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Cruise Control (Watchers Crew)

Page 13

by Johnson, Ines

  One thing that had changed? When I came home at night to an empty bed, I didn’t lie down and fear the long night ahead. Every night since breaking up with Owl, I’d laid myself down along with the setting sun and I touched myself.

  It took a couple of nights but I could bring myself to stronger and stronger orgasms. Only single orgasms, but they were satisfying enough to put me into a peaceful sleep where I’d dream about a dark-haired man with almond-shaped eyes.

  Ellie stepped into the mess of flat cardboard and tape that was my former dorm room. “I came by to check in on you before summer starts. Since I’ve graduated, I won’t be around campus any more. I wanted to see you before you went home for the summer.”

  “I’m not headed back home. I’m renting a one bedroom in the market district.”

  Her face brightened at the news. “So, you’ll be here for the summer? Awesome! We can hang out.”

  I inhaled, bunching my shoulders and clutching my hands under my chin. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Just because you and Owl broke up doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. The guys included. Crow and Eagle were just asking about you the other day.”

  Just the mention of Crow and Eagle made both my stomach and my clit grumble. “I don’t know, sis?”

  “You’re not alone, Shakira. I know Owl is trying to give you the space you need, but there doesn’t need to be space in our friendship, does there?”

  I pulled my lower lip into my mouth. “I guess not. Maybe you can come over after I move in. It’s going to take me forever to move these boxes.”

  “The guys will do that for you.”

  “I couldn’t ask them to.”

  Ellie whipped out her phone and began texting. Not five seconds after she hit Send did her phone chime a response. “Eagle and Crow can be over here tonight. I’m sorry I can’t stick around to help. Hawk and I are going away for the weekend. It’s our first weekend alone together.”

  “Wow, that sounds awesome, sis.”

  Ellie nodded, her eyes going faraway into the future for her weekend alone with Hawk. My weekend would be spent alone, setting up an apartment that I would live in alone. The thing about self-improvement? There was just so much ‘self’ in it. Maybe I was too hasty to turn away from Owl’s offer to do this with me?

  Take Ellie for example. She moved straight from her parents’ house, to the college dorm, to her boyfriend’s bed. She’d never taken a break to find herself and she seemed to be doing just fine.

  But, that was her path. This was mine. Looking around my room I could admit to myself that I could use some help. Especially with the furniture that would be delivered later on tonight.

  “I’ve gotta get going.” Ellie headed towards the door.

  “Hey, Ellie?”

  “Yeah?” She turned back to me.

  I walked over to her, reached out my arms, and gave her an awkward hug that progressively became warmer. “Thanks, sis.”

  Ellie pulled away with a smile. “That’s what friends are for, Shakira.”

  Later that evening, I found myself inside another warm embrace.

  “Kira, I missed you.” Crow swooped me up into a bear hug. “Just cause Owl’s a dick doesn’t mean you get to write us all off.”

  “Owl’s not a dick,” I said. He wasn’t. He’d told me exactly what he wanted and never wavered. He’d kept his word every step of the way. “I needed some time to work things out for myself.”

  “Well, I hope you figured it out,” said Eagle as he filled the doorway of my old dorm room. “Cuz the dick insisted on coming with us.”

  I looked down the hall to see Owl lingering in the stairwell.

  “Is it cool?” Eagle asked me. His body maneuvered to block my view of Owl, as though with one word from me and he’d escort Owl out of the building.

  Eagle’s gesture shocked me. I had assumed Owl, as his boy, would be a higher priority than me, someone he barely knew, and my needs. I looked over Eagle’s shoulder.

  Owl hung back making no attempt to advance. His eyes caught mine and held, doing that drinking me up glance he’d done the last time we were together. He may have insisted on coming, but he clearly wasn’t trying to pressure me into anything I didn’t want to do. He’d never tried to pressure me into anything I didn’t want to do. None of these people had.

  I rubbed Eagle on his bicep. “It’s fine,” I assured him. “The boxes are inside if you want to start loading them up.”

  Eagle placed a kiss on my brow and headed inside behind Crow. I turned back to Owl who still stood down the hallway.

  “Hey,” he called, not making a move towards me.

  “Hey,” I said. My eyes were now fastened on him, drinking him in. He wore faded jeans and a t-shirt. He’d come ready to work, ready to help me make my move. But he hung back prepared to get lost if I turned him away.

  “Come here,” I said.

  Owl made his way towards me. I watched his powerful body move lithely. I had to swallow to keep down my desire to run and leap into his arms. That wouldn’t be a very independent thing to do.

  “I changed my mind,” he said when he got to me. “I know you need your space, and I’m willing to give that to you. But it shouldn’t mean I can’t be in your life. Not as your boyfriend or your lover. But as something, Kira. Your friend maybe? You don’t have to be alone as you figure these things out. You’re important to me. I don’t want our entire relationship to end because of sexual issues. If after you have your reflection time, you take stock and believe that I’m of no value to you-"

  “I’ve taken stock,” I said. “You’ve always gone out of your way to earn my trust. You’ve always been honest with me. And you’ve always shown me respect. You’re of great value to me, Owl.”

  He smiled, but he made no move to close the distance between us. Eagle came out of the door and between us with boxes in hand.

  “If the After School Special is over,” said Eagle to Owl, “we could use a hand.”

  Owl grinned at me over top of the boxes. Once Eagle cleared the door, he went inside and loaded up on boxes alongside Crow. They wouldn’t let me carry any loads. They asked what needed to go and where, and they took care of the rest.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “The picture’s askew,” I told Crow. “Move it a little to the left.”

  We were standing in the living room of my new apartment. All the boxes were inside. All the furniture unloaded and put together.

  “Here, I’ll get it.” Owl took the frame out of Crow’s hand and aligned it perfectly on the first try.

  “We brought you a lasagna,” said Crow. He pulled a dish out of his bag.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I said.

  “I was raised with manners. Someone moves into a new home, you bring a housewarming gift.” Crow went over to the fridge and popped it on one of the empty shelves.

  “We’re having a party in a couple nights,” said Eagle. “We’d love to see you there.”

  I turned my head away from Owl’s view as I contemplated the invitation. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that?”

  “Well, we can always have a private party.” Crow came up and wrapped his arms around me. “You shouldn’t deny yourself, Kira. Or us. I miss those pretty, Hershey Kisses.”

  Crow nuzzled the side of my neck. It was a good thing he’d wrapped his arms around my waist because my knees buckled on impact. Crow licked the side of my neck as his hand snaked under my shirt. I closed my eyes and let my head roll back into his shoulder.

  “Can I have taste, Kira?”

  I opened my eyes to Eagle’s voice. But my vision slid past Eagle’s large frame and landed on Owl.

  Owl stood in the kitchen. A pass through window divided him from us. He made no move to come nearer to the action. He’d been keeping his distance from me all evening long. No accidental brushes or touches. He was going out of his way to keep space between us.

  I found it irritating.

p; Crow’s hands, which were edging the under-wire of my bra, felt so good I moaned.

  Owl’s hands clenched onto the edge of the kitchen counter. He backed himself up into the corner as though he were giving me more space. Or maybe giving himself the space he needed to stay away from me and out of this impending ménage.

  I turned my back to Owl. I unbuttoned my shirt. Crow bent down and took my breast into his mouth; bra, lace, and all. I closed my eyes. This is exactly what I had been missing in this whole self-improvement work. I’d been denying this attention to myself; this attention that had been the only thing to set me free and flying into the air.

  Eagle’s hands ran up my thigh. He hoisted me up onto my new four-person dining room table. He pulled up a chair and went between my thighs. I couldn’t see Owl, but I knew he was there. I knew he was watching as Eagle relieved me of my panties and made a dessert of my pussy.

  Eagle made slow circles around my pussy while Crow played with my nipples. Eagle inserted two fingers inside my pussy as he continued stroking my flesh with his tongue. I arched my body back, which pushed my breasts further into Crow’s mouth. Already, I was trembling, my body ascending that cliff that led to oblivion. My toe was already at the edge in the blink of an eye. And then I realized it.

  I could come right here and now. My body was primed for it. All it would take would be for me to let go and take the dive.

  I opened my eyes and found Owl. He stood still, tucked away in the corner of the kitchen, eyes rapt on me. He said nothing. He didn’t even give me a cheeky grin. He just watched me. I could tell by the look in his eyes he knew I was close to coming, but he gave me no commands. He kept his distance as promised.

  In that moment, I decided to keep hold of my orgasm. Not because I didn’t want to share it with the men who were pleasuring me. I kept it in because I wanted them to take me higher. I was certain Owl read my thoughts because I spied the slightest uptick of his mouth.

  I turned away from Owl and laid my body down on the table. My new position pushed my hips closer into Eagle’s sweet tongue. I turned my head and motioned for Crow to give me his dick.

  Crow fucked into my mouth while he continued to play with my nipples. My legs were trembling under Eagle’s tongue and Crow’s fingers. But it wasn’t torture. I danced on that cliff. I wanted the song of our pleasure to never end.

  Eagle lifted me up and brought me to lean over the table. He spread my legs wide leaving my ass in the air. From somewhere he produced a condom and a packet of lube. Excitement made my ass cheeks clench when I realized where we were going with this. I remembered Eagle telling me I would come when he got a hold of my ass.

  My eyes caught ahold of Owl still standing sentry in the corner of the kitchen. It was clear he read the excitement on my face. His eyes glazed over as they ran over my body from my dangling breasts to my ass, which was high in the air waiting for another man to claim it.

  There was no jealousy in Owl’s eyes. I didn’t expect there to be. Not even now when we were apart. Owl had always taken joy in my pleasure whether it was at his hand, my own, or someone else’s. Now, I wanted to share this with him. My eyes stayed on Owl as Eagle rubbed the oil over my anus.

  Eagle took me slowly. He pushed the head of his cock in past that little ring of fire. Once he was clear, and I let go of the tension, he began slow, shallow thrusts to get me used to his girth.

  I knew Eagle and Crow. I trusted them. I knew they wanted nothing more than to get me off and get off themselves in the process. I arched back into Eagle, letting him now I could take more, that I wanted to take more.

  Eagle went a little deeper, a little faster. His motions were hypnotic, awakening pleasure centers in me that I didn’t know were back there.

  Crow took a seat on the table and offered me his dick. I took it gladly, needing an outlet for so much pleasure building in my body. I slurped over Crow’s dick as Eagle fucked my ass.

  When I could keep my eyes open for longer than a few seconds, I’d find Owl. He was no longer gripping the edge of the kitchen counter. He leaned against the pass through window that looked out on the dining area. His chin rested in his hand, his eyes full of a love I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see.

  Eagle’s thrusts sped up. The pleasure went from dancing on the cliff, to taking a running leap. My body went from zero to one hundred and an orgasm from a place I’d never come before took over. I’d never worked the muscles in my ass, so I had no control over them.

  I contracted around Eagle’s thick cock, which continued to thrust and hit those nerves deep inside of me. I had to let go of Crow’s cock or risk clamping down on him. I howled my pleasure, loud enough that I’m sure my new neighbors knew that I’d arrived. And still Eagle didn’t stop thrusting.

  The orgasm raged on and on until I had to lurch my body off his dick for a chance to take a breath. My lungs had constricted from panting so much for so long. Eagle gave me a moment to collect myself, but only a moment.

  In that moment, Crow suited up and climbed beneath me. My clit lurched again as it anticipated what they were about to do to me. I looked up and found Owl leaning over the divide between the kitchen and dining room table. His eyebrow arched to make sure I was good with this. I grinned back at him. He chuckled, crossed his arms over his chest, and laid his head on his forearm to watch the show.

  They settled me over Crow’s hips. Crow entered me first. He slid in like butter onto the nooks and crannies of my English Muffin. Eagle was a different story. He entered me slowly from behind as Crow played with my nipples to distract me from the increasingly tight fit. And then they began to move.

  One and then the other. Crow pumped into my pussy. Eagle thrust deep into my ass. I lost track of everything outside of the channels of my ass and vagina. Even those two places I couldn’t focus on at the same time. I reveled in the familiar fullness of my vaginal walls being stretched. Then I’d turn and marvel at the rousing nerves in my ass.

  They pumped faster, still alternating. Just as an orgasm would build in my pussy, Crow would withdraw and Eagle would spark something by filling my ass. The two orgasms were coming from different places inside of me, both of which were pulling for my attention. It was like having my feet on different sides of a steep hill. I could topple over either side.

  Instead of one or the other, I fell from both at the same time. My pussy and ass clenched simultaneously. The intense pleasure brought tears to my eyes and sobs to my mouth.

  From somewhere in the distance, I heard the sound of deep, animalistic groans. Crow and Eagle each came as they both pushed inside me, stretching me to capacity as my body held all three of us in a death grip.

  Nothing much made sense after that. I remembered the cold of the wooden table on my bare ass. I remembered a light kiss on one of my nipples. I remembered the sound of Eagle’s voice telling me not to be a stranger. I caught a flash of my red underwear as it disappeared into a back pants pocket. I heard the front door click shut. My eyes finally opened when I felt the warm water surrounding my body.

  “Hey,” Owl said as he supported me in the tub.

  “Hey,” I smiled and closed my eyes, allowing him to care for me in the aftermath of that mind-shattering orgasm.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Owl didn’t touch me sexually while he sponged me down. His attention was clearly fixed on getting me dry when he toweled me off. He lifted me into his arms and carried me into my bedroom.

  It would’ve been romantic if he’d been gazing into my eyes. But he didn’t do that. His eyes were on the path before us as he negotiated the boxes and debris from the unpacking. Once in my bedroom, he slid back the covers I’d put on a couple of hours ago.

  “Do you want me to get you a t-shirt or underwear to sleep in?” he asked.

  I shook my head as I looked at him standing above me. I didn’t need any underwear. What I really wanted was for him to climb in next to me and hold me through the first night in this strange bed, in this new room.

sp; “You need anything else, Kira?” His dark eyes studied me, seeing right through me.

  My eyes fixed on his chest. I could clearly make out his pecs beneath his t-shirt. I spied that space in between where I used to lay my head after he’d fuck me. “No, I think I’m good.”

  “Okay,” he paused, uncertain. “I brought this for you.”

  He reached into his back pocket and handed me what looked to be a homemade craft. It was a piece of cloth with intricate markings on it.

  “It’s called an Omamori.”

  “Omamori,” I parroted.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed next to me. “It’s a talisman, sort of like a Native American dreamcatcher. It will protect you in the night when you sleep by yourself. But it’s also a…” He struggled for the translation from Japanese to English culture. “A well-wish. Because that’s what I want for you; to be happy and well.”

  Owl ran his hand lightly across my temple. Inside, I felt my heart weeping tears.

  “Call me if you need anything, even if you just want to talk. I want you to know that I’m here for you. Okay?”

  I nodded.

  He rose from beside me on the bed. I looked down at the impression he’d made in the new mattress.


  He stopped and turned.

  But I couldn’t make my mouth work. I had taken this great big stand about needing space, about being on my own, about figuring out what I wanted. When the truth was, what I wanted was standing before me waiting patiently to be invited back into my life.

  “It’s kind of late,” Owl said. “Would you mind if I stayed until morning? Just this night, your first night. I’d just hold you. We don’t need to do anything else.”

  “I don’t want to do anything else,” I said. “I mean, I would like to be held. It’s exactly what I was wishing for.”

  Owl grinned. He kicked off his shoes and came back to the bed. I held open the covers for him, flashing my naked body, but he shook his head.


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