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Dramatic Affairs

Page 20

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘That’s wonderful,’ Theresa whispered. ‘Would you use your mouth on them as well?’

  Mary didn’t need any second invitation and within seconds Theresa felt a tongue travelling over her left nipple. Suddenly she was astonished to realise that her other nipple was also being tongued, because George had decided to join them.

  Theresa allowed her head to fall back on to the bed. She was more than happy for them all to stimulate her in any way they wanted as long as she was able to keep having intense orgasms at the same time knowing that she was exciting everyone in the room. Such power was a heady aphrodisiac.

  Ellie kept bringing the prone Theresa to the peak of orgasm with her tongue and fingers between her thighs before stopping so that the hot tightness would build and build inexorably and then, just as Theresa was about to explode, the feelings would start to fade as the stimulation between her thighs ceased. She cried out, begged and beseeched, but Ellie waited and waited knowing that delay would intensify Theresa’s pleasure when it finally swamped her again.

  Mary briefly left Theresa’s side for a moment and placed her capacious handbag on the floor next to Ellie before returning her attentions to Theresa’s breasts. Ellie opened the bag and inside found the perfect toy. After bringing Theresa tantalisingly close to the point of no return she stopped and then, as Theresa began to beg and beseech her again, Ellie stood up and showed Theresa what was in her hand.

  ‘Would you like this inside you?’ she asked.

  ‘Please, please,’ begged Theresa, almost out of her mind now.

  ‘Not much longer to wait,’ said George, and Theresa felt herself start to tremble all over.

  Very gently and slowly, Ellie licked Theresa’s juices from around her moist entrance and then eased the sex toy inside the prone girl. It was a long, ribbed vibrator and even as she eased it in Theresa’s belly began to heave and her head turned restlessly from side to side as she muttered, ‘Yes! Yes!’

  At the exact moment that the long-awaited climax began, Ellie switched on the power and Theresa felt as though her body was being torn apart by a series of electric shocks. All her nerve endings responded and her tight tortured muscles were finally released in an explosion of ecstasy.

  Within seconds of the orgasm dying away Ellie turned up the power on the vibrator and, as it throbbed within the thrashing girl, she moved her mouth so that she could lick and suck at Theresa’s clitoris at the same time. Theresa couldn’t believe what was happening to her. Both her breasts were being sucked and massaged, sending shooting sparks of pleasure down through her belly and into the cleft between her thighs. That, coupled with the ecstasy of the vibrator and Ellie’s amazingly knowing tongue, meant that she was being stimulated in so many places at once her body hardly seemed able to cope and another climax tore through her as she screamed her pleasure aloud.

  She looked so enchanting every time she came that the onlookers were transfixed and unable to resist taking her to the peak of pleasure yet another time. Theresa felt at first that she wouldn’t be able to bear it but then, as the pleasure mounted rapidly and her nipples grew hard again, she knew that they were right and she was capable of even greater pleasure.

  This time after the last tremors of her orgasm had died away she opened her eyes and looked up at Mary. ‘Not any more,’ she whispered beseechingly.

  Mary stroked the girl’s damp forehead and ran her fingers through her tousled hair. ‘What you need,’ she said quietly, ‘is a nice warm bath.’

  Dazed and sated with passion, Theresa was led into a tiny adjoining bathroom. Ellie joined her in the bath and, while George soaped Ellie vigorously, Mary did the same for Theresa. The two girls sat, looking at each other, each watching to see how the other responded to the attentions they were receiving. Suddenly Ellie straightened one leg and eased her toes between Theresa’s sex lips, then she wriggled them very gently. To Theresa’s astonishment her body, now so ready for pleasure that it needed only the tiniest stimulation to cause a climax, responded instantly and, yet again, the wave of hot, delicious pleasure flooded over her.

  She was relieved when George and Mary left her alone for a few minutes and turned their attentions to Ellie. Now it was Theresa’s turn to watch as Ellie knelt in the bath and was brought to orgasm by George’s fingers as he lathered her sex and then worked busily between her legs. Mary contented herself with kissing and caressing Ellie’s upper body.

  Theresa watched with interest as Ellie’s tiny breasts with their almost flat nipples slowly began to swell a little and the nipples finally formed hard little peaks which Mary pounced on with delight. As George continued his work, Theresa saw Ellie’s flat belly cave in for a moment and then the muscles began to contract and she knew that the other girl was also going to climax. It was so exhilarating watching Ellie come that Theresa, despite all that had gone before, reached down between her own thighs and rotated her hand against herself. To her great delight, she was able to achieve an orgasm at exactly the same moment as Ellie. The two girls quaked and cried out in unison as their pleasure was allowed to come.

  Suddenly Mary glanced at her watch. ‘I think we’d better get out of here,’ she said quietly. ‘We ought to be back in our own rooms; it’s nearly one.’

  Theresa’s body felt so heavy that she had to be helped out of the bath by George. He dried Ellie while Mary did the same for Theresa. To Theresa’s delight Mary dried her as sensually as she’d licked her breasts. Wherever her hands moved they caressed and fondled so that despite their gentleness they had the effect of causing Theresa to start to get aroused again.

  ‘There’s no time,’ laughed Ellie, seeing the expression in the other girl’s eyes.

  ‘There’ll be plenty of other times,’ Mary whispered to Theresa, and Theresa nodded sleepily.

  Finally, when both the girls were dressed, they made sure that they’d collected all their belongings and the room was in its original state before unlocking the door and going their separate ways.

  When Ellie crept into the bedroom that she shared with Damon he was already there and the light was out. ‘Are you asleep?’ she whispered.

  ‘Yes,’ he said.

  ‘That’s all right then,’ Ellie said casually, and she clicked on the light.

  Damon pulled himself up in bed and stared across the room at her. ‘Was the party good?’

  ‘Very good,’ said Ellie, starting to undress.

  ‘Only just ended?’

  ‘No, it ended ages ago but I went on to an orgy,’ she said.

  ‘Hope you enjoyed it,’ Damon remarked casually and within a few minutes he was fast asleep.

  ‘I certainly did,’ Ellie muttered to herself as she climbed into bed next to him. She’d been very surprised by the way Theresa had responded. It had been a good day and, although she had intended to ask Damon where he’d disappeared to, suddenly she didn’t care that much. Whatever he’d been doing he couldn’t possibly have had as much fun as she’d had.

  Chapter Eleven

  The week in Leicestershire proved a great success and provided an excellent springboard for the entire tour. As the company travelled around the Midlands, the North and West Country, and then made their way towards London via some of the fringe venues, so their fame grew. A month before they were due to perform in Regent’s Park the Sunday Times ran a huge feature on them, calling them ‘The success story of the nineties’. It praised them all but particularly Christopher for his innovative idea and for having the courage of his convictions that real theatre wasn’t dead and that good plays properly done were what most people wanted to see.

  Although all the members of the company were asked at various times to give interviews, only Christopher gave them. He was careful to make sure that he stressed the ethos of each member being equally important but at the same time every interviewer – whether because of what Christopher said or not – stressed that but for Christopher the tour would never have been such a success. In general the reviews were good, and as time wen
t on they improved.

  Esther and Damon, following their discussion over dinner after the opening night of the tour, began work in earnest and, as the weeks went by, Esther felt herself growing in confidence every time she went on stage. But she was careful not to show it too much. She was never bad, and at times she attracted some good notices, but she always kept part of herself in check so that the true extent of her improvement was hidden from Christopher’s watchful eye. She knew that he was watching her because he couldn’t understand why she had suddenly stopped letting him make love to her. Again and again she’d explained to him that because of the terrible performance she’d given on the opening night she felt that all her energies must be channelled into her work and that, sad as it was, sex was obviously a distraction she couldn’t afford.

  Christopher listened, nodded and smiled but she knew that he didn’t truly believe her. Rejection was something that he hadn’t had to handle before and he was clearly at a loss as to how he should deal with it. Rebecca, on the other hand, seemed delighted at Esther’s decision and became far more friendly. On the whole the company atmosphere improved because the longer they were on the road the more they formed themselves into a unit, a group of actors against the world, or so it seemed at times. The odd unkind review where one member might be singled out for adverse criticism would unite them even more deeply and quite often Esther realised that when it all ended she would miss the sense of being a part of a special family.

  That was one of the problems with acting; you spent a lot of time with people, became intensely involved with them, and then suddenly parted never to meet again. It wasn’t so bad if you had someone of your own to return to but in her case there would be no one. She hoped that the fame which would come about if their plan worked would prove sufficient to satisfy her.

  Damon didn’t only help her with her role as Kay in Time and the Conways; he also coached her extensively for Ophelia in Christopher’s potted version of Hamlet. This had proved very popular with audiences and because the role suited Christopher so well it was difficult for Esther not to be overshadowed by him. The first few times it was performed she knew that she made very little impact and this was confirmed by Christopher’s enthusiasm for her performance. ‘I think we ought to do something about this,’ Damon said.

  ‘Well, I mustn’t look too good,’ said Esther. ‘We’re saving that for Regent’s Park.’

  ‘I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to look like a feeble bimbo. Ophelia’s a wretched part but I’m sure you can do more with it than you are.’

  As a result of that conversation they spent a lot of hours working on it, on the nights that King Lear was being performed, which neither of them was involved in. ‘You know,’ said Damon, sitting on the edge of Esther’s bed, ‘it’s the mad scene that we need to crack.’

  Watching him, Esther wished that he would give some indication that he fancied her. The problem was she was becoming keener and keener on him while he seemed more and more detached and, although he watched her closely, it was with the eyes of a director, certainly not the eyes of an aspiring lover. He would take hold of her shoulders and move her into certain positions. He would put a hand under her chin and tilt her head to a better angle – but it was all done as though they were total strangers. Esther would feel her body stir with delight every time he touched her but it seemed there was nothing she could do to encourage Damon to reciprocate.

  ‘Let’s run through one of your mad pieces again,’ he remarked, looking slightly tired.

  ‘We don’t have to,’ said Esther. She wished that the whole company wasn’t staying in one large house and that she and Damon could have a little more privacy but at this particular venue – in Wales – it hadn’t worked out that way.

  ‘I know we don’t have to but I want to,’ said Damon. ‘If you really want these scouts from Hollywood to notice you you’ve got to be able to do more than play Kay convincingly. You do realise that they’ve probably got people watching us a lot of the time during this tour, don’t you?’

  ‘I hadn’t thought about it,’ confessed Esther.

  ‘Well, you bloody well should have done,’ said Damon in exasperation. ‘Now then, let’s have this line: “So would I ha’ done, by yonder sun, An thou hadst not come to my bed.” Say that piece again for me, would you?’

  Esther did and she saw him frown. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked anxiously.

  ‘You sound mad enough,’ explained Damon, ‘but the pathos isn’t there. Remember this poor girl’s been driven mad by love. She fancies Hamlet something rotten and she knows he fancies her, but for his own peculiar reasons he’s decided to reject her. She’s like some kind of modern groupie and she just can’t cope with it. Try and imagine what it would be like to be desperately in love with someone, certain that they feel the same about you, and then suddenly have them refuse to sleep with you. There’s got to be truth in this madness otherwise it isn’t sad. It’s just watching some pretty girl go batty.’

  Esther flushed. ‘I did realise that,’ she replied angrily. ‘I’m not a complete fool, you know.’

  ‘I know you’re not,’ sighed Damon, ‘but even if you do know it, it isn’t coming across. Give me that whole verse again and when you come to the end and say those two lines I want to really feel for you, OK?’

  Esther looked at his incredibly handsome face and felt a surge of pure lust for him. Realising that if she replaced Hamlet with Damon in her mind then the words would be easy, this was what she did. When she came to the last two lines of the verse she heard her voice crack on the words ‘Hadst not come to my bed’ and she had a job to fight back genuine tears.

  Damon shot upright on the bed. ‘That was brilliant!’ he exclaimed. ‘Why on earth didn’t you do it like that before?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ lied Esther.

  ‘Well do it like that tomorrow and you’ll bring the house down,’ Damon promised her.

  He was right. The following night Esther received an unexpected round of applause after her speech in Act III scene 1 beginning: ‘O, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown’. When she’d finished the mad speech that she’d practised with Damon the previous evening, she could sense that she had the audience in the palm of her hand. It was a wonderful moment – the best of the tour so far. When they all took their bows Esther couldn’t help but notice that the clapping rose in volume as she curtsied prettily and, although Christopher got his usual tumultuous applause, his smile was somewhat strained.

  ‘You were a bit over the top tonight, I thought,’ he said to Esther in the wings afterwards.

  Esther opened her eyes wide in feigned astonishment. ‘Was I? I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.’

  ‘Nor do I but it wasn’t a bit like you,’ said Christopher. ‘In future, please, I’d rather you went back to playing it the way you have been.’

  ‘I’ll try, but I didn’t realise I was doing anything different,’ said Esther.

  Rebecca joined them. ‘You were frightfully good tonight, Esther,’ she said with a lazy smile. ‘Kept you on your toes, Christopher.’

  ‘I’ve already discussed it with her,’ said Christopher. ‘There’s no more to be said.’ After that Esther knew that Damon had been right and that the pair of them were going to be able to pull off the big plan.

  The days sped by all too fast and suddenly they were in London. All the fringe venues were sold out in advance and every night was a triumph. ‘Be careful,’ Damon warned Esther one evening after they’d finished Time and the Conways. ‘You were a bit too good tonight.’

  ‘So were you,’ said Esther. ‘Christopher gave you a really nasty look in the middle act.’

  ‘Point taken,’ conceded Damon. ‘We haven’t got long to wait. It doesn’t matter if we seem a bit weak for the next few days. We’re nearly there now.’

  ‘I’m nervous,’ Esther confessed.

  ‘You’ve no need to be,’ said Damon with a rare smile. ‘You’ve surprised me, Esther, and I
don’t mind admitting it. You deserve to succeed. I’m quite sure you will. In fact, I’ve no doubt that you’ll get everything you want in life.’

  ‘Somehow I don’t think that’s true,’ said Esther softly as she walked away to get changed, leaving a slightly puzzled Damon behind her.

  In order to prepare for the open-air performance at Regent’s Park the company had left themselves two spare days. By this time some of the relationships within the company had changed. For a start, Damon and Ellie were no longer an item. In fact rumour had it that Ellie was involved with George, although no one really believed this. Theresa had stopped hanging around Christopher and seemed to be more content in the company of Mary Fuller. Most of the cast assumed that Mary was acting as a kind of surrogate mother although the older ones there, who knew Mary’s sexual preferences, suspected it might be something altogether different.

  Rosie was still thoroughly enjoying herself with Noel and Michael and she kept Esther highly entertained with tales of what the three of them got up to. ‘Sometimes, I can’t believe my luck,’ she told Esther. ‘It’s wonderful having two men. Obviously they don’t both feel like it all the time but I usually do and it’s only very rarely that neither of them are up to it.’

  ‘What on earth are you going to do when the tour’s over?’ Esther asked.

  ‘We’ve already thought about that,’ said Rosie. ‘We’ve contacted this touring company and we’re probably going abroad with them. At the moment we’re trying to persuade Theresa to join us.’

  ‘Wouldn’t that alter the dynamics of your relationship?’ asked Esther.

  ‘Yes, but it might add a little something as well and anyway it would be good for Theresa to have something to go on to. She hasn’t had a very nice tour really. Christopher seemed to take her up and then he dropped her.’


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