath, pushing it out through his nostrils loudly.

  “And?” she clipped the word, anger below the surface.

  At his failure to reply, she tried again. Giving him an incredulous laugh, she hissed in a low voice, “You have got to be kidding me. That’s really what has had you so fucking moody? Baby, you know I love you. I chose you, to go home to you, to be with you. I don’t understand why it bothers you so much. What should I do, cover myself completely and avoid being seen?”

  “I’m not sure it would help, even if you were covered. You’re quite a looker, ya know.” He paid his love the compliment with a genuine smile, and hoped it soothed any hard feelings over his behavior the last few days. “I just need a little patience, until I learn how to let them look, and not get all bent out of shape about it. Let me take you home.” God please, let me take you home.

  Tori shook her head again, “Bent out of shape doesn’t sound like trust. And running back to Texas isn’t going to fix that.” She scoffed, “You’re pretty silly, ya know that? But if it helps, I have no intention of lying with another man, so long as we both shall live.”

  She felt angry, at him for pushing her, and herself for allowing him to, and tired of hearing that he wants to go home. She had begun to like it there with her brother close at
hand, and having him trying to tear her away from it wasn’t helping.

  Noticing Brian down below them, Tori could see he looked much healthier and rested. Ready to make his way to New Jersey to regroup with the other members of his band, she knew he didn’t really need her anymore. Glaring back at her husband, she inquired, “How much longer are you going to allow me to stay with him?”

  Her words stung, implying ownership once again. Shaking his head at the stupidity of her question, he heaved another sigh. “We’ll stay for as long as you feel the need to stay.” He said the words, but wasn’t happy with that choice, having expressed the desire to leave, and he could see her brow wrinkle further in disbelief.

  “I mean it, love. We stay as long as you need to. You wanna go north with him, we go.” He caressed her back, leaning in so that his face lightly brushed hers, trying to ease the tension between them. He had grown tired of the debate, no matter how badly he wanted to avoid going to New York.

  “Then it’s settled,” she replied stiffly. “We can go with him to the house in New Jersey, at least for a few weeks. I want to make sure he’s going to be ok.” She eyed her mate, deeply saddened by his possessive behavior, and yet angry at the same time. For the first time in weeks, she had felt the doubt creeping in, forming questions in the back of her mind.

  Rock and Roll

  The next morning, Brian convinced the pair to leave all of their summer clothes in the closet and drawers as the room was officially theirs. He appeared extremely satisfied at seeing his sister’s things as part of his home, and hoped they would be a permanent fixture now that she had been drawn in.

  Arriving in New York via the private jet, Michael dared to take his wife’s hand as they rode in the car. She allowed the gesture with a sullen glare, her grasp not firm enough to imply true comfort. When the limo pulled up in front of the entrance, she removed her palm from his and clasped her hands together rather than return it.

  Yup, she’s still pissed. Michael eyed his wife carefully as they made their way inside. You know, you could just tell her the real reason you want to take her home, he rationalized with himself. Of course, if I do that, I have to admit that I think she’ll fold here. Running his fingers through his dark curls, he heaved a heavy sigh. I can’t do that to her. I have to let her make the choice. He only hoped that she would choose him.

  Distracted by the warm welcomes of Collin and Cody, he put on his best smile, “Hi, guys! Glad to see you two lookin’ good.”

  Taking his hand to shake it vigorously, “Hey Mike,” Collin returned the jovial grin. “Glad to be seen. Hi Tori.” He nodded at the girl, ready to play his part in Brian’s little scheme. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you two to your room,” the bass player curled his fingers as an indication that they should, and the couple lagged behind him up the stairs.

  “Is everything set?” Brian leaned closer to Cody and spoke in a lowered tone, his eyes trailing the line of his sister as she reached the top of the staircase.

  “Yeah,” Cody agreed quietly, “You sure this is what you wanna do? I mean, Mike’d take good care of her. Loves her a lot, ya know? We convince her to join the band, it may put an end to their relationship.”

  Brian cut his eyes over at his longtime friend, “Yeah, this’s what I wanna do. She’s a musician, man. Did you listen to the disk?” his eyes narrowed.

  Cody inhaled deeply, pushing the air out through his lips loudly, “Yeah, we did. And you’re right, she’s good. I don’t know if outstanding is warranted, but she would be good enough, yes.”

  Brian rolled his tongue, taking in the man’s words, “High praise. Trust me, she’s fantastic. Better than me on my best day. You’ll see, once we get her to playing with us. But we gotta be suave, ya know? Can’t go in guns blazing. That would spook her and he wins.”

  “He wins. You make it sound like a competition, man.” Cody grimaced.

  “It is. And she’s the prize. If he wins, all her talent goes to waste. You saw where he wants to keep her, that tiny one-horse town. Rebuilding motorcycles? Come on!” he scoffed at the couple’s simple life. “That’s not where she belongs,” his voice began to rise as he pointed at the floor. “She belongs here, with me, making the sounds that put that smile on her face. Ya get it?”

  “Yeah, we get it,” the singer’s words were soft as he nodded his reply. “I only hope you’re right about it.”

  “I am,” the taller man beamed with confidence. “Collin gets to play the drums, like he wants, I get to play the bass, like I want, and Tori gets to have the life she shoulda had. Or woulda had if those assholes hadn’t taken her and fucked it all up.” Turning, he headed down the hallway calling loudly, “Anything to eat around here? I’m starving, God dammit!”

  Reaching the refrigerator, Brian began rummaging around, looking for something to snack on. “Stella!?! Where’s lunch, babe!”

  The older woman, who took care of the kitchen, made her appearance, “Well, look who made it home.” She smiled at the third remaining member of the band. “Have a seat, hun, and I’ll make ya some grub.”

  “Grub,” he mocked her, “I hope it’s not worms this time!” He smiled at their familiar banter, glad to be back in his safe surroundings. “Probably should make enough for everyone. The three of us had an early breakfast before we left Florida.”

  Making his way over to the window, he stared out into the wide expanse of the yard, his mind still turning over the conversation with Cody. Yeah, I’m sure, this is where she belongs. I have to be patient; she’ll choose it, and I won’t have to do anything to make that happen. She wants this.

  Taking a large bite out of a shiny red apple he had pulled from the cooler, he chewed loudly and waited for lunch to be served. “Everything set for tomorrow?” he asked the cook absently.

  “Yes, sir; you’ll have a fine feast tomorrah,” she grinned. “A Thanksgivin’ dinner t’ remember.”

  “Good,” Brian nodded to himself. Everything’s falling into place.

  Collin had led the couple on a tour of the house, mostly for Tori’s sake after they had been presented with their quarters. Finishing the loop, the trio entered the spacious kitchen to the smell of cooking burgers with all the trimmings.

  Tori smiled to herself, I could sure get used to having meals ready on demand, that’s for sure. The thought immediately produced images of Trish and the diner and a guilty twist in her gut. But what I have at home isn’t bad either, and for a moment, her anger at her mate ebbed. Damn.

  Sidling up next to her brother, she crossed her arms, “What ya’ lookin’ at?” she adopted her southern drawl.

  Giving her a quick glance and dropping an arm across her shoulders, still chewing the fruit, “Nuthin. Thinking it’s gonna be winter any time now, an’ we need to get you guys geared up for that. How ‘bout a shoppin’ spree? My treeaat.” He smiled broadly, singing the word treat to entice her further.

  Tori chuckled lightly, “Sure, Danny; I guess we can do that,” eager to spend time with her brother. Eventually, we’ll have to go home, it’s only a question of when, but she opted not to push the issue.

  Eager to give her more roots in his world, Brian took his sister and brother-in-law out as soon as they had eaten. Hitting New York’s most famous districts, Michael couldn’t help feeling like an outsider, watching the siblings as they laughed and talked, picking out clothes and sharing stories.

  They’re getting along, let them enjoy each other, he reminded himself as he pretended to be choosing shirts. But deep down, he felt as if his wife was being taken from him, piece by piece. I’ve always given her plenty of room; hopefully not so much I let her get away.

  It only took them a few hours to fill the massive closet with a variety of new clothes adapted for all types of winter scenarios, much to Michael’s dismay. Like we need all this shit.

  Surveying the new wardrobes with hands on his hips, he squinted in disgust. So much for going home before Spring. I’ll be lucky to get her back there in tim
e for her appointment come February. The thought saddened him a bit, I forgot about that. Why did she get my hopes up about having a family if she didn’t really want one?

  Noting the girl getting ready for bed, he muttered under his breath, “I think I need to sleep in another room,” and walked out in disgust.

  Tori stared after him, mouth wide open in surprise. What the fuck? My God, he acts like a damn child!

  Left alone, Tori put on some sleep shorts and climbed into the king sized bed. She wondered briefly where he had ended up, and considered going to locate him, if only to have her say about his continued insensitive behavior.

  Instead, she lay in the dark and toyed with her ring. He’s really pissing me off. And I didn’t even do anything to deserve this shit. Pulling the band off completely, she laid it over on the nightstand, staring at it as she drifted off to sleep. She used to think they were in love, but lately she wasn’t so sure.

  Waking up in a cold sweat before sunrise, Tori struggled to slow her breathing as her heart pounded loudly inside her chest. She rolled over to find the ring still lying on the small table. What a fucking nightmare! She had dreamt the ring was gone, the panic and search that followed bringing feelings of intense fear crashing in around her.

  Grasping the symbol of her husband’s devotion, she squinted at the words engraved inside before sliding the band into its proper position. Forming a fist several times and watching the ring as she did so, I really need to work on being a better wife, she reproved herself. I can’t lay all of the blame for this on him. But, how the hell am I going to fix it?

  She recalled the times her husband had tried to talk to her as of late, and she had snubbed him. Or come across with cheeky responses. Damn, how could I be so stupid? It was Thanksgiving Day, and she knew he would have to see her, as dinner had already been planned, so at least he won’t be able to avoid me completely.


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