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Page 8

by Tielle St Clare

  “Get the fuck off me.”

  Ooh, definitely the old Rain.

  And Tanner couldn’t resist. He slapped his open palm on Rain’s ass and rolled away.

  “Come on. Let’s go find Cait.”

  Tanner moved again for his fallen trousers. He dragged them up over his hips and did up the zipper before he looked up. Rain had sat up, but he hadn’t moved. The white shirt was open, hanging off his shoulders, hiding the scars from the fire that marred his arm and shoulder, giving the skin that shiny look. He’d been with Rain through the first pain-filled days, the recovery, the rehab.

  As if he could hear Tanner’s thoughts, Rain rubbed his hand across his shoulder.

  “Maybe you should go after her.”

  Tanner sighed and shook his head, fighting the grinding of his teeth so he could speak.

  “She wants both of us. Were you not in this bed earlier tonight? The panting, the begging, the screaming? Damn, that woman wanted us both.”

  “Maybe you were right. Maybe it was a pity fuck.”

  “Don’t be an asshole. A pity fuck is sweet and gentle. A woman doesn’t yell ‘harder, Rain, oh fuck, harder’ if she’s just worried about your feelings.”

  Rain sort of half nodded.

  “Now get your pants on. We’ve got to find her before she freaks.”

  This time Rain moved, trudging to the far side of the bed to find his clothes. “Why would she freak?”

  “She’s a woman who woke up in bed with two men.”

  “She went to bed with two men,” Rain pointed out. “It shouldn’t have been a shock.”

  Tanner sighed. “You’re thinking like a man. Think female. What seems like a good idea at the time is often different in morning light.”

  “Hell, it’s barely morning now.”

  Tanner peered at the clock. Rain was right. It was two o’clock. She couldn’t have left long ago.

  “All the better to follow her and convince her that fucking the two of us wasn’t a bad idea.”

  Rain swallowed, the muscles in his throat convulsing as if he was going to protest.

  Tanner tensed, waiting, knowing Rain was going to tell him to go alone, that Cait wouldn’t want them both.

  Rain tipped his head back and a slow grin pulled at his lips.

  “She did scream pretty loud when we were both fucking her.”

  Tanner couldn’t stop the matching smile. “I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t call the cops.”

  “Now that would have been hard to explain.”

  Rain dragged on his trousers and pulled the edges of his shirt together.

  “You know…” His head was bent down as he watched his fingers do up the buttons. “We didn’t actually fuck her together.”

  “We did,” Tanner replied.

  “We fucked her one after the other.” He hesitated, then finally raised his gaze. “I’m just saying we could both have her. At the same time.”

  Tanner shook his head. “I’ve never done it.”

  “I have. A couple of times.” And damn if Rain’s cheeks didn’t turn pink. “Not with another guy though.”

  Tanner stared at his friend and the image formed in his brain, him and Rain sliding into Cait at the same time, filling her. Fucking her. His cock hardened, swelling inside his shorts.

  “Let’s go see if Cait’s open to the idea.”

  * * * * *

  Cait growled and collapsed onto the couch, her arms exhausted.

  What the hell? Her silent question went out to the universe. How could a dress that fell off her four times during the evening be locked around her waist tighter than a chastity belt?

  She took a deep breath and pushed herself back to standing. It couldn’t be that hard. The elastic was faulty. All she had to do was pull the gown up and over her head.

  She gathered the skirts, clutched the slick material and lifted. The elastic gripped her rib cage, tightening to the point where she either had to tear the dress or pass out.

  With a loud sigh, she dropped the skirts and grabbed the top of the bodice. Surely she could push the damn dress off. Her thumbs hooked under the sides and pulled down. No movement. Just pressure on her thumb joints.

  “It’s like the damn thing is made of steel.”

  The zipper was completely stuck. Even the pliers she’d come downstairs to grab hadn’t helped.

  She looked at the pliers, which made her think of scissors. She could cut her way out of it.

  But it wasn’t her dress. And even if it wasn’t an heirloom, she wasn’t going to destroy someone else’s dress without permission. She glanced at the clock. Almost two-thirty. She couldn’t exactly call Heather and Tasha at this hour.

  “I’m going to have to sleep in this ugly wedding dress.”

  Not that she was planning on sleeping much. Every time she paused for even a second, her mind filled the blank space with images of Tanner and Rain. Mostly naked images of Tanner and Rain.

  She’d imagined them naked dozens of times in the past six months, but her dreams hadn’t come close to the reality. Hard male bodies, strong, solid muscles. Thick, delicious cocks.

  Her stomach dropped as she imagining the next time—stretched out on the bed, Rain over her, pounding into her, Tanner kneeling beside her, feeding her his cock.

  She reached out and grabbed the back of the couch, steadying her weak knees. What the hell had she been thinking?

  She hadn’t. The damn dress had fallen off, leaving her standing there in her favorite pair of red panties and the next thing she knew—poof, the panties were gone and she was being fucked by two men.

  Men she worked with. Men she would have to face on Monday.

  Unless she left town. Maybe moved to Mongolia.

  But she couldn’t very well flee the country in a wedding dress.

  She pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead, somehow taking comfort in the pressure. Bed. I’ll just go to bed and call—

  The knock on the door brought her head up with a snap.

  Who would…?

  She didn’t even need to finish the sentence. Only one person could be on the other side of that door.

  Or two people really.

  Damn, where’s my passport? I could slip out the back and—

  The hard knock resounded again.

  She didn’t move, staring at the door, almost waiting for it to burst open, but surely they wouldn’t do that.

  The knock turned to a thud.

  “Damn it, Cait, open the door before we kick it in!”

  Instinct pushed her shoulders back. She might have to face them sooner than she’d wanted, but she wouldn’t cower…at least now that she knew it wasn’t a viable option.

  They were cops and she was pretty sure they could break down the door if they wanted.

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly approached the door, hoping that the seconds would calm her pounding heart.

  “Fuck, we’re going to have to break it down.”

  Tanner’s voice carried through the door.

  “My shoulder won’t take that.”

  “You’ve got feet, don’t you? We’ll kick the thing in.”

  She could just imagine the damage…to her door and to Rain’s already beat up body.


  She grabbed the door handle and yanked open the door.

  Both men stood calmly on the other side, arms folded. There was nothing aggressive about their stances, neither looked prepared to kick her door down.

  “Told you it would work,” Tanner announced as he walked inside. Rain hesitated for a second, then seemed to brace himself for attack and followed.

  They walked in, taking over her living room.

  She took another breath to steady her nerves and closed the door. She could do this. She could handle them. After all, it had just been one night of sex.

  With both of them.

  Really incredible sex with both of them.

  Her pussy clenched as her body responded to the memory of
both men inside her, fucking her. She’d never come so hard.

  Her nipples tightened and pressed against the satin lining of the dress.

  Ignoring the sensation, she spun around.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded in what she hoped was a sufficiently cool voice.

  “You forgot these,” Rain replied as he pulled her bright red panties from his pocket. The waistband dangled from his fingertip.

  They hung there, like a damn red flag in front of a bull. Huffing out a breath, she stalked forward and snatched them from his finger.

  She kept moving, past the coffee table, using it as a low wall between her and them.

  “You also forgot to say good night,” Tanner said as they both turned and followed her progress.

  “I just thought it was best if I left when I did.”

  “You thought wrong.” Rain’s voice was implacable. Almost hurt.

  Pressing her lips closed to keep the compulsive apology inside, she struggled to find her cool.

  Be sophisticated. Just another casual night of good sex. Except she’d never done casual very well and it had been great sex. Incredible. But not casual.

  “Listen, it was a lovely evening, but I think we should leave it at that.”

  “Lovely?” Rain practically barked out the word. He tipped his head to the side and looked at Tanner. “Lovely?”

  “Not the word I would choose,” Tanner replied. “Hot. Sexy.”

  “Fucking incredible.”

  “Two words…” Tanner nodded. “But still appropriate.”

  “Not lovely.”

  “No.” Tanner shook his head. “Lovely is a garden party. What we had was sex.” He turned his gaze to her. “Hot, sexy and incredible sex.”

  Cait felt her throat tighten and tried to swallow to clear the lump that formed.

  “And then you disappeared.”

  “I just thought that…” She left it hang there because she wasn’t sure how to describe it. I panicked? I woke up pressed between two hot bodies and flipped out?

  “Thought what?” Rain challenged. The glint of hurt flashed in his eyes once again and Cait’s heart did a little flutter in her chest.

  “I just thought it would be better if I left. If I didn’t wake up there. Between the two of you.”

  Rain shook his head. “But that’s where we wanted you.”

  “That’s where we want you now.”

  Cait blinked as Tanner’s words penetrated her sex-fogged brain. Between them.

  That either meant one cock in her mouth, one in her pussy.

  Or one in her pussy…one in her ass.

  Both images spiraled through her brain and she couldn’t tell which she wanted more.

  She focused and realized they’d both taken a step forward.



  She blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

  “I can’t get out of this dress.”

  Both men stopped in their tracks.

  “This is the dress that fell off you like a dozen times tonight?” Tanner asked.

  “Yes.” Frustration hummed beneath her reply. “But for some reason, I can’t get it off now. I’ve been fighting with the damn zipper for an hour.”

  Matching smirks curved their lips.

  “Let us try,” Tanner said, twirling a finger to tell her to turn around.

  Even knowing this was a bad idea—that getting naked near these guys would only lead to more problems—she spun around, presenting her back to them.

  Rough fingers brushed across her shoulders.

  “She looks damn good in white, doesn’t she?” Tanner asked.

  “Yeah. She looks better out of it,” Rain said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Just undo—”

  The gown fell to the floor, pooling around her ankles and leaving her naked. Part of her knew she should cover herself, but she was just so damn glad to be out of that dress.

  “Oh thank you.” She couldn’t keep the relief out of her voice.

  “We didn’t do anything.”

  She whipped around, remembering at the last second to slap her arm across her breasts and one down between her legs. “You got the zipper undone.”

  “Nope.” Tanner shook his head.

  Rain’s head took up the movement. “We never touched it.”


  She didn’t get a chance to express her question. Tanner reached out and pulled her hand away from her breasts.

  “Babe, we’ve seen your beautiful tits.”

  “And want to see them again,” Rain added, though she noticed he took a step back, letting Tanner lead.

  Her pussy fluttered and she lowered her arms, leaving herself naked, bare before her lovers. She fought the urge to squirm.

  “Damn.” Rain’s whisper flowed through the air.

  Tanner just nodded, his gaze doing a long slow scan of her body, lingering on the space between her thighs.

  “Is your bedroom upstairs?” he asked, his gaze never shifting from her pussy.

  She nodded. She snagged her lower lip between her teeth, using the sensation to keep her in place. The seductive stares urged her to move forward, to lead them upstairs to her bedroom where they could take her, fuck her.

  Tanner held out his hand and Cait put her fingertips in his palm. With one tug, he started to pull her to the stairs.

  “Wait.” Rain’s voice stopped Tanner in his tracks.

  “You don’t want to go upstairs?” Tanner asked. A tinge of tension that Cait didn’t understand ran beneath his voice.

  The fingers holding her hand flinched and she took a step closer. She knew Tanner and Rain were best friends. Everyone knew that. The stories of Tanner staying by Rain’s bedside those first few days were legendary. Maybe she’d misunderstood their relationship.

  Rain stared at Tanner, both men almost vibrating with power.

  “I don’t think Cait should go upstairs and get fucked…”

  She gasped.

  “Until she’s been punished.”

  “Punished?” The word squeaked out of her throat. Her courage returned and she stood to her full height. “For what?”

  “For slipping out. For leaving.” Rain took a step forward, and for the first time, she saw a glimmer of the super-hero everyone admired in the squad room. Power surrounded him.

  “What did you have in mind?” Tanner asked, backing away, leaving her naked before them once again.

  “I think a spanking, give her something to think about all week.” The low pitch of his voice curled through her pussy. “Every time she sits down, she’ll think about us—spanking her pretty ass, fucking her pretty ass.”

  Tanner nodded.

  Cait paused, letting her brain catch up—punishment, spanking, fucking?

  They want to…

  “Uhm, I’ve never…” Never even really considered it. Not really.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” The wicked glint in his eyes gave her no comfort. “We’ll make sure your ass is nice and ready before we fuck it.”

  She turned her head, meeting Tanner’s gaze. He was the stable one.

  The hunger in his stare flooded her pussy.


  She didn’t know what to say.

  Rain twisted his right hand over, asking for her hand. She knew what she was agreeing to if she said yes.


  And fucking…her ass.

  Her fingers trembled as she reached out, gripping Rain’s palm as he pulled her forward.

  “Come on, baby. We’ll make your ass nice and pink before we take you upstairs and make you scream.”

  Heat drenched her pussy and her knees trembled as she followed Rain around to the back of the couch.

  “Put your hands on the back, baby, and show us that beautiful ass.”

  Rain released her hand and took a step back. Her gaze jumped to Tanner. Hunger and reassurance blended in his gaze.

  Taking a deep breath,
she placed her palms on the hard back of her couch and leaned forward, pushing her ass back.

  “Damn,” Tanner murmured. Pure desire laced his voice.


  “You know the only thing that would make it better?” he asked. Cait gripped the couch, mentally cringing at how they thought she could improve.

  “Those wicked heels she was wearing earlier,” Rain replied as if he could read Tanner’s mind.

  “Exactly.” Tanner walked to the front door where she’d kicked off the shoes when she’d arrived home an hour ago.

  Rain came up beside her. “Will you wear them for us, baby?” His hand slid up her thigh and over her ass cheek, warming her skin. Reminding her why she was in this position. “They make your legs look even longer and push your ass out.”

  Tanner returned and knelt beside her. “Come on, babe. Let’s put these on you.”

  While Tanner guided her right foot into the high heel, Rain’s finger dipped down between her legs, sliding into her pussy. “Oh, fuck, Tanner. She’s still wet.”

  “Been thinking about us, huh, babe?” he asked. She could hear the smile in his voice, but the slick penetration of Rain’s fingers in her passage took all her focus. He pumped two fingers in and out. The sensitive flesh clenched around him and he groaned.

  “So tight.”

  He pulled his fingers out and she moaned, arching her back, trying to keep them inside her.

  Tanner picked up her left foot and slid it into the shoe, tipping her off balance for a moment.

  A new sensation brought her head up—Rain’s finger teasing her ass. The slick fluid from her pussy coated her rear opening as he tapped her entrance, just shallow thrusts. Her body flinched, then relaxed, accepting as he eased his finger a little deeper.

  She dug her fingers into the couch cushions and evaluated the new sensation. He didn’t go far, gently sliding one finger past her tight opening.

  “Shh, that’s it, baby. We’ll make sure you’re nice and stretched before I fuck this tight little ass.”

  She gasped, unable to contain the sound. “We’ll make sure you love it,” he assured her as he teased her opening. “Me, buried in this tight hole. Tanner fucking your pussy.” He pressed a little deeper. A shiver ran up her spine. “Oh yeah. You’re going to feel us. Take us.”

  “Please.” She wasn’t sure what she was asking for…more or less.

  Rain’s finger slipped away.


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