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The Garoden War. (SpaceFed StarShips Series) Book 7. An exciting, action-packed SpaceFed Series finale that also concludes the Garoden War.: ‘Military Gamble.’

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by Gerry A. Saunders

  Winton’s face reddened, but he said nothing.

  “That’s impossible, Ned,” Captain Hector Serrell declared.

  “Ordinarily, I would have agreed with you, Hector,” Ned replied as his face appeared on the screen, next to Captain Bridger’s face.

  “But, think back Hector. You always said that there was something weird about Charlotte and Cindy. And I know that, like me, deep down you believe they came from the future.”

  Hector looked uncomfortable but said nothing.

  “Then, maybe the original message intercepted by the Garoden command, was generated by this highly proficient Temporal race,” Farrow interjected.

  Admiral Winton thought about what Jefferson’s science officer, Lieutenant Farrow, had just suggested. Then he heard Brian Walters’s voice, which broke his train of thought.

  “Admiral, I’m in contact with Commander Procard. But, he doesn’t seem very pleased to hear from us.”

  “That’s his hard luck… Patch him into the all ships link,” Winton ordered.

  Crillon Commander Procard’s, leathery looking face, then appeared on the all ships display.

  “Winton… The use of our SAB link was a once off privilege for Frank Richardson, and is not to be used willy-nilly,” Procard irritably asserted.

  “I appreciate that, Commander. But we’ve come across some vital information,” Winton stated.

  Procard seemed to sniff something, then said, “Very well, send a copy of the original over the SAB link, and we’ll check if it means anything that would be relevant to us.”

  “Appreciate that, Procard. Oh, and it’s urgent.”

  “Admiral. Just send the damn message, and we’ll be back to you in a couple of minutes.”

  “Sent, Admiral,” Brian Walters confirmed. Then asked Procard a question.

  “Commander, is that Solveron Gatherer still on board?”

  “Yes. And the damn thing’s driving us crazy… Generating little wormholes like there’s no tomorrow.”

  Brian thought about this or a moment, before speaking. Then said, “Well, it’s evident that the Solverons must be this second fleet that the Garoden communique referred to.”

  “That’s unlikely. The Solveron home planet was destroyed,” Hector dryly corrected.

  “Yes. However, we know that an event changed the Solveron’s timeline… So, perhaps this Temporal race was then able to reverse that event?”

  “You could be right, Brian,” Commander Procard agreed. “I’ll send the information to Crilla, so they can ascertain whether the message is genuine.”

  Jefferson’s AI then prompted Winton. “Admiral, you could ask Procard whether the garbled communique we picked up from one of his ships, that seemed to refer to nine or ten Star Destroyers taking virtually all of the Crillon’s Battle-group 63 out, was correct?” she suggested.

  “Not now, Anna. It’ll keep,” he told her.

  “Probe update coming in, Admiral. The Garodens are on the move,” Captain Bridger informed Winton.

  “Well, it seems things are moving, at last, Commander Procard. So, don’t take too long.”

  Procard, annoyed by this comment, didn’t reply and broke contact. Leaving Winton lost for words.

  Admiral Winton could see some pattern forming, but nothing tangible. Not enough for him to warrant calling in the Michigan group yet. Then there was another unknown, with the Carrier Lexington being new and untested.

  “Admiral,” Brian Walters called out, interrupting Winton’s thoughts again. “There’s a hidden file within the Garoden transmission’s structure. It’s marked, Act Now. And, it details a plan of events that include; the timing, Galactic location, and the displacement correction for an upcoming battle.”

  On hearing this, Admiral Winton broke into a sweat. Who’s playing who? He wondered.

  Chapter 18

  Pieces of a puzzle

  The Solveron Commander, Savron, was pleased that his scientists had already found a way of counteracting the superior performance of the Garoden ships disruptor field. He’d also been informed that the eight Battle Spheres in orbit around Solvera, could be updated, in just a few days.

  Another encouraging fact was that the Solveron’s tactical system’s team had discovered weaknesses in the Garoden Star Destroyer’s protective shield. And, had pinpointed the exact point where they needed to attack the Garoden ship’s hull structure, to ensure the instant failure of the ship’s systems.

  “Commander, the Crillon’s Prime High Councilor, Senator Kasosko is calling you again,” comms officer Satra informed him.

  Savron swore. Realizing, that with all that had been going on, he had forgotten to return the Senator’s call.

  “Put him, through.”

  Senator Kasosko’s face appeared on Savron’s personal screen. “Commander Savron,” Kasosko greeted him.

  “Senator,” Savron replied and thought that, for the first time ever, he could see a smile on the Crillon’s leathery face.

  “Do you remember me, Savron? From when Richardson managed to end our hostilities at Crilla?”

  “Indeed, Senator… So, how can I help you?”

  “Perhaps I can help you, Commander. Let me explain,” Kasosko said.

  “Commander Procard, one of our Fleet Commanders. Has transmitted a series of communications to me, that were intercepted by the humans, and passed on to him.

  These communications were between a Garoden fleet that the humans had just clashed with, and the Garoden High Command,” Kasosko told him.

  Then paused briefly, before continuing. “I have sent a copy of these communications to your Tactical and Operation’s centers… I apologize, but we somehow attained the access authority,” he advised Savron.

  Savron was surprised at that but allowed the Senator to continue.

  “The humans are convinced that the first message, sent to Garoden Command, did not come from any Garoden source. But, from an unknown race instead. And, a race that seems to be trying to help us,” Kasosko added.

  Savron thinking about this unknown race, remembered a particular Charlotte and Cindy, from way back in Commander Frank Richardson’s time. The two girls, as Frank had called them.

  Then, he considered the info he’d just been given. And finally decided that it hadn’t been an unknown race. It had, instead, been Cindy. And, Cindy had manipulated time somehow, to enable her to place a Garoden Star Destroyer exactly where, and when, it would enable the Solverons to take an active part in this war.

  “Commander, Savron. You will find a hidden file in the transmission. A file that you must act on,” Kasosko continued.

  “It gives a plan of events, including, the Timeframe, Galactic location and displacement correction for an upcoming battle.”

  Savron was flabbergasted by Kasosko’s statement. However, as events past and present, played through his mind, he knew Kasosko was right. There were temporal players in this, and, maybe Cindy was one of them. And, he was sure that the Galactic offset plan was the key to everyone’s survival.

  “So, Senator Kasosko… The Crillons have a role to play, as do we?”

  “Yes, Commander… And, so do the Humans.”

  “Then, we’d better not be late,” Savron answered. Then mulled things over for a moment.

  “Let’s hope, that it’s not us who are the bait,” he warned the Senator.

  Kasosko smiled, then replied. “Yes, Savron, I agree.”

  Chapter 19

  Hello Frank

  Charlotte’s body suffered the wrenching effect of the wormhole exit. Then she felt nauseous for a while before her body acclimatized to normal space as the Garoden Star Destroyer Z231 emerged from its hyperspace wormhole, and close to the Garoden’s home world.

  She stayed sitting where she was, at the rear of the ship’s bridge, and close to the Captain. Charlotte needed to ensure, that when he spoke to Garoden Command, both his explanation of who had ordered him to return and, the reason for his decision, would not include her mental
tampering of him and his crew.

  While she waited for the crew to disembark. She thought through the steps already taken.

  Charlotte knew she had done well so far, in that she had managed to get herself on board the Starship Scimitar at the right time. Having played with the Garoden minds to convince them they needed to return to Garoden.

  The Garoden’s stop over at jump two had not been in Delta’s remit. But was necessary, because Charlotte needed to activate the Andromeda for reasons of her own.

  She had managed to modify the original, loose fitting, garment given to her by the Garoden Trooper Breba, into something resembling a dress. However, the lack of material for undergarments meant that she had felt the cold air as it came up through the floor.

  Luckily, Trooper Breba had noticed her discomfort and gave Charlotte a Garoden one piece chill-out suit that fitted her well.

  Charlotte had also managed to hide the micro-miniature BEC, by securing it high up on her right thigh. So, even though carrying the brain enhancing cryopreservation injector was uncomfortable, it was in the best place to avoid detection.

  Now all she had to do was to commandeer a shuttle. Find Frank Richardson and the Star Cruiser Neutron, and complete the instructions Delta had given her.

  Then, with Frank, and her hidden Crillon Battleship Eagle, waiting within Andromeda’s jump range, she would be able to concentrate on her own agenda, and the final piece in her plan.

  Charlotte realized that there seemed to be a heated argument going on between the ship’s Captain, and Garoden’s High Command. And, she noted that the High Command were finding the captain’s explanation unacceptable.

  Charlotte remembered that Lord Dankel was head of the Garoden Space-Navy. So, treading softly so as not to spook the Captain’s companion brain, planted a soft, but convincing memory in the captain’s mind that it was Dankel, who had ordered their ship’s return to Garoden. And, that there was someone on board this very ship, waiting to talk to a human named Captain Frank Richardson.

  The Garoden captain’s reply was instantaneous.

  “You may take your interrogator to these coordinates where this Alien is being held… Navy security will be present at all times.”

  “Thank you, sir. A shuttle will depart shortly.”

  The captain then turned and looked at Charlotte for a few seconds, unsure of what had just happened.

  Charlotte, on realizing his dilemma, steered him away from pursuing his line of thinking. However, she had to do everything mentally, as speech would show her lack of pronunciation, and damage her credibility.

  “Trooper Breba, for your own safety, Trooper Bratan and Officer Plema will accompany you down to the planet, to interrogate this… uh…Richardson,” the captain stated, albeit still somewhat confused.

  Charlotte was pleased with the Captain’s actions. But, she knew only too well that time was short. And, when the ship’s log was checked by Garoden Command, the Captain would be in trouble again.

  Thank you, Captain, she mentally replied, making sure her Garoden wording was correct.

  Officer Plema, entered the bridge. He was smartly dressed in a lightweight dark blue uniform, and looking just like Trooper Breba, complete with a leathery looking face. However, he had two gold chevrons on one sleeve.

  He was new to her, so she made a quick adjustment to his mind to ensure he wouldn’t query her noticeably different appearance.

  “Follow me,” he ordered Charlotte, and she got up from her seat at the back of the bridge, and followed him out. While being fully aware that this officer had a companion brain, and she needed to be extra careful not to spook it, as she manipulated its master to except her looks without question.

  A few moments later, they arrived at the ship’s shuttle bay and were greeted by Troopers Breba and Bratan.

  By this time, Charlotte was finding it exhausting, in continuously having to mentally enter Garoden minds, merely to ensure her own safety.

  However, Charlotte was aware, that just one slip and all the Garoden Companion brains would know there was an alien in their midst. So, she was thankful that now, she only had the pilot’s, and the attendant’s minds to adjust.

  “Get in,” Officer Plema ordered both her and his Troopers.

  Charlotte moved quickly into the shuttle and sat where the attendant indicated. He then handed her a pair of mag Slip-Ons, which she quickly slid over her own footwear.

  She felt uncomfortable as Troopers Breba, and Bratan sat, one either side of her. But that was a plus in that it was easier to keep the illusion in their minds that she was important.

  Once seated and with the door closed, the shuttle immediately lifted, moved towards the bay opening. Then passed through and out into space. Charlotte only felt a slight tingling as the shuttle passed through the hangar bay’s force-field that sealed and protected the hull opening.

  No one spoke as the shuttle curved away from the Star Destroyer, on its way down to the designated landing area where Frank Richardson was being held.

  However, with a gentle feel in Officer Plema’s mind, Charlotte was able to search through it, looking for what he knew about the location, and how and where Frank was being detained.

  This proved to be useful as Plema’s orders were very specific as to the whereabouts of the site, and the access requirements for their visit. Plema had also been informed that this particular Alien, was listed as coming from the aggressive race that the Garodens were in the process of eradicating.

  Charlotte wasn’t interested that Plema didn’t know why the Alien was still alive, or what they had done to him over the years.

  All that was important to her was: First, to get Frank out of Garoden hands. Second, to find the Starcruiser Neutron. Third, to Rendezvous with Andromeda. Fourth, to complete her part of Delta’s master plan.

  And Fifth, to ensure that Frank made love to her. With Charlotte knowing, that Frank’s role in all this was just to get her pregnant. Then, for her to leave with Frank. Both traveling in her covertly acquired Starship to a place where they could bring up their children.

  Charlotte was, however, upset that she had been forced to lie, to maintain Delta’s trust in her. Nevertheless, she was still convinced that it had been worth it, to ensure, that her children would one day rule the Galaxy.

  Feeling the back end of the shuttle suddenly drop violently, Charlotte apprehensively checked the pilot’s mental state, by trying to sift through a mass of conflicting information. Then realized that the shuttle was going to make a flop-landing. This, made her feel queasy as the ship suddenly leveled. Then came a bump, as its landing supports made contact with the ground.

  Damn show-off, she muttered under her breath.

  “Come,” Officer Plema ordered, and the two Garoden Troupers quickly ushered Charlotte out of the shuttle. With Charlotte struggling to keep up with Officer Plema’s long strides, as he marched towards the detention center.

  Once inside, Plema talked to the center's Commandant, showing their visiting order for Charlotte, and obtaining the necessary clearance. While Charlotte concentrated her mind on tracking the various conversations that were going on. In the process, tweaking a mind here and there, to ensure there wouldn’t be any glitches in her plan.

  The Commandant then beckoned Charlotte through an arch that was obviously a security body-scanner. Causing the scanner to bleep, as it detected Charlotte’s micro-miniature BEC injector.

  The Commandant, on hearing this, immediately went for his side arm. But, Charlotte managed to calm him with a mental, ‘She’s clear,’ command.

  “You may pass,” the Commandant said, not knowing why his hand was now resting on the butt of his weapon.

  “The odd one may follow me,” came a stern sounding voice from behind her.

  Then a security droid, bristling with weapon ports, floated past her.

  “Come,” it snapped at Charlotte.

  Trooper Breba then gave her a gentle nudge, and she took the hint, following the droi
d down a short corridor, to a single door at the far end.

  “You can stay as long as is needed. The door will remain open, but you will be monitored. You will be vaporized if you attempt to kill the creature,” the security droid warned Charlotte.

  “I understand,” Charlotte confirmed, in her best imitation of a Garoden voice, as the droid moved to one side.

  The door swung open, and she stepped in. Then saw what appeared to be a human, dressed in a gray jumpsuit, and laying curled up on a small bed that floated a few centimeters off the floor.

  Charlotte, went up close to see the human more clearly. Then, having realized who it was, surreptitiously looked around the room, and noticing a monitoring device, quickly moved her body to obscure its view.

  “Frank?” Charlotte softly whispered.

  The man, slowly raised his head and stared at her for several seconds, but didn’t speak.

  Charlotte could feel the agitation in Frank’s mind. And, his mind’s lack of cognition.

  Frank. Sit up Frank, please, she mentally urged.

  But, he didn’t move. It was clear that he was drugged.

  Damn, she thought. There must be a drug feed somewhere. So, Charlotte slowly felt for the BEC cryopreservation injector. And, with some difficulty, carefully removed the unit from between her legs. Then twisted the unit’s small end cap.

  Charlotte waited for a few seconds, while the injector unit warmed up. Then, a green glow appeared at the other end of the unit indicating that the brain enhancer cells were ready to be injected into Frank’s body.


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