Cruise Control (Watchers Crew)

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Cruise Control (Watchers Crew) Page 3

by Johnson, Ines

I was so close. I’d never been this close in my entire life. I needed this. My thighs trembled. With one more thrust I’d be over this barrier.

  Owl stopped and withdrew from me.

  I felt like the world had been pulled out from under me. I felt like I’d been shoved off a cliff and was left flailing in the air, waiting for the impact of the ground to rend me into pieces. I felt like I’d been surfing on the tallest wave and crashed down into a wall of water that left my body stinging.

  I could’ve screamed. Maybe I did scream. But I couldn’t move my arms, which were trapped in my blouse. I couldn’t move my legs, which he had spread wide over his thighs.

  I opened my eyes and glared at him.

  Owl stared at me. His face transformed from calm amusement to displeasure. “I told you not to come, Kira.”

  The anger seeped from me as I looked at the displeased lines that gathered at the edges of his eyes. “I…I didn’t,” I panted.

  Owl traced the lines of my lips, my chin. I leaned into his touch like an eager kitten aching to be petted. A small smile broke over his mouth as he watched me. “But you want to. Don’t you, Kira?”

  What the fuck kind of mind games was this guy playing? I was frustrated and horny. I was on the verge of something I’d never experienced, something I thought other girls exaggerated about. And this guy was holding it from me, dangling it over my head while he laughed at me.

  “Tell me you wanna come, Kira.”


  “Beg me for it.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  Owl smiled. He dipped down and bit my breast through the lace of my bra.

  I gasped. My legs shook. Something tightened in my core, but as it tightened I felt a fresh flush of wetness leak out of me.

  “Mmm,” Owl groaned. “Say it, and I’ll give it to you.” He reached down between us. He rubbed his thumb over my clit and then around my pussy lips where’d I’d dripped all over him. He stuck two fingers just inside my channel, coming just to the edge of that sweet spot.

  He leaned back against the car seat. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, the fingers he’d just had in my wet, dripping pussy. I watched his tongue flicking over his digits. The throbbing increased in my pussy. I couldn’t rub my thighs together because he had them spread wide. I couldn’t touch myself because my hands were trapped. I would go out of my mind if I didn’t get relief soon.

  “Please, Owl. I’m begging you. This is me begging you.”

  Owl smiled. He grabbed his dick and thrust deep into me.

  Chapter Four

  But Owl didn’t let me come right away. He continued to toy with me, thrusting fast and hard, and then slow and shallow.

  “Fuck, you need it, baby. Don’t you?”

  “Please,” I whimpered, no longer shamed at my neediness. I was already supplicating myself in his lap. My head bowed in reverence to the mastery he had over my pussy.

  “Okay, baby. You wanna come?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Come for me, Kira.”

  And that was all it took.

  It was better than I’d ever hoped it could be. It felt like I was in the movies. In those action scenes where time slows down.

  I held on as Owl continued to stroke into me, slowly. I felt my body open up, like someone unlocking a door. I saw the key turning in the lock as the head of his penis pushed once more past my pussy lips. I heard the click as his dick filled me from my entrance all the way through to what felt like my belly.

  That’s when I knew I was going to come. But that wasn’t the end. No, there was so much more.

  Before my pussy clenched around him, his penis traveled back down the way it came, hitting every spot again. My heartbeat dropped; the rhythm slowed, and the beating descended into my pussy. I watched the door opening, heard it creaking wider and wider. I knew without a doubt that any minute it would be flung wide open and I would be knocked back.

  It was an out of body experience. I sat high above myself, watching it all take place, suspended in the live animation of it all. And he was right there with me. Through the slowing of time, the turning of the lock, the opening of the door. At the exact moment that the door swung open, Owl grinned at me like he knew it was about to happen… right… now…

  My body stiffened. My pussy seized and clamped around his thick cock, which was buried deep inside of me, as deep as he could push into me. The muscles inside my pussy felt like they contracted for an hour, and during that long wait for them to release I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even think. I only saw him, grinning wide like a proud lion, eyes opened wide like his namesake bird, taking it all in like it was beautiful, like I was beautiful.

  I sighed and my body released. The sounds I made when I came were nothing like what I’d heard Meg Ryan doing in that movie. It was nothing like the canned cries of real porn stars. The sounds that came out of me were deep, guttural, helpless. Joyful.

  When I stopped jerking, I collapsed against Owl, my face buried in the center of his chest

  Owl pet my hair. “Good girl. That’s better, isn’t it?”

  The self-preservation part of me knew I needed to get up off this dude and get as far away from him as possible. The amount of power and control he’d just exuded over not just my body, but my head as well, was more than any person ought to have over another human being. Plus, it was clear that he liked to play games. I didn’t need another guy who would jerk me around.

  But my body clamped itself around him. It wrapped itself around him and wouldn’t let go. My arms, which had been freed sometime during or after my orgasm, were clasped around his biceps. My knees pressed into his thighs. He was still inside of me, not as hard as when I clenched around him during my orgasm, but still erect enough to stay inside me. My mind may have been saying run, but my body had other intentions.

  “Hey Owl, you done in there?” Along with the voice from outside the car came a rap at the window.

  The windows were tinted, but I could make out a large shadow. I jerked away from Owl, reaching for the ends of my shirt to cover myself. As I reached I felt my hips rooted to something, Owl’s semi hard dick still buried deep inside of me.

  “Relax,” he said to me leaning back against the seat, making no move to remove his dick from my pussy. “It’s just my boys.”

  His boys? Were they out there the whole time? We’re they watching? I squirmed on top of him, trying to free myself from the anchor of his dick.

  “You need some help in there?” said one of his boys.

  Owl raised an eyebrow at me at the question. Then he chuckled at my reaction. He reached out his hands and freed me from his dick. “No we’re good,” he yelled to who ever was outside the car.

  Owl’s dick lay prone on his ripped lower abs. The purple condom glistened in the moon’s light leaving tracks of my pussy juice at the edge of his navel. He patiently unfolded my arms from my breasts. He pulled my blouse back up and over my arms. He took his time fastening each button.

  He reached between us and pulled the fabric of my underwear back over my pussy and straightened my skirt back over my still quivering legs. Then he motioned for me to climb off him so he could straighten himself out.

  I sat huddled against the door watching him dispose of the condom and put his dick away with those magic fingers. My pussy, which felt like it had been opened for the first time, still sang his praises in a throbbing rhythm. Once Owl had himself put back together, he got out of the rear passenger door. He reached back in and held his hand out for me like a gentleman.

  I stepped out of the car on shaky legs. Owl wrapped his other hand around my waist and held me steady.

  “Fuck man, I see why you didn’t want to share.”

  I looked over Owl’s shoulder to see a bear of a man grinning down at me like I was a tasty morsel he wanted to pick his teeth with. He was flanked by two other men. Though not as big as him, they were both forces to be reckoned with. One was blonde with the face of
an angel, which let me know there had to be a devil hidden behind his dimpled cheeks. The other was a brother with a shiny, baldhead.

  “I’m gonna take her home,” Owl said, opening the front passenger door and handing me inside. “I’ll see you guys back at the house.” He shut the door and went around to the driver’s side. He started the car, and we were off.

  “Did you have a good time?” His eyes were on the road as he asked. He asked the question as though we were talking about the weather.

  “Were your friends there the whole time we were…?”

  Owl shrugged. “I don’t know? Probably not. They would’ve knocked on the window earlier and asked if you wanted them to join in.”

  “Join in?”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate.

  “So you guys do stuff like that? Share women?”

  Owl turned to me with a smile. “Hey kettle, don’t call me black when you just went from your boyfriend’s limp dick to the back seat of my car.”

  “My ex-boyfriend who was cheating on me.”

  Owl shrugged. “I only saw a man talking to another girl.”

  “He was all over her.”

  Owl shrugged again. “I don’t understand the whole boyfriend/girlfriend/monogamy thing. Cheating, to me, is when you take advantage of a girl. Like getting a girl to blow you and not returning the favor. Now, that would be a dick move to get pissed about.”

  I looked at him like he was crazy. Because that statement, that definition, was crazy.

  Owl looked over at me and grinned. “I get it. You’re a mono girl. You believe in monogamy.”

  A crack of thunder sounded from outside the car. “You don’t?”

  “I don’t think it’s fiction. I’ve seen it work for some people, like my parents. I just have no interest in it personally. But you do, don’t you Kira. I should probably tell you to stay away from me.”

  I had planned to stay away from him. People tell you who they are when you meet them. My problem was that I rarely listened.

  “But I won’t tell you that,” Owl said. “I enjoyed fucking you tonight. I’d like to do it again.”

  My pussy throbbed at the prospect. “I just got out of a relationship. I’m not ready to play any more games.”

  “Did you hear a word I said? I don’t want a relationship with you. I want to fuck you. And trust me, you’d like the games I’d play with you.”

  He stopped the car. I looked out the window. We’d arrived at my dorm. Owl hopped out of the car and came around to my door. He helped me out and handed me a card. “Watchers Auto and Body,” the card read. At the top it had a tire with wings over the lettering.

  “Give me a call if you want another ride, Kira. I’d be more than happy to come and get you.”

  “You’re not gonna come up?”

  “What for? It’s late. I’m tired. I’m gonna head home and get some sleep. I hope you call, Kira.” And with that, he took off into the night.

  Up in the sky, the storm clouds were rolling away. They’d never even broken. I looked down at the card in my hand. I should leave it on the pavement. This guy wasn’t boyfriend material. He didn’t believe in monogamy. He’d said he liked fucking women and sharing them with his boys. This was definitely not the kind of relationship I needed in my life.

  I stood outside for long moments twirling the card between my fingers. Finally, I turned towards my dorm. With each step I took my pussy throbbed at the absence of Owl buried deep inside of me. For the first time, it wasn’t a painful ache. It was twinges of longing. I held the card in the palm of my hand and made my way inside.

  When I got to my door, Sergio was there waiting.

  “What are you doing here?” I said.

  “I wanna talk,” he said.

  Even from far away, I spotted the pink lipstick on the collar of his shirt. I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “Did you fuck him? That chink?”

  “That’s a derogatory term. And it further shows your ignorance because he’s Japanese, not Chinese…I think. And yeah, I did fuck him. And it was a good fuck. A really good fuck.”

  Sergio’s face went beet red. “Well, I fucked that blonde too.”

  “Good for you.” I shrugged, turning the key into the lock of my door. I felt another twinge in my pussy at the sound, reminding me of Owl unlocking my orgasm.

  “Wait, Kira. You don’t want me to come in? You gonna send me out into the night? There’s a storm coming.”

  “The storm already passed, Sergio.” I went in and closed the door in his face.

  I took out Owl’s card. I programmed the number into my phone. But instead of hitting Save, I hit Talk.

  The phone rang.

  I panicked.

  Before I could hang up, he answered. “Hello?”

  I gulped. “Hey, Owl. I was just putting your number in my phone and hit Talk instead of Save and-"

  “You in your room?”


  “Me, too.”

  “You got home fast.”

  He chuckled. “I drive a race car. You alone?”


  “Me, too. Take off your panties.”

  My hand shook as I held the phone to my cheek. It felt like I was about to cross some invisible line.

  “Kira,” there was steel in his soft, calm voice. “Take off your panties and go lay down on your bed.”

  My feet moved to the beat of my throbbing pussy. The bed creaked under my weight as I sat down.

  “Good girl,” he said. “Put your fingers in your mouth. Get them good and wet.”

  He waited while I did as he asked.

  “Now, spread your thighs…”

  Chapter Five

  “Make big, slow circles around your clit, Kira.”

  The sound of Owl’s voice in my ear sent shivers across my shoulder blades. I was hot, burning up all over. I tilted my head back and sweat ran down my brow. My chin slipped against the cool plastic of the phone. The temperature difference made me gasp.

  “I said slow, Shakira.”

  “I am,” I whimpered.

  I wasn’t. My index finger skated erratic figure eights over my throbbing clit. The only thing slowing the digit down was the sticky, wet mess I’d made. The sound of Owl’s quiet commands, mixed with the sappy stirrings of me scrubbing that bundle of nerves were about to send me over.

  “Slow down.” His words were no louder than a whisper. “I want you to come long and hard for me, baby.”

  With the pad of my finger, I started a slow trip around the top of my clit, but by the time I got to the bottom, I’d picked up speed.

  “If you keep rubbing that little pearl of yours fast, you’ll come.”

  God yes, that’s exactly what I wanted to do.

  “It’ll be over just as soon as it began,” his tone tsked a warning. “Is that what you want? To come and be done?”

  Um yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted to do. What more was there?

  “I can make you come all night, Kira. I can make it last longer. I can make you come harder. Would you like that, baby?”

  My finger slowed after his clarification. My hand shook in the wake of his promise. My entire body felt pulled as taut as an arrow in the catch of a bow, just waiting for Owl to release his trigger finger and shoot me long and far.

  “Good girl.”

  There was rustling on his end of the line, like he was adjusting himself in his bed. I wondered if he was touching himself as he told me where, and how, and how fast to touch myself. I’d tried to reciprocate, to talk dirty to him, but he always steered the conversation back to me and my pussy.

  We’d been at this for a week now. He’d call every night just before midnight. He didn’t immediately launch into phone sex. He’d ask me about my day, my classes, my thoughts. He listened with interest. He asked probing questions. He followed up on subjects we’d talked about days before making me believe he’d actually listened to and thought about what I’d
said in previous conversations. If he were trying to seduce me, just these conversations alone would’ve done the trick. I’d have let him in my panties; let him put it anywhere he wanted to, just for all that attention.

  I’d started touching myself during these talks, way before he’d tell me to take my panties off and spread my legs for him. I’d listen to his voice as he spoke about his recent trip with his parents to Japan, or about the new part he’d gotten for his car, or about some joke his buddy Crow had told the other day. I’d listen with open ears, soaking up every detail of his life and cataloguing it for future use when I’d claim the label of girlfriend. I let his dulcet tones wash over me and, before I knew what they were doing, my fingers were in my panties and all over my swollen pussy.

  Owl knew what I was doing. He always seemed to know every move I’d planned to make, every thought I was about to say, before I knew myself. Every time I’d touch myself before he told me to, he’d launch into a long story about a new car on the market or an antique model he was trying to repair; things he knew I had absolutely no interest in or understanding of. But he’d talk until I started to pant, and then finally, he’d take over directing my touches.

  I’d been right. Owl liked to play games. But he’d been right, too. I liked his games.

  “Is it sticky, Kira? Let me hear it. Put the phone on speaker and then put it on your belly.”

  I obeyed without a second thought. The sounds of my fingers running through my dripping pussy filled the air alongside Owl’s groans of appreciation.

  “That’s it baby, nice and slow.”

  “Owl, please. I want to come.”

  “I know you do, baby. I’m going to get you there.”

  I’d never been one to masturbate. I’d tried when I was younger, but it never worked for me. It just wound up being a frustrating time suck.

  For the past week I’d come every single night with Owl. After we’d hang up, I’d lay in bed with my pussy throbbing in that good way of being satisfied from proper use. I’d fall asleep with my phone clutched inside my curled up hand, which would be pressed against my cheek or my heart. I’d wake up every morning aching for Owl’s arms around me, for that warm body heat next to me. I’d spend all day watching the clock, counting down the minutes, until he’d call and fuck me over the phone again.


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