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NEBULAR Collection 3 - Morgotradon: Episodes 12 - 16

Page 13

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »I don’t understand,« Joos admitted and waited for a reply. Instead, he was enveloped by the transport aura once more and, together with his partner, sank into the floor. This time the transport was faster, and they penetrated ten floors in quick succession. The entire ship was built in a cavern-like fashion with adjacent caverns without exits. Without the Dualyte transport technology, these rooms and halls would not be accessible.

  Joos paled …

  As they came through another wall, they were in space!

  Joos’ heart stopped for a moment in shock and he shut his eyes. When he slowly opened them again he found himself beside the mighty mothership with the platform below, about 500 meters away. Neptune’s pale-blue disk dominated the background.

  They were not alone. Several dozen spheres were drifting, like him, down to the Tachyon Portal platform.

  A landing operation … and I’m part of it!.

  Joos didn’t dare lift a limb. Drifting like this through space overwhelmed his sense of orientation. He looked toward the platform instead, fighting to overcome his nausea. As he looked down onto the platform, he saw the beings who were waiting for the Dualytes to arrive. He picked out at once their large guns, deployed strategically around the portal, as well as make-shift collapsible buildings probably used as quarters. The igloo-like buildings were located in a star-pattern around a central, much bigger Igloo. Joos suspected that the larger building held the Original Spark.

  More and more Dualytes rained down onto the platform. Joos feared that a ruthless and merciless battle was ready to break out any second. From the way the Trox took defensive positions, they must have seen the spheres – why didn’t they open fire?

  A cold hand groped at Joos’ soul.

  Are they just waiting for us to take the spark before they ignite it, and annihilate us?

  He looked anxiously around. The Dualytes didn’t seem worried, nor were they acting like they expected a battle. They hadn’t even brought weapons along. The closer the Major descended onto the platform the more perplexed he became.

  They landed softly on the platform, and were surrounded by heavily armed Trox. The Trox, as well as Joos could read their expressions, looked determined. Several Dualytes landed around Joos and protected him, yet he didn’t feel safe at all.

  The Trox fire power can end this landing operation in a second!

  However, the Trox did nothing … nothing happened at all!

  What’s going on here?

  »The Trox are now ready to surrender the Original Spark!« a Dualyte explained. Joos couldn’t tell if it was the same Dualyte he had teamed up with. They all looked the same to him.

  »Umm … okay … what did you do to change their minds?« Joos asked aloud. He didn’t take his eyes off the Trox; he still expected an attack any second.

  »You have to understand how the spark influences the Trox’s psyche. All we had to do is isolate the responsible transient emissions to overcome the Original Spark’s spell,« the Dualyte at his side responded.

  Joos remained skeptical.

  »I’ll believe you as soon as they lay down their weapons and shake my hand!« Joos replied sarcastically. One of the Trox moved away from the group and stopped directly in front of Joos, and addressed him.

  »I am Sworge, elected leader of this group. I have a lot of questions!« he introduced himself.

  The Trox, who looked very similar to a Shwakan, crawled closer. His large weapon slipped from one of his main tentacles and fell to the ground. Joos swallowed hard. The Trox had addressed him in English, obviously using a translation device. They had had enough time to analyze Human standard language. The Dualytes didn’t attempt to answer the Trox, so Joos took over.

  »I am a representative of the Solar Union … uh, unofficially. What questions do you have?«

  The Trox was trembling all over, while his companions also put down their weapons.

  »We have just awakened from a bad dream … and are only beginning to realize what terrible things we must have done in the past. The echoes of our bad deeds will haunt us for a thousand years. Explain to us, we beg you, how we got here and why? Darkness overshadows our memories. We fear we weren’t ourselves.«

  Joos looked to the Dualytes for help. He was at a loss as to how to answer. It was obvious that the relationship between Trox and the Dualytes and Humans had changed.

  Can they do it? Totally reverse their characters?

  »You came through the portal,« Joos assumed. When the Dualytes didn’t correct him, he continued, »You’re in the Human Solar System. You’ve caused us a lot of grief, but it’s good that you’ve changed your minds and want a peaceful understanding …«

  »… peaceful understanding?« the Trox asked, seeming surprised. »We abhor violence, it’s against our nature!«

  Joos observed how the Trox’s skin changed from a dark blue to a lighter tone.

  »We’re asking for asylum until we understand what happened to us, and we find a way to return to our home.«

  A brilliant light filled the air around the portal. At first Joos thought that a new sun had risen over the portal platform. Slowly, the Original Spark ascended toward the Dualyte mothership, while the Trox watched its ascent passively.

  »What a warm light!« Sworge murmured respectfully as he watched the spark disappear inside the mothership.

  »Our mission here has come to an end!« the Dualyte beside Joos announced. »The portal will be re-calibrated and re-linked to the galactic network. Our technicians are almost done with it. You can use it afterward as you see fit.«

  Moments later, the Dualytes on board the platform also ascended to their mothership.

  »Will you allow us to remain here?« Sworge inquired. Joos wrinkled his brow in concentration. The Major was used to receiving and giving orders but this was different, a different kind of responsibility – he alone was in charge, speaking for the Solar Union. Joos knew that the Dualytes would not offer refuge to the Trox. Humanity’s erstwhile enemies were suddenly vulnerable. They had no place else to go. Joos realized that these beings had suffered under a powerful force that masked their true, peaceful character.

  He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

  »The Solar Union will find a way to help you!« Joos explained, feeling a bit weird inside, and wondering whether the Solar Union would honor his promise to Sworge.

  I give you my word

  The people in the Triton command center had watched the event from the distance. They feared the worst as the Dualyte spheres descended onto the platform. They might have heaved a collective sigh when it developed that their fears were groundless. Nok Daralamai was relieved that things unfolded peacefully on the platform. Nobody in the solar system wanted a war with another species.

  »Did you record it all?« she asked the comm-section OIC. »Including that bright glowing object that was transferred to the mothership?«

  »Everything documented, Ma'am!« Helikom replied, glancing over the comm-consoles. »That must have been the fabled Original Spark!«

  »Yes,« Nok acknowledged. »I wonder how the Dualytes managed it without firing a shot? It looked like the Trox just surrendered the Original Spark voluntarily.«

  Helikom didn’t have an answer. He shrugged.

  »The Dualytes found a way … intimidated the Trox, maybe, or threatened them. Whatever … they didn’t follow through with their threat. Major Joos may have some answers when he returns.«

  The command center crew observed the holos for another half an hour, until the scanner-section reported, »The mothership!«

  »How about a military report, Sergeant Miller! We’re still working for the Solar Union Fleet, last I remember!« Nok snapped at him.

  Miller cleared his throat and nodded.

  »What … now?« Nok leveled her gaze sternly at the sergeant to get the man to speak up.

  »Sorry, Ma'am,« he began his report red-faced and embarrassed. »The Dualyte mothership has vanished from our scanners, Ma'am. We can
not detect it anywhere … no trace!«

  »What about the platform?«

  »The platform remains in a stable orbit around Neptune, Ma'am.«

  »Triton Hawks and Triton Ground Defense Force 1: go to ready 15! All Nova Hawks in space, return to the platform, but stay on guard!« Nok commanded.

  Sirens with coded tones wailed throughout the base, alerting the TGDF-1, responsible for ground operations. Toiber Arkroid had suggested it; the Stinger and then the Globuster encounters had proven that Special Forces were needed to deal with extraordinary, extraterrestrial situations. Currently, TGDF-1 had 110 hand-picked members in 330 positions. It would still take another six months until all positions of the Triton Ground Defense Force were filled.

  Nok had just finished issuing her orders when the comm-center reported an incoming call.

  »Another call from Major Joos, Ma'am. This time directly from the portal!«

  Nok turned around and saw Joos’ picture on the central holo.

  Joos smiled at her.

  »How are you, Ma'am? I’m calling in over the Trox-comm. The Trox have laid down their weapons and formally requested help from us!« Joos announced with an important voice.

  »Are you sure you’re in your right mind, Major? Were you forced to make this call?« Nok replied harshly.

  Joos just shook his head and smiled.

  »I’m okay, Ma'am. Not only that – I hereby hand over the Tachyon Portal to Humanity. The Solar Union can use it as it sees fit, compliments of our Dualyte friends! Ahem,« he coughed artificially, »that means, after we figured out how to use it. The Trox are harmless, Commander. Their leader has promised full co-operation. He’s truly sorry for the recent events. The Trox have changed …«

  »Are you bullshittin’ me, Major?« she raged at Joos.

  »With all due respect, Ma'am … no bull at all. Details will follow later. The Original Spark’s emissions had changed the Trox. When the spark, which they called their altar or holy shrine, was removed from the platform its influence faded, and the true peaceful nature of these beings returned. They’re in dire need of our help.«

  »Our help? How’s that, Major?« Nok replied, allowing herself to relax a little.

  »First, they need water and food. When they lost contact with the portal’s other side, they lost their materiel support. They’re already showing signs of starvation and de-hydration. They have a lot of equipment, but nothing to sustain their physical needs. As a gesture of good will, I’d suggest we launch a food drive, but leave the combat troops at home for now.«

  Nok considered for a moment.

  »Do I have your word as a Fleet Staff-Officer, that my ships won’t be attacked, Major?« she asked seriously.

  »I give you my word. I’ll take full responsibility!« Major Joos came to attention and saluted into the holo.

  »Very well, then!« she acknowledged. »By the way, Major … Thanks!«

  »What for?«

  »Thank you for helping to avoid a big misunderstanding. This could have ended in great bloodshed. You’re aware of that.«

  Joos just nodded.

  »That’s why I had to contact you ASAP, before you blew up the portal. It would have been a shame, losing such a technological marvel. It appears very old but it’s still fully functional. Not to mention the Trox – they didn’t deserve to die in a nuclear blast, after I learned how they’d changed.«

  Nok smiled into the holo camera, impressed by the major’s foresight.

  »I’ll send you a Hawk to get you back to Triton.«

  »That’s not necessary, Ma'am,« Joos replied. »Commander Ivanova’s Hawk is still here. I checked it and everything is good to go. I charged up the reactor a couple of minutes ago. With your permission, I’ll use the Hawk and fly myself; I would, though, like to request to be present for the first Human-Trox meetings. There’s no language barrier with the Trox and us, they have translators like Scorge’s!«

  »Done, Major!« Nok acknowledged shortly. »Did you learn anything about Maya Ivanova?«

  »I’m afraid not. Even the Trox don’t know anything. It seems that the commander landed safely on the platform, judging by the Hawk’s condition. I assume she disappeared through the portal.«

  Nok Daralamai slowly nodded.

  »Roger, Major. Remain on the platform and hold the fort until we arrive. I’ll make the arrangements.«

  Liaison Officer

  As the Hawks landed on the platform, they were met by peaceful-looking Trox and a relieved Navis Joos.

  Nok Daralamai was the first Union Fleet commander to set foot on the portal platform, although not without an armed escort.

  »That wasn’t necessary, Commander,« Joos met her with a solid handshake.

  »After what we’ve been through lately, nothing is certain anymore. I think the Trox will understand,« she replied dryly, glancing over to the Trox contingent. The Trox leader, standing beside Joos, greeted her with a wave of tendrils. Nok’s face reflected the trouble she was having adjusting to the new situation. She covered her dismay by ordering the supplies unloaded. Something in her was still suspicious, despite the calm of the Trox all around her.

  »We have lost our memories of our former lives,« Sworge began, hesitantly. »We want to help anyway we can to repair or eradicate the damages we caused.«

  »It must have been like a bad nightmare for them,« Joos put in, trying to mitigate.

  »It was,« Sworge said. »We awoke on this platform with weapons in our tentacles and no knowledge of how we got here. Your liaison officer was able to explain some things, but there are many blank areas. We are not your enemy, you must believe us.«

  »That makes two of us, because we’re also looking for answers,« Nok replied cautiously. »One of them is about the Dark Brotherhood who sent the Dualytes to us and …«

  »… pardon me, Ma’am,« Joos interrupted her, »the Dualytes only spoke of the Brotherhood. The term Dark Brotherhood was never mentioned.«

  »That’s word play, Major. Fact is that they admitted they know about the Reserve.«

  »To me, they called it “Retreat”,« Joos countered again.

  »What’s the difference?« Nok replied sternly, although her eyes were beginning to reveal uncertainty about it. A moment later she said, »I think we should analyze the new data and discuss the results thoroughly.«

  She turned toward Sworge.

  »I want to back up the words of our liaison officer and welcome you to the Solar Union’s Territory!«

  »Liaison Officer?« Joos asked, surprised. He had heard Sworge use the term, but had chalked it up to the lack of better words in the translation device.

  »Yes! Something wrong with that?« she said strongly, adding a smile. »A man with your talents should be doing something more useful than flying Hawks through space. Oh, yes, and along with the elevated status and responsibilities, I’m promoting you to Lieutenant Colonel!«

  Lt. Col. Navis Joos swallowed hard and nodded, trying not to look too stunned. Then he smiled, understanding.

  Well, I can always use a boost in my paycheck!


  Only 48 hours later, the early warning radar system issued a new sector alert. An unidentified object approached from the solar system’s outer periphery with an inbound vector toward Neptune. After what had just happened the scanner section wasted no time informing Nok Daralamai, who arrived at the command center minutes later. Sworge, the Trox leader, who had been in a meeting with her, also appeared.

  »Reports!« she demanded.

  »A drop-shaped object is approaching with sub-light speed from the outer sector, Ma’am! No ID possible, too far out!« the scanner section OIC reported in short terse phrases.

  »Could it be the Dualytes coming back?« she inquired.

  »Negative. The approaching object is far smaller and gives a different signature entirely … overall length about fifty meters!« Helikom reported, standing near the scanner consoles. He’d been spending more time in the command cente
r since the Dualyte experience.

  »Are they trying to evade detection?« Nok wanted to know.

  »Negative, they’re not using any disguise or stealth technology,« the Scanner OIC reported.

  »Triton-Hawks … Ready 15!« she commanded. »One Hawk is to approach the object for ID purposes!«

  »With all due respect, Ma’am …,« the scanner OIC interrupted, »… that won’t work. The object is way too fast. Our Hawks can’t keep up with it.«

  »Then intercept it! … DEFCON RED!«

  Within four minutes, the base was under Defense Condition Red. Every console in the Command center was manned. The Hawk squadrons poised on their catapults for alarm start orders, and the laser cannon turrets around the base were extended. The newly established radar surveillance network was feeding updated data to the command and control neuronal computers.

  »Object on direct approach, Sir!«

  Why do I feel Déjà-vu? Nok asked herself.

  »Object is decelerating rapidly! The object is now flying within intercept range of our ships! Seems we’re getting a lot of outside traffic lately,« the Scanner OIC added dryly.

  »Seems like it,« Nok acknowledged. »Let’s find out who it is this time! Globuster?«

  Even as the word left her lips Nok Daralamai hoped she was wrong.

  »No, Ma’am. Totally unknown to us … can’t ID it!«

  »Nova-Hawk 2 to Base! I’m getting some really strange data!« the Nova Hawk pilot reported via his secure comm-link. »I must be hallucinating … the ship just changed its shape! Now … it looks like a Hawk!«

  »Did they scan you?« Nok inquired.

  »Not that I know of, Ma’am. My instruments didn’t show a scan. If they did then they did it without me realizing it.«

  Seconds later, a strong message on Union Fleet frequency was received.

  »This is Toiber Arkroid onboard the Techno-Ferry speaking. We have terminated our expedition prematurely and are bringing important news. Greetings, Triton Base!«

  Nok had to draw her wits about her before she was able to signal the comm-section to open a channel for her. She was aware that the Hawk pilots were listening in.


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