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The Best Catch in Texas

Page 19

by Stella Bagwell

  Mercedes’s smile was wan as she lifted a fluted glass to her lips. “I don’t believe in that old wedding bouquet tradition.”

  “Hmm. Well, I don’t believe all this marrying has been caused by mosquitoes or potions in the water. Our relatives got married because they wanted to. And I don’t want to. So that means I’m safe from the chains of any woman,” Cordero said with smiling confidence. “Besides, I’m not going to be around here long enough to catch anything for the next few days. I’m leaving for New Orleans in the morning.”

  Mercedes’s blue eyes turned playful as she studied her cousin’s handsome face. “Oh. Is this a trip for business or pleasure?”

  His own eyes twinkling, Cordero let out a wicked little chuckle. “Well now, that all depends. I’m delivering Sandbur horses to a buyer. But it’s always possible that I could run into a sweet little thing along the way.”

  Pursing her lips, Mercedes shook her head. “Cordero, are you going to be a rascal the rest of your life?”

  Laughing, he grabbed her arm and tugged her toward the dance floor. “Little cousin, I can’t think of one thing to stop me.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1770-6


  Copyright © 2007 by Stella Bagwell

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  * Twins on the Doorstep

  † Men of the West




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