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The Dark Souls (The Viral Superhero Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Bryan Cohen

  Ted expected another punch, but none came.

  Nigel’s calm voice seeped in through the hood. "Everybody loses during a war, Ted."

  "Tell me about your war."

  Tank pushed him hard into the side of the van. "Shut up."

  Nigel tsked. "He's a teenager seeking out knowledge, Tank. Let's give him what he wants. This war is like any other. Pointless. Your steadfast protector–"


  Ted still wasn’t sure he had his head wrapped around exactly what Erica was.

  "Erica is a drone. She's not here to save you, she's just a cog in a machine. She's controlled by a hive mind willing to do anything to get its way."

  "Like murdering innocent humans?"

  The punch came before Ted could tense up. His eyes began to water. Clenching his jaw seemed to keep some of the pain at bay.

  "Killing a human is like stepping on an ant for us." Tank grunted as he cracked his knuckles.

  "If we're ants, why do you want to take over our puny, insignificant lives?"

  Another blow to the stomach sent Ted to the floor of the van, the cold metal pressing against his cheek. His rib ached, and he hoped his captors wouldn’t kick a man when he was down.

  "According to the stories, our world was once a peaceful, breathtaking place." Nigel spoke longingly. "It provided us with everything we could have ever asked for. When my people asked to let us expand our joy to other worlds, the war began. Now our world is a barren place for everyone."

  "Because you overreached."

  "We have the power to start anew in your world or any of the others. If you were trapped in a wasteland, wouldn't you do anything to liberate your friends and loved ones?"

  Someone pulled Ted back up to a sitting position. He wondered through the pain if he could use his powers to mend cracked bones.

  "Not if I had to kill someone else's loved ones to do it."

  Nigel laughed. "We'll just have to agree to disagree."

  Ted thought of Dhiraj’s outfit and the dream that seemed to be creeping closer and closer to reality.

  He gulped. "And how do I fit into all of this?"

  Nigel’s grin was obvious even through the hood. "Erica never told you? It's so hard to find good protectors these days. When we kill you, all the barriers break down between worlds. Earth will be ours. It'll be as easy as walking across the border. Minus the paperwork."

  In Ted's dream, one stab of the ancient-looking sword caused all his friends to become Nigel’s cronies. He supposed unless he and Erica could stop it, that’s how the world would end.

  The vehicle turned onto what sounded like a gravel path. While he’d been keeping Nigel distracted, Ted had used his mind to reach outside the car in an effort to knock something down every minute or two. A post office box, the light from a lamppost, a parking meter or whatever else he could feel nearby. With any luck, his friends would be able to follow the signs to the start of the gravel path. He knew there wouldn't be many items like that off the road, so he considered other options. A few moments later, he heard a familiar sound in the distance. Ted grinned underneath his hood and concentrated on moving the airborne object toward the vehicle’s location.

  "Almost there, Finley." Jason Torello cackled. "It's time to start thinking of your last words."

  Ted prayed his plan would work.

  I’ve laid the breadcrumbs. Let’s hope there’s still someone alive to follow them.


  Erica examined the situation. Ted was gone, outnumbered, and one sword thrust away from losing the whole war. Dhiraj was lying down face-first on stage with Stucky's boot on his back. Faraday was up there as well, with his arm around Jennifer’s neck, who looked to be in pretty bad shape. Erica didn't like the looks of the symbol on her friend's arm either. The only positive seemed to be the Russian who still lay unconscious in the far-left aisle of the auditorium.

  "Isn't this a fun little party?" Faraday straightened his posture. "In fact, this might be my favorite performance of all time."

  Dhiraj squirmed on the poorly painted stage. "Go after Ted. Don’t worry about us."

  Erica considered it, but she knew Ted would never let her hear the end of it if she let his friend be turned.

  "How about we make this interesting? You two vs. me, for everything. If I lose, you kill them both."

  Stucky and Faraday glanced at each other.

  "And if we lose?"

  "Do you really think that's going to happen?" She shook out her hands. "But if you're not up to the challenge...."

  Stucky hopped off the stage with ease. "Now that you mention it, I wouldn’t mind breaking that perfect nose of yours."

  Faraday threw Jennifer to the ground. "I'll be back in a second. I haven't been in a fight since grade school. I won that one, too."

  The two of them walked toward the cheerleader. The ground shook as they moved up the incline.

  Erica pictured Ted moving toward some unknown destination.

  She let out an even breath.

  Quick. Precise. Flawless.

  She clenched her fists.

  Faraday smiled as he got within striking distance. "And scene."

  He reached for Erica, but she quickly ducked and landed a shot to his ribs. As he grabbed for her again, she leapt and kicked her legs into his chest as hard as she could. He stumbled into the seats as she used her momentum to double punch Stucky’s midsection. As he tried to wrap his arm around her neck from behind, Erica kicked her leg toward the ceiling and nailed Stucky in the face. That got her enough room to turn toward him. When Faraday recovered and approached her, she sprung into the air and hit both of them in the chest with a split kick. Faraday stumbled back into the seats.

  Stucky growled. "You know, your friend tossed me through a car. I think I might return the favor."

  As Stucky reached for her shirt, Erica grabbed his belt and used a backward roll to toss him in Faraday’s direction. The two collided forehead to forehead with a cracking sound.

  Erica had only a second to look onstage. She saw Jennifer recovering from her ordeal, but Dhiraj was nowhere to be seen. She would have started looking for him if Stucky hadn't dashed forward with speed she didn't expect. Erica tried to block him with her forearm, but he landed a clean shot to the head. Her ears rang as she tried to stop the next blow. A massive follow-up kick to the chest spun her backward and onto her stomach. She felt the worn carpet on her face.

  "Not so fast now, are you?"

  Erica rolled over and kick-flipped herself up. Stucky moved at her as she ran toward the opposite side of the aisle, leapt off one of the chairs, and spun around with a kick that hit so hard, it knocked one of Stucky's teeth out. They both watched it fall harmlessly to the ground.

  Her eyebrows waggled. "I hear you should put that in some milk before you take it to–"

  She hadn't noticed Faraday sneaking up behind her. Before she could finish her quip, he grabbed her arms and locked them in place behind her.

  "Brevity is the soul of wit."

  He had all the leverage and she couldn't shake herself free. Stucky ignored his dental needs and began to punch Erica in the ribs. Each blow stung, but the third and most powerful one really seemed to jostle something loose.

  "I felt a rib break on that one."

  Erica gritted her teeth and struggled hard against Faraday’s grip, but it was no use.

  "You know, this fight was your decision." Faraday’s voice boomed inside her throbbing head. "If you were in my class, I'd give you an A for ambition, but–"

  The auditorium went pitch black and silent. Faraday loosened his grip.

  "Lights out, suckers!" Dhiraj’s voice echoed from the tech booth.

  The distraction was all Erica needed. She slammed her head back into Faraday's jaw. As he stumbled back, she sprinted forward, used Stucky as a wall, and ran up his body at top speed. She pushed her feet off his chest and flipped backwards high into the air. Erica landed just behind the stunned drama instructor. She grip
ped his neck and shoulder and snapped his collarbone in two. Faraday screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground. Stucky reached for her, but tripped over his partner in the darkness. Erica ran up the ramp toward the exit. When she opened the door to the lobby, light streamed in, illuminating Faraday writhing in pain on the ground.

  Erica gestured Stucky toward her. "Come at me, bro."

  "Your wish is my command."

  Something willed Erica to a certain spot in the hall. She no longer had the element of darkness to work with, though a fundraising banner hanging above her head grabbed her attention. As Stucky reached the auditorium door, it was clear he was starting to get winded.

  "I'm tired of you moving around."

  She smirked. "You could just give up."

  Stucky snorted and reached to his left, ripping a sizable glass trophy case off the wall. He tossed the massive display in her direction. She flipped backward three times to get enough distance as a mighty crash of glass and metal echoed through the school. As soon as she landed, Stucky was on her. She blocked two punches with her forearms and stepped back to avoid his best attempt at a roundhouse kick. He grabbed her arms, pulled her toward him, and sent a knee right into her stomach. She coughed as he slammed her in the back of the head. As she tried to collect herself, he kicked her square in the orbital bone. Her world swam before her eyes.

  Stucky smiled through his bloody mouth. "All your little flips and tricks aren't going to save you now."

  Then a trophy clanged against the back of Stucky's head.

  "Hey!" Stucky turned toward the assailant. "That stung."

  "There’s more where that came from!" Dhiraj tossed a gymnastics trophy at his head.

  Stucky barely ducked in time.

  Jennifer gripped an academic merit plaque. "By the way, you’re getting blood everywhere."

  As Stucky blocked Jennifer’s spot-on throw, Erica got back to her feet. She sensed something in the air. Whatever it was, it was approaching fast.

  The dark soul caught two of the trophies and screamed triumphantly.

  "Hey, Stucky."

  He turned toward Erica.

  "If you think that stung? Just wait for this."

  Erica leapt into the air and grabbed the banner as Sheriff Norris’ truck barreled through the front doors of the school and slammed full-force into Stucky. He flew across the lobby, crashing through the unforgiving wall behind him.


  Natalie walked into the forest clearing. The tree stump by her side had Erica and the deputy's initials carved into it. At least, it had before somebody had done his best to scratch them out.

  "This has to be the place."

  Natalie looked at the email one more time to make sure she had the location correct. It hadn't taken her long to scale the eight-foot fence that surrounded this part of the forest. She couldn't imagine Erica doing the same, until she realized the deputy probably had a key to the padlock.

  Natalie rubbed at her arm. "Something happened here."

  She wasn't sure what she was looking for exactly, but she knew that a little bit of evidence might be just what she needed to tarnish Erica's name. A condom. Some kind of drug paraphernalia. Something that would get Erica out and keep Ted from – someone other than her. She sat down on the stump.

  Natalie let her relationship with Ted run through her mind. Sure, he’d been timid and indecisive, but his gifts and notes had been thoughtful beyond belief. Seeing Erica have that hold on him made her want to fight back and fight back hard. But that didn’t make it right.

  "I shouldn’t be breaking and entering." She grumble-sighed. "I should be talking to Ted."

  When the nerves pinched at her stomach, she knew that abandoning her blackmail quest was the only answer.

  A light breeze kissed her cheek. She shook her head. "Damn it, Finley. You gangly, awkward, handsome son of a-"

  Tumbling across the grass beside her feet, a rolling piece of fabric caught her eye. It was a small scrap of white cloth that seemed immediately familiar.

  Natalie bent to one knee and squinted. "That’s from a Treasure High cheerleading uniform."

  But this fabric had a distinguishing feature: it was stained with blood.

  The sound of a car door slamming jolted Natalie to her feet. In the distance, she could see a man approaching. Her heart skipped a beat as she instinctively leapt to the other side of the bulky, fallen tree.

  "Damn!" She stuffed the evidence into her pocket. "Couldn’t you have decided to stop looking for clues before pissing off the guy with guns and potential rage issues?"

  "I know you're here, Erica. I know you were in my house. I know you were buried here, but you're obviously not anymore."

  Natalie gripped the cloth in her pocket. "Holy crap." Her pulse raced. "He tried to kill her? That explains Erica leaving town."

  Deciphering half of the mystery didn't give her much comfort. After all, she was less than 20 feet away from an attempted murderer.

  Note to self: no more covert missions without a stun gun.

  Natalie heard the squishing sound of the deputy's footsteps in the moist forest floor. When she realized her footprints in the mud would lead right to her, she quickly scanned the area. She could run deeper into the woods, but there was too much open space. He'd likely catch up with her or shoot her in the back before she reached cover. On her side of the downed tree, she saw the network of caves that were the subject of every ghost story and urban legend in town. When she heard the deputy click his weapon into the ready position, she knew the creepy cave was the only option.

  As she prepared to make a mad dash for it, a helicopter suddenly flew overhead. Natalie peered above the downed tree and saw Daly stow his weapon.

  That’s my cue.

  She sprinted across the clearing, her heart pounding with every step. She had no idea if he saw her, as every available cell in her body focused completely on willing more oxygen to her legs. She reached the cave in what seemed like record time. The helicopter had come at the perfect moment, but she knew that her only way out of the situation was inside the dark, unsettling cave.

  I hear these go on for miles. Time to test the rumors.

  Natalie dashed headstrong into the unknown.


  Erica was surprised the banner held her weight as long as it did. When the vehicle came to a complete stop, she let herself drop down into the truck bed. She knelt down and peered in through the back window. Sheriff Norris met her eyes with no expression whatsoever.

  "Good timing." Erica let her heart rate settle. "Now we have to go."

  The sheriff nodded and motioned her to get inside. As Erica hopped down, she kicked up dust from a pile of debris. The former entrance to the school was now significantly wider. Erica looked outside and saw news vans and police cars everywhere. She bet the sheriff's rescue made for good TV.

  "Erica?" Jennifer still held one of the trophies in her hand as she pushed the hair away from her face. "Is it over?"

  Erica glanced toward the Stucky-sized hole in the wall. The dark soul’s motionless, unconscious legs were still in view through the unplanned redecoration.

  "Not yet." Erica moved toward the passenger side. "I need to go with your dad to save Ted."

  Jennifer seemed to only realize in that moment who’d been driving the truck.

  "Dad?" Jennifer brushed past Erica to the driver's side window. "How'd you know we were here?"

  Sheriff Norris rolled down his window. "Hey, honey." He looked right past her. "Erica, are you ready to go?"

  Jennifer shot her friend an angry look. "You did something to him, didn't you? He's been acting strange. You put him under a spell or something."

  Erica wanted to lie, but the dazed look on Sheriff Norris’ face didn’t help matters.

  "I can explain later–"

  "Hey, is everybody alive?" Dhiraj coughed through the cloud of dust.

  He walked with a bit of a limp, but he looked otherwise unharmed.

  "For now." E
rica opened the door. "If things are gonna stay that way, I’ve gotta-"

  "No." Jennifer crossed her arms. "No, we’re coming with you. Get in the car, Dhiraj. Erica has some explaining to do."

  Erica didn't like the idea of Jennifer being mad at her. She'd already rubbed Ted the wrong way by avoiding the truth, and now her former inhabitant's most loyal friend looked sterner than ever. She knew that bringing Jennifer and Dhiraj along would put them in danger, but perhaps she could mend their friendship and give herself some much-needed backup at the same time.

  "Fine, pile in. Let's get out of here!"

  Erica took shotgun while Dhiraj and Jennifer moved into the back. The frustrated look on Jennifer's face was familiar. The truck backed out of the newly created garage door, and Erica watched as the sheriff's men entered, cuffing Stucky and looking for additional perpetrators. She wondered if Sandra would still be gift-wrapped in the gym for them.

  "Where am I going?" Sheriff Norris stared straight ahead.

  "That’s not how he talks. Erica, what did you do to my dad?!"

  "He kind of sounds like a GPS." Dhiraj stared at their driver. "Recalculating."

  Jennifer scowled. "Not helping, Dhiraj."

  He retreated and shut his mouth.

  "I'll fix him later." Erica leaned toward the enthralled sheriff. "Have there been any reports of vandalism away from the school?"

  "A few downed mailboxes and stop signs on the other side of town."

  Erica knew Ted would come through.

  "We need to get there now!"

  The sheriff turned on the siren, sped around a gathering of reporters and students, and blazed a path down the road. It had been a while since Erica had been in a vehicle moving that fast. She'd missed it.

  "Tell us what the hell is going on." Jennifer crossed her arms.

  "Erica is a protector spirit from another dimension, here to help Ted stop the bad guys from killing people and possessing their bodies." Dhiraj scratched his head. "I think I hit all the highlights."

  Jennifer’s mouth hung open. "Erica?"

  "He actually put that pretty well."

  Jennifer appeared to be sorting things out as they passed by the first downed mailbox. The sheriff drove in the direction the items had fallen, taking screeching turns where the items pointed.


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