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Stories on the Village

Page 5

by Premchand

  Susheela wiped her tears. ‘He’s become obstinate, what else? Since morning he’s insisting on buying a motor car. Will a motor car cost any less than five rupees?’

  Over the past few days, Sethji had become very affectionate towards the two children.

  ‘So why not get him one? The poor thing has been weeping since long; what lofty desires he must have hid in his heart. All are turned to dust now. Also get an imported doll for Rani. She keeps yearning after others’ toys. The wealth that I held dearer than life has been consumed by the doctors in the end. How will the children remember me, that they had such a lousy father! The unfortunate father who considered wealth dearer than his children. I never bought them things worth a paisa.’

  At the final moment, when the worthlessness of life stands out as a harsh truth, the regret for whatever one had left undone and the remorse for whatever one had done makes the heart generous and guileless.

  Susheela beckoned Raja and, holding him close to her heart, started weeping. The maternal affection which lay agonizing within her heart over her husband’s stinginess, raged over. But where was the money to buy a motor car?

  Sethji said, ‘Will you buy a motor car, beta? Take some money from your amma and go with your sister. Buy a good-quality one.’

  Raja’s childish obstinacy melted, looking at his mother’s tears and his father’s affection.

  ‘Won’t buy it now.’

  Sethji asked, ‘Why?’

  ‘Will buy it once you get well.’

  Sethji broke into inconsolable tears.


  Seth Ramnath passed away on the third day.

  The life of the rich pains many and pleases very few. Their death pains very few and pleases many. On the one hand, the Mahabrahmin Mandali is appeased, the panditji is happy on the other, and perhaps the people of the community are also pleased that another equal among them is no more. A thorn is removed from the heart. And what to speak of close associates? They will now settle old scores. Such an opportunity to soothe the aching heart has cropped up after long.

  Today is the fifth day. The vast house lies deserted. The children neither cry nor laugh. They sit half-heartedly near their mother, while the widow lies in a deathly state, weighed down by the countless uncertainties of the future. Whatever money had remained was given up for the cremation ceremony, and all the other rituals were yet to be performed. Oh God, how will the raft sail through?

  Someone called out at the gate. The servant informed her of the arrival of Seth Dhaniram. Both the children ran out. Susheela’s heart grew hopeful for a moment. Seth Dhaniram was the head of the community. The troubled heart of the helpless woman turned optimistic at Sethji graciousness. After all, he’s the head of the community. If these people don’t take heed of the orphans, who will? These righteous people who protect the destitute in difficult times are blessed.

  Thinking thus, Susheela drew out her veil and came to stand in the entrance hall. She saw that many other gentlemen apart from Dhaniramji had assembled there.

  Dhaniram began, ‘Bahuji, only our heart knows the grief that we’ve suffered at the premature death of Bhai Ramnath. He was still young; but all is God’s will. Now our only duty is to have faith in God and find a way for the future. It should be ensured that the honour of the house is preserved and the soul of Bhaiji too is content.’

  Kuberdas looked at Susheela from the corner of his eye and said: ‘Dignity is a big thing. Our duty is to protect it. But it is improper to spend beyond one’s means. How much money do you have, bahu? What, nothing?’

  Susheela replied, ‘Where is the money, Sethji? Whatever little was there got spent during the illness.’

  Dhaniram reacted, ‘So there is a new problem. What should we do in such a situation, Kuberdasji?’

  Kuberdas answered, ‘Whatever you say, the feast will have to be organized. Yes, one should work according to one’s capabilities. I’ll not advise taking a loan. But yes, we shouldn’t leave any stone unturned for whatever money can be arranged at home. We do have a duty towards the dead. Now that he’ll never return, the ties with him are being severed forever. Hence, everything should be in accordance with social status. A feast will have to be offered to the Brahmins to preserve the decorum.’

  Dhaniram asked again, ‘So do you have absolutely nothing, Bahuji? Not even two or four thousand?’

  Susheela replied, ‘I’m telling you the truth, I don’t have anything. Will I utter falsehood at such a time?’

  Dhaniram looked at Kuberdas with partial disbelief and said: ‘Then this house will have to be sold.’

  Kuberdas proposed, ‘What else can be done? It is not good to be disgraced. Ramnath was so popular, he was a pillar of the community. This is the only way out now. I have twenty thousand rupees on mortgage. Accounting for the interest and the discount, around twenty thousand will be payable to me. The rest will be spent on the feast. If anything remains, it will be useful for the children.’

  Dhaniram asked, ‘How much was your mortgage on?’

  Kuberdas replied instantly, ‘On twenty thousand rupees. Interest of a hundred rupees.’

  Dhaniram prodded, ‘I’ve heard it was a little less.’

  Kuberdas stood firm. ‘The credit deed is there. It’s not an oral transaction. I’ll not lie for the sake of a couple of thousand.’

  Dhaniram replied, ‘No, no, when did I say that? So have you heard it, Bhai? The Panch Council suggests that the house be sold off.’

  Susheela’s younger brother Santlal too came in at this moment. The last sentence fell into his ears. He spoke out, ‘Why should the house be sold? For the feasting of the community? The community will go its way after the eating and drinking, but how will these orphans be protected? Some thought must be spared for their future too.’

  Dhaniram looked at him angrily. ‘You have no right to poke your nose in these matters. Merely thinking about the future will not work. The hereafter of the departed must be secured somehow through proper rituals. What will you lose? We are the ones who will be laughed at. Nothing is dearer than dignity in the world. People lay down their lives for the sake of honour. What remains once honour is lost? If you ask for our suggestion, this is what we say. The rest is Bai’s choice. She may do as she pleases; but it will have nothing to do with us. Come, Kuberdasji, let’s go.’

  Frightened, Susheela said, ‘Don’t bother about my bhaiya’s words, it is his habit. I haven’t ignored your suggestion; you are my elders. You know the state of the house. I don’t wish to agonize my husband’s soul, but when his children face hardships, won’t his soul be pained? The daughter has to be married. The son needs to be educated. Let the Brahmins be feasted, but I can’t afford to serve the community.’

  It seemed as if both the gentlemen had been slapped—such a great injustice! Is such a thing fit to be uttered? The Panch Council will not let their faces be blackened. The world will not laugh at the widow but the Panch Council will be mocked. How can they tolerate ridicule from all quarters? It is a sin to even peep at the door of such a house.

  Susheela wept. ‘I am an orphan, I’m naive, please don’t be angry with me. How will I fend for myself if all of you desert me?’

  In the meantime, two more gentlemen came and seated themselves. One was very fat and the other too thin. Their names matched their features: Bheemchand and Durbaldas. Dhaniram explained the situation to them in brief.

  Durbaldas said sympathetically, ‘Why don’t we do this: we all contribute some amount? Once her son grows up, we’ll get the money back. Even if we don’t get it back, bearing the loss for the sake of a friend is no big deal.’

  Santlal became happy. ‘If you have such mercy, what else can we ask for?’

  Frowning, Kuberdas raised his brows. ‘You are speaking without any rhyme or reason, Durbaldasji. In the market condition of these times, whoever has any money to spare?’

  Bheemchand concurred. ‘That’s true, such a slack market has never been seen before. But one has to carry

  Kuberdas became numb. He had his heart firmly set on Susheela’s house. Such discussions stalled his selfish designs. Now he wanted to recover his money at all costs.

  Bheemchand somehow woke him up. ‘But the feast will have to be offered. Not fulfilling that duty is bringing disgrace to the society.’

  Susheela saw a hint of sympathy in Durbaldas. She looked at him miserably. ‘I am not an outsider in your circle. You all are the masters, do as you all deem fit.’

  Durbaldas quizzed her. ‘You will at least have some ornaments, bai?’

  Susheela replied: ‘Yes, there are ornaments. Half of them were sold off during the illness, the other half remains.’

  Susheela brought out the ornaments and placed them before the Panch; but these would only fetch three thousand, with difficulty.

  Durbaldas weighed the pouch in his hand. ‘How will they fetch three thousand only? I will get them sold for three and a half thousand.’

  Then Bheemchand weighed the pouch. ‘My bid is for four thousand.’

  Kuberdas again got the opportunity to rake up the issue of the house.

  ‘What will come out of just four thousand? Is it a feast for the community or just for wiping off the sins? There is an expenditure of at least ten thousand for the community feast. The house will have to be sold.’

  Santlal chewed his lips. ‘I say, are you people so ruthless? Do you people feel no pity for the orphaned children? Will you leave them as beggars on the street?’

  But no one paid attention to Santlal’s appeal. The discussion regarding the house could not be avoided any further. The market was sluggish. More than thirty thousand could be found, and twenty-five thousand was for Kuberdas. Five thousand would remain. Four thousand would come from the ornaments. Thus, within nine thousand, with great economy, both the Brahmins’ feast and the feast for the community could be managed.

  With folded hands, Susheela put the two children in front of the Panch Council: ‘O Panch, look at the faces of my children. Whatever is there in my house, you can take all of it; but let the house be, for I’ll not get a foothold anywhere. I fall to your feet, please don’t sell the house now.’

  What can be said of such stupidity? The Panch Council itself wanted that the house be not sold; the members did not harbour enmity towards the orphans, but was there another way to arrange for the community feast? If the widow is able to somehow arrange for another five thousand rupees, the house can be saved, but she cannot.

  Kuber said in the end, ‘See, Bai, the condition of the market is bad at the moment. If it is written in the destiny of the children, then God will provide from another source. God creates pretexts for livelihood as for death. Don’t worry about the children. He arranges beforehand for the survival of those who are born. We’re tired of making you understand. If you still don’t leave your obstinacy, we won’t ask about anything. Then it will be difficult for you to live here. The city dwellers will be after you.’

  What more could the widow Susheela do? How could she survive having fought with the Panch Council? Who can afford the enmity of a crocodile while living in water? She stood up to return to her house, but fainted on the spot. Till now, she had harboured some hope. She could have forgotten her widowhood in bringing up her children, but now there was darkness all around.


  Seth Ramnath’s friends had complete rights over his house. If not the friends, who else had the right? Of what worth is the woman? When she can’t understand something as simple as the fact that offering a community feast and doing it with pomp and show is a general necessity, it is useless to say anything else to her.

  Who should buy the ornaments? Bheemchand had bid for four thousand, but now he felt that he had made a mistake. Durbaldas had bid for three thousand, hence the deal went to him. Durbaldas and Bheemchand had a conflict in this matter; but in the end, Bheemchand had to eat humble pie. Justice was in favour of Durbal.

  Dhaniram remarked derisively, ‘Durbaldas, you are taking away the booty, but it is worth more than three thousand. I won’t allow justice to be compromised.’

  Kuberdas said, ‘Aji, so what, it is within the home only, it hasn’t gone outside. One day all the friends can feast on it.’

  At this, the four gentlemen laughed. As respite from this work, the question of the house arose. Kuberdas was ready to offer thirty thousand, but without legal documentation, there was scope for suspicion. Why should this probability be retained? A broker was called. A dwarfish man with a toothless mouth, in his seventies. His name was Chokhelal.

  Kuberdas introduced him. ‘My friendship with Chokhelalji is thirty years old. He’s a gem of a person.’

  Bheemchand said: ‘Look, Chokhelal, we have to sell this house. Get us a good buyer. Your commission is guaranteed.’

  Kuberdas added, ‘The market condition is not good. But we will have to see that Ramnath’s children do not suffer. ‘And then he whispered to Chokhelal, ‘Don’t go beyond thirty.’

  Bheemchand interrupted. ‘Look, Kuberdas, this is not good.’

  Kuberdas reacted, ‘So, what am I doing? I am just asking to fix a good rate.’

  Chokhelal said, ‘You don’t need to tell me this. I understand my duty. Ramnathji was my friend too. I also know that not a paisa less than a lakh was spent in building this house, but the condition of the market is not unknown to you. At such times, it won’t fetch more than twenty-five thousand. Usually, from the right buyer, one can get five to ten thousand more; but at this time, any buyer will be hard to find. Also, this is the very nature of buying or selling transactions. While buying something, you end up paying more, and while selling something, you have to settle for the buyer’s rate.’

  Dhaniram pressed further. ‘Twenty-five thousand is too less, bhai, if not more, at least get us up to thirty thousand!’

  Chokhelal replied, ‘What’s thirty, I will get forty if a buyer is found. If you people say, I will negotiate for thirty thousand rupees.’

  Dhaniram said thoughtfully, ‘If it has to sell for thirty thousand, why shouldn’t Kuberdasji get it? Why should such cheap goods be given to others?’

  Kuberdas agreed. ‘If you all think so, this can be done.’

  Dhaniram said, ‘Yes, yes’ and agreed. Bheemchand was left yearning within his heart. This deal was also fixed. The same day, the lawyer wrote the sale deed, and the registry was done immediately too. The sale deed was placed in front of Susheela. She let out a cold sigh and, teary-eyed, put her signature to it. Now she had no shelter anywhere except this. Having given her company in her good days, this house too was deserting her in bad days, like an unfaithful friend.

  The Panch Council, sitting in Susheela’s courtyard, was preparing a document for the community, and sitting on the lattice window the orphaned widow was crying over her fate. When the document was completed, tears escaped from the widow’s eyes and fell upon it.

  Dhaniram looked up and said, ‘Where did this splash of water come from?’

  Santlal replied, ‘Bai is sitting and crying. She has stamped the document with her bloody tears.’

  Dhaniram addressed Susheela loudly, ‘Arré, why are you weeping, Bai? This is not the time to weep, you should be happy that the Panch have gathered in your house to do this auspicious deed. Why are you feeling aggrieved in amending the hereafter of the same husband with whom you indulged in worldly pleasures for many days?’

  The document was circulated in the community.

  Elsewhere, the Panch members spent three to four days in preparations for the feast. Ghee came from Dhaniram’s warehouse. The maida and sugar too came through him. On the morning of the fifth day, the Brahm-bhoj was held. In the evening, the community banquet was spread. Queues of carriages and motor cars stood at Susheela’s doorstep. There were rows of guests inside. The courtyard, the drawing room, the balcony, the entrance hall, the upper terrace, every place was filled with guests. People relished the food and praised the Panch Council.

  Everyone spends mon
ey, but skilful arrangement is often found wanting. Such tasty food is seldom found.

  ‘After Seth Champaram’s funeral feast, a similar feast has happened only for Seth Ramnath.’

  ‘The imartis are so crunchy!’

  ‘The rasgullas are stuffed with dry fruits!’

  ‘The entire credit goes to the Panch Council.’

  Dhaniram said politely, ‘It is generous of you to say so, brothers. We were on brotherly terms with Ramnath. Who else would do this, if not us? For four days, we couldn’t catch a wink of sleep.’

  ‘You are blessed! Friends, if any, should be like you.’

  ‘How wonderful! You have upheld the dignity of Ramnathji’s name. The community only notices such food and offerings, it doesn’t go after the money.’

  Praising and commenting thus, the guests were lapping up the food, while elsewhere, sitting in the cellar, Susheela wondered: ‘There are such selfish people in the world! The entire world has become selfish! Everyone is having food, stroking their bellies. No one bothers to ask whether anything is left for the orphans.’


  One month passed. Susheela was hard up for money. There was no cash, the ornaments had been sold. Now a few utensils were left. On the other hand, many small bills had to be settled. Susheela owed some money to the doctor, the tailor and the grocer each. She had to repay them by selling the remaining items of the house. By the end of the month, nothing was left. Poor Santlal was a munim in a shop. Sometimes he stopped by and gave her a rupee or two. Here the expenditures were getting out of hand.

  The children understood their plight. They never bothered their mother, but whenever a street vendor passed by and they saw other children having fruits or sweets, their mouths watered and their eyes brimmed with tears. They stared with such greedy eyes that it evoked pity. The same children who, till a few days ago, did not even look at dry fruits or sweets, were now craving for things worth a mere paisa. The same gentlemen who had organized the community feast now passed by the house but never bothered to peep inside.


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