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A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 52

by Samantha Jacobey

  Michael clenched his jaw at the man’s tone when he spoke to the girl. “Go change, then, and we can get started forming our plans,” he directed. He knew at the moment, she was still his, but glancing around at the others, he had to admit, the odds weren’t good that she would be by the end.

  We Need a Plan

  While Eli dug through Brian’s closet and drawers, searching for more suitable clothing, Mason returned to the car to retrieve his bag of biker gear. Sliding into the driver’s seat to move the car closer to the house, he chuckled to himself. Damn she was hot the last time I wore that get-up. He grimaced, the thought of his hand beneath her leather skirt causing a stiffness in his groin. Shit. Keep your mind on the job, he commanded to himself, and you’ll increase your odds of surviving this mess tremendously.

  The rest of his new team was still gathered in the living area when he re-entered the house and made his way up the stairs. Finding Eli in their quarters, he tossed their bags on the bed. “You ok?”

  “Yes,” Eli rolled up the sleeves on the button down shirt. “I hope she didn’t intend for me to wear those tee shirts with the disgusting pictures on the front.” Bending over, he put two rolls on each leg of his jeans and slipped on the shoes.

  “I’m sure you’re fine for the time being.” Hunt studied the other man for a moment, “Hey, listen. I want you to know that I’m sorry. I think I misjudged you.”

  “Why is that?” Eli didn’t bother to look up.

  “Because you said the two of you didn’t really have anything in common. I always wondered why you let things go as far as you did. That’s how it is though, when you’ve got the hots for someone. You start thinking with the wrong part of your anatomy.” He was nodding, well aware how easy it would be to fall into that trap, especially when a girl like Tori was involved.

  Eli breathed deeply and allowed the air to escape slowly before he met the taller man’s gaze. “It was more than that. I know other people don’t understand. Probably because I have forced myself to do my job, despite what my heart was telling me. At least my head is clear enough I can see that she and I are from different worlds, and any life we might have ever had together would never be right.”

  “Wow,” his counterpart breathed. “So you’re willing to throw away your career; maybe even your life, for some girl you know will never be yours?”

  “She’s mine in here,” he patted his chest with the flat of his palm. “That’s enough for me.” He stood, inspecting the sneakers with a disgusted grunt, “Two sizes too big. Oh, well. Let’s go find out if there’s anything to eat around here.”

  Brunch was being served when the two men entered the dining room. Seated at the head of the glass table, Tori felt a little odd as she surveyed the men who formed a circle before her. Enrique and then Brett to her left, her mate and then Eli to her right, Mason on the far end. Nodding to herself, she had the strong feeling that they were missing someone.

  Shaking off the odd premonition, she was eager to get started. “We need to gather our resources. Start compiling what we know about The Organization, as well as the Spiders. After that, we can begin to decide what to do with it.”

  Reaching into his pocket between bites, Mason withdrew his ring of keys, tossing them out into the center of the table. “Those will get us into the offices in Chicago,” he breathed calmly. “But we will need a computer to access the files on the flash drives.”

  “You made copies of the files?” Eli stared at him incredulously. “They’re encrypted, aren’t they?”

  “Yes,” Mason agreed with a nod. “I made copies of everything that was within my clearance, so once we have a computer we will be able to open them using my access codes. However, you and I both know that Godfry kept many of the files on paper only, in folders in his office.”

  “Old school,” Eli agreed. “Everyone made fun of him about that behind his back. Said it was time for him to retire, if he couldn’t get with the program.”

  “I’m sure that’s not why he did it,” Tori interrupted their conversation. “It was to keep the information safe.” She was shoving the food around on her plate, not really eating enough to make a dent.

  “Is something wrong with your lunch?” Michael’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’m not very hungry,” she lifted her glass to gulp her water, hoping it would wash away the nausea so she could finish her meal.

  Still watching her, her mate agreed calmly, “I think you’re right. I’m sure if he’s dirty, keeping his files hidden would be a priority. That means we need to get a look at them.” He pointed his fork at the two agents, “Too bad you already called them in. They may have been able to get a peek, but I’m sure they will be locked out completely within a matter of hours.”

  “Why?” Eli countered. “No one knows that we have crossed over, at least not yet.”

  “How long will it take before that happens?” Tori inquired, managing a few bites.

  “Hard to say,” Mason supplied. “If we want anything out of the Chicago office, we should go after it soon, and hope we can get it before it does.”

  “We need rides,” Brett took the opportunity to speak up. “We can’t keep flyin’ all over th’ place. Makes us far too easy t’ track. An’ we’re not all gonna fit in their little Mazda, neither.”

  “Agreed,” Michael chewed quickly. “We need to pick up a set of bikes and head towards the Windy City, and Eli can follow along in their car like they are still tailing us. Do you check in with Godfry?”

  “When anything happens or changes, yes,” Eli nodded. “Actually, I think that might work. Of course, when we get there, things will get more complicated. I have no idea where we can hang out that won’t draw attention.”

  “I knows a place,” Enrique called out loudly, causing the others to stare. “Sorry, got a little excited,” he grinned recalling the last night he had spent inside the cabin, Tori in his arms as they slept. “It’s out of the way, and no one’ll bother us there.”

  Brett flicked his gaze between the woman at the far end of the table and the two men who flanked her. “Yeah, tha’s a good place,” he concurred easily. “We’ll take the car this afternoon and pick out some bikes. Be on the road tonight if we’re lucky, or first thing in the morning at the latest.”

  Looking around at the group of men, Tori dropped her gaze to the ring of keys. “You guys can go straight to Chicago. I have to make a stop along the way, but I’ll meet you there.”

  Michael’s face popped up from his meal to stare at her. “You’re not riding behind me?”

  “No,” she avoided looking at him. “I want my own bike. Like I said, there’s something I need to do, so you and the rest of these guys go on, and I’ll catch up to you.”

  The air became thick, as the group could see the tension between the husband and wife. Pushing his plate back, Michael folded his hands in front of his face, “Baby girl, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think we need to stick together.”

  Unexpectedly, Tori slapped the table with an open palm, half leaping to her feet. “I don’t give a fuck what you think is or isn’t a good idea! I’m in charge here; you got that?” she stabbed herself in the chest with a finger as she berated him. “Get the bikes and let’s get the hell out of here,” she called over her shoulder as she stormed out of the room.

  Out of the Past

  Stomping up the stairs, Tori fumed to herself. I can’t believe him. I thought Eddie was a controlling son of a bitch; at least he was up front about it. Inside their quarters, she made her way over to the wide expanse of glass that overlooked the lake.

  Her mind turning, she recalled the way that she and Eddie had played their game; how she had always pretended that she wanted him and enjoyed being his woman. I slit that bastard’s throat when I finally had the chance. Leaning against the window, she placed her arms above her head and heaved a heavy sigh.

  If he thinks he can control me, he’s got another thing coming. The two of them had never had a physical alterc
ation. She had sparred with Eddie many times as her instructor, as well as taking his beatings when he was pissed. However, Michael had refrained from ever raising a hand to her.

  Unexpectedly, her mood changed, and a tear streaked down her cheek. It hung on the edge of her jaw before she pulled her hand down to wipe it away. You sure blubber a lot lately, she admonished herself; there had been a time you couldn’t make her cry, no matter how badly you beat her. Did Michael do this to me? Make me all soft and weak?

  He was never heavy-handed with his wife, treating her with the utmost respect. The few times he had ever been aggressive with her, she could count on one hand. She chuckled, recalling the hot sex he had given her the day she had strutted about for the neighbors in her white string bikini. God, I love that man.

  Pulling herself together, Tori made her way into the bathroom to repair her makeup. Digging in her bag, she pushed the pack of pads aside, grasping her container of pills to take the third placebo. She hadn’t started yet and opted to carry a pad instead of wearing it as there was no sense in wasting them until it came.

  Primping complete, Tori made her way back downstairs, promising herself she was going to hold her temper in check. “We ready to go shopping?” she inquired, observing the somber expressions their faces held.

  “Yes,” Michael agreed. “You and I will take a cab, and the rest of the guys will ride over in the car. We’ve located a dealership that has new and used, so we’ll have a huge selection to choose from, and we have plenty of cash to make the purchases,” he indicated the stacks of money on the piano, divided into equal portions so they each would have a share.

  “That sounds like a plan,” she agreed with a small smile. “We should take all of our stuff, too. Leave from there and head north.”

  “Get it together then, and I’ll call a cab. We’ll meet out front,” he swung his gaze around the others, who were obediently moving to retrieve their gear.

  Half an hour later, Tori and Michael slid into the back of the taxi. Watching the rest of her crew climb into the small grey, four-door sedan, she felt a stab of loneliness, surrounded by her favorite men, and yet alone in her world. Pushing at her bag that rested against her leg, she nestled into the seat, the car rolling towards the familiar life of men and motorcycles she had always known.

  Arriving at the dealership, the group spread out, each moving between the rows of machines in search of the one that called to them. Her hand sliding across the leather seat of an older model, Tori’s heart began to race. Fingers beginning to tremble, she knelt down next to the engine and touched the shiny metal, right year… right make and model. It’s not his, but damn it’s close. “I’ll take this one,” she called out over her shoulder.

  “Wouldn’t you like to give it a test ride?” the salesmen asked in a warm voice.

  “That won’t be necessary,” she replied crisply, lifting her pack onto her shoulder. She was prepared to spend her entire portion of the money if she had to, and whatever issues her new ride had, she would repair. “Who do I pay?”

  “Right this way,” he waved his hand to indicate his cubical in the back of the showroom. “We can get started on the paperwork. That’s an older model, but I think we can still get financing with the right amount of down payment.”

  “I have cash,” she replied calmly. “Ring it up, and I’m good to go,” she smiled at the thought of owning a bike, just like Eddie’s.

  A few minutes later, the transaction was complete, and she rolled her new toy out front. Kicking it over eagerly, she grinned at the way that it purred; someone really loved this old thing. Revving the engine, she was overcome with the urge to fly. Securing her pack in the saddlebag, she twirled her hair and pulled it inside her jacket, leaning forward as the bike built up speed when she rolled away.

  Returning to the shop a short time later, she discovered that the remainder of the group had also found what they were looking for. Smiling, she noticed that Mason Hunt appeared to be at ease with his new ride and sporting the familiar uniform. “Nice choice,” she called to him playfully, her mind turning to what he would look like without the jacket and jeans covering his magnificent body.

  “Thanks,” he responded coolly. Eyeing hers, he grinned, “That’s not too much for you? I mean, it’s not what I imagined.”

  “I like ‘em big,” she tossed back, an unmistakable vibe bouncing between the pair. “If we’re set, we should get moving.” She felt a little out of breath, her mind leaping to what would happen when the group stopped for the night, and the dark closed in around them. Stealing a glance at her husband, she noticed he was keeping his eyes on his work.

  “Hey, Mike,” she called to him, “You sure you can take this? Not too late to back out.”

  “Nope,” he kept his gaze fixed on his gear, his hands finishing securing the load, “I’m fine. Do what you gotta do.” He shot her a quick glance, refusing to make a scene over what lay ahead of them.

  Twisting the throttle, she caused the bike to roar loudly. Sneering as she surveyed the group one last time, she waited for them to mount up and follow her as she rolled off the lot, and out onto the highway.

  Dirty Boys

  Out on the open road, Tori began to relax into her old self. She had never ridden on her own as a rule but was quite comfortable controlling the oversized machine. Her shades protecting her eyes from the glare, she looked the men over each time that they pulled in for gas or a break, sizing them up and trying to decide which one she would like to fuck first. You know you’re going to; she teased herself with an elated grin.

  Of course, she had already had them all. All but Mason, that is. I may have to do a bit of work, to convince him to fall in line. The sun was sinking low in the sky as she began to search for a place they could crash for the night. I wonder if he’s a dirty boy, she pondered as they parked next to a picnic table at a roadside rest stop. The area was nestled into a tree line, and mostly hidden from the road; perfect for nasty entertainment.

  Nodding her approval at the location, the men began setting up camp. If he’s not, she finalized her plan for the newest member of her crew, at least I know I can count on Enrique; he always wants to get nasty. She fingered a tube of gel in her pocket, anticipating the fulfillment of her desires.

  Building a fire, the group grilled the steaks they had picked up in the last town, the conversation at a minimum as the tension began to build. Tori made sure she stayed close to her primary target, unable to wipe the eager smile from her lips while she made small talk. “So, Mason, how long have you been a biker?”

  “I’m not, really,” he chuckled, “Part of the job, I guess. I did some time studying about the culture, preparing for a sting operation I was involved in a few years ago.” He cut his eyes over at her, noticing that she had stripped down to a muscle shirt, her breasts clearly defined through the thin material.

  “So, were you ever inducted?” she panted, leaning over against his bike as he squatted down next to it, putting her cleavage in his face.

  Switching to Russian, he spoke softly, “We are going to stick to business, Tori.”

  Her mouth fell open, her surprise tumbling out as she gaped at him. “What kind of business?” she managed in kind, aware that her husband also spoke the tongue, and the conversation was not completely private.

  “I’m not going to fuck you,” he stated flatly. Standing abruptly, he towered over her, taking her breath away. “You see that man over there, pretending like he doesn’t care?” he indicated her mate with a short nod.

  Not bothering to look, lines began to form in her features as she stood as well, the bike between them. “Yeah, I see him. So what? He knew what it was going to be like when we got here.”

  “No,” her prey shook his head. “That’s not what this is. That’s not what this is about.” He reached up, allowing himself to toy with her hair, his voice dropping to a low, gravely rumble, “I can’t say that I don’t want to. You are damn sure good at pushing the buttons.” His gaze dro
pped, staring at the heaving mounds, the pink rose rising and falling perfectly.

  “If you want it, you should hit up Enrique. He’s got no morals, and I’m sure he would be more than happy to shove you over the table and pound the hell out of you. Brett might be as well, but I don’t think you want him as badly.” He grinned at the frown that tugged at her lips, aware that he clearly had the upper hand, “Otherwise, I guess you could always see if your husband would be willing to oblige.”

  “Did you forget about Eli?” she scoffed, “He’s here too, you know.”

  “Eli isn’t going to touch you,” he leaned in closer, his voice lower still. “He’s in love with you, and the last thing he would ever do, is fuck you in front of everyone. I’m not even sure that Michael would. Something about respect. Something you failed to learn in that messed up world you came from.”

  Tori’s hand shot up, slapping him smoothly across the face. “What the fuck do you know about it?” she demanded loudly, bringing the exchange back in English. “You don’t know a God damned thing!” She was shouting, everyone staring at the two of them.

  Raising his hand calmly, Mason massaged his wounded jaw, “I know that you’re still that girl, lost back there, somewhere; searching for who you really are. I’m not going to touch you,” he announced loudly, also in English. “And any man here with a sense of dignity won’t touch you either.”

  Turning his back on her, he grabbed his bedroll and walked away. Her chest still heaving, Tori was overcome with the urge to throw a tantrum; if only there were something at hand she could smash. Pushing her hands against her face and up into her hair, she lifted the long dark strands, pulling them tightly so that her features became distorted, and her scalp tingled.

  Releasing her grip, she called out, “Is that how it is? Everyone’s going to leave me hanging?” For the first time in her life, she realized the true disadvantage of not being a man. She could want to have them, but in the end, there had to be a certain degree of cooperation on their part, or she wasn’t going to get her way. “You guys suck, you know that!?!”


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