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Amanda's Young Men

Page 8

by Madeline Moore

  ‘Oh! Ms Garland! I …’

  He was slender and smooth, with pale-fawn nipples. His body was as hairless as his face, but the erection he clutched in his soapy fist was as big as any that Amanda had ever seen. It had a flared deep-crimson head.

  ‘You weren’t going to waste that, were you?’ she asked, nodding at his erection.

  ‘I …’

  ‘I think I understand. You were nervous you’d come too quickly so you were going to jerk off first, before we got together, right?’

  He nodded.

  ‘But, at your age, you can come and come again and again, can’t you?’

  He nodded again.

  ‘And who do you think about when you masturbate, boys or girls?’

  That had him! He couldn’t confess to it being either without revealing his lack of sexual confusion, and he wasn’t sophisticated enough to say, ‘Both.’

  Amanda let him off the hook. ‘By the time I’m done with you, it’ll be me you fantasise about every single time you play with yourself. Now leave that lovely thing alone before it squirts. Lather me, all over. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ She turned her back to him to make his getting started easier.

  His soapy hands smoothed over her shoulders, then down her back as far as her waist, where they hesitated, making nervous circles. Perhaps it was too soon to get him to caress the cheeks of her bum. At his age, it would be tits he dreamt of mostly. Amanda took hold of his wrists and drew his hands around her to place one on each of her breasts. Automatically, he began to compress and release them. She leant forwards to brace herself on the wall. Her hips pushed back at him, forcing him to lean over her.

  There! That was nice. She could feel his balls loll against the base of her spine and his hot shaft rest up her back, all the way to her waist and beyond. He was a big boy.

  ‘Nipples?’ she suggested, and wriggled back at him.

  Tom plucked and twisted. Amanda moaned to encourage him and squirmed back harder.

  ‘Ms G-Garland!’ he gasped.

  Amanda quickly turned to face him. His face was strained and purple. She grabbed his waving manhood, low around its thick base, meaning to squeeze his climax back the way she’d often done for Roger, but it was too late. Tom jerked. A great squirt of man-cream hit her navel and drooled down the subtle curve of her tummy before the shower’s jets rinsed it away.

  ‘I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!’ His face contorted in shame.

  ‘Don’t be, silly! I like the feel of a man’s hot cream on my skin.’ She demonstrated her pleasure by rubbing her belly, though by then all traces had washed away. ‘Turn around and face the shower. I’ll soon have you hard again.’

  He turned.

  ‘Spread your legs wide for me, Tom.’

  He shuffled his feet apart. Amanda soaped her hands and reached around him with one and under him with the other. Toying with his balls, she slowly caressed the length of his shaft. In two strokes, it was erect. In four, it was throbbing with urgency.

  ‘There! You see? Turn around and face me again, Tom.’

  Warm water cascaded over Tom’s head and shoulders. It sluiced down his young body. Amanda lapped at the cascade as it flowed over the smooth skin of his chest, then parted her lips to let the water flow into, and overflow, her mouth. She considered going lower to take him into her water-filled mouth and gargle but decided to save that idea for someone who would appreciate it more – and who would last longer.

  Amanda opened the shower door and marched out, pulling Tom after her by his hard-on. He managed to grab a towel en route to his mother’s bedroom but Amanda didn’t give him time to dry himself. She turned his back to the bed and pushed on his chest. He fell flat on his back, plucking his shaft from Amanda’s fingers. She flopped down and leant over him.

  ‘You want to learn how to kiss properly, right?’

  He nodded.

  ‘Put one hand on the back of my head with your fingers tangled in my hair. Girls like to have their heads steered.’

  ‘They do?’

  ‘Most do. I do.’ She quickly amended that to: ‘Or I used to, when I was a lot younger.’ It wouldn’t do for her to reveal her submissive side, not while she was dominating the boy. ‘Now, the other hand, on my breast. Play with it nicely. Good. Now tilt your head to the right and turn it towards me. Part your lips. No! Not like you’re going to swallow me whole. Part them, that’s all. Now …’

  She ran her hands down his bare belly and lower, taking him in hand again. Amanda leant in close, breathing in the smell and the sight of him. So fresh. So adorably young and unsullied. Tom’s mouth really was quite feminine. She’d seen one quite like it, very recently. Now who …? Right – Nola. Kissing Tom would be a lot like kissing her receptionist, except that the girl would have had more practice. A lot more. With Roger, for one.

  She bit hard into Tom’s sulky lower lip.


  ‘Hurt? Here, I’ll kiss it better for you.’ Not feeling at all contrite – quite the opposite, she seemed to be turning into a real bitch – Amanda nibbled and suckled on Tom’s bruised lip.

  He relaxed. Her tongue slid into his mouth. He tasted of peppermint; either he’d popped a breath mint or he’d brushed his teeth before his shower. A very good beginning. Amanda’s tongue delicately explored his, over and under, sampling the liquor of his mouth. His tongue responded, aggressively at first, but a sharp smack on the back of his head settled him right down. Once his tongue was tamed, she taught him the art of the tender kiss.

  Her fingertips delicately stroked him. His hand moulded her breast with increasing boldness. Tom began to pant. Despite the care with which she caressed him, Amanda sensed that he’d climax again if they continued like that much longer.

  She pulled free and fell on to her back, thighs wide apart. ‘Finger me!’


  ‘You know – play with my pussy.’

  It was Tom’s turn to lean up on one elbow. His touch was diffident, as if he was awestruck by the intimate flesh he was being allowed to fondle. If he’d ever caressed a girl’s pussy before, he was an excellent actor.

  ‘I thought girls had hair there,’ he said softly.

  ‘We do. I wax. Do you like me without hair?’

  ‘Oh yes! I didn’t know. Doesn’t it hurt – waxing?’

  ‘Yes, but I think it’s worth it. See all my delicate folds and creases?’

  ‘Oh yes.’ His tone was positively reverential.

  Amanda was aroused enough that her inner lips emerged like new petals beyond the bloom of her outer ones. Tom’s fingers had no problem finding their way into the centre of the rose.

  ‘You’re so …’ he gasped.

  ‘Yes, I am,’ she replied, having heard the ‘hot’ ‘wet’ ‘soft’ speech before, used it in fact, when egging on Ro – a lover.

  ‘Complicated,’ he finished.

  Ah yes, that was what she loved about these boys. Their fresh ways of looking at things. She choked back a laugh. He’d think she was laughing at him, when really she was giddy with delight at his naive, yet entirely accurate, description of her womanly parts.

  ‘Do you want to take a close look?’

  ‘May I?’

  ‘Go down there.’ Amanda used both hands to press down on her outer lips and pull them up and apart, opening herself blatantly.

  Tom knelt on the floor between her feet. ‘Oh! You’re so pink! And there’s a – like – a little bump at the bottom, and …’

  ‘Look for the bump that’s higher, here.’ Amanda’s index finger pulled back the tiny hood to expose her delicate clitoris. ‘That’s the love-button, Tom. That’s what makes girls happy. Wet your fingertip and stroke it, very softly. It’s sensitive at first, before it gets excited.’

  She deliberately gasped and shuddered at his first tentative touch. If a man likes to believe that he drives a woman wild with his caresses, then certainly a boy would.

  ‘Rotate on it,’ she said. ‘Round and ro
und. That’s good. Yes, that’s very good.’ She paused to enjoy the sensations for a while before saying, ‘Now your tongue, Tom. Lick it. Show me what a man you are. Good. Nice and easy, like our kisses. Lick, lick. Lovely! Now finger me, inside, but keep licking. Feel up and behind, Tom. Yes. That’s it. You can use two fingers, you know. Up there. A little higher. Higher. To your right. Good. Feel that? Like a spongy bump? That’s my G-spot. If you know where a girl’s clitoris is, and her G-spot, you can drive her crazy, Tom. I promise. Now massage me inside. Nice. Nice and tender. Now you’re going to get a little more aggressive. Pump me a little, with your fingers. And lick faster. Over to the left a bit, that’s it, right there. Good, Tom, that’s the spot. Lick and rub, Tom. Don’t stop. Little harder now. Lick and rub. I like a rhythm, baby, get a rhythm going, baby, work your hands in sync, that’s it, yeah, yeah, that’s it. Keep it going. Little faster. That’s good. That’s good. That’s good. I’m close now, baby. Don’t change a thing. You’re gonna make me climax, baby. Ready? Are you ready? Oh yes! Fucking yes! Oh – fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!’

  Amanda curled her knees up to her chest as her orgasm erupted. Her fists clenched handfuls of sandy hair, keeping his head right there, right freakin’ there! His fingers kept going, God bless the boy, pumping her through one paroxysm and into the next until there were no more and she could push him off her and shudder in peace.

  Amanda was so lost in the flow of release she was barely aware of Tom gaping at her, and when she did notice it served to increase her pleasure. His mouth hung open in a big idiotic grin, and his caramel eyes were huge. Likely this was the first time he’d ever seen a woman’s face après orgasm. The thought sent a final tremble through her gut. She lay utterly still, letting the afterglow light her from within. Boys were the best.

  ‘You were the best, baby,’ she cooed. She sat up, pushing her damp blond hair from her eyes. ‘That was wonderful, Tom. Thank you.’

  ‘I’m glad you liked it,’ he said uncertainly.

  Did he think it was over, now that she’d come? Poor darling, slumped on the floor like a puppy without a treat.

  ‘It’s my turn to make you see the stars,’ she growled.

  He cheered right up. ‘You’re very wet,’ Tom said. His fingers twitched but, like the good boy he was, he waited for her to tell him what to do next.

  ‘Real men like that,’ she told him. ‘They like to taste it. Lick me, Tom.’

  Obediently, he lapped at her, timidly at first but with growing enthusiasm, until his cheeks were pressed between her pussy’s lips and his tongue was squirming into her. She felt like laughing at his sloppy eagerness, but she felt something else, too, so she let him relish cunnilingus without comment, except once, when she said, ‘No teeth.’

  After a few minutes she said, ‘Now you may fuck me.’

  He jumped up and started to scramble on top of her.

  ‘No, not like that.’ She pushed him back with her foot. ‘Stay standing up. Take hold of my ankles. That’s it. Lift them up and spread them wide. Push them at me until my knees are in my armpits and my bum is tilted up off the bed. See how flexible I am? Girls will be even more so! Now come close. I’ll put it in for you.’ Amanda reached down with both hands. There was no need for her to use her hands to open herself for him this time. The slatternly lips were plastered apart by her spendings. With one hand under his balls and the other guiding his stiff rod, she worked its head inside her.

  ‘First time?’ she asked, just to be sure.

  He nodded, wordless.

  ‘You’ll enjoy it, I promise. Go slow. Just ease into me, Tom. Relish every inch. In. In a bit further. Easy does it. Oh you’re such a big boy, Tom! Deeper. Deeper. That’s it – all the way. Wow! Now grind on me. See if you can get any deeper. Oh yeah. Twist your hips. Press hard. Put your weight into it. I promise you it won’t hurt me.’

  She squeezed hard with her internal muscles. Tom’s eyes opened wide.

  Amanda continued. ‘Verrrry nice. Now pull back, there’s a good boy. Take it just as slowly. Right, right … Now in again, just a tiny bit faster.’

  The lad gritted his teeth in his effort to maintain control.

  ‘On your toes, Tom. Lift up and lean right over me. That’s good.’ Amanda ran her fingertips up and down his sides and across his hairless adolescent chest. As the slow rhythmical pace of their coupling began to get to her, she raked her nails down his chest, making him wince and leaving livid lines. Amanda curled to get her arms around him and her lips to his chest. Her tongue traced the welts that her nails had left on his tender white skin.

  Tom humped hard and slow. Either by instinct or luck, the head of his rod rubbed against Amanda’s G-spot and she moaned.

  Perhaps he took that as a signal, or maybe he simply couldn’t hold back any longer. He cut loose and pounded into her. Amanda grabbed his hair and pulled him lower. Her other hand squirmed between their bodies to find her clit. Abandoning the idea that this was for Tom’s benefit, she frigged herself furiously. She hissed her lust at him, spurring him on, and managed to bring herself to another goddam good climax just before he released inside her.

  His face distorted. He yelled ‘Yes’ half a dozen times; he yelled ‘Fuck’ half a dozen times; and finally, he collapsed on his side beside her.

  ‘Was that nice?’ she asked. ‘You looked like you liked it.’

  ‘Fan-fucking-tastic!’ He groaned. ‘Was I too loud? Did I look stupid?’

  ‘You looked beautiful, baby. Handsome, I mean. Happy. And you weren’t one bit too loud. You come beautifully.’ She sat up. ‘Which reminds me, Tom, has a girl ever swallowed your come?’

  He shook his head.

  ‘But you’ve come in a girl’s mouth, right?’


  ‘Been sucked off?’


  ‘That’s terrible! I’ll have to take care of that. If you’d like me to?’

  ‘Take care of …?’

  ‘Suck your cock. Make you come. And swallow every last drop.’

  Tom moaned, ‘Oh, fucking hell, yes, please.’

  ‘Remember,’ Amanda told him, ‘however many girls suck you off in the future, I was the first.’

  ‘I’ll remember. I’ll always remember you, Ms Garland. You’re wonderful. I – I love …’

  Amanda gave him a warning look. There was no need for him to make sugary declarations he didn’t mean, not to her.

  His face flushed. ‘I love it,’ he finished lamely.

  Tom raised himself on one elbow to look down at his limp manhood. ‘But it’s gone …’

  ‘Soft? That’s fine, Tom. You’ll see.’ Amanda spun round on the bed and lifted Tom’s leg so that she could rest her cheek on the inside of his thigh. He was totally limp, in fact more than a little bit shrivelled. She lifted its head between her finger and thumb, parted her lips and took it into her mouth. Amanda let it just lie there, heavy on her tongue. After about half a minute, it twitched. Without her doing anything at all, it twitched again, and then a third time. Slowly, it thickened and lengthened, lifting and stiffening. Within a minute, it filled her mouth with its comforting bulk.

  Involuntarily, Amanda swallowed. Tom reacted instantly. His hips moved a fraction, pushing the head deeper. Amanda squeezed his thigh as a signal that he should keep still. Her tongue rolled around the hard smoothness of his helmet. She turned her neck a little, working his knob into the pouch of her cheek, and then sucked air. Tom jerked. Amanda lined her throat up again. She relaxed her gag reflex. She nodded. Tom groaned.

  Amanda found Tom’s hand and laid it on the mound of her sex. Taking his cue, the boy curled a finger inside her while he found her button with his thumb. Incredible, how quickly he’d learnt the basic tricks to pleasing a woman! As he glossed her glistening pink seed, Amanda gurgled on his dome and slavered it with her tongue.

  ‘Shall I …?’ he asked, licking his lips.

  Amanda nodded and lifted her leg. It’d been years since she’
d been in a sixty-nine. There had been lots of oral sex with Roger, but they’d fallen into the habit of him doing her and then her reciprocating. Of course, once Roger climaxed, he was done for the day. So much of their play, she’d come to understand, had been arranged around that one simple fact. Young men were gloriously different. They could do so many of the things Roger had lost the strength or ability to do, getting hard over and over again being just one of them.

  But they couldn’t dominate her.

  Well, no problem. It wasn’t as if she were restricted to one lover and had to choose between younger and older, submissive or dominant. Now that she was a dedicated libertine, she could enjoy the benefits of all ages of men – and boys.

  And girls? Maybe. If girls were half as delightful as boys, she’d be a fool not to seek out the experience.

  Sixty-nine can take a long time. A woman can’t totally concentrate on either what’s being done to her or what she’s doing to her partner. Amanda decided to shorten it by giving all her attention to pleasuring the boy. With that decided, Amanda bobbed, fast and furious, until Tom squealed, stiffened and poured himself into Amanda’s mouth.

  She gave him a minute to recover before she jumped off the bed, stole a jar of expensive cream from Sophie’s dressing table and returned. ‘Next, how about a nice slow hand-job, Tom? Would you like that?’

  ‘I – er …’

  ‘Of course you would.’

  An hour later, Tom fell fast asleep with his head on Amanda’s breast, suckling at her nipple. She carefully worked her way out from under him. He looked so cute, lying there like a satiated little angel. It was a shame she didn’t have a camera handy.


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