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Earth-Ground (Genetically Altered Humans, #2)

Page 15

by Rena Marks

  His face was stunned. “Sunny is willing to put herself in danger simply to get away from me?”

  “You have to look at it from her perspective,” Robyn said. “She’s not doing it to get away from you. She’s doing it because she wants a purpose. She wants to make a difference. She knows that somewhere out there she can help protect her people with her skills.”

  “But I am willing to protect her!”

  “Right now she doesn’t want to be protected. She wants to be the protector, and she wants her freedom. Just like you want to protect her, she wants to protect others.”

  “Where does this leave us?” His voice broke. Robyn’s heart bled for her friend.

  “Sometimes...when you really love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be.”

  And then Robyn lost all professionalism. She jumped up into Beast’s arms, squeezing him tight. He held her close—so close—shuddering against her, his face turned down into the crook of her neck. She felt moisture wet her shoulder. For long moments they sat, with her hunched over his lap, feeling his need, his desperate hold. “It will be all right,” she murmured. She kissed the side of his head as she rocked him. “I promise you.”

  “She’s my everything.” His voice was ragged. “What will I do if something happens to her?”

  “You’re Beast. We named you that for a reason. If something comes close to touching a hair on her head, you’ll bust in and rage everywhere. You’ll flatten everything within a ten-mile radius. But only at that point—the point of her needing you.”

  “I’m not sure if I enjoy love, Robyn.”

  “It’s worth it in the end.”

  A small howling sounded from the hallway. Robyn pulled away from him just as Tempest knocked on the door.

  “Now he’s hungry,” she said, handing the baby to Robyn. “And he’s much louder than he was at birth. I miss those golden days.”

  He wasn’t much louder, so Robyn rolled her eyes over Tempest’s dramatic tone before she took her son in her arms, cooing softly as she freed her breast.

  Tempest barely glanced at Beast. “What do you say to a couple of rounds in the gladiator pit?” she asked nonchalantly. “It’ll scare the human prisoners to watch the violence. I’m all about that. Feel free to head that way if you’re interested.” She didn’t wait for an answer but left the room.

  Robyn said nothing, sitting down in a chair with her son to nurse. After a few silent moments, Beast rose and moved toward the outside. Robyn wondered if he’d join her.

  Kaden ate hungrily. His sweet little face scrunched up as he found her nipple and latched on. He made slurping noises as if he couldn’t get enough. By the time she moved him to the second breast, his frantic sucking eased, and he began to lull himself to sleep between swallows. She had to keep rubbing his bottom to wake him long enough to keep eating.

  Steele slipped into the room a few minutes later. “It’s a bloodbath out there. Enough to turn even the strongest stomach.”

  “Beast took Tempest up on her offer?”

  “I’m surprised she offered. She doesn’t usually have anything to do with him.”

  “She’s healing. She saw he had a need for release, and she had a need to kick his ass, so it all worked out.” Robyn grinned.

  “You are the perfect image right now,” Steele said. “My son at your breast. home. Our people surrounding us.”

  “Lily is about to be retrieved,” Robyn agreed. “Life can’t get better.”

  “I love you.”

  She turned her head to meet Steele’s lips. “I love you, too.”


  “Three. Two. One.”

  Jason Becker waited for the distraction in the front of the building that would come with his countdown.

  A bright flash of light exploded, disintegrating the doors. Yells came over the intercom attached to his ear. Exploding shots of laser fire blasted as he pulled his own gun out, aiming for the metal bars of the basement window. It was supercharged, which generated enough heat to blow a city. But Jason knew what he was doing. He had trained for this since the day he decided to leave Iota Nine, his home city.

  There were more distasteful memories than good ones there. The people of the ninth floating city were sheep, wandering about with their “Blessed be,” and “Namaste,” catch phrases but clueless as to the true meanings of the words. Not a single one of them would ever get their hands dirty by caring for those struggling on Earth-Ground. No, instead they would meditate for a higher power to sweep in and care for the poor, contagious souls. Naturally, those souls were considered lower class, and heaven forbid the disease of lower class spread. He’d left his power hungry wife, whose sweet façade had fallen as soon as the gold and crystal wedding band found the way to her fourth finger.

  Thank the Goddess for his parents, who encouraged their children to explore other places. To live among the rest of the people of Earth.

  The metal disintegrated with a crackle and a fizz, and he knocked away the shards of useless steel with the butt of the gun. Quickly he jumped into the recessed window, looking at the heat seeker on his wrist. The dots that marked the staff who’d previously lined the room had disappeared. No one was guarding this area, the hospital wing. They’d all run to the front entrance where his men had penetrated.

  Using his gun, he smashed into the glass, kicked away the broken pieces, and jumped in. A bed lay in the center of the room, tubes pumping fluids in and out of the green-haired girl who lay in the middle, covered in a white sheet from neck to thigh.

  Her eyes were closed shut, and he snarled as he pulled the needles from her arms and legs.

  Wait a minute. Something was wrong. He stopped in confusion.

  This wasn’t his sweet, precious Lily. This woman’s arms and legs were rounded, as fine as any curvaceously, grown woman. Lily had been a stick-thin teen. This woman’s hair was longer than Lily’s wild mane had been. This woman’s hair reached at least to her backside.

  But she had Lily’s diamond in her nose. How the hell did she get Lily’s nose ring? He paid a small fortune for that precious gem, not that the teenager knew the value of the ring.

  Without the drugs running through her body, the woman took a few deep breaths and coughed. Her bright green eyes opened. For a moment, she looked confused.

  Her full, pouty lips quivered, and her eyes filled with tears. “Jason?” Her voice was deeper, huskier.


  Goddess. Was this creature Lily?

  He jumped at the same time she did, tossing herself into his arms. The sheet fell away and she pressed bare, bountiful breasts into his chest.

  Dear sweet Goddess. This was Lily. And she had no idea that somehow she’d transitioned from scrawny teenager to voluptuous woman in the span of less than a month.

  Footsteps came running down the hall. “Boss, is she okay?”

  Jason blocked the view of Lily with his back, grabbing the sheets and covering her up, adding an extra covering to pile over her completely. “She will be,” he muttered, scooping her up into his arms. “But there’s a change of plans. I need an Op Eight while I take her to a safe house. No communications. I’ll make our way back to Xenia on our own.”

  “Operation Eight? I thought we wanted to search for clues as to what they were up to. Are you sure about an Op Eight?”


  Lily pushed the sheet from over her face. Clear, green eyes with darker green eyelashes that had somehow grown fuller and longer peered around his shoulder. Her lips were plush, centered in her heart-shaped face.

  Shawn’s eyes widened in shock and he took a step back. He nodded. “Operation Eight. Got it.”

  Jason grabbed the sheet, deliberately pulling it over Lily’s face again.

  “Leave it,” he growled.

  He walked away, trusting his men to blow every trace of this hidden facility to smithereens.

  Xeno Sapiens

  Catch up with the first nove
l in the series! The original Xeno Sapiens story.

  Futuristic earth finds alien DNA and creates a new species of hybrids in hidden labs. It’s up to two small females to teach these beings they’re worthy, and beautiful, and loved...and to save them from mankind.

  My name is Dr. Robyn Saraven. Earth has changed greatly in recent years, the governments of the world merging into one united front, the Global Government. Disease, starvation, and prejudice have been eradicated from our existence, and it appears our growth as spiritual beings is finally on track.

  But the discovery of alien DNA pairs a prestigious research facility with our government to create new beings. Suddenly our spiritual growth is halted when mankind plays God. Like old Earth, our modern-day world has to deal with prejudice, corruption, and greed.

  Or was it always there, lurking beneath the surface?

  Alien Stolen

  Rena Marks

  Our world is different from anything we’ve ever known. Years ago, aliens came to live among us. They claim to be the good guys, and yet every day, humans go missing—never to be heard from again.

  Sian and her family resist the leadership of the new regime, along with dozens of other factions across the world. However, without electricity, they’re at a loss as to how to communicate with each other to band together for strength in numbers. For that reason, they fight alone. When her father and best friend are captured by the military, she pretends to be a pleasure worker to infiltrate the base. Unbeknownst to her, a pleasure worker has been summoned to service a new breed of alien—one with a known weakness. Sex drains his strength.

  None of the militia realizes that when a Nisibian comes across his mate, he doesn’t lose his power...but instead transfers it to her.

  Drunk on the power of being a female Rambo, Sian decides to steal the massive alien for herself. This much power at her fingertips could tip the scales in the resistance fight for humans.


  Book 1 in the Blue Barbarian series.

  Alien abductions are real.

  I was the third female awakened aboard the spacecraft that specialized in kidnapping females. Their mission? To sell us to other galaxies.

  Human female Numbers One and Two didn’t make it, but I was lucky. I was able to comprehend the instruction from Drakar, a caged abductee from the planet Blaedonia. I live only because of his warning to me not to fight the aliens who have me on the table. Together, we formulate a plan for escape for both us and the ten other unawakened Earthlings.

  Lucky for Drakar, the spaceship crash-lands back on his planet. Unlucky for the Earthlings, we’ll never be able to travel back home.

  We’ll have to learn to adapt.

  Space Babies

  Book 1 of the Purple People Series

  Rena Marks

  An antiquated ship, rotating through the galaxy of a deserted planet, bears immediate investigation.

  Helian Six boards the abandoned vessel to find the long-lost inhabitants in a state of stasis. But the systems are failing, and half a dozen have woken up. The planet below shows long dead bodies, poisoned by the scum of space, a species known as Gorgians.

  Strangely, the few who have awakened are much smaller than their planetary predecessors. And not very intelligent. Determined to believe the cute, tiny beings are not pets, the crew of Helian Six decide to train the small warriors to defend the planet. They become the laughingstock of patrol, however, after they commit and realize it will take twenty-two cycles to “rear” the inhabitants.

  So they do what any intelligent males would do. Kidnap teachers. And if the females can’t manage to avert their eyes from their buff physiques, well, score!

  Artificial Intelligence

  Rena Marks

  THE SIRIAN GALAXY HAS blown itself up during a war that mimicked that of the destruction of her own planet, Terra. No stranger to slavery, Arian has escaped from the planet Zeta where she’s been raised to breed royalty.

  The Artificial Intelligence is a collective unit from the Sirian Planet B. They’d warned the leaders that a civil war would destroy the galaxy to no avail. In order to escape being destroyed along with the rest, they inserted their intelligence into the computer system.

  Imagine Arian’s surprise when she encounters a huge piece of chipped planet, which her computer claims to have ancient Sirian artifacts buried in its hollowed core.

  Nothing can possibly be alive. The contamination gases from the nuclear war have destroyed everything in sight. But Arian is a scavenger, and these are ancient artifacts...

  Unfortunately, her hacked computer never tells her the artifacts are actually metal skeletons whose bodies need to be grown into dangerously hot men.

  Stargazer Series

  In 1692, a starship carrying volunteers arrived on planet Earth near a small town called Salem, Massachusetts. The long journey across many light years caused the female inhabitants aboard drastic memory loss. It was already known when they would arrive on Earth, they would have no memories of who and what they really were. They would be as helpless as newborn lambs.

  The goal was to breed with Earthlings, to prevent their own race from dying out. If it was successful, years later more Stargazers would be sent to co-exist with the humans on Planet Earth.

  But alas—the females were slaughtered.

  Book 1—The Hunter

  Dante and Kele

  Book 2 —The Enforcer

  Diamond and Felicia

  Book 3 —The Defender

  Hayze and Cassio

  Book 4 —The Protector

  Neo and Jessie

  Book 5 —The Guardian

  Vesta and Bay

  Book 6 —The Destroyer

  Jace and Mia

  The Hunter


  The atmosphere in the grand council meeting was tense, grim even. In the center of the room, laser lights of green and blue flashed, drawing attention to the enlarged hologram of the speaker. Around the hologram stood dozens of females. They were dressed in odd clothing, obviously not from this world. The fabric looked coarse, and the garments were crudely designed. They consisted of shapeless cumbersome gowns. Some of the women even wore strange head coverings.

  And then the voice boomed.

  “We are gathered here to review the report on the future of our race. I am Nepa, and I am your general speaker.”

  He paused, allowing the audience time to adjust to the beginning of his speech. The pause wasn't necessary, however, as the entire planet was riveted to this life-altering event.

  “As you are all aware, we have spent decades on one ongoing problem. Our females are slowly becoming infertile. At this point, there is a huge imbalance on our planet, with males outnumbering females six to one. With all of our advanced technology, we cannot figure out why. The dilemma of the council consists of reaching out to inhabitable planets to decide if we can co-exist with other species. To interbreed. It is a dilemma because those planets are not as technologically advanced as we are, most are not even aware other space inhabitants exist. Their ignorance may cause fear. What we can offer to those planets is a solution to their own in-breeding, and to share knowledge of future ramifications. As we have discovered, eventually the gene pool narrows so dramatically that every culture faces the same problem we have, the phasing out of a species. We offer this benefit to smaller planets, the knowledge of our experience without having to find out the hard way, as we did.

  “However, we are not making contact with other planets at this point. Instead, our scouts will be sent out to see if conditions are favorable.

  “Naturally, that is a concern. At this point, our females are precious and few. It hurts every one of us to ship them off to a strange new planet to adapt. We are grateful for the brave volunteers.”

  Huge clapping ensued. The hologram vision bowed his head, signaling acknowledgment of the applause. When the clapping ended, he raised his head to speak again.

  “We cannot send males at this time. Radiat
ion from the youth of certain stars have rendered males infertile. The feminine reproductive system is encased within the body, protecting it from radiation. We have tried everything possible to mimic the results with males, to no avail. And we are out of time. If we do not split our planet at this time, we face the very grim reality of our population dying out. However, we continue to work on the problem and are confident that males will be able to travel without the threat of sterilization in the next decade. In the meantime, we wish a positive farewell to the cherished females of our planet.

  “You each will arrive in various—but nearby—locations on a planet called Earth. We chose Earth because of their limited communications and technology. It is completely necessary that our scouts do not interfere with the education of their planet, instead allowing them to self-educate naturally. For this, our scouts have each agreed to be placed in stasis.”

  Hushed whispers swept through the audience.

  “I know,” continued the hologram. “Being placed in stasis for an undetermined amount of time will cause permanent brain damage—namely, complete amnesia. You will enter a planet without communication from your own race. You will be 'reborn' in a sense, on planet Earth, dressed in the clothing similar to what other Earthlings wear. You will be ejected from your stasis capsules, and the ship will implode. Your capsules will dissolve, nourishing your bodies, until you awaken. But once you are awake, you will have no knowledge of who or what you are. You will adapt to the planet and learn to live as a human. It will not be easy. Does anyone wish to resign her volunteerism?”

  The room was hushed. Of all the females around the hologram, no one stepped up.

  “All right. You are aware of the dangers. One condition of your new life, which all of you already know, is permission granting us examination of you and of any offspring you may bear. Your memories will be wiped clean of each future abduction. However, I'm sure it will be a terrifying experience as you will be as immature as an actual Earthling, who have not even experienced space travel yet.


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