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Pemberley Tales

Page 3

by Aurora Fairfax

  “Fitz,” she murmured while she ran her hands through his dark hair, winding some of the short locks around her fingers. “Fitzwilliam. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Me too.” He pressed a quick kiss to her mouth before he went back to exploring her body with hands and mouth. Elizabeth cried out when he paid attention to her other breast and teased that nipple into aching stiffness as well. She’d never assumed that her wifely duty would be this enjoyable but then her husband was special. No wonder she loved him as much as she did.

  She arched into his questing hands while he continued worshiping her breasts, moving from nipple to the other until she was writhing and moaning continuously. When he moved even lower, pressing a teasing kiss to her navel, Elizabeth tensed in anticipation. She cried out when he dove between her slightly spread legs and gently explored her most secret place with his lips and tongue. Darcy teased the little pearl that sat at the top of her sex until she felt almost boneless with pleasure yet wildly energized at the same time. Elizabeth rocked into him, wanting more and deeper.

  “Please,” she begged. “Please, Darcy. Fitzwilliam. More! I want to feel you!” she begged.

  But instead of giving her what she wanted, he continued teasing her until she was nearly insensate with need and desire. He pressed a finger against the entrance of her sex, just rubbing gentle, not penetrating, coaxing the opening to relax and grant him entry. Elizabeth could feel just how wet she was and when he finally pressed that finger into her, it just slid in without any resistance. She groaned at the sensation. He leisurely moved his finger in and out of her, driving her even higher and to new planes of desire. Something that sounded almost impossible.

  Elizabeth sobbed helplessly and whined. She was close, she could feel it. Close to that precipice where a small step, one touch, one flick of Darcy’s tongue would be enough to chase her over the edge.

  Everything seemed to coil tighter and tighter while she hovered on that edge. Darcy was relentless until, finally, when he brushed his thumb over her pearl one more time, her world exploded. Elizabeth screamed while her vision filled with stars that expanded until they were swallowed by darkness. By the time she regained her senses and found her equilibrium again, Darcy was still crouched between her legs. He looked very smug, rightfully so. His lips were red and wet and Elizabeth knew that some of that wetness was her own juices. She offered him a trembling smile while pleasure still shuddered through her. Darcy’s dark eyes shone with lust and Elizabeth reach for him, wanting to feel him in her arms and inside of her.

  But instead of indulging her, Darcy lowered his head again. Elizabeth groaned when he pressed a kiss to her stomach and then licked her again.

  Deciding that she had enough of the teasing, she surged upward and reached for him. With a playful growl, Elizabeth pulled him up and, at the same time, pushed him on his back so that she could stretch out on top of him.

  Darcy just laughed and pulled her close.

  “Is there something I may help you with, madam?” he asked, his eyes dancing.

  “You, Fitzwilliam Darcy, are a horrible, horrible tease.”

  “Indeed?” he only said in return, clearly still intent on teasing her.

  Elizabeth leaned down to kiss him. “Abominable.” Another kiss, this time with a nip to his lower lip. “Tease.” One more kiss while his hands stroked up her back, mapping out the shape and form of her spine. “Horrible. Truly horrible”

  “Is that so?” he just mused, burying his hands in her loose hair and pulling her down into another kiss.

  With a happy sigh, Elizabeth sank into his arms and kissed back, laughing softly at the way their tongues tangled. She shrieked then laughed when he rolled her over until she was on her back and he was once again looming over her. This time, he was resting between her spread legs and she wrapped them around his hips, holding him close. Her eyes widened when she could feel his hardness rub through her wet folds until the tip came to rest against her opening. She stared at him while he pressed into her, taking his time. After such a long separation, Elizabeth had expected Darcy to be full of urgency and hungry demand, but instead, he was considerate and gentle and it was her who wanted more, faster, harder.

  “Fitzwilliam!” she exclaimed and bucked into him. “Move!”

  Finally he obeyed and started to move. Elizabeth cried out when he surged harder into her.

  “Oh!” she gasped. “Yes… Fitz!”

  She dug her fingers into his back, holding on tight. They moved together for what felt like hours. The pleasure building and building. Elizabeth met Darcy’s every thrust, urging him on with soft cries and deep moans. Finally, Darcy moved even faster and she could tell that he was close.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, Fitz. Now. Now. Now!”

  He stilled deep inside her and in that moment her world flew apart once more. She shook around him, while he crushed her to his chest. With a happy sight, Elizabeth sank back into the pillows, taking Darcy with her.


  Elizabeth murmured a sleepy protest when Darcy carefully untangled himself from her embrace and slipped out of the bed. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple while he brushed strands of her fine dark hair out of her face. Then he headed into the dressing room. Darcy took a moment to clean himself and slip on his dressing gown before he went back into his bedroom. After a moment of searching he found what he was looking for. Returning to his dressing room, he wet a washcloth, noting with surprise that his bathtub had been removed and everything put to rights.

  Walking back into the bedroom he stopped at the side of the bed and stared down at his drowsy wife. Elizabeth had wrapped his sheets around herself and was watching him with sleepy eyes. A slight frown crossed her brow but it cleared when Darcy offered her the washcloth and her nightgown.

  With an indulgent smile, he watched while she took care of her ablutions and then slipped into the warm garment. Even though it was still summer, their rooms had a tendency to get chilly during the night and he’d quickly realized the advantage of ensuring that Elizabeth stayed warm. Contact with her cold toes was akin to torture.

  Once she was dressed, she slipped back into bed. After exchanging his dressing gown for a shirt, he joined her. With a happy sigh she curled against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. As much as he’d enjoyed the sex, this was the thing he’d missed most. Having her close and in his arms.

  “I might have to apologize to Roberts,” Elizabeth suddenly murmured, sounding contrite. “I think I wounded his sense of decorum.”

  Darcy laughed, knowing that this was only too likely. His valet was a stickler for correct manners and sometimes struggled with Elizabeth’s sharp wit and her independent spirit. He’d always envisioned that the next mistress of Pemberley would be fragile, soft-spoken, and refrained. Instead, he was now confronted with a woman who glowed with health and energy, and breezed through Pemberley’s halls like a spring-storm, bringing fresh air and sunshine with her wherever she went. Darcy found their clashes mostly amusing, as he could see that Robert too was slowly falling under her spell.

  Nevertheless, allowing her into his dressing room must have cost Roberts greatly even when he knew that it would please his master.

  “I’m surprised he didn’t put up more of a struggle to defend my honor and the sanctity of my rooms.”

  “I assume he knew that this was a battle he wouldn’t win,” Elizabeth confessed. “I was rather determined.”

  Darcy hummed thoughtfully while he wondered if it might be a good idea to offer Roberts a bonus in addition to his already generous wages and arrange some kind of agreement with him. He had the feeling that from now on, Elizabeth would not be deterred if she wished to join him in his chambers. Better to prepare his valet than to force him to fight another battle in the vain hope of protecting his master’s sanctuary.


  Rogers carefully opened the door to Mr. Darcy’s dressing room and cocked his head,
listening intently. Everything was quiet and he breathed a sigh of relief. He’d realized quickly after the marriage that not only were Mr. And Mrs. Darcy deeply in love with each other, they were also very enthusiastic in the consummation of their marriage and not hiding how much they enjoyed it.

  Usually, Master Darcy went to Mrs. Darcy’s bedroom so that he could tidy up without being a witness to their encounters. But this time around, Mrs. Darcy had had other plans.

  While he’d been properly scandalized when she’d demanded entry into Mr. Darcy’s bedroom and then into his dressing room, he’d reluctantly given way. By now he knew better than trying to stop her when she cocked her head in that determined way. He also knew that the master had missed her keenly while they were stuck in London, even though he’d tried to hide it.

  In many ways, her lack of artifice was a fresh breeze and it had been a long time since he’d seen his master this joyful. Master Darcy was smiling more often, even laughing openly on occasion, and some of his worries had eased now that he was able to share them. Mrs. Darcy had quickly proven herself a faithful and steadfast companion. That alone was enough for Roberts to love her as well. Even though she was one vexing woman.

  Although he’d been told by Mrs. Darcy to retire for the night, he still had decided to remove the bathtub and tidy up. Something he quickly regretted once the sounds from the bedroom reached his ears. Nevertheless, he’d done his duty and now he was on his final round before retiring. Master Darcy was a considerate master and usually didn’t ring for him during the night, but that didn’t stop Roberts from taking a final look.

  He carefully eased the door to the master’s bedroom open and peeked inside. Master Darcy rested in the middle of the bed, the mistress curled against his side and in his embrace. Both were deeply asleep.

  With a satisfied smile, Roberts closed the door and headed to his own bed. All was well now that they were home.

  Waltzing with Mr. Darcy


  "Lizzy! Lizzy! Lizzy!"

  Elizabeth Darcy had just settled into her favorite chair in Pemberley's library. While she had her own office as well her private sitting room upstairs, the library was her favorite place and she often withdrew here to read for a while. In many ways, it was a habit from her childhood where she sometimes had hidden from her mother and younger sisters in her father's library.

  By now all of the servants knew that while she could be approached at all times and especially when she was in her office, withdrawing to the library was a hint that she required some peace and privacy. Only one person's company and interruption would be welcome. To her secret delight, Mr. Darcy, once he realized this, often dared to interrupt her. Or rather, he would join her with the newspaper or a book of his own and keep her company. Lately, he'd started to read to her, sharing his enjoyment of a particular clever passage with her or mock the journalist.

  It was also the perfect place to attend to the latest missive of her sister Jane. Thus, settled in, she had not expected to be accosted by two excited girls. With a sigh, Elizabeth lowered the letter and frowned at the two girls now standing in front of her, almost vibrating in place with excitement. While this wasn't behavior too unusual for her younger sister, Georgiana tended to be much calmer and more collected. Yet here she was, just as excited as Kitty.

  "Georgiana. Kitty," Elizabeth greeted the two girls. "What is the matter with you?"

  Both girls glanced at each other, giggling like two little children before drawing up and almost instantaneously turning into perfectly composed young women.

  Elizabeth just raised an eyebrow and studied the two girls. The differences between them were still notable. Although Catherine was the older one, she came across as much younger than the composed and womanly Georgiana. Elizabeth still was tempted to blame Lydia's influence, even though Lydia was now married and living with Wickham. The last Elizabeth had heard from that unfortunate couple they'd moved from their lodgings in Brighton to London, eagerly awaiting the start of the season.

  "Dearest Eliza, we require your help and support."

  To her that sounded rather ominous, especially when she considered the secretive glances both girls were exchanging. For a brief moment, she was once more reminded of Lydia and she could only hope that Kitty hadn't managed to drag Georgiana into some kind of mischief. Asking Darcy to bring Catherine to Pemberley and to remove her from her mother's and Lydia's influence had been a risk and she would never forgive herself if Georgiana was hurt by it in any way. Georgiana has such an innate shyness and sweetness to her, not to mention how she'd barely escaped one scandal, that any further harm would break not just Elizabeth's heart.

  "With what?" Elizabeth finally inquired with due cautiousness.

  "Well, you see, there's this new dance..." Katherine started.

  "They call it the German waltz," Georgiana added eagerly, her cheeks flushing the prettiest pink.

  "And?" Elizabeth prompted when neither girl continued.

  "According to Caroline, Miss Bingley I mean, they have started to allow it at Almack's and Caroline said that it's the newest fashion in London. So wouldn't it be a good idea if we knew the steps? Maybe for the next ball here at Pemberley?" Georgiana explained, clearly trying to curb her eagerness. "Or if we travel to town for the season, it wouldn't do if Kitty or I were asked to dance and didn't know how, wouldn't it?"

  Elizabeth frowned briefly at the mention of Caroline Bingley. While they were cordial to each other, after all her own sister Jane had married Miss Bingley's brother and they were now family, they didn't care overly much for each other. Despite that, Miss Bingley was rather fashionable and her judgment in such matters should be considered. But there was something Georgiana and Katherine were holding back, so she decided to prod them a bit more.

  "Yes? And? I don't see why Mr. Pool can't teach you the steps unless there's something you aren't telling me?"

  She waited silently while the girls fidget. Her feeling that there was more to it were justified when Georgiana caved.

  "It's considered... scandalous? Somewhat?"

  "Scandalous?" repeated Elizabeth, not liking that word. Darcy would never consent to having Georgiana involved in anything that even hinted at a scandal. Not even if it was something that was supported by Caroline Bingley and others of the more fashionable London set. Yet, how could a dance allowed at Almack's be scandalous? This required more information and somehow she doubted that the girls would be able to supply it.

  "Scandalous? Really? And why is that?" she softly asked, studying both young ladies intently.

  Kitty and Georgiana glanced at each other and finally shrugged.

  "Caroline wouldn't really say," Georgiana explained. "Just, that the gentleman would clasp his arm around his partner in a way that, so far, has not been seen on the dance floor." She bit her lower lip and pleadingly looked at Elizabeth. "Will you speak to Fitzwilliam? Please? He will listen to you."

  Elizabeth pondered the question and inclined her head. "I will think about and may bring it up with Darcy once I've made up my mind."

  Once she knew more about this scandalous dance and had heard the opinions and thoughts of people other than Caroline Bingley.

  Catherine glanced at Georgiana who nodded. Both girls sighed but acquiesced to Elizabeth's judgment. Elizabeth was grateful that Kitty was now following Georgiana's lead and did not beg or whine as she was wont to do while still following Lydia's example. Georgiana's poise was really rubbing off on her and she was becoming less excitable and vain, while also becoming less vapid. She still wasn't much of a reader but her thoughts no longer only centered on the latest fashion and her own pleasures and desires. In the past, she would have simply charged ahead and found someone to teach her this Waltz, not caring how it might reflect on her family or even on her.

  "Anything else?" she asked softly, indicating her correspondence with a slight inclination of her head.

  Both girls shook their head and scampered off when Elizabeth waved at

  With a sigh, Elizabeth sank back into her chair and considered the request. It was good to see Georgiana a bit more animated and less shy and meek. It pleased Elizabeth even more that Georgiana not only got along so well with Catherine and was such a good influence on her, but that she also considered drawing Elizabeth into her confidence and asking her for help. Although she wasn't too happy that the girls were trying to use her to ask favors of Darcy. Favors they didn't dare to ask him for themselves.

  Of course, that now left Elizabeth with the task of finding out about this new dance and maybe convincing her darling Mr. Darcy that it would be wise to have the girls instructed in the steps. Maybe it was even something she and Darcy should learn. While she no longer danced as much as she used to, she was still sometimes requested as a partner. She enjoyed it most, though, when they danced here at Pemberley as part of an evening's entertainment. After all, that was the only time she was allowed to enjoy her husband as her dance partner. He was her favorite partner, especially now that he would talk to her while they danced.

  Much, of course, would depend on just how scandalous this Waltz actually was. If Almack's allowed it, it couldn't be that bad, could it?

  Knowing her husband as well as she did, Elizabeth was aware of the necessity of a well-considered argument and the need to convince him with facts. Simply asking for something, would lead her nowhere. Something the girls had to be aware of as well, which was why they'd turned to Elizabeth instead of pleading their case on their own. Georgiana still tried to please Darcy as much as possible and often shied away from making her own wishes and desires known. Elizabeth often tried to strengthen her self-esteem by being an example, although she accepted that no one but her had the audacity to talk as freely as she did with Darcy. Yet, despite that, he was unlikely to indulge her simply because she asked if she didn't have convincing arguments. A request by Georgiana and Catherine was not enough of an argument to persuade him.


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