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Pemberley Tales

Page 11

by Aurora Fairfax

  “Any orders for me, Mrs. Darcy,” came the question from the only other male currently sitting at the breakfast table.

  Roused from her thoughts, Elizabeth turned her attention to Richard Fitzwilliam and considered him. He still was too pale and too thin for her taste, but he did look better than when he’d arrived one week ago. France hadn’t become him. He refused to talk about what had happened, but Elizabeth knew that he sometimes, late at night, roamed the hallways. Darcy had confessed that he too was worried for his cousin.

  At first she’d worried that the excitement of the ball would be too much for him but it seemed to have the opposite effect on him. He’d already regained some of his strength and a bit of color. His eyes danced with excitement and his wit was as sharp and charming as ever.

  Elizabeth hummed thoughtfully. “I’m certain; Miss Darnley would appreciate your offer and a show of attention although she’s the youngest of three sisters and not very well-situated.”

  She didn’t bother to mention that Miss Darnley was also a firm believer in love and planned to only marry a man she was in love with. The lack of fortune would be enough to deter the good Colonel. He made no secret out of the fact that he was looking for a rich heiress. But he was good at charming the young ladies and making them forget their nervousness. Having him around would also ease the burden on Darcy a bit who could be charming if he tried and when they were alone. Her cheeks flushed slightly when she recalled the last time he’d used his charm on her.

  “I would rather just dance with you,” Darcy offered in that moment.

  Elizabeth glanced at him and smiled. He pretended to be entirely focused on his coffee but when he looked up; his eyes were warm and filled with love while his smile held a teasing edge. His look filled her with a shivery warmth and she realized that she’d been so involved with preparing everything for the ball that she’d barely paid any attention to him. He still came to her bed once they’d retired for the night and spent the whole night with her, but she’d always been too tired and too worried about the preparations to enjoy her husband’s presence. Instead, she’d just snuggled against him, fretted a bit, and then fallen asleep, his steady heartbeat lulling her into Morpheus’ arms.

  “As would I,” she said softly, which was true. Unfortunately, it was impossible. As hostess, she had to take care of their guests while Darcy was expected to dance with the ladies present. Maybe they could start the ball with the first dance but after that, they would not be able to dance together no matter how much they both wished to do so.

  “Well, in that case, Eliza, I hope you’ll reserve a set for me,” Fitzwilliam offered suddenly.

  Astonished, she looked at him and smiled when she noticed the dark look Darcy sent his cousin. Laughing softly, she inclined her head.

  “I would be happy to.”

  Satisfied that her men now knew what was expected of them, she poured herself a cup of coffee and looked around the table.

  Georgiana and Kitty watched everything with wide eyes. Fitzwilliam had turned back to his eggs and Darcy was smiling at her. She returned her husband’s smile and inclined her head. Now, all that remained was that the ball went well and once they had that behind them, she could pay more attention to her husband. The thought sent a shiver down her back and the flesh between her legs stirred slightly, heating up. Not now, she admonished her suddenly rather demanding body. Once the ball was over, she could once more indulge herself in her husband’s presence and his arousing touch.


  Elizabeth pressed a hand against her chest and tried to take a deep breath. Her heart was beating like a wild little bird intent on fleeing from her chest.

  The first guests would arrive any moment now and Pemberley’s first ball would start. At least the first ball with her as Mistress. She smiled when Darcy stepped closer and put his hand on her back, rubbing gently. She leaned back into his firm touch, drawing strength from it and from his silent show of support and reassurance.

  “Everything will be fine,” he murmured into her ear and presses a gentle kiss against the rim. “Don’t fret my love. Everything looks amazing and our guests will be suitably impressed.”

  Elizabeth nodded and took a deep breath. “I feel sick,” she murmured and took another deep breath. Never before had she been this nervous. Not even on her wedding day.

  She looked around and smiled when she saw that Fitzwilliam, as well as Georgiana and Kitty, were waiting with her. Although most of her attentions had been on the preparations for the ball, she still had noticed the growing excitement of the two girls. Both had received new dresses specifically for the ball and had taken utmost care with their toilet. Both were also in exceptionally high spirit. While Georgiana was used to new dresses, Kitty had been beside herself at the news. Usually, her dresses had come from her older sisters and had then been adjusted to fit her and adapted to the newest fashion trends. She looked utterly lovely in her new gown.

  Her gaze met Fitzwilliam’s eyes who winked at her. Maybe it was selfish, but she was looking forward to dancing with him. The few dances they’d shared had always been in private and not during a ball with proper music.

  Elizabeth straightened when someone knocked on the front door. Darcy quickly leaned in to press another kiss to her cheek.

  “I do hope that you have reserved the first dance for me, Mrs. Darcy,” he whispered into her ear.

  She cast a look at him but softened her admonishing look with a gentle smile.

  “Of course, Mr. Darcy. You always will be the first,” she murmured.

  As hostess, she was expected to open the ball and surely no one could fault her for choosing her husband as her partner. It was something she was looking forward to. She always enjoyed dancing with her husband and regretted that she rarely had the chance to do so. Often it was her at the piano while Darcy danced with Georgiana or Kitty. Of course, at a ball he would be expected to dance with others, especially at his own ball. Some might even talk because they were going to open the ball together. But she was willing to accept that gossip if it allowed her to enjoy one set with her beloved husband.

  The butler had opened the door and the first guests came in. With a bright smile, Elizabeth greeted them and directed them into the set of rooms that had been prepared for the ball, including Pemberley’s lavish and spacious ballroom. Darcy stayed at her side during the first round of welcomes and greetings. Fitzwilliam, Georgiana, and Kitty had joined their guests in the ballroom and were keeping an eye on them until Elizabeth and Darcy were able to join them. Soon the rooms were filled with bright faces and excited chatter.

  Finally, the musicians were ready for the first set and everyone moved into position.

  “Ready?” Darcy asked, offering her his hand.

  “For you? Always, my love,” Elizabeth told him while she accepted his hand.

  He led her to the beginning of the line and waited for the music to start. She smiled at him, suddenly thinking about the first time they’d danced together. How much had changed since that day. At Netherfield, the prospect of dancing with him had filled her with justified outrage and mortification. She’d deplored his audacity. The dance had been uncomfortable as he’d refused to make conversation. It had taken time to draw him out and looking back Elizabeth realized that even then they’d bantered and matched wits. Something she’d enjoyed even back then, although she’d been too blind to see it.

  Today though, it filled her with the warm glow of love and the excitement of displaying with him at her side. They still bantered, but the tone had changed and the edge smoothed away by understanding and love.

  She noted the puzzling looks Darcy was sending her, almost as if he was trying to discern her thoughts.

  “What are you thinking of?” Elizabeth asked instead.

  He smiled at her while they moved through the steps. “Netherfield. Or rather the ball at Netherfield.”

  His answer startled a laugh out of her. “Oh. I was so wrong. My behavior was simply unacceptabl
e.” Her cheeks felt hot while she remembered her own behavior. How amusing that he was thinking of the very same thing that had just crossed her own mind.

  Darcy just shook his head. “All I remember is this beautiful and enchanting woman who managed to capture my heart. And, despite my uncouth behavior, she found it in herself to later accept my suit and share her life with me.”

  The heat in Elizabeth’s cheeks spread and now she was the one shaking her head.

  “Mr. Darcy!” she exclaimed in mock-outrage but then smiled. His compliments still had this effect on her. Some days she could scarcely believe that despite all their faults, her prejudices and his pride, they’d not just found together but were deliriously happy as well.

  All too soon the set was over and they had to part ways. Elizabeth glanced around, looking at her guests and the pairings that had already formed. She smiled when she caught sight of Mr. and Miss Cross. She indicated to Darcy to follow her. Once they drew closer, she also noticed Mrs. Cross seated on one of the chairs. The older women was plagued by aching knees and preferred to sit as much as possible. Mr. Cross smiled brightly when he caught sight of them.

  “Ah, Darcy! Good to so you. Marvelous ball.”

  Mr. Cross turned slightly so that he could greet Elizabeth. “Mrs. Darcy. Thank you for the invitation. You’ve outdone yourself. I can already tell that this ball will be the talk of the neighborhood for weeks to come. Marvelous. Just marvelous.”

  Elizabeth smiled at his effusive praise. It was his way, charming in a rather unique way, if sometimes a bit overboard. He often reminded her of Sir William, her old neighbor and the father of her friend Charlotte Collins. She knew that he and Darcy were well-acquainted, although Darcy wasn’t too familiar with Mrs. and Miss Cross. Elizabeth planned to change that, as she had the feeling that Miss Cross would be a good friend for Georgiana and Kitty. They were all of similar age and especially Georgiana needed a few more friends her age.

  She glanced at Darcy and slightly indicated the young Miss Cross. She wasn’t a great beauty, her hair a touch too red and her face a bit too long, but she had a wonderful, warm smile and a lovely voice. She was a very gifted singer and also rather accomplished at the pianoforte, although not quite as good as Georgiana.

  Right now she looked a bit despondent while she watched the dancers. Miss Cross perked immediately up and a fetching shade of pink stained her cheeks, when Darcy followed Elizabeth’s hint and asked her to dance. She accepted with a rather endearing combination of shyness and eagerness. It was sweet to watch and suddenly Elizabeth felt old. But then she noticed the way Darcy inclined his head in her direction and the loving look he sent her way while leading Miss Cross away. She took a deep breath to calm her wildly beating heart. Wretched man. He always had that effect on her, especially when he looked as if he would love nothing more than to spirit her away to her bedroom and divest her of her clothes.

  Elizabeth watched while he turned his attention to Miss Cross who still appeared a bit shy but suddenly she smiled brightly and started to chatter. Elizabeth wondered just what Darcy had said to her to elicit that kind of reaction. She almost pitied him now, as Miss Cross was a bright and easily excitable conversationalist once she managed to overcome her shyness.

  Maybe later she would grant him a boon. Some kind of reward for doing as she’d asked and ensuring that her ball was a success. Elizabeth was only too aware of the sacrifice she’d asked of him.


  Elizabeth surveyed the crowd and nodded happily. Everything was going as she’d planned. People were dancing and no young lady was being forced to sit one dance out. The parents were also enjoying themselves. Either dancing as well or talking softly while watching the dancers.

  She cast a jaundiced eye on the dancers and studied the various couples. A few looked very enchanted with each other and she was wondering if they would soon see the first announcement of a betrothal or wedding.

  She moved on and just smiled when one of the guests tried to draw her into conversation. Her feet were itching and she would have loved to join the dancers but unfortunately duty kept her from it.

  Elizabeth smiled when she noticed Darcy dancing with Miss Darnley. While she liked Justine Darnley, she also knew that the young lady had a tendency to ramble about all kinds of things, especially when she was nervous. This ball, one of her first ones, was bound to make her nervous. And dancing with someone like Darcy would only increase her nervousness. Maybe it was cruel to ask Darcy to dance with her, but Elizabeth had the feeling that the experience would be beneficial for the young Miss Darnley. She was an excellent dancer and a skilled partner like Darcy only drew attention to the litheness and grace of her movements. Elizabeth already noticed several young gentlemen watching her with keen interest. Surely, they would rush to ask for her hand for the next set. Or to reserve them a dance after dinner.

  Her attention though, was more on the graceful figure of her husband. How much she wished she could be the one at his side.

  “Poor Darcy,” a voice suddenly murmured into her ear.

  Elizabeth turned her head slightly so that she could look at Colonel Fitzwilliam. She accepted the glass of wine he held out to her.

  “He seems to be doing rather well,” she pointed out, biting back a smile. Of course he was suffering, but he knew his duty.

  Fitzwilliam laughed softly. “He’s suffering, you cruel, cruel woman.”

  Elizabeth just arched her eyebrow while she looked at him.

  “All these young girls and their inane chatter. He will hate it.”

  “Some of them are only a few years younger than me,” Elizabeth pointed out.

  “Ah, but you are a diamond among pebbles. That rare mixture of beauty and intellect. No wonder Darcy was enamored with you and had the good sense to marry you.”

  Elizabeth flushed at the compliment. Fitzwilliam always managed to fluster her. He could be such a charming rascal.

  As answer, she just harrumphed. “Shouldn’t you be dancing as well?”

  “Even a man of my stamina requires the occasional break,” Fitzwilliam pointed out with a quirk of his lips.

  Elizabeth laughed at him. It was almost a pity that he was looking for an heiress. She always enjoyed his company. She studied him more thoughtfully, mindful of his health, but he looked fine. It seemed as if he knew his limits and when to sit a dance out. He also looked in much higher spirit than he had when he’d first arrived. His eyes were bright and his smile playful. Very different from the tired and sad smile he’d graced her with when he’d stepped from his carriage a week ago.

  “There are a few heiresses present,” Elizabeth offered, already thinking about the ladies in question and which one would be best suited for her new cousin. But Fitzwilliam just shook his head.

  “Not tonight, Eliza,” he murmured. “I might ask Georgiana for another dance, unless you will have mercy on me and grant me the pleasure of you company on the dance floor?”

  “I…,” Elizabeth hesitated. A part of her wanted to accept yet was it acceptable?

  She bit her lower lip and glanced longingly at the dancing couples. All the young ladies were dancing so she wouldn’t rob any of them of the chance to dance with the Colonel. Especially as Colonel Fitzwilliam had just made it clear that he didn’t plan to dance with any strangers. It was a bit unusual as he usually loved to dance and flirt. Maybe it was another sign of his fatigue? Surely everyone would understand, especially as she was helping a member of her family. One who required a special and caring touch right now.

  “You could always retire to the card room,” Elizabeth pointed out, giving him an out.

  “I know and I will do so, after this dance. Eliza?”

  The pleading look in his eyes convinced her and accepted his hand, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.


  Darcy led Miss Darnley back to her mother who greeted him with a proud and radiant smile. A young gentleman was already eagerly waiting to lead Miss Darnley into the ne
xt dance. Darcy gratefully handed her over then exchanged a few words with her mother before he went in search of his wife.

  Dancing with Miss Darnley hadn’t been as bad as he’d feared. She was graceful and rather skilled although her conversation lacked depth. He was just grateful that she had only required minimal input from him. A few well-placed words and the pretense of paying attention to her had been sufficient. His thoughts, meanwhile, had been mostly occupied with his wife and memories if their first dance. Back then he’d still struggled with his feelings, knowing he should stay away yet unable to. He had been tongue-tied back then. Enchanted yet unable to make conversation with her. Desperate to get to know her better and find something that would convince him that she really was as unsuitable as her family suggested. Luckily, his Elizabeth had been rather skilled in drawing him out and tempting him into talking to her. Her wit had been his saving grace. It had also deepened his attraction to her as she was nothing like her parents.

  He cast a jaundiced eye over the crowd. Every one seemed to be having a wonderful time. The dance floor was fully occupied and almost no young lady was sitting a dance out. His Elizabeth had done an excellent job of ensuring that everything was perfect. The rooms were well-lit, and the musicians seemed tireless and excellent. He’d followed Elizabeth instructions and danced with all the young ladies his wife had introduced him to. Or the ones she’d indicated as he was already acquainted with several of the young ladies.

  He’d been able to dance the first dance with his wife but after that it had been one hopeful young lady after another. Most of them had been rather pleasant to dance with despite the obvious lack of wit. Darcy knew that he wasn’t the object of their interest and desires. They were all looking for a suitable husband and he was already happily married. His wife was also the only women present who truly interested him and yet the only one he was currently unable to find.


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