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Chasing the Prize (Men of the Ice Book 5)

Page 6

by Michele Shriver

  Ryder’s breath caught in his throat. “Are you ready, or do you need longer?” Because I don’t mind watching.

  “I’m ready,” she answered, moving her hand out of the way and spreading her legs wider.

  If there was a sight more inviting Ryder didn’t know what it was. “Have I told you lately you’re incredible?” He asked, moving in between her legs, ready to enter her.

  “Maybe. If not, you can tell me by showing me.”

  No way was he passing on that request.


  They finally did get the swim in, better late than never, but it didn’t last long as a chill settled into the air once the sun was fully down. It was hard to complain, though. It was the end of September. Plenty of people in other places had to drain their pools by now and cover them for the season. In Texas, it was pool season almost year round.

  Still, Jessica was cold as she rushed into Ryder’s house with a towel wrapped around her. Yikes! She should have thought of this and packed something else to wear, but no... she’d brought condoms, but not a change of clothes. The former had sure come in handy, but she longed for the latter, too. “Brr.” She let out an involuntary shiver. It was okay. Ryder would give her a robe and they’d cuddle by the fireplace, or else he’d take her to his bed and hold her in his arms until she warmed up. Either was fine.

  “Yeah, it got cool in a hurry,” he said. “Let me grab you a T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants to put on. You can give them back to me later.”

  “What?” Jessica’s brain struggled to catch up. Was he kicking her out? Surely not...

  “You know, so you’re not cold driving home.”

  Surely yes. What the hell? “Oh. Right.” Jessica couldn’t disguise her clipped tone. “Thanks. That’s very generous.” Neither could she disguise the sarcasm.

  “Wait, what?” Ryder had the decency to look confused. “Oh, shit.” He put his palm to his forehead. “You were expecting to stay, weren’t you?”

  Well, duh, asshole! We did just have sex twice... “No, it’s okay. Never mind.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, that’d be nice and all, but I have to be at the rink really tomorrow for a skate, then we’re flying to Phoenix...”

  Excuses, excuses. They weren’t original or creative ones, though. It was always the team. Yes, she’d made a huge mistake tonight. No doubt about that. Jessica wasn’t inclined to compound it. No. She only wanted to get away with what little was left of her dignity. “Fine. Just give me the damn sweatpants, Ryder, and I’ll get out of your way.”

  Chapter Ten

  Ryder could usually tell when he’d messed up, and this was no exception. Jessica’s icy tone told him everything he needed to hear, and then some. He’d screwed up in a very big way. “Okay, I can see that you’re mad—”

  “Brilliant deduction, Sherlock. Now can I have those pants, please?”

  “Fine, okay.” He rushed to his bedroom, and returned a minute later with a pair of drawstring sweats and a T-shirt. “Here, put these on, and let’s talk about this.”

  “Talk?” Jessica laughed, but there was no humor in it. “First, you demand that I leave, and now you want to talk about?”

  “What? I didn’t demand that you leave. I said you shouldn’t stay.”

  “Semantics, Ryder.” Jessica yanked the pants on and cinched the waist, then pulled the T-shirt over her head. Even dressed in his baggy clothes, she was beautiful. Not that she’d want to hear that right now.

  “I told you why. It’s nothing personal,” he tried to explain. “I just have to be up super early to get to the rink.”

  “Of course. You need your beauty sleep, and you don’t want me interfering with it. I might distract you or something. We wouldn’t want that.” Ouch. She’d mastered the art of sarcasm, that’s for sure. “Sweet dreams, Ryder, and good luck in Arizona.”

  “Thanks, I think.” The words were nice, but he doubted the sincerity. He followed her to the door. “I’ll call you when I get back in town.”

  Jessica had her hand on the doorknob, and turned around. “Why? So we can do this again? Don’t bother.” She pulled the door open and stormed out, leaving Ryder standing in the doorway, watching as her car pulled out of the driveway and disappeared down the street.

  Son of a bitch. Smooth, Ry. Real smooth. He closed the door and went back in the house. He’d ruined it with Jess, and he still had a whole kitchen of dirty dishes to clean up. The afternoon may have started out promising, but it sure went to hell in a hurry. And Ryder had no one to blame for that but himself.


  No. She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t. She might be hurt and humiliated, and feel like an idiot, but Jessica was determined not to cry. No. She’d just have to chalk this one up to experience. One more bad relationship. Except she wasn’t even sure this one could even classify as a relationship. What had it lasted? Three dates? Okay, four if she counted the hockey game, but that was a stretch. Yeah, good work, Jess.

  Instead of driving home, she headed to Char’s house. One thing Jessica could always count on was her best friend being home alone on a Sunday night, and probably working. Char arguably had an even worse social life than Jessica, if such a thing were possible. Maybe they were even, in the most pathetic way possible.

  Jessica rang the bell, and Char answered, wearing yoga pants, a tank top, and her glasses perched on her nose. Yep. Working. “What are you doing here? I thought you were with Ryder.” Char frowned. “And why are you dressed like you just had a break up and you plan to spend the night on the couch eating cookie dough ice cream and watching Bridget Jones’ Diary?”

  Jessica couldn’t help but laugh. “It wasn’t intentional, but that’s rather fitting,” she said. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course, silly.” Char stepped out of the way to let her in. “I have no social life, and my door’s always open to you.”


  “You are going to tell me what’s going on, though, right?”

  Jessica nodded. “Yeah. You have wine, right?”

  It was Char’s turn to laugh. “Is the sky blue? Is Texas hot in the summer? Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

  Jessica made her way to Char’s a living room, and took a seat on the couch, folding her legs Indian style. She noticed Char’s laptop sitting on the coffee table, confirming her friend had, indeed, been working. Probably crunching numbers for the Generals’ foundation or brainstorming more fundraising activities. Char was tireless in her dedication to the hockey club and charitable activities. Jessica could relate, because she shared a similar dedication to her own work. Maybe it was time to focus entirely on it and give up the idea of a relationship.

  “Here you go.” Char was back, handing Jessica a glass of white wine.

  “Thanks.” Jessica accepted it and took a drink, recognizing it as one of her favorite Chardonnays. “What a day.”

  “So what happened?” Char sat down beside her, propping her bare feet on the coffee table. “You didn’t have a good time with Ryder?”

  “Oh, I had a great time with Ryder,” Jessica said. She eyed the clock on the wall. “Until about half an hour ago, that is.” She exhaled. “His house is incredible, and his pizza burgers are really good, and he’s funny, and sexy. Very sexy.” Jessica took another drink. “I blew it, Char.”

  “Blew it how?”

  “I don’t know... maybe I was too playful, too aggressive, or assumed too much.” The latter for sure. “We had sex. Twice. Once out by his pool, and once inside the pool. He has this gorgeous backyard and pool, all surrounded by huge, lush trees. It’s totally private, and I just... got turned on, and so did he, and no one could see us, so why not?” Jessica closed her eyes for a second, recalling how he’d entered her as perched on the edge of the pool. No foreplay whatsoever, and she’d probably have a rash on her buttocks from rubbing on the concrete, but at the time, she hadn’t cared. It felt so good, so primal, being naked under the stars as he thrust away inside her, until she fina
lly exploded with such a mind blowing climax that she’d screamed, and loudly.

  “It was naughty, and completely unlike me, but my God, it was hot, Char.”

  “It sounds like it.” Char set her glass on a coaster on the table, and turned to face Jessica. “Which begs the question. Why are you here, and not still with Ryder, going for round three?”

  “Oh, believe me, that’s what I wanted, and expected. I figured we’d make it to his bed, and since we got the reckless desire out of the way, he’d make slow, beautiful love to me, then he’d hold me in his arms as I fell asleep.” She rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess the joke’s on me. Ryder wanted nothing to do with that. He has practice tomorrow, and then they fly to their next game, so he needs his rest, you know.” Jessica practically spit the words out. “So once he got his rocks off, he was anxious to be rid of me. He did, at least, let me borrow these lovely clothes so I wasn’t cold on the drive.”

  “What?” Char’s eyes widened. “He kicked you out? On the street.”

  “Not kicked out, exactly. He just made it clear I wasn’t welcome to stay.”



  “He’s an asshole,” Char declared with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Jess. I feel responsible. I got you into this.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not your fault. And I really don’t think he’s an asshole.” Why was she defending him? “Just too focused on hockey and socially clueless.”

  “Maybe. I guess,” Char said. “I suppose there might be one bright side?”

  “What’s that?”

  “You don’t have to do the walk of shame before dawn.”

  “Whatever.” Jessica didn’t find it much solace as she drained her glass. “Do you have more of this?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” Chat took the empty glass from her. “Plenty more, but I’m not letting you drive home. You’re sleeping in the guest room.”

  “Fine.” Jessica smiled. “You’re a good friend, Char. Even if you did set me up with Ryder.”


  So much for getting a good night’s sleep. Ryder doubted whether he got any sleep at all. He was way too preoccupied with how badly he’d ruined things with Jessica, and as a result was in a lousy mood when he got to practice rink for the team’s skate before leaving for Arizona. It wasn’t lost on his teammates, either.

  “Okay, what gives?” Casey wanted to know. “You’re acting like something crawled up your ass and bit you.”

  “Shut up,” Ryder muttered. “I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep.”

  “Ooh, up too late with the sexy news anchor, eh?” Casey grinned. “It’s about damn time, Carrigan. I was beginning to wonder if you had it in you.”

  “Bite me.”

  Casey laughed. “Okay, scratch that. You’re in way too pissy of a mood to have gotten laid last night.”

  Ryder glared at him. “As a matter of fact, I did get laid last night.”

  “Yeah? So what’s the problem? It wasn’t good?”

  Ryder clenched his teeth. He liked Casey, and knew most of what he said was all in jest, but sometimes it got a little overdone and Ryder wanted to slap him. “Actually, it was great,” he said. Maybe he could make Casey a little jealous, given his own attraction to Jessica. Then again, Casey already had a bevy of women. He didn’t need any more.

  “So what’s the problem, then?”

  “We had a little fight afterwards.” If it even qualified as a fight. “She assumed she’d be spending the night, but that wasn’t possible, because I had to be here first thing this morning.” Now it sounded lame even to Ryder. Not just lame. Jack-assish.

  “So you kicked her out?” Casey shook his head. “Fuck, man, you’re even more clueless than I thought. You can entertain a woman in your bed overnight and still make it to practice on time.” He laughed. “I’m proof of that. I do it all the time. Just takes a good alarm clock.”

  “Shut up,” Ryder hissed. “Not all of us are man whores like you.”

  “Too bad. If you were, you might not be lamenting your lack of skills with the opposite sex right now.”

  “Ha. You’re funny.” Or not at all.

  “Are you both done?” Colton skated up in front of them. “Because this is supposed to be a hockey practice, not a debate on who’s worse with women,” he said. “Though from what I heard, you both have some work to do. At least you’re slightly better at hockey.”

  “I’m done, yes,” Ryder said. “Conversation over. Let’s practice, then go kick some Coyote ass.” It was time to focus now. He’d have to find a way to fix things with Jessica when he got home. Whatever it took.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ryder tried to call Jessica late in the morning, and again in the afternoon. She assumed the calls were made before the team left for Arizona, and then again after they arrived. Not that it mattered, because Jessica ignored them both. He was probably calling to apologize and try to fix things, and while she would like the apology, Jessica was far less interested in fixing things with Ryder. She also didn’t want to get sucked into any drama on a busy news day. Deep down, she knew that was the real reason for avoiding Ryder’s calls. He had the ability to unsettle her and mess up her concentration and focus, and that scared Jessica, because it meant he’d gotten under her skin, and she already felt something for him. Damn it! The last thing she needed was to fall for a hockey player who cared about more about the Stanley Cup than any woman he’d ever date.

  Instead, she focused on work, which was easy enough to do on a busy Monday for news. So busy, in fact, that she didn’t even take a break for dinner between the six and ten o’clock shows, instead opting only grab a bag of pretzels from the vending machine, which she munched at her desk while she prepared.

  The first ten minutes of a newscast that were always the most stressful, at least for anchors. After that, it transitioned to weather and sports, and they got to relax, at least a little, when they weren’t on camera. After updates on the Spurs and UTSA’s football team, and a profile on a local high school student who hoped to earn a college football scholarship, Brian gave an update on the Generals score. 3-0 Coyotes at the end of the second. Ouch.

  “Tough break for the Generals,” Brian said, once the broadcast was over and the cameras had cut away. “It’s hard to tell much with no TV or radio coverage, but it sure sounds like they’re having a rough game.”

  “Yeah,” Jessica said. “It’s only preseason, though. They’ll get it together.” Still, given Ryder’s competitive spirit, he had to be pretty angry right now. Angry and disappointed.

  “I hope so,” the sportscaster said. “Thanks for introducing me to Ryder the other day. He seems like a nice guy.”

  Oh, yeah. He’s a real prince. “I suppose so.” She didn’t feel much like defending him, but neither did Jessica want to bad mouth him. She only wanted this conversation to be over.

  Brian nodded. “All right, see you later.” He stood up and left the news desk, giving Jessica her wish.

  Jessica pushed her chair back. She was ready for the day to be done and to get home to her own house and her own bed, having spent the night in Char’s guest room after drinking too much wine.

  “Hey, Jess?”

  She turned to her co-anchor. “Yes, Neil?”

  “I’m curious... that guy from the hockey team that was here the other day... Ryker?”

  “Ryder.” Obviously Neil wasn’t a hockey fan.

  “Ryder, right. Anyway, I’m just wondering, are you seeing him?”

  Jessica hesitated. Why was Neil so curious about her relationship status with Ryder? She suspected she knew, and there was one way to ward off his questioning. Lie. Except she couldn’t. “I went out with him a couple times, but it’s nothing serious, and it’s done now,” she said. “Why?”

  “I was hoping maybe you’d like to go out with me,” Neil said. “You know, dinner or something, during our break between shows. “I’d like to get to know you better, Jess.”
  So there it was. Neil was interested. And Jessica had no idea how to let him down gently. Besides, maybe she needed to keep an open mind. Give him a chance. Get to know him. Who knows. She might find out they had a lot in common. Okay, probably not. But what was the harm in sharing one meal with him? “Sure,” she said. “I’d like that. How about tomorrow, after the six o’clock?”

  “Sounds good.” Neil smiled. “It’s a date.”


  The final horn sounded, and Ryder slammed his stick against the boards with so much force that he broke it. The team lost, and it wasn’t just any loss. It was a completely humiliating one. Not quite as bad as the first regular season game in Generals history, but pretty darn close.

  While the Coyotes players stayed on the ice after the game ended, enjoying the cheers of their home crowd after their 5-1 victory, Ryder and teammates hurried back to the visitor’s locker room. Time for quick showers and a brief media session before boarding the charter plane back to San Antonio.

  “Damn it!” Ryder yanked off his gloves and tossed him into his locker.

  “Something wrong?” Noah Mann asked.

  Was he serious? Probably not. Noah was seldom serious, and it drove Ryder crazy. “Yes. In case you didn’t notice, we lost. 5-1. We were freaking humiliated out there.”

  Noah nodded. “Yeah, we lost. And it sucked. But it’s only one game, and still preseason. It’ll get better.”

  “Is everything a joke to you, Mann? Maybe you should try taking something serious for a change.

  “What? Did you really just ask me that?” Noah shook his head, his damp, shaggy brown hair falling over his forehead. “No, everything isn’t a joke to me. I would’ve thought you’d clued into that, after being teammates for a year. I give my all for this team. Blood, sweat, and even tears on a few occasions. Just because I like to goof around sometimes doesn’t change that. Not that I’d expect you to get it, since you don’t seem to know how to relax. Ever. Here’s a bit of advice for you, Ry. Find some balance in your life, or you’re gonna end up driving people away. If you haven’t already done it.”


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