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Pemberley Tales

Page 1

by Aurora Fairfax

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Welcome Home Mr. Darcy

  Waltzing with Mr. Darcy

  A Husband’s Duty

  Tempting Mr. Darcy

  About Aurora Fairfax

  Legal Imprint / Copyright Notice:

  Aurora Fairfax

  Pemberley Tales

  Books 1-4

  An Intimate Pride & Prejudice Collection

  © August 2017

  Welcome Home Mr. Darcy

  With a deep sigh, Darcy settled back in the bench of his carriage when the familiar sight of Pemberley’s grounds finally came into sight. It had been a long six weeks that had kept him away from his home and, more importantly, away from his beloved wife. They’d only been married for a few short months and he’d been loathed to be parted from her. At first, it had looked as if the business that had demanded his attention in London could be concluded in just a few days but then things had escalated, requiring more and more of his attention.

  At one point, he’d been sorely tempted to write to Elizabeth and ask her to join him, just so that he could spend some time basking in her lively, cheerful presence and talk about more pleasant things than business. Her clever wit would have been a delightful distraction. As would have been her company at night.

  In the end, he’d refrained from it, knowing that it would be unfair to her and that she would be better off at Pemberley. Her regular letters had to be enough and she’d proven to be a diligent correspondent, amusing him with little anecdotes and her continuous explorations of Pemberley, its grounds, and the neighborhood. Her observations of their tenants and neighbors had been keen and full of wit, yet never snide. It delighted him to see that she was settling in so well.

  Yet, that didn’t stop him from missing her. He was still surprised by just how quickly she’d become the very center of his life and the cornerstone of his soul. His sweet Lizzy. He could scarcely wait to hold her in his arms again.

  Darcy tried to contain his impatience while they steadily made their way down the driveway. Not long now and they would pull up in front of Pemberley. At the last stop, he’d been tempted to just get a horse while Roberts, his valet, followed him in the carriage, but, after some consideration, he’d decided against it.

  “I’m sure Mrs. Darcy will be happy to see you, sir,” Roberts suddenly offered.

  Darcy glared at the man who’d been in his service since he’d turned eighteen. There wasn’t much Roberts didn’t know about him or his life. He’d been his steadfast confidant after his father’s death and later, while Darcy worked through his feelings for the tempting Elizabeth Bennet and dealt with her rejection of his offer.

  Darcy hadn’t missed the cordial relationship that had developed between his wife and his valet and how they sometimes seemed to conspire against him, leaving him no chance than to acquiesce to their suggestions.

  “I certainly hope so,” he grudgingly answered.

  While his valet’s expression remained carefully schooled his pale blue eyes danced with mirth. Darcy glared at him but that only elicited a small smile from the other man. Although Roberts was a servant, Darcy trusted him implicitly and often relied on his opinion and judgment, knowing that Roberts saw things differently, was much more pragmatic, and had access to other levels of information.

  “Six weeks,” he sighed. “A man should not be parted from his wife for six weeks.”

  “Some men might rejoice if they were parted from their wives for six months,” Roberts pointed out, an amused smile playing around his lips. “Of course, they are not married to a woman as fine as Mrs. Darcy.”

  Darcy inclined his head in agreement. He was a very lucky man.

  Pemberley came into sight and anticipation filled Darcy. Soon, he would see her. His body stirred as well, eager for his wife’s embrace but he would have to be patient. It would be hours before they could retire for the night. Although, maybe they could be scandalous and just head upstairs in the afternoon?

  He sighed happily when they pulled up in front of the main door and he noticed Elizabeth’s familiar form waiting on top of the stairs. The welcoming smile on her face was hard to miss.

  “It seems as if you are not the only one eager to get home, sir,” Roberts offered.

  Darcy noticed the hint of amusement in his valet’s deep voice but decided to ignore it. He was more intent on his wife. Her brown hair gleamed in the sunlight and her lovely eyes were bright.

  “Indeed,” he murmured one hand already on the door while the carriage slowed down and finally stopped. He got out and turned toward the woman coming down the stairs.

  “Mr. Darcy! Welcome home!” Elizabeth called, reaching out for him. He grabbed her hands and pulled her close. He pressed his face briefly into her dark curls and breathed in her familiar scent. Lavender and underneath it something undefined that was uniquely Elizabeth. A smell that filled him with warmth and joy.

  “Mrs. Darcy,” he murmured in greeting. “Elizabeth.”

  He was finally home.


  When the servants had let her know that Darcy’s carriage was finally coming up the drive, Elizabeth had to stop herself from rushing outside and down the driveway like some overeager maiden waiting for her suitor. It would take time for the carriage to actually reach Pemberley.

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and composed herself. She was a married woman after all; mistress of Pemberley, and the man coming home was her husband. She had to act accordingly.

  She gave the necessary orders to the butler and housekeeper, knowing that both, Mr. Hopkins and Mrs. Reynolds, would see to it. Although the thought was uncharitable and Elisabeth felt shame for it, she was grateful that Georgiana and Mrs. Annesley were away, visiting neighboring friends. That meant she would have Darcy all to herself for the next few days.

  Elizabeth slowly walked from her boudoir down the stairs to the front door, all the while trying hard to contain her giddy joy.

  He was finally home again. Finally! She’d never imagined that she could miss someone’s company this much but six weeks without her husband’s presence had felt like an eternity to her. At first, Darcy had only intended to be gone for a few days but complications had required more of his attention and even further travel. Elizabeth had considered offering to join him in London but she hadn’t wanted to be a distraction so had refrained from doing so. His letters, while full of love and little anecdotes of his day, still had sounded preoccupied, as if most of his attention was focused on other things. Even more so, once he’d been forced to stay longer to deal with matters. She’d understood that it was important business that kept him away bust his long, attentive letters had only been a small consolation.

  Stopping at the top of the stairs, Elizabeth watched while the carriage slowly came up the drive. She pressed a hand against her stomach and tried to take deep, calm breaths.

  While she’d missed his company during the day, she’d also missed his presence in her bedchamber. Elizabeth wondered what that made her. A wife, eager for her husband’s attention? Or a wanton hussy waiting for her lover?

  Elizabeth swallowed down a giggle at her own absurdity. A wife, after all, was allowed to enjoy her husband, especially when said husband was as attentive and generous a lover as Darcy was.

  Based on the few things her good old friend Charlotte Collins had said when they were alone, it was not a given that a husband cared much for his wife’s pleasure or fulfillment. Or course, comparing Mr. Darcy with Mr. Collins was like comparing a thoroughbred with a mule. Maybe she was being ungenerous and unkind to Mr. Collins but he surely was no match to her Fitzwilliam.

  Finally, the carriage pulled to a stop in front of Pemberley. She bit the inside of her lower lip while she eagerly
waited for that first glimpse of her husband. The carriage door opened and Darcy stepped out. Something deep inside Elizabeth unclenched and eased as if she’d needed to see him to believe that he was truly back.

  As always, he was dressed immaculately in a dark black coat with a cream-colored waistcoat. His cravat was perfectly bound and his boots gleamed in the sunlight. In his hands he held his hat, gloves, and cane. He looked exquisite.

  Elizabeth had quickly learned that Robert, her husband’s trusted valet, had very exacting standards when it came to the way his master was dressed and seen in public. After her first clash with him, she’d quickly learned to arrange herself with him, especially as the result was always so pleasing to the eye.

  Even more pleasing though, was the smile on his face when he saw her. Elizabeth hastened down the steps, meeting him halfway.

  “Mr. Darcy,” she exclaimed when he reached for her hands. “Welcome home!”

  “Mrs. Darcy,” he greeted her, pulling her into an embrace. “Elisabeth.” The last was said with a deep sigh.

  She leaned against him for a long moment, just enjoying his presence, before she pulled back slightly.

  The look he graced her with, sent a shiver through her and something deep in her stomach fluttered wildly. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and kiss him deeply.

  “I’m glad to see you safely returned to Pemberley,” Elizabeth said instead, grasping his hand more tightly.

  “And I am glad to finally have been able to return,” he answered in return, letting go of her hands so that he could reach up and cup her face.

  Elizabeth’s breath caught when he leaned in to press a gentle kiss against her mouth. Darcy drew back slightly to study her carefully, his thumb brushing gently over her cheek before he leaned in for another kiss. This time, she met him halfway and the kiss quickly turned more forceful and demanding. While unexpected, she had no objections. Elizabeth moaned softly when heat stirred deep inside her.

  Flustered, she pulled back.

  “Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth murmured in protest, even though she didn’t want to protest. Instead, she wanted to beg him to continue.

  “Mrs. Darcy,” he said softly, those two words filled with so much heat and admiration that Elizabeth shivered and her nipples tightened into almost painful little peaks.

  “Maybe we should go in?” she offered in a vain attempt to keep focused on what they should be doing, instead of what she wanted to do.

  Darcy inclined his head and led her up the stairs. Elizabeth was highly aware of his presence at her side and the way his hand rested against the small of her back. She wanted to take him straight up to her bedroom but knew that she would have to wait.

  “Have you eaten?” Elizabeth asked, trying to distract herself from her own lustful thoughts.

  Darcy nodded. “Yes, we had dinner at an inn.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Maybe some tea? Cook has made crumpets.”

  “That sounds lovely,” Darcy agreed and followed her into the drawing room.

  Before Elizabeth could ring for the servants, the door opened and the footmen came in bringing a tray with the tea and crumpets. Of course Mrs. Reynolds had anticipated the need for refreshments. Elizabeth carefully prepared the tea, aware of Darcy watching her every move. She glanced up at him before concentrating back on the tea. Being at the center of his attention was something she’d grown used to.

  “You are, once again, staring at me, Mr. Darcy,” she teased him gently. Just because she was used to it, didn’t mean that she couldn’t call him out on it.

  “I will have to correct you, Mrs. Darcy,” he replied. “I’m not staring. I am merely enjoying the sight. One that I have sorely missed over the last few weeks and that I intend to savor for as long as I can.”

  Elizabeth glanced at him again and blushed when she noticed the heat in his eyes. She licked her lips while she carefully poured the tea and added some sugar and milk, preparing the tea just how he liked it.

  “I’ve instructed Mrs. Reynolds to prepare everything for a bath for tonight.” She glanced at him. “After this long journey, I thought you might enjoy it.”

  Darcy smiled. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful of you. Indeed. I look forward to being able to wash off the journey. It’s been a long six weeks without the joys and comforts of home.”

  Head suffused Elizabeth’s cheeks when she looked up and once more noticed the desire in his expression. It was clear to her that he was talking not only about the chance to bathe properly. She breathed in deeply and told her body to behave. It would be utterly unseemly to just drag him upstairs. She could just imagine Roberts’ or Julie’s, her own personal maid, affronted expressions if she were to do such a thing. Both were rather keen on proper etiquette.

  “Maybe an early night would not be remiss?” Elizabeth murmured, hiding her smile behind her cup. “The long journey must have been tiring.”

  “Indeed.” Darcy nodded slowly while he took a sip from his own tea. “That sounds like an excellent idea. Although I have to confess that just being in your presence has invigorated my spirits.”

  He crossed his legs while he spoke and Elizabeth’s eyes wandered down before she forced herself to keep them above his waistline. This was not the right time or place to think about such things. Or to contemplate what they might do later today.

  “Where is Georgiana? I expected her to greet me as well,” Darcy asked in a clear attempt to change the topic.

  “She’s visiting with the Thompsons. She and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson’s oldest daughter, have struck up a friendship and I saw no reason to deny her this visit. It’s only a short stay and she will be back by Friday. It’s possible that her letter didn’t reach you before you left London. She will be devastated that she missed your return.”

  “Maybe it is better this way,” Darcy murmured his eyes once again full of heat. “I would not wish my attention to be divided.”

  Elizabeth nearly spilled her tea and she carefully had to put her cup down. Her cheeks felt hot and her insides all shivery and warm. The flesh between her legs started to throb with heat.

  “Mr. Darcy!” she protested, unable to keep the laughter out of her voice. “You can not say such things.”

  Darcy reached out and brushed his fingers over the curve of her flushed cheek. “As long as I can elicit this charming response, I will say such things, beloved.”

  Elizabeth’s breath caught and her face felt even hotter. She glanced down and tried to think of something else to say but nothing came to mind. Nothing but the desire to retreat to her bedroom. Yet, it was still early in the day. Much too early to venture upstairs.


  After six weeks, a lot of things had accumulated and while his steward was an excellent man and able to take care of most things, he still required Darcy’s input on a few matters. So Darcy, instead of spending the afternoon with his wife, found himself desk-bound while he went through various papers and discussed all pressing issues with his steward. Finally, at nightfall, they were done. With relief he watched his steward leave. Duty done, he headed out to seek Elizabeth. He found her in the library, her nose in a novel.

  Her smile was full of welcome when she saw him. Sitting down next to her, he leaned against her, turning his head so that he could press his face into her hair and breathe in the faint scent of lavender. He reached for the novel in her hand, curious what she was reading right now. His eyebrows rose when he saw that it was the Mysteries of Udolpho.

  “I had Cook prepare a light supper for us,” Elizabeth said, leaning into him.

  Darcy wanted to protest but in that exact moment, his stomach offered its own opinion on the matter.

  Elizabeth laughed lightly while she stood up. “Come, let’s eat something.”

  She held out her hand and he took it, following her into the small dining room that they mostly used when it was just family.

  Servants soon came in, bringing the food. As promised it was light. White soup as well as
some grilled bread and cheese. Supper turned out to be excruciating. The servants were bustling around them but Darcy only had eyes for his wife. Something she seemed to be aware of, judging by her longing looks and the faint smile playing around her lips. At least she didn’t accuse him of staring again.

  While he sated the hunger in his stomach, another kind of hunger reared its head and grew more demanding.

  Elizabeth filled the silence with little tales about the things that had happened while he was gone. While that simple domesticity was one of the things he’d missed severely during his stay in London, he was more focused on Elizabeth’s voice than on her actual words.

  “Fitzwilliam!” she finally exclaimed laughingly. “You’re not even listening to me.”

  “I listened to every word,” he protested and laughed at her huff.

  “So, you think it would be a good idea to keep the puppies in the northern drawing room?” Elizabeth asked with a sweet smile.

  He blinked at her, trying to recall what she’d last spoken off. “I… what?”

  Her laughter pearled out and he realized that she was teasing him.

  Elizabeth just shook her head and took pity on him.

  “While Georgiana was enchanted by the puppies, I doubt they would be happy being kept inside. Maybe it would be a better idea to arrange regular visits?”

  He quickly nodded, still not certain just what Elizabeth was talking about. “Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea.”

  Elizabeth laughed again, her eyes dancing. Darcy decided that he’d had enough.

  “I think I will retire early tonight,” he said, glancing at the watch that sat on one of the side boards. It was still early, much earlier than they usually retired.

  Elizabeth’s smile turned coy and her cheeks flushed with color. She knew what he was implying.

  “That sounds like a good idea. You must be tired,” she offered softly.

  “Not too tired,” he said, enjoying the blush that colored Elizabeth’s cheeks and even deeper shade of pink. “Maybe I could join you for a while?”


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