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Hot SEALs: My SEAL Bodyguard (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 7

by Paige Tyler

  “Oh my God, what happened?”

  Peyton reluctantly opened her eyes to see Gwen rushing towards them, followed closely by Claire, Hannah, and Scott. All four stared at the man on the ground before looking at her and Noah.

  “What happened?” Gwen asked again.

  Peyton stepped a little away from Noah so she could turn to look at them. “Two guys tried to kidnap me,” she said softly. “They would have succeeded too, if Noah hadn’t stopped them.”

  Scott’s eyes darted to Noah, then back to her. “Did they get the book?”

  Noah glared at him. “Two men tried to kidnap Peyton and all you care about is some damn book?”

  Scott flushed and started to stutter something, but Gwen interrupted with a sharp look in his direction.

  “No, definitely not. Peyton is our first concern.”

  Noah’s jaw tightened. He didn’t look like he believed that. And in that moment, Peyton wasn’t sure she did, either.

  “They didn’t get the book,” she told them quietly, patting the big purse that had stayed on her shoulder the whole time.

  At least Scott had the grace not to show his relief as openly as Gwen and the others. Her editor looked like she wanted to say something, but two cop cars pulled into the hotel driveway then, their lights flashing. Two uniformed officers got out of the patrol car, while a plainclothes detective stepped out of the unmarked vehicle that pulled up behind them.

  The tall African-American detective glanced at the bad guy on the ground, but didn’t seem nearly as surprised to see him as he did Noah.

  “Noah? Damn, it is you,” he said. “I haven’t seen you since Uganda. How the hell are you, man?”

  Noah grinned and clasped the man’s outstretched hand “I’m good. How about you?”

  “Doing all right.” The detective glanced at her, then at the woozy man the other cops were picking up off the sidewalk, and finally at the two guys being led their way by the hotel security officers. “This looks interesting. What’s the story?”

  Noah gave the detective—an old friend from high school he introduced as Dwayne Harrison—a quick rundown of what happened, including who Peyton was and what the would-be kidnappers wanted. He pointed out how the two guys fighting up by the valet desk had been placed there as a blatant distraction so the guys in the van would get a clean shot at Peyton. Then Noah even gave his old friend a partial on the van’s license plate.

  How the hell had Noah been able to get a plate number—even a partial one—at the same time he’d been chasing the vehicle to save her?

  Detective Harrison immediately got on the phone and put out a BOLO on the car, then started asking questions. The first one was simple since he yanked the ski mask off the man who’d tried to grab Peyton and asked if she recognized him. She didn’t. After that, he asked the two jerks who’d been fighting by the front door what they had to say. Peyton expected them to immediately demand a lawyer—they always did on the TV shows. But instead, both men pointed at Ski Mask as the cops put him in the back of the police car.

  “He paid us each of us two hundred dollars to start a fight out front when the hot chick came out the door,” one of them men said. “He told us it was a staged promotional event, so we didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  Dwayne shook his head and motioned at the uniformed officers to take the two downtown for further questioning, even though he seemed to believe their story.

  The detective asked a few more questions, mostly related to exactly what had happened once she was grabbed and whether she had any idea who the driver of the van might be. But before long, he motioned at Noah and said they could go home.

  “Let me know when you pick up that driver,” Noah said.

  His friend nodded. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Gwen, Scott, and the rest of her publisher’s entourage had already given their statements—not that they’d seen anything since they’d been inside the hotel and had only heard about it after the fact—so they were free to leave as well.

  “One of us will come by to check on you tomorrow,” Gwen told Peyton, then looked at Noah. “Thank you for keeping Peyton safe. I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if those men had kidnapped her.”

  Noah looked like he wanted to say something suitably sarcastic in response, but Peyton caught his hand and gave it a squeeze. It was after midnight and she was too tired for this.

  “This isn’t over,” Noah said. “Not until the cops catch that other guy.”

  Peyton only hoped that was soon.

  Chapter Nine

  Noah checked out the house to make sure it was safe like he’d done last night before giving her the all clear. He still wore the frown he’d had on since they’d left the hotel almost an hour ago.

  “You should get some rest,” he said, taking off his jacket and tossing it on the back of the couch. “You look exhausted.”

  Peyton nodded, but didn’t move. “Do you think the cops will find that other guy?”

  He nodded. “Eventually. His accomplice will give him up sooner or later. Until then, you can damn well better believe I’m going to be sticking to you like glue.”

  Despite her almost getting kidnapped—and jumping out of a moving vehicle—Noah’s words still painted a sexy image in her head. Peyton was wondering if she should make a joke about that when Noah cursed.

  “Tonight was all my fault,” he ground out. “If I hadn’t gone over to stop the fight between those two idiots…”

  She frowned. “What are you talking about? You stopped those guys from kidnapping me.”

  The muscle in his jaw flexed. “If I’d been at your side where I was supposed to be, they wouldn’t have had a chance to try to grab you in the first place.”

  “But you saved me before they could get away with me, and that’s the important part.” Peyton took his hands in hers. “Noah, you’re the reason I’m not tied up somewhere in a dumpster—or worse. I refuse to let you beat yourself up about it.”

  Noah opened his mouth—probably to argue—but Peyton decided she didn’t want to hear it. She went up on tiptoe and silenced whatever he was about to say with a kiss. Then she put her arms around his neck, in case he got any ideas about pulling away.

  He didn’t even try. Instead, he slid one hand into her hair and settled the other on the small of her back, tugging her close.

  She moaned against his mouth, letting his tongue take possession of hers and do all kinds of delicious things. Desire spiraled through her, making her tingle. Maybe it was everything that had happened tonight—especially the way he’d risked himself to save her—but right then, Peyton wanted Noah more than she ever had before.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said hoarsely.

  Peyton sucked on his lower lip. “Why not?”

  His hand drifted lower, cupping her ass. “Because I’m your bodyguard.”

  That again.

  She slid her hands down his chest, the muscles there reminding her of how built he was underneath his dress shirt. Not that she needed a reminder. “Is there some kind of rule GAPS has about getting involved with someone you’re protecting?”

  “Not that I know of. In fact, I’m pretty sure some of the guys met their significant others on a job.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” she asked. “Unless you don’t want me.”

  Noah let out a sound somewhere between a groan and a laugh. “You know I want you.”

  Yes, she did. The bulge in his suit pants told her that.

  “So stop fighting this thing between us and let’s go upstairs,” Peyton said softly. “You can guard me as well in my bed as anywhere else.”

  He gazed down at her for one long moment, then swung her up in his arms without another word and headed for the steps. She hooked her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. There was definitely something to be said for a big, strong guy.

  When they got to her room, Noah carried her over to the bed and set her on he
r feet beside it.

  She loosened his tie, using it to pull him close for another kiss. She worked her way down his shirt, fumbling a little with the buttons in her eagerness, but finally getting them undone. That was when she remembered he was armed. She frowned, wondering how to get him out of the complicated-looking contraption. Noah must have read her mind because he shrugged out of his suit jacket and shoulder holster and carefully placed them on the floor beside the bed. With the gun safely out of the way, she pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, then ran her hands down his chest, pausing to appreciate every perfectly sculpted muscle along the way. Yeah, there were some scrapes and bruises along the outside of one shoulder and down his back—obviously where he’d hit the ground after jumping out of that van with her in his arms—but the wounds didn’t seem to bother him at all.

  She moved lower, lightly tracing his six-pack until she got to his belt. He caught her hands before she could tug it open. Peyton looked up at him in confusion.

  Noah flashed her a sexy grin. “My turn.”

  Peyton didn’t protest as he reached around to undo the zipper on the back of her gown. She quivered where his fingers brushed her skin, stifling a little moan. He pushed the straps off her shoulders, his eyes caressing every inch of skin as it was revealed. Because the gown had a built-in bra, her breasts were bared to him the moment the material fell to her waist. He stared at the rosy tips, the heat in his eyes making her burn hot all over as he eased the gown over her hips and let it fall to the floor at her feet.

  That left her in nothing but her panties. Something told her they’d be coming off soon enough.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  Noah cupped her breasts in both hands, his thumbs teasing her nipples and making her gasp. Peyton grasped his shoulders, afraid she might fall if she didn’t. A moment later, she was glad she had because Noah bent and closed his mouth around one sensitive peak. She caught her breath. Oh yeah, if she weren’t holding onto something right then, she would have been a puddle on the floor for sure.

  He suckled on her breasts, going back and forth from one to the other until she could barely think straight. She didn’t know if it was possible to orgasm from what he was doing, but she definitely wouldn’t mind finding out.

  But Noah stopped before she could.

  Peyton opened her eyes to find him regarding her, a smile tugging at his lips.

  “I could do that all night,” he said. “But if I did, then I wouldn’t get to taste the rest of your gorgeous body.”

  Before she could reply, his mouth covered hers and he was urging her back onto the bed. He broke the kiss as she started falling back, hooking his fingers in her panties and wiggling them off her the second she was horizontal.

  He stood there at the side of the bed, gazing down at her completely naked body for a long time. The heat from his eyes was enough to make her squirm, not to mention very wet.

  Noah never broke eye contact with her as he dropped to his knees by the bed. Then he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to the edge of the mattress, getting her perfectly positioned. Peyton’s breath hitched. Eyes locked with hers, he slowly ran his hands up the inside of her thighs before leaning forward and carefully spreading her legs. Then he leaned forward a little more and kissed the inside of her leg, barely six inches above her wet pussy.

  He moved down slowly, nibbling and kissing one millimeter at a time, teasing her until she thought she would go crazy. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her pussy long before his mouth ever actually touched her there.

  But when Noah did drop his mouth over her pussy, running his tongue slowly up and down her lips over and over again, she was sure she would explode. She didn’t, but she did moan and squirm around like a woman possessed. Noah wrapped his arms firmly around her thighs, holding her tightly as he teased her to the point of insanity.

  She tried to get her fingers in his hair, so she could steer him where she needed him, but his hair was too dang short to get a grip on, and was reduced to little more than unintelligible moans and demands, which he completely ignored.

  Just when Peyton was sure she couldn’t take the teasing even one more second, Noah moved his mouth up to her clit and flicked her sensitive bud with the tip. Her response was immediate and intense. She screamed, arched her back, and came.

  The waves of her climax were so powerful it felt like every muscle in her body was spasming at the same time—like a full body orgasm. She’d never experienced anything like it and wasn’t completely sure she’d survive even this first time.

  She did, bucking and jerking as Noah tugged every trace of pleasure from her body. By the time he was done, Peyton was panting for breath. She would have thought she’d be exhausted after coming so hard—and for so long—but she wasn’t. If anything, she felt more alive than she’d ever been.

  When Noah got to his feet, Peyton gave him a smile and rolled onto her knees. “My turn.”

  Noah didn’t need any more encouragement. She waited impatiently for him to unbuckle his belt and take off his dress pants, but when he finally shoved down his boxer briefs, the reveal was worth it. His cock was as beautiful as the rest of him. She leaned forward and took the tip of that perfect shaft in her mouth, teasing him with her tongue and moaning at how amazing he tasted.

  He slipped his hand in her long hair, urging her to take more of him, but also controlling her movements at the same time. She reveled in the sensation, alternating between teasing licks and deeper swallows, until Noah final pulled back with a growl. Peyton didn’t complain. As much as she’d like to make him come this way, she needed him inside her even more.

  But then Noah gave her an alarmed look. “Shit. I don’t have a condom.”

  For a second, she almost freaked out, too. But then she remembered she had bought some a while ago when she’d been dating a guy.

  She watched as Noah put on the condom, then slid higher up on the bed, settling himself between her legs. He was so big and strong above her and she loved watching his muscles flex as he braced himself on one arm while slowly slipping inside her. Then all she could focus on was how amazing he felt. He filled her completely and as they moved together, her legs came up and wrapped around him from instinct, squeezing him tight and never wanting to let him go.

  Noah pumped his hips slowly at first, his mouth coming down to cover hers with kisses that took her breath away. But soon, he began to move faster, his thrusts becoming more forceful. She wrapped her legs around him and urged him on even more, loving the feel of him moving inside her like this.

  When she came, it was as mind-blowing as the first time, but this one felt even more special because Noah came with her, grunting as he buried his face in the curve of her neck and nipped her deliciously.

  He thrust hard one last time, plunging deep inside her and emptying himself completely. Then he flipped her over to rest comfortably on his chest. She knew she should probably go get cleaned up, but it felt too good lying here with him.

  Peyton glanced down and saw that Noah’s perfect cock was still as hard as it had been when they started, and she laughed as she realized there was no need to get cleaned up yet because apparently they weren’t close to being done.

  Chapter Ten

  Peyton woke up to a cell phone ringing, but it wasn’t the melodic sound hers had. She rolled over, squinting at the sun coming through the windows. Beside her, Noah muttered under his breath and slipped his arm from around her. Reaching over the side of the bed with one arm, he grabbed his pants from the floor and dug his phone out of the pocket.

  “Chase,” he said as he put it to his ear. “What? You’re kidding?” He glanced at Peyton as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Um, yeah. I’ll be in after I swing by the police station.”

  He hung up, then tossed his phone on the bedside table and turned to look at her. “That was my boss. The cops picked up the driver of the van. Apparently, it wasn’t very hard to find him.”

  She pushed herself up on an elbow. “That’s great! Do you have to go to GAPS to do some paperwork or something?”

  “Actually, your publisher no longer thinks you need a bodyguard.”

  Peyton’s heart sank a little. “Oh.”

  That made sense. Noah couldn’t hang around all day every day while she wrote books. Besides, hiring a bodyguard from a personal security company must be costing her publisher a fortune.

  Noah gently curled the ends of her hair around his finger. “Just because I’m not your bodyguard anymore doesn’t mean we can still keep seeing each other. If you want to, I mean.”

  Her pulse skipped a beat. “Of course, I want to. I would think last night proved that.”

  “Oh, it definitely did. I only wanted to make sure.”

  Deciding she would show him exactly how sure she was, Peyton leaned over and kissed him hard. Noah pulled her close, his hand finding its way into her hair even as he dragged his mouth away.

  “I should go,” he rasped.

  She kissed him, slowly wiggling her body on top of his. She could already feel his cock hardening under her. “Or you could stay and we could have a quickie.”

  “Did I ever tell you I like the way you think?” he asked as he rolled her onto her back and kissed her again.

  * * * * *

  Peyton was on the phone with Tabitha, dishing on Noah, and trying to finish up her book at the same time when the doorbell rang. She considered ignoring the door, but whoever it was rang the bell again.

  “Someone’s at the door, Tabitha.” Phone to her ear, she walked out of her office and down the steps. “I’ll call you later.”


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