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Susan Hatler - Just One Kiss (Kissed by the Bay Book 3)

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by Unknown

  I took a long breath, finally admitting something I hadn’t admitted to myself yet. “What if we go out on a date, I fall for him even more, and then he loses interest in me?”

  “Then he’s crazy and that’s his loss.” Olivia put her hand on mine.

  A young woman walking by stopped, turned her head sharply, and then bellowed out, “Oh, I read that you returned to Blue Moon Bay. You’re Rex Rockwell’s ex! You are, aren’t you? Look, Jenna!” She grabbed the arm of the other young woman nearby. “It’s really her. You’re so lucky. Rex is smoking hot. I can’t believe you divorced a guy that can sing like that . . .”

  I wanted to crawl under the table. I wanted to run away as every head in the place turned to look at me. There it was, the inescapable fact. I wasn’t Charlie.


  I was Rex Rockwell’s ex.

  I was just the woman who had once been married to a rock star. And now I was going on a date with Luke, a definitely hot and famous guy. If things worked out between us then I’d be someone famous’s ‘candy du jour.’ Again.

  I had to break that date with Luke.

  Olivia cackled suddenly. “Why does everyone think you’re Rex Rockwell’s ex-wife?”

  Wendy joined in laughing. “At least this lady didn’t ask you for his number like that other woman did. Don’t people read magazines? That lady’s hair is way shinier than yours.”

  “Totally,” I said, shrugging. Friends like mine were priceless.

  The woman who’d spoken looked confused. “You’re not her?”

  “No,” Megan said, as she stood up. “She’s not. It must be the hat. You’re like the fourth person this morning to think my friend was married to a rock star, which is hilarious. I did hear his ex is back in town, skulking along the beach in giant mu-mus and flip-flops, though. Maybe you’ll see her out there.”

  They formed a sort of circle around me as we left and once we got outside I heaved a giant sigh of relief. “Thanks, guys.”

  Wendy squeezed my hand. “Need a ride home?”

  I shook my head. “No, I parked down the street. But, thanks. I don’t have to be on the set for another hour and a half and I want to walk just to clear my head.”

  We said our good-byes and hugged each other. They left and I set off, walking fast. The one thing that kept going through my mind was that if I dated Luke everything could go wrong, and I would disappear again the way I had with Rex. I couldn’t let that happen.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I walked into wardrobe expecting to be handed that drab maid’s uniform. Instead, Bette turned to me. “What dress size are you?”

  “Six.” I blinked at her. “Did something happen to my uniform?”

  She shook her head. “We decided you need something different today.” She rummaged through the racks, muttering until she came to a certain garment bag. She took it down and stared it. “Yes, this will do nicely for you.”

  She unzipped the bag, and pulled the dress out.

  I gulped. The dress was sexy. Way too sexy for daytime television. Way too sexy for me to be parading around in, especially while Luke was nearby.

  Adele sashayed into the room, glared at me, and then cooed. “Oh, Bette. Is that what I’m wearing today?”

  “No, it’s what Charlie is wearing today,” Bette responded.

  The pleased expression on Adele’s face died. She flounced out.

  I wanted to bang my head into the nearest wall. If there wasn’t going to be tension already today, then that dress had sealed the deal. It was like Bette was conspiring to make sure I faced the wrath of Adele.

  I dressed and the makeup artist came in and did her thing to my face. When she was done, I stared at the mirror, shocked at the reflection staring back at me. I had dressed up plenty while I was married to Rex, but it had been a while since I’d seen myself glammed up.

  I looked glamorous and sexy. The dress was carnelian-colored, silky, and slimming. The tapered cut made me appear taller and impossibly thin. I found myself grateful for all the hours I’d spent doing yoga this past year that had left my arms toned and my core tight, because this dress showed it all off.

  Today, I wore heels with clever straps around the ankles. So Bette had noticed that I kept falling out of my shoes. Smart lady. I wore a slash of crimson on my lips, kohl around my brown eyes, and my dark hair was pulled back into a tight coil.

  I headed onto the set, grateful that we were shooting inside, since I didn’t want anything to happen to this beautiful dress. Luke’s eyes smoldered when he saw me. He grinned and gave me a thumbs-up gesture. I winked back at him, then took my mark.

  Adele stalked up, wearing a simple black cocktail dress that made her look like she was in mourning. Her shoulders were set and her mouth thinned into a firm line.

  “Action!” Roger yelled, and tension filled the room as we began the scene.

  Adele let her gaze run over my body. “What do you think you’re doing exactly? Do you honestly think a fancy dress is going to make you into someone you’re not?”

  Oh, great. Adele had gone off script again. I was trying to think of a proper response when Luke walked in. He had that sensual saunter to his hips and a smile on his mouth. His eyes went right to me and happiness filled my heart. He looked at me like nobody else in the room existed.

  I turned to Adele. “I don’t need this dress to be someone special.”

  “You’re special to me.” Luke’s voice was deep, and vibrated through every pore in my body.

  Adele raised her chin. “You’ve lost your taste, Derek. She’s a maid. And a murderer. She killed my wonderful Sebastian and you can’t let her get away with it!”

  Ah, back on script again. This, I could do. “I am not a murderer. I will clear my name and prove that you killed him if it’s the last thing I do!”

  We all held still and I knew the cameras were zooming in on our faces and that they would add in the signature suspense-filled music in editing.

  “Cut!” Roger yelled, then dismissed us. “Let’s do Anna and Travis’s scene now because it’s going to be spliced in here. Charlie, Luke, Adele—great work.”

  I walked off the mark and gathered my purse off of a side table. Luke came toward me but just then my phone rang. I checked the screen, and my brows furrowed. It was Harper Avery, my lawyer. I gave Luke a regretful glance. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. Talk later?”

  He nodded and I turned away, heading down the stairs so I could find a little privacy. I answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Charlie. I’d ask how filming is going but I already heard you’ve landed a part on the show and you’re blowing the producers away.”

  “How did you hear that?” I asked, then remembered she was friends with Maggie Sparks. “Oh, right, never mind. Yes, the filming has been going really well. I didn’t want the part initially and was just helping out when an extra didn’t show up. But I . . . I’m loving acting again,” I admitted, my eyes watering. “I hadn’t realized how much I missed it, you know?”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You’ll never guess what happened . . .”

  “Rex immolated and now I’m stuck trying to gather his ashes?”

  She laughed. “No. Better.”

  I took a deep breath. “What is it?”

  “Word got out that you’re acting. A producer got a sneak peek at the reels you’re doing now and he wants you to come to Los Angeles and play a part in a romantic comedy. You’re being offered the lead, Charlie, and the money is good.”

  My mouth went dry. “W-What? What?”

  “It’s a romantic comedy. I have all the details here. The working title is called Cherries Jubilee, a witty romantic comedy that had first been a bestselling novel. It’s about a woman who inherits a cherry farm and then accidentally sets half of her trees on fire causing her to meet a smoldering firefighter.”

  My face went numb and I blinked. “They offered me the leading role?”

  “Yes. So, the hot firefighter’s
parents—they have several A-list actors in mind for the leading male—had been pushed off the cherry farm when he was a child by the heroine’s parents, so the script has some meaty drama in addition to the comedy. What do you think?”

  Adrenaline rushed through me. My knees went weak. All of my life I had wanted to act. Rex had convinced me I didn’t need to, or really even want to. He was the one who was supposed to be famous and creative and talented, and I was supposed to be his supportive wife. I had played that role very well, too well. I had played it so well I’d let my own dreams fall away.

  “I-I . . .” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I was beyond thrilled, but scared stiff at the same time. I couldn’t even find words to answer her. From inside the house, someone called my name. “I have to go, Harper. Thank you for calling and I’ll, um, talk more with you soon, okay? I have to get back on set.”

  “That’s fine. Go, do, act.”

  I hung up, turned the ringer off on my phone and dashed back onto the set. I laid my phone and purse down on the chair and took my mark.

  Roger called for action and I turned to face Luke. Tears suddenly welled in my eyes, then slid down my cheeks. I held my hands out toward him. “The things Catrina said hit me hard. I want to be so much more than a maid, Derek.”

  I did, too. I mean, I wasn’t a maid, not in the real world. But Harper’s phone call and that amazing offer had awoken something inside me, a hunger for more, a need to fulfill a dream I’d let Rex steal away from me.

  Luke moved close to me. I caught a whiff of his delicious cologne. His arms came around me and his thumbs pressed right below my lower lids as he wiped away those tears. “You are so much more than just a maid, Piper. Don’t you know that? Let me remind you.”

  His face leaned toward mine. My heart beat so hard and fast I was pretty sure it was about to explode from my chest and go skittering across the floor. Except, ew. I waited for his lips to brush mine—

  Just then Adele appeared in the living room. “This way, officers!”


  What was happening?

  That wasn’t in the script. . . .

  Men dressed in police uniforms appeared. They looked like those hot cops you always see on television. One of them grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back. “You have the right to remain silent . . .”

  “What’s going on?” I reacted, instinctually. I started writhing, trying to get back my freedom as panic blew through me. Steel met my wrists with a clicking sound. I gawked at Luke as they began to hustle me from the set. “What’s happening?”

  He stepped toward me shouting. “I’ll get to the bottom of this. Until then, say nothing. Say nothing!”

  “I don’t know what to say!” I yelled back.

  I didn’t, either. Not on this set. Not in my life. But somehow I had the sneaking suspicion Adele had something to do with this rewritten scene. And since Roger yelled “Cut!” and “That’s a wrap!” there wasn’t a single thing I could do about it.

  Piper had been arrested for Sebastian’s murder.

  Chapter Fourteen

  There was wild applause around the set and the uniformed police officer actor, who was holding my arms, let me go. I couldn’t believe Piper had been arrested for Sebastian’s murder. I couldn’t help but wonder if this meant my sweet little part on Just One Love was now over.

  I stood there, watching, as one of the writers threatened to quit and Maggie ran off after him. Then the uniformed officer who’d arrested me started to walk off, too. I turned, jiggling my cuffed arms behind my back. “Hey, can you get me out of these?”

  The guy looked abashed. “Oh, right. Sorry.” He patted his hip then his face took on a thunderstruck expression. “Um . . .”

  “Um, what?”

  “I don’t have keys to those cuffs. I guess they didn’t give them to me.”

  Was he serious?

  I cleared my throat. “Who is ‘they’ and where are ‘they’ located so I can get the keys?”

  Luke strolled up, wearing an impish grin. “Maybe I should keep you in these to make sure you go out with me tonight. I keep getting the feeling you’re going to bolt on me.”

  I gulped. “If you get me out of these, then I promise not to run.”

  “That’s a deal.” He chuckled and went to the wardrobe room and came back with a set of keys. He let me out of the cuffs and caught my wrists in his hands. His strong, warm hands. His fingers caressed the chafing and slight soreness there.

  “Thanks.” I sighed with relief, but then I remembered I might be fired. “What happened to our original scene? Did you know about the changes?”

  “No, but Roger and Maggie liked the tension, so they’re going to run with it. Filming is over for the day, so would you like to go to dinner now?”

  Seconds ticked by. It was now or never. “I’d love that,” I said.

  He smiled at me. “Do you want to change?”

  “Yes. No. Let’s just get out of here.” I gazed up at the man whose smile always brought flutters to my chest and right then was no exception.

  My career may have been up in the air with my character arrested, and a pending offer in a romantic comedy, but I couldn’t wait to spend the evening with Luke.


  We went to the restaurant at the Inn at Blue Moon Bay, which was called Huntington’s Seafood Grill. Wendy’s boyfriend, Max, owned the restaurant and this was the first time I’d stepped inside.

  The space was long and narrow, with bayside windows with phenomenal views of the ocean. The lobby and booths were dark woods, complimenting pale green and silver walls. The upholstered booths held matching patterns to the intricately swirled wallpaper lining the back wall.

  The host brought us to a table near the glowing fireplace and not far from the bar. After we were seated, he lifted a leather bound menu. “Would you like some wine or something stronger?”

  “I get loopy after one whiskey and soda, so I think wine’s a better bet.” I laughed, avoiding telling him that I hadn’t been out much in the last year. I laid my napkin across my lap in a sudden burst of worry about the dress. Bette would have a hissy if I stained it in any way.

  “How about champagne, to celebrate that we’re here tonight?” he suggested, and I agreed. After the wine steward took the order, we studied our menus for a few minutes. Then Luke leaned toward me. “Are you glad you came out with me?”

  I nodded. “I’m sorry if I’ve seemed nervous about our date, but I haven’t dated much since the divorce. I’m not even sure how people go about it these days. I mean it seems to be all texting and video chatting and asking for coffee refunds.”

  He looked confused. “Coffee refunds?”

  “Long story with a friend of mine. It’s just that I don’t know how to date.”

  He took my hand. Little thrills shot along my wrist and upward. His eyes held mine. “You’re doing a great job of dating right now, just being yourself.”

  Happiness flooded through me. I hadn’t been happy for so long that every time I was it felt like a remarkable gift, and Luke made me very happy all the time. It was wonderful.

  The server returned and filled our champagne flutes, and then took our order. As he left, the front door to the restaurant opened and our producer walked in. The host led her past our table, and she stopped to stare when she saw us.

  “Oh, hello. I didn’t expect to see the two of you . . . here.”

  “Hi, Maggie.” I looked from her to the man standing next to her.

  “Oh, this is my husband, Greg.” She gestured to him and he nodded politely. “Greg, you know Luke. This is Charlie Rockwell, it’s her house that we’re filming in.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Greg murmured.

  “Would you mind if we joined you?” Maggie asked.

  “Um . . .” I shot Luke a look. The last thing I wanted was company and it felt odd that the producer would ask to sit with us. Unless maybe she thought we were at a working dinner? Still, I’d waffled
so much about this date and now that it was happening I wanted to spend time alone with Luke so we could get to know each other better.

  “Maybe next time.” Luke’s mouth formed an easy smile, and if he was bothered by her request I sure couldn’t tell.

  “Of course.” Maggie’s smile didn’t change but I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach as Adele’s accusation came flooding back. I hoped Maggie hadn’t heard that rumor.

  “So you two just wandered off the set together? I mean, since you’re both still in wardrobe.”

  I grimaced. “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t even think to change. It was a hard day and I really needed a drink so we just headed out.”

  “I’ve had days like that,” she said, letting out a small laugh. “Have you two been to Huntington’s before?”

  Relief filled me. Maggie wasn’t being nosy, after all. She was just concerned about the obviously expensive dress, and the quality of food at the restaurant. Um, wait. Could that be correct? They seemed like minor things to worry about.

  “This is my first time, but a friend of mine owns it. I’ve heard the food is divine.”

  “Wonderful.” She nodded, and then she and her husband followed the very patient host to their table.

  I heaved a sigh of relief. But that relief didn’t last long. After only a few minutes, I glanced over to find Maggie looking at us, a frown marring her brow. Tension settled into me. I didn’t want to get into any more trouble with the show. Not with my character currently under arrest.

  The part as Piper wasn’t about the money being good—and I really did need the income. But I was enjoying the work and feeling like myself for the first time in years. Acting was what I had always wanted to do, and now I was getting a taste of how much I’d lost by letting Rex talk me into putting my dream aside.

  “Do you think Maggie’s upset that we’re here together? I mean is there a no-fraternization rule on Just One Love or something?” I asked.


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