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Pemberley Tales

Page 13

by Aurora Fairfax

  Elizabeth laughed, knowing that it wasn’t true. “I was once one of those vapid girls.” Her words trailed off into a moan while his lips worked their magic on her flesh. She wasn’t really in the mood for this soft teasing and the slow build-up. She wanted her release and then snuggle close and go to sleep. The ball had left her exhausted yet still jittery with nervous. Ever since getting married, she’d discovered that sexual release was very good at calming her down. Once in a while, it even helped her to fall asleep. At other times, it energized her, much to Darcy’s consternation.

  Tonight, Elizabeth knew, a climax would be the thing that would allow her to go to sleep. Now she only had to rush her husband along. He really seemed intend on visiting his revenge on her by drawing things out and making her squirm.

  “Darcy,” Elizabeth murmured and tugged on one of his curls. When he glanced up, she wriggled, trying to entice him. It seemed to work as his eyes darkened and he drew in a sharp breath of air.

  She wriggled again, feeling more than ready. Darcy seemed to have his own ideas though, for he grabbed her and rolled them around until she was on top of him. Wide-eyed, Elizabeth stared down at him. This was new.

  “Maybe, my love, you should simply take what you want?”

  His gaze was challenging and inviting. Elizabeth hesitated but then reached for him. He was hard and heavy in her hand. She shifted until she could feel his hard length brush through her sensitive folds. The sensation was incredible, especially when the tip of his stiff shaft brushed across her pearl. Repeating the motion, she shuddered and moaned at the sparks of pleasure that coursed through her.

  Biting her lower lip, Elizabeth shifted again so that he was touching that special place that would allow him access to her body. She took a deep breath and then lowered herself down. With a deep moan, Darcy arched into her, pushing even deeper into her. She met his upward move with a downward thrust, groaned at the sensation of being filled by his hard length.

  “Ride me,” Darcy ordered. His voice had turned raspy with desire.

  The sound made Elizabeth shiver and moan once more. She was not a good horsewoman although Darcy had lately tried to teach her how to sit a horse as he wanted her to join him during some of his rides. But this kind of riding lesson was very different but also very much to her taste. She wouldn’t mind riding him more often.

  Darcy reached up to cup her breasts and rubbed his thumbs gently over her sensitive nipples. A shudder worked its way down her back and Elizabeth clenched around the hardness lodged deep inside her. The excitement of the ball and the way he’d teased her during the second half of the ball, starting with the kisses he’d stolen just before dinner, had already pushed her close to the edge. It didn’t take much for her to tumble over it and to her own astonishment, she seemed to be taking Darcy along with her, as he groaned harshly and bucked up into her when she started to shake around him. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through her until she finally collapsed into Darcy’s arms, spent and deliriously happy.

  “Oh, I like this kind of riding,” Elizabeth whispered. “We should do that more often.”

  Darcy chuckled and pulled her close. Carefully, Elizabeth rolled to the side and drowsy with satisfaction, she snuggled against Darcy’s side. A thought suddenly occurred to her. “Georgiana has asked if we could hold another ball. Maybe for Christmas?”

  She could feel him move. Not quiet a flinch but close enough. A tensing of his muscles before he relaxed again. It took all of her strength to school her voice—luckily he wasn’t able to see her face and Elizabeth had no need to hide her expression, so she allowed herself to grin widely.

  “I think the idea has merit. Maybe not as elaborate as today’s ball but still something.”

  “We usually do something for the tenants,” Darcy murmured, clearly not too enthused. “A gathering and a celebration.”

  “Brilliant. I think I can work with that. A celebration and then in the evening a ball, Christmas themed of course.”

  His sigh was long-suffering. “If that is what you wish. Although, might a dinner not be a better idea?”

  This time, Elizabeth allowed her mirth free reign. “I will ensure that you won’t have to dance with any young ladies. Maybe Bingley and Jane could visit as well.”

  Deciding that she liked that idea, Elizabeth wrapped her arms more securely around him and closed her eyes. She was already going over a potential guest lists and what other entertainments they might offer. Not just a ball but maybe also some additional entertainment? Before she knew it, she drifted away and fell asleep, not even noticing Darcy pressing a kiss into her hair.

  About Aurora Fairfax

  As an avid Jane Austen fan ever since she was introduced to the literature of the 19th century, Elizabeth and Darcy have always held a special place in her heart.

  When she isn’t writing, Aurora devours books, especially romance and fantasy novels or dabbles in watercolor paintings.

  If you want to contact Aurora, please send an email at

  Legal Imprint / Copyright Notice:

  Pemberley Tales Stories 1-4

  By Aurora Fairfax

  Cover: Aurora Fairfax, © August 2017

  Copyright ©: Aurora Fairfax, 2017

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and events in this publication, are products of the writer's imagination and are not to be viewed in any way as real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT Audience only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the author.

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