Cruise Control (Watchers Crew)

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Cruise Control (Watchers Crew) Page 2

by Johnson, Ines

  “What’s your name?” I said.

  “You can call me Owl.”

  “Hi Owl, I’m Kira.”

  Chapter Two

  Owl led me around back to the parking lot. On the way there he tucked my hand into the crook of his arm, just like they did on those old Masterpiece Theater period movies.

  “We’re going to fuck, not court.” I pulled my arm away. That public display of affection was more than I’d ever received from any other boyfriend.

  Owl’s chuckle was light as it breezed across the tip of my ear. “Should I push you into the alley, shove up your skirt, and fuck you in front of all these people?” He stopped walking, turned, and faced me. “Would you like that, Kira?”

  There were people on the streets, but none in the actual parking lot. I wasn’t into public sex, but the way he looked at me, the way he’d said that, my brain -no, my pussy- actually considered it. Too bad he was kidding.

  He was kidding, right? We faced off in the middle of the lot. He stared at me, waiting for my answer. My mouth wouldn’t work.

  But then he grinned. “My car’s just over here.”

  Owl put my arm back into the crook of his elbow and led me over to a red Honda Civic with a black and gold dragon painted on the side. The car was sandwiched in between three other cars that looked like they belonged in the movie The Fast and Furious. There was a black Charger, a green Audi R8, and a gray BMW coupe.

  How did I know the make and models? I’d had a lot of boyfriends. All the cars had unique paint jobs, but I didn’t get a chance to admire them in the dim street lighting. Owl opened the rear passenger door of the Civic for me.

  I turned to him and frowned. “Aren’t you taking me home?”

  He leaned into me, pressing my body into the frame of the car. “You shouldn’t go home with strange men, Kira. You don’t know what they might do to you.”

  It was smart advice that I’d ignored for a good portion of my adult life. I’d gone home with a ton of strange men. The worst thing to happen to me so far was waking up alone with a sore pussy and aching thighs.

  “You told me what you wanted to do to me,” I said. “You said you were going to eat me out.”

  “Baby, I’m going to make a meal out of you. Now, be a good girl and hop in the back seat.”

  He didn’t raise his voice. He hadn’t raised his voice at any point during our encounter, not even when he squared off against Sergio. Owl spoke in these quiet, dulcet tones that would lure a child to sleep, or off the wooded path to Grandma’s house.

  I expected him to challenge me, to try to cajole me. He did neither. He waited silently. His dark eyes dared me to step inside. I could turn around and leave. I didn’t think that he would stop me if I tried to go.

  I looked again at his firm body, his broad chest. It was going to be nice to curl up into that chest later this night and more nights to come. I ducked into the car.

  Once inside I scooted to the opposite door placing my heeled shoes on the floor. Owl crawled in and shut the door. His body took up any remaining space in the cramped back seat.

  I reached up and grabbed his neck. In a move that would’ve made any martial artist proud, Owl’s hands snaked out and grabbed my wrists. His fingers entwined with mine and he put them behind my head. The move knocked my breath out, made my heart speed up.

  When he spoke it was that soft, calm voice. “What did I say about kissing?”

  There was a firmness behind his words that turned my intellectual brain to mush.

  “Kissing is a messy business, Kira, and I don’t do that with strangers.”

  I struggled to add meaning to those words. “But you’re going to eat me out.”

  Owl grinned. “Pussy is a delicacy I don’t pass up.” He reached his hand under my skirt and traced the seam of my g-string. “Ohh,” he purred as he traced my bare pubic area. “And it looks like you cleaned up for me.”

  I wasn’t a fan of pubic hair and always kept it shaved off. Actually, I wasn’t a fan of guys eating me out either. I’d always offer a different course instead. “Why don’t you turn around so I can give you a little head? As a thank you for helping me out.”

  “Maybe.” Owl rubbed his thumb over my bare pussy lips. “When I’m done.”

  I failed to stifle my sigh of frustration and turned it into a moan of what I hoped sounded like pleasure. I writhed my hips to encourage him to get on with it. That storm was coming soon. I wanted to be inside, out of the shower, and in bed with him before it broke.

  Owl moved aside the fabric that covered my pussy. I held my breath expecting dry friction over my vagina. But instead, his fingers slipped and slid between my folds. To my surprise there was wetness there. My gasp this time wasn’t an act.

  Owl brought his thumb back from under my skirt. He put it in his mouth and sucked. ”Hmmm.”

  His groan rumbled through me. I watched his tongue flick out of his mouth and over his thick thumb. A throb reverberated through my core. I jerked, shocked at the sensation.

  “You just passed my taste test, Kira.”

  Another throb went through me. This time it rose up my back and reached the top of my spine, straightening my shoulders on the leather of the car seat. It was the nicest thing a guy had said to me in a long time. I think I could really come to like this guy. I reached between us for his dick.

  “Let me suck you off,” I said. “I give really good head.”

  Owl smiled at me. “Me too.” He shoved away my hands and disappeared between my thighs.

  I sighed again. Hopefully, he took it as a sigh of pleasure. In truth, it was a sigh of irritation. Owl seemed like the type of guy that actually got girls off instead of bragging about how they made their pussies drip drop. He seemed like the type of guy that was gentleman enough to stay down there until a girl came. I groaned, but not in the good way. It was going to be a long night.

  I spread my legs wide for him and settled down to begin my practiced orgasmic performance. I took advantage of his deep growl of pleasure to clear my throat to prepare my vocal cords for the high-pitched soprano I was about to sing for his benefit.

  Owl didn’t go directly for my clit. He played in the creases of my thighs. I tried to help him by rotating my hips to get him more center. I wanted to get this party started, and over with as quickly as possible. But he used his big hands to maneuver me back into place.

  I gave up and called up my to-do list for tomorrow. I needed to get some school supplies to prep for finals, which were coming up soon. I began to compile a detailed list of what to get, and where to get it, in my head as Owl nibbled on my left labia.

  I couldn’t remember if I had a box of notecards or if I needed to get a new box. I moaned again and thrusted my pussy absentmindedly into Owl’s mouth. I’d just add notecards to the list and if I wound up with two boxes it was cool.

  Owl flicked at my clit.

  “Oh,” I moaned low and long trying to recall which size paper clips I was low on.

  He flicked again.

  “Oh god, yes.” I elongated the “yes” for an entire breath and clenched my thighs around his face. That always got them riled up and ready to plunge into my pussy.

  Owl pulled away from me. He rested his chin on my pubic bone and stared up at me. “You in a rush, Kira?”

  The question threw me. My shopping list fell to shreds in my head. I forgot which octave I’d left off in my moaning. Owl’s eyes were bright, alert. Shouldn’t he have only two brain cells in working order right now?

  “It just feels so good,” I said with the same bright smile I’d given Sergio twenty minutes ago. “I was almost there.”

  Owl raised that eyebrow again. “Were you now?”

  It was a challenge, like he knew the truth; that I was faking it.

  “Yeah,” I lied. “What would really help me is if I could put your dick in my mouth. That really turns me on.” And it would get him off and put him into a coma by the time I got him back to my place where I could res
t easily against his warm body.

  “He never got you off, did he?”

  Fuck. Owl had more than a few brain cells working. He had complete control of his faculties.

  No, Sergio had never gotten me off. No guy had ever gotten me off. Hell, I had never gotten off, period. I’d never experienced an orgasm in my life, but I wasn’t about to tell Owl that. He looked like the type of guy who would take that as a challenge and I didn’t have time to deal with his male ego. There was a storm coming, and I had a big bed to fill.

  “I’m going to take care of you, Kira.”

  The words sailed into my being and fogged up my brain. My belly clenched and that tingling over my skin started up again. I couldn’t help but hope that this one would be The One. That this one would last.

  My head cleared when Owl inserted first one than two fingers into my pussy. I realized he was talking about taking care of my orgasm, not taking care of me as a person. Of course that was his goal. He was a guy. He had to prove his manhood, especially now that he knew that Sergio hadn’t been man enough for the job. Owl was not going to stop until he got me to come.

  I took another deep breath and got my mind ready to give a convincing performance.

  Owl stroked his fingers in an upward motion. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was uncomfortable. Discomfort was a familiar thing to me when it came to sex. This I knew how to handle. I moaned again like his two-pronged stabbing was the greatest thing in the world.

  “Oh yeah,” I moaned. “Right there, baby.”

  Owl stroked faster.

  “That’s… that’s…” I fell over my words as the motion of his fingers hit a spot. It didn’t feel good, per se. It felt… it was hard to describe how it felt.

  There was a heaviness building inside me, like I had to pee. I tried to squirm away from him, but he had my hips on lock down. I had to end this now before I embarrassed myself any further.

  “Yes, yes.” I called on my inner Meg Ryan. “Oh gawd, Owl. Awww.” The performance would’ve won me an Oscar. I slumped back against the seat with a grin on my face.

  Owl loomed over me. That same eyebrow rose as he peered down at me with an unconvinced face. My fake panting slowed. My sated grin faltered.

  Owl leaned back down between my legs. He placed his fingers back inside me, not all the way, just up to the knuckles. He moved his fingers fast, faster. And then he added his tongue to my clit.

  “Owl, what are you ahh…”

  I jerked. A tremor started in my leg. The feeling of needing to pee intensified.

  “Owl… wait… I’m gonna…”

  It felt like my hips were being stacked with bricks of pressure. I bore down into the back seat of the car trying to release it, trying to get away from him. But he didn’t stop. He wouldn’t stop.

  And then my body tensed, like the bricks that were weighing me down suddenly grew fingers. The fingers wrapped around me with that same amount of pressure, but they held me tight in a vice. They pressed into me, deep into me.

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t breath. At any moment they were going to rip me apart. And then, I realized, I wanted to be ripped apart. I needed to be torn in two.

  As soon as I came to that realization, as soon as my body was about to open up, Owl stopped.

  Chapter Three

  Owl removed his tongue and his fingers from pussy. My body trembled from the loss. I needed him to finish what he’d started, to break me open, and relieve all that pressure he’d built up inside me.

  He pulled back from me and unbuckled his pants. He took out his dick. I’d been right in my estimation of his size. It was an impressive instrument, long and thick with a slight curve. He pulled a condom from his back pocket and tore it open with his teeth. He did all of this slowly, with absolutely no sense of urgency, while I lay writhing beneath him.

  I was panting hard, whimpering. My body ached for his fingers to return, for his tongue to lick at my clit again. Had I been about to come?

  I didn’t want his dick. I didn’t want him to pump into me and bang away until he came. I wanted to come. And I half believed that I could.

  But I couldn’t ask him to go back to what he’d been doing before. I’d already pretended that I’d had my orgasm. And it looked like he knew it had been fake. That grin on his face as he placed the condom tip over his dick looked like he was teasing me.

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” He removed the unrolled condom from his dick, leaned back against the opposite door, and held his dick out. “Here you go,” he said as he stroked the precum around the head. “Is this what you want, Kira? To suck me off?”

  No, I wanted his face back between my thighs. I wanted his fingers hitting that spot. But I’d settle for this right now.

  I was good at this; sucking dick. That’s how I’d kept a man around for the last few years. I’d do this for him now, and maybe tomorrow night I’d get him to finger fuck me again. Maybe tomorrow night I’d have my first real orgasm with this quiet man with the intense eyes and magic hands.

  I moved to get up. My knees wobbled as I put weight on them. My pussy felt like a weight hung from its center. I had to brace myself on the back of the driver’s seat. Owl caught my upper body, a smirk on his face as he guided me down and onto his dick.

  I gave him one last glance before I sank down into his lap. Now, it was my turn to smirk at him. He didn’t know what he was in for.

  I took hold of the base of his cock, holding it firm as I licked at the head. He was long with a nice girth. I’d seen my fair share of penises. It was easy to lead around the big, thick ones. But I preferred the small, skinny ones to be inside of me. They were no bother when they were in there. The thick ones always left me sore the next day.

  I had planned to get Owl off quick, but I liked the feel of him on my lips, the taste of him on my tongue. Most girls I knew didn’t like giving head. Most of the time I sided with them and their distaste of the act. It was a chore, but a necessary chore for a girl like me who wanted to keep a man around while she went off to the library to study. Every once in a while I found myself enjoying the chore.

  I was enjoying myself with Owl. With the tip of my tongue I played with the veins along his dick. I licked at his balls, enjoying the shifting texture of his sack. He reached his hand down. I expected him to guide me fully onto his dick. But he didn’t. He ran his fingers through my hair, gently, like a caress. I shuddered as they traced the cone of my ear.

  I got down to business. I put him in my mouth, working my tongue around his shaft. I relaxed my throat muscles and took him in deep, all the way to the back of my throat. There was still another inch or two of him that I couldn’t fit.

  Damn. He was the biggest dick I’d yet to encounter. I pulled out my whole bag of tricks.

  I leaned my torso down, putting my ass in the air for him to admire.

  I kissed at his length, using my words to compliment his impressive instrument.

  I took him back in, sucking hard and making a pop when I withdrew.

  I deep throated him, slobbering all over his length in the process.

  Throughout my performance, Owl watched me with half lidded eyes. He didn’t pump into my mouth. He didn’t grab my ears or the back of my neck to keep me down there. He didn’t impale himself up and into me. He relaxed back and let me do my thing.

  His eyes never left me. That same soft smile on his face. His breathing was even. Long moments passed like this; him relaxed and me hard at work.

  What the hell was happening? I’d always gotten guys off in less than five minutes -without fail. My jaw was becoming tired. I’d never jerked a guy off for this long without a result.

  “Kira?” He reached down and lifted my mouth off his dick. “I want to fuck you now.”

  The head of his thick, long dick bounced off my chin. I looked at it. It curved in that same angle that his fingers did when they were inside me.


  Would I…?

  Could I…?

I was throbbing between my thighs, aching to be filled by something. I’d been so close. Maybe he could get me there? Maybe he could get me to come?

  I crawled over top of him. He slid his pants further down his thighs and rolled the condom on. He pushed my skirt up. He didn’t bother removing my underwear, just kept the panties pushed to the side. He slowly impaled himself up and into me, allowing me to feel every inch of him. It should’ve hurt, but it was a welcome intrusion to my throbbing pussy.

  Once he was all the way in, he stopped. He sat up with my knees spread wide over his thighs. He reached out and undid my shirt. With the buttons free, he pulled the garment down behind my back trapping my upper arms in the sleeves.

  I couldn’t move my upper body with my forearms trapped like that. I couldn’t move my thighs with him in inside of me. I was at his complete mercy.

  He put us eye to eye and then he fucked up and into me. Not hard, but firm enough for me to feel every inch of him. Not slow, but fast enough to keep me panting. The moans came out of me unbidden. I felt that sweet pressure return. My eyes closed and my head lolled back.


  I tried to give him my attention, but the pressure was collecting all around me.

  “Kira, I don’t want you to come.”

  His words made no sense. I must’ve imagined them in all of my haze.

  I heard people coming around us, filling in the parking lot. Someone turned on an engine and music blared. I should care. I should tell Owl to stop, that someone might come close and see what we were doing, what he was doing to me. But I couldn’t give them that much of my mind. It was all wrapped around Owl’s dick and the magic it was working inside of me.

  “Kira, you’re gonna wait for me to come, and I’m not ready.”

  That was definitely Owl’s calm voice, the calm tinged with the firm command that had rankled me earlier. I’d listened to that commanding tone before, but I would not listen to it now.

  Like hell I would wait.


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