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Officer Daddy

Page 19

by Jacqueline Diamond

  At Papa Giovanni’s, she placed an order for two pasta dishes, plus garlic bread and salad. With twenty minutes to wait, she wandered next door to gaze in the window of Jewels by Jacques. Why not treat herself to a pair of earrings, as well?

  But it wasn’t the earrings that caught her attention. It was a bearded man and a graying woman inside the store. Although they must be in their sixties, they were beaming like kids as the woman held out her left hand to admire an engagement ring. Even through the glass, Nora could see the diamond sparkle, or imagined she could.

  A jolt of pain stabbed her heart. If only she and Leo were able to share their future like this couple. If only her handsome, dashing police officer loved her without reservation.

  He was capable of deep emotion, of loving his child and, she felt certain, of committing himself to a woman, too. Just not you. He likes you well enough for now, but you’ll never be the woman of his dreams.

  She recognized that small internal voice. It had told her many times over the years as she gazed into the mirror that she was awkward. Geeky. Not nearly as sexy as guys expected.

  It hadn’t believed a sophisticated man like Reese could fall for her, and had accepted, with a kind of embarrassment, that she’d lost him to a younger, more glamorous woman.

  Maybe it was time for that voice to shut up.

  LEO ARRIVED AT NORA’S CONDO with a bottle of sparkling grape juice and an African violet, purple blooms peeking past glossy green leaves. He’d chosen a plant rather than cut flowers so she could enjoy it for a long time. Rose had assured him it was safe to grow around children.

  Nora accepted the plant with obvious delight, her thumb caressing the velvety leaves. “They feel so soft, but I’m not sure whether they like being touched.”

  “If they don’t, they’re very stupid plants.” He ran a thumb across her smooth cheek. “Now, humans, on the other hand…” He traced the arch of her neck and the scoop of her green top down to the swell of her breasts. He couldn’t think that way. Except for light cuddling, she was off-limits.

  Reluctantly, Leo drew back. “I’d better behave.”

  “Only temporarily,” Nora assured him.

  “In this case, temporary feels like forever,” he admitted.

  “At least I can satisfy one of your appetites. Come eat.” She led him to the dining area, and through the sliding doors to the balcony he heard the relaxing ebb and flow of the surf. After the raucous jukebox and blaring TV at the tavern, his whole body sighed with relief.

  Nora had set the table with bright blue plates and crystal glasses. Linen napkins and gleaming silverware, too. “Now we can have our own celebration,” she told him. “I hope you had fun with your friends.”

  “Absolutely.” His coworkers had acted genuinely pleased with his promotion. Bill and George had said privately that they were glad to see good solid police work win out over currying favor. He presumed they were referring to Trent.

  “So being involved with me didn’t hurt you?” She produced blue-and-white bowls full of pasta and salad.

  “No, as it turned out.” While they ate, Leo filled her in on what the captain had said. Retelling the story, he enjoyed watching her reaction to each small revelation. It gave him a chance to enjoy the experience all over again, without the pressure and anxiety of the first go-round.

  He relished this kind of dinner-table conversation. There were none of the cold silences or snide remarks that had marked his parents’ interaction during his childhood dinners. If only they could capture and hold this tender relationship. Never let it deteriorate. Never let it go stale.

  He gladly found room for dessert, a rich chocolate torte. Nora had a thin slice. “I don’t want to gain too much weight during my pregnancy,” she explained. “But I refuse to deny myself entirely.”

  “You shouldn’t deny yourself at all,” Leo said.

  “I suppose not.” Across from him, she toyed with her fork and scraped the last few crumbs off her plate.

  “Something on your mind?” Leo didn’t understand why she seemed nervous.

  She flashed him a startled look. “Oh! I have a gift for you.”

  A gift? “You bought dinner. That’s plenty.”

  “This is different.” She bolted from the table. Definitely nervous. About what?

  He kind of hoped she would return with a new ultrasound photo. Learning the sex of the baby would cap an already memorable day. But she came back with a small velvet jeweler’s box in her palm.

  A tiepin? Cuff links? He didn’t need any of that stuff, but he appreciated the thought. “Thanks.” With a mystified smile, Leo accepted the box and pried it open.

  A thick gold band, etched with a geometric design, gleamed against a black background. Subtle and masculine. He liked it, but…” Is this a wedding ring?”

  He lifted his gaze to find her watching him anxiously. “This is the part I’m not sure about,” Nora said. “Whether to get down on my knees. If I do that, you might have to haul me up afterward.”

  “You’re proposing?” Instantly, he felt like an idiot. That was pretty obvious.

  “Well, I am older than you, so I figured I should take the lead.” Nora hovered nearby, still on her feet. “I realized I have a tendency to protect men emotionally, and how better can I protect you than by being your wife?”

  What an odd reason to get married. Besides… “It’s my job to protect you. And the baby.” Reaching for her arm, Leo drew her onto his lap. That required a bit of angling and adjusting, but soon she was right where he wanted her. “I was going to suggest we move in together. Preferably here. How about it?”

  “Leo.” A pucker formed between her eyebrows. “You’ve gotten stuck in your thinking. We’re having a baby. I love you. We stand side by side even when things go wrong. I need to know we’ll always be here for each other, and our child deserves that security, too.”

  “Of course I’ll always be here for you. I love you.” He tightened his grip around her.

  “Think about it, okay?” Nora kissed his temple. “You don’t have to give me an answer right now.”

  “All right.” If he said no to marriage, would she still say yes to him moving in? He had a feeling she wouldn’t. That made no sense. They were friends, as well as lovers. They belonged…


  Leo didn’t know any other couple where the woman had proposed. But then, they were different from other couples in a lot of ways.

  So what makes you think your marriage will be like anyone else’s, either?

  He remembered when Ralph asked if he’d been in love. Leo had answered truthfully that he’d never been involved with a woman who couldn’t be replaced.

  Until now.

  He’d never find anyone else like Nora. And he didn’t want to.

  “Okay. Yes,” Leo said. “I’ll marry you, on one condition.”

  She took a breath before responding. “What’s that?”

  “You have to let me move in with you.”

  Nora burst out laughing. “That’s a tough one. Yes.”

  “And promise that we’ll always talk things over. That we won’t get angry and clam up, or assign blame or try to impose preconceived roles. That we’ll stay like this. Best friends.” Leo hadn’t intended to deliver a speech, but there it was.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Nora said, and kissed his jaw.

  Instead of feeling trapped, he felt his heart expand. They were going to move through life, supporting and loving each other. “Wow,” Leo said, “this is bigger than I expected.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like I got promoted all over again.” From boyfriend to husband. Even the word marriage, which for so long had clanged like a prison door, now chimed merrily.

  Wedding bells. He was actually looking forward to them.

  THEY SAT OUTSIDE ON THE patio, listening to the waves. Stars sparkled in the night sky, and below the bluffs, moonlight glimmered off the ocean. Nora had never believed she could feel so

  There were endless details to discuss on this glorious evening when their commitment was as fresh as a newborn baby. Leo was going to rent his house to Patty and buy a car big enough to carry a family, he said, although Nora protested that she’d miss that little red zinger. She promised to make room in her study for his pool table, but after considering the logistics, he decided to leave it where it was.

  They snuggled beneath a fleece blanket. Faces cold, bodies warm. Nora wondered if, seen from a distance, they emitted a subtle glow. Or maybe not so subtle.

  “Big wedding or small?” Leo asked.

  She burrowed deeper into him. “I already had a big wedding. It didn’t take. But I do want a church full of flowers.”

  “Suits me.”

  It struck her that her father might enjoy walking her down the aisle. He’d ducked that duty the last time, with some excuse or other. Now she understood why—his dislike of Reese. This time, it would be wonderful to share her happiness with him.

  Big or small, luxurious or simple, it didn’t matter. As long as she had Leo waiting for her by the altar, Dr. Nora Kendall was definitely in the mood for a wedding.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8515-0


  Copyright © 2011 by Jackie Hyman

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  *Downhome Doctors

  †Harmony Circle

  **Safe Harbor Medical




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