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Crossroads: A LitRPG Cultivation Series (Towers & Rifts Book 3)

Page 7

by Nephilim Night

  “I see. And do you have any sort of proof?”

  “Of course we do. The military has recorded all of it, and we’ll be happy to release the video through your channel.”

  “I sincerely thank you on behalf of the channel and the people of Sylmar. What can you tell me about your—wife, was it?”

  “I was once a slave to the Green Dragon Gang, Elena,” she started calmly. We had talked about it before the live show, and she wanted to contribute to saving whatever image could be saved, even going so far as to telling everyone about her past. “See, my brother sold me to them, and it’s Viktor who saved me among hundreds and even thousands of others who were in the same situation. We even got married, which shows his character. He’s powerful, even more so than anyone in the city, maybe even the world, but he doesn’t go around destroying everything and everyone left and right, only those who deserve it.”

  “I see. That must have been hard. I’m sorry regarding your past, but—”

  “Enough, Elena,” I said half-threateningly and leaned in to kiss Melina’s temple. “I do not wish anyone probing my wife’s history. In the end, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is who we are now. And why don’t we show the public who we are?”

  “Yes, ladies and gentlemen, for those who have no idea what’s about to happen, this will be the first time that we get to see an assessment performed live on television. We’ve seen some hidden recordings, but that’s nothing compared to what we’ve got in store for you today! Melina and Viktor will have their rank assessed, and you can only see it live on Sylmar 123! Stay tuned, for we’ll be back right after the commercials!”

  The camera panned out, and the cameraman made a cutting motion after he turned it off.

  “We can’t show you how and where it is other than the room itself. I hope you understand,” Kade said as he got up from his chair. “And this was a rather quick shoot, if I may say so myself, Viktor.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t like wasting time, and it’s only important that they see you are a higher rank, and then seeing me crush that rank. No offense intended.”

  “Oh, none taken. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you, though my standing will drop most likely.”

  “I’ll make it up to you, don’t worry. I’ll prepare enough materials to get you to the second realm.”

  “Hah, I can live with that. Now, you two, follow us further into the building.”

  Several minutes later we stopped in front of the orb chamber. Kade went in first as the machines were turned on, and the camera came to life.

  “Exclusively here on Sylmar 123, not only do we get to see Viktor’s and Melina’s assessments, but also that of General Kade! He’s been sitting at S- for a while now, so we’re all interested to see if he has progressed beyond that!”

  I stayed out in the room with the screen and watched as Kade finished his part. It came out at a nice S+ this time, which was two ranks higher than last time. It was partially because of the sword, and we both knew it. He nodded and flicked me a thumbs-up as he came out of the room.

  Next was Melina. The machines groaned and had to try extra hard to take her readings. She needed seven minutes longer than Kade and came out to SS, which was two ranks higher than Kade. The man blushed when he saw the ranking and muttered something, but Linda put her arms around him and kissed the man, breaking the role she’d been playing all the while.

  I walked into the room and stood there just like the first time. I placed both hands on the orb as the machines whirred up, and Enma started gathering around us. This time it was slightly different, as the machine exerted a slight pressure on my body, and then more, and more, and even more until it started to hurt. The machines groaned, and sparks flew everywhere as I did my best to keep my emotions in check and pain from showing on my face. The pressure evaporated suddenly, and the room went dark as the machines shut down.

  I suddenly felt light-headed and caught myself on a railing to my right and stood there, breathing in and out steadily. No one came in as we were recording, it would look bad, but everyone knew something was different, and so did I.

  “Something’s wrong with the reading,” Melina muttered as I walked into the room. “You’re so much stronger that it hurts!”

  “Oh? Is that your pride?”

  She stuck her tongue out and then hugged me as the camera took it all in.

  “Congratulations, Viktor,” Kade said as he offered me his hand. “Now we know just how many letters there are in this ranking system.”

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “Why don’t you look up for yourself?” he replied and pointed up at the screen.

  “SSSX? What’s the X for?”

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. We’ll have to go through the manual, but I don’t remember reading anything about it.”

  Ladies and gentlemen! As you just saw, we witnessed something… miraculous. Today’s guest and his beautiful wife have broken the ranking system so badly that… I have no idea what I’m even saying anymore. Let’s just say that, yeah, he’s right, the Gods have given him the right to cleanse Sylmar of its filth. We’re looking forward to following this up at a later time. This was Elena with Sylmar 123. Tune in tonight for a special commentary and new footage.”

  I was a bit pissed when we got back to the inn. I’d imagined the machine and the orb breaking or catching fire. I wanted it to be dramatic, not anticlimactic. Sure, I got a rank that no one would ever achieve most likely, but I wanted dramatic effect!

  “Will you stop sulking already? You looked good, and even I did. They’re calling me the Loyal Goddess.”

  “Loyal Goddess?”

  She nodded. “Because I stayed loyal to a God. And no, don’t let it go to your head. It’s just what they’re saying.”

  “Nah, I’d never even dare!” I replied in mock exasperation. “All jokes aside, I think we caused a shitstorm.”

  “And to monopolize on it, we should clear the next floor. You’re strong enough with the tower and my bow support, aren’t you?”

  “I guess. And alright, let’s do that before we head out. Want to eat, rest, or have some time off before we go at it?”

  “Only if you’re paying up for our bet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, that shit needs several hours. We’ll do that when we’re done with the second tower.”

  “You said that with the first as well!” she protested.

  “Hey, I swear on my SSSX honor, alright?”

  “Bah! You tease! I can see you walking around having a fan group of your own, carrying a big banner around for you.”

  “Pfft, yeah, right. Just imagine all the horndogs throwing a bone tonight when they get to see you in that short yukata of yours. I think they’re going to run dry.”

  “Viktor! You ass!”

  “Oh, now I’m the ass? It was you who—”

  A sudden thundering boom resounded in the clearing outside.

  “Sorry! That was me!” Mark yelled from outside. “Was testing something out!”

  “Shit,” I cursed. “He’s going to blow this place up any day now.”

  “Nah, let him. He needs to feel useful to you since he’s fallen behind. I wouldn’t even give him a SS- ranking, maybe even an S+.”

  “Yeah, but that’s because of his daughter. He wanted to spend more time with them and tinkering with stuff so he could be with them all day long.”

  She shrugged and leaned in, pressing her head against my chest. “Why does idiocy come with power and fame?”

  “I don’t know, why are you asking me?”

  “Exactly because you’re the target of my ire!”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I’ll try to behave better next time, but there’s just something that rubs me the wrong way with people and power. If you have the power, use it; if not, don’t try to bend others to your will.”

  “Did you use to be like that?”

  I shook my head and didn’t say anything for several seconds as I t
hought about it. The smell of her hair was the second reason why I took so long.

  “I don’t remember, love. Maybe, maybe not. It just feels natural.”

  “I can’t understand why you never asked Lana and Scar about it.”

  “Oh, I did,” I replied instantly. “But whenever they started telling me about it, they drew a blank. They had forgotten as well, apparently.”

  “I see,” was all she said to the topic and closed her eyes as she nestled even further into me. “I love you, Vik. I really hope you’ll never turn into one of those bastards who let power go to their head. Always stay like this and love me.”

  “Hah, who said I love you in the first place?”

  “Vik! Damn it! Do you need to ruin my moment?”

  I pressed my lips against hers. They were soft and tasted like chocolate.

  “I love you too, silly. Never forget that.”

  “Yeah, whatever. I’m not in the mood anymore. I want to shoot things! Come on, let’s kill something in the tower!”

  I rolled my eyes and followed her as she got up and ran to the smaller rift next to the big one. The smaller led right into the tower, while the bigger one led into Sylmar. She placed her hand on the floating ring and disappeared. I was next, and the strange sensation never got any better no matter how many times I went there.

  The first floor was bustling with awakened hunters. There were easily thousands of them from all over the world, and this was just a single lobby. When speaking to the Operator, one could pay crystals to change lobbies if they wanted to meet up with a certain someone.

  No matter where we were, though, it was all the same. The first rankers, or the first ten who managed to get into the tower, got a special aura. The first three were golden, and the only difference was the brightness; the fourth, fifth, and sixth had a silver one; and the rest were bronze. Since we were the first two, the glow that surrounded us made everyone recognize the two top-rankers.

  “I hate this,” I muttered. “Every time we get here, they stare at us as if we were green or something.”

  “Oh, come on! We’re celebrities; enjoy it!”

  “Enjoy it, you say? Very well then.”

  I turned around and checked for something I could use. There was an empty booth almost in the center of the place. I climbed up on top just as Melina called out to me, “Not today! Viktor! You’re acting like a child!”

  I didn’t respond; instead, I grabbed two handfuls of first-rank crystals and held them up high.

  “Listen up, everyone! Courtesy of the golden rankers, I’m about to hand out hundreds of crystals! I’m putting up a rule that you can’t get more than two and paying with five rank two crystals for it to the system, so don’t try to cheat, or you’ll lose those two as well!”

  This wasn’t the first time I’d done this, so the crowd knew very well. That was why so many people roamed lobby 13, the one I had made my home.

  I waited for a minute until people gathered around, and started throwing crystals their way. I had several thousand, so it wasn’t like I’d miss them. The fun thing about this was that the system wouldn’t allow people to fight or steal; no, it prevented anyone from wanting to ruin my fun.

  I stopped once I had thrown out over five hundred and was about to jump off the stall, but stopped. I had a bunch of bone weapons, but also several items that were upgraded using crystals and regular ore. They were in between the tyranitaur and bone gear.

  “A sword, a spear, and a hammer! System, raffle it out for me, please! I’m paying ten rank two crystals for it.”

  I got a confirmation window pop up asking for a span of numbers. I hit it with up to a thousand and that the number had to be guessed right. If anyone wanted a second turn, well, they would have to pay five rank two crystals.”

  “You need to change your profession,” Melina muttered when I finally joined her on our way to the first booth. We had permanent stand-ins for the first three booths, where the Hunters’ Association would sell stuff both for us personally and to finance the group. They would also buy rare items, so I was looking forward to seeing if they had anything.

  “Edge, what are you doing here?” I asked as I saw the co-founder sitting around and drinking a beer.

  “Oh, boss.” He laughed and shot to his feet. “Let the kid go see his girlfriend. He’ll be back later. Been a while.”

  “Yeah, it has. Since I already got you, did you buy the ore?”

  He nodded. “A thousand rank one pieces, eight hundred rank twos, and only two hundred rank threes.”

  I took the ore from him and gave him a tyranitaur greatsword, just like the one I’d been using. They were getting ahead, but tyranitaur gear was still rare, as the drops had become shit with so many people fighting for them.

  “Oh? Now that’s quite something.” He laughed and dropped to his knees. He bowed slightly and got up again. “I’m in your debt, boss.”

  “Nah, all is good. Anything rare, though?”

  “Nothing but for some accessories. Maybe Lady Melina would like them?”

  “Sure, let me see,” she replied and took the offered items. She kept three and gave the rest back. “I don’t need the rest. You take them for yourself.”

  Edge bowed again.

  “Say, how’s everything? Are the men and women keeping in line? I don’t want harassment or extortion.”

  “Don’t worry, boss. I’ll stake my life on it. I already took care of several who thought this was a fun way to earn a quick buck, but they thought better of it once I showed them what happened to abusers and traitors.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed once. “Thank you. I’m happy to be working with you, Edge.”

  “You too, boss. And lady.”

  “Well, since we’re done here, I’m going to clear the next several floors, so make sure that people are ready to go up and farm the next five.”

  “As you wish, boss. Good hunting.”

  Chapter Nine

  We arrived on the forty-sixth floor to a group of monsters milling about doing nothing. I knew there wouldn’t be any boss in here since they only showed up every five floors. Still, I wanted to do some practicing and pulled my bow out.

  “Let’s get some shooting in, alright? Maybe we could get a skill or two in the meanwhile?”

  Melina did as I said and pulled her hunting bow out but remained motionless. She was probably trying to get two skills, so I did the same. I deleted two skills I hadn’t used at all. One had been an exclusive for the greatsword, and the other a self-buff that was shit.

  I rolled and rolled until I finally got my hands on two skills that looked decent. One of them was called Arrow Shower, and the other Shadow Hunter. They sounded cool, and the skills themselves were exactly what I needed.

  SKILL NAME: << ARROW SHOWER >>, Lv: 1, 00%

  DESCRIPTION: Use 30 Enma to add 150%: to Enma Attack and hit a wide target area.

  CHARGE TIME: 2 Seconds

  COOLDOWN: 5 Seconds

  SKILL NAME: << SHADOW HUNTER >>, Lv: 1, 00%

  DESCRIPTION: Use 80 Enma to add 400%

  to Enma Attack and hit a target with 100% certainty,

  causing it to go blind for 5 seconds.

  CHARGE TIME: 3 Seconds: COOLDOWN: 20 Seconds

  I was quite overwhelmed with the skills, as I already imagined all kinds of ways to use them. Wanting to try them out first, I rushed in.

  “Don’t attack any of them yet, alright?” I yelled over my shoulder and kicked the nearest bearlike monster. There were exactly a hundred of them, and they all looked the same. The first bear bumped into a second and then into a third. All three of them started chasing me, and wherever I moved, I gathered more of them. Using my superior speed, I weaved a line in between them and gathered around forty of them before I pulled out an arrow and waited as they came at me.

  “Arrow Shower!” I yelled for effect so Melina knew what I was doing.

  Several ethereal arrows appeared around the one nocked arrow and
started both humming and vibrating before they shot outward and slammed into the oncoming bear monsters. The arrows passed through the front row and some even through the second, killing them instantly.

  “What the hell?” Melina yelled from the safe zone. “How did you kill twenty of them with a single hit?”

  “AOE skill, love. Try to get one as well.”

  “Arrow Shower, right?”

  I nodded as I pulled back into the safe zone and pulled another arrow out. Now it was the second skill’s turn. I walked back in, nocked the arrow, and targeted a bear on the far side of the zone. He looked particularly mean, so I shot him. Or at least tried to, but as a bear spawned in front of him, the arrow lunged upwards and then down again, hitting the bear I’d targeted moments before. I stood there with my mouth wide open.

  “How the hell—what did you just do?”

  “Another skill, Shadow Hunter.”

  “Viktor! That shit isn’t fair! I only keep getting crappy skills!”

  “Hey, you got all day long, don’t you?”

  She let out a sigh and nodded as I charged back in and started dealing with the rest.

  “Make it quick, alright? I don’t feel like being here any longer,” she yelled as I released another Arrow Shower.

  It took us a good hour until we finally arrived on the fiftieth floor. I waited until the tingly sensation from teleporting was over, and drew my trusty halberd. Screw it. I liked the bow, but this was a confined space. I needed a good melee weapon that could create the necessary distance yet allow me to some defense.

  “Here,” Melina said as she used all of her buffs on me. My power grew exponentially and almost made me feel immortal. I was strong, really strong.


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