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Riding the River (The Westerners, Book One)

Page 36

by Jeanne Harrell

It was a long drive to Reno and a mostly quiet one. Ben didn’t have many questions for her. He could see she’d made up her mind anyway. Saying goodbye to Dan was hard too. When they’d arrived, she gave him a hug.

  “Still got that horseshoe?”

  “Yep, it’s worked so far.”

  “Hang onto it, miss. We want to see you again soon.”

  “You will, Dan. I’ll let you know when I’m coming back.”

  The next day on the airplane, Ben noticed that she’d changed her clothes.

  “You look nice, Sarah. More like yourself.”

  Sarah looked down at her tailored slacks and Italian blouse. She’d never felt less like herself.

  “Thanks, Ben, but this is just for Baltimore. I’m so much more comfortable in my jeans.”

  He didn’t speak much to her after that and she busied herself with a sweet email Matt had sent her. They’d spoken on the phone last night before she went to sleep and she’d given him her email address. Matt had gone into Wells to call her and then write her the email, which she loved. She’s received it this morning and had read it over and over.


  This seems a strange way to communicate with you. I’m so used to having you in my arms. For now…

  Last night without you was lonely. To say I missed you doesn’t begin to describe my feelings. I couldn’t sleep and tried to read. When that didn’t work, I got up and went into the kitchen. John wasn’t sleeping either, so we ended up playing chess. He misses you too.

  When are you coming back to me?

  I went to brush my teeth last night and noticed my toothbrush was gone, of course. I promise you can keep it, if you promise to come home soon.

  Tomorrow the new horses are arriving and you won’t be here to see them. Our ranch is nearly ready to move into, but I won’t do it without you. I can’t. I’m pretty much stuck in neutral until you’re in my arms again.

  All my love, Matt

  And she’d written a quick email back to him, not knowing if he’d even receive it.


  Come to Baltimore. I’ll be expecting you every day.

  Love, Sarah

  After reading his lovely email a few dozen times, Sarah glanced over at Ben. She thought of Matt and compared him with Ben. There was no, absolutely no comparison. Matt, the handsome cowboy, wanted, needed, adored and loved her. Of that, she was sure. She wasn’t too sure if Ben even liked her. He’d never acted much like it. Now that Sarah had a real frame of reference for love thanks to Matt, she saw that Ben had been a pretty poor match for her. Even though she’d sort of thought so at the time, her weeks spent with Matt completely blew everyone else out of the water.

  Once the plane had landed in Baltimore and she’d gotten her bag from baggage claim, she found her father waiting for her by ground transportation. Sarah’s eyes lit up when she saw Robert for the first time, in a long time. Ben followed behind.

  “Sarah!” Robert yelled when he saw her. As soon as she was close enough, he gave her a huge hug. “God, I’ve missed you so. Let me take a look at you.” He glanced at her and smiled. “There’s something really different about you, sweetie.”

  “Hi, Dad. I’ve missed you too.”

  Then he saw Ben and reached over to shake hands. “Thanks for going, Ben. See you tomorrow.”

  “Fine. Bye, Sarah. It’s good to have you home again.” Ben smiled at them both and left the airport.

  Robert put an arm around his lovely daughter and carried her bag out for her. “I have a driver who’s circling. It’ll take him a minute to get back.”

  Sarah laughed. “A driver and a limo. I’ve forgotten about those kinds of transportation.”

  “How do you get around at the ranch? Horseback?”

  His big smile left his face when she nodded at him. “Yes, it’s great.”

  He tried again. “Are you tired, Sarah? Could you come over tonight for dinner? I’d love to hear about your Western adventure.”

  “Well, how’s Grandfather? Shouldn’t I go see him?”

  “Not tonight. He knows you’re coming and tomorrow will be soon enough. He’ll be asleep by now anyway.”

  When the limo arrived, Robert took Sarah back to his house and ordered in a good dinner from one of the nice restaurants she’d also forgotten about. They were sitting at his huge, mahogany dinner table, complete with linen and lighted candles when Robert began his interrogation.

  “So tell me.” Robert poured her a nice glass of wine. “I know you’d rather have a beer, but humor me.” He smiled at her.

  “Where should I start?”

  “Start with him: Gregory Peck. I know you’ve fallen for someone, Sarah. I could see it on your face at the airport. Did Ben meet him?”

  “No, Matt and Ben never met. Matt was pretty unhappy that I was going. I didn’t think it’d be a good idea for them to meet.”


  “Well, you were right.”

  “Really? That’s a first, huh?” He laughed at her.

  Sarah smiled. “You told me to go find Gregory Peck and I did. His name is Matt Garth. He’s handsome, smart, has dark, wavy hair and is incredibly sexy.”

  “Whoa. Not sure I want to hear that part.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Dad, do you mean to tell me that wasn’t a big part of your attraction to Mom?”

  “Damn, Sarah. What did happen to you out there?”

  “My eyes were opened and my spirits lifted. I found friends, love, a wonderful man and a new home.”

  “… A new home?”

  “Yes, Dad. Yell all you want but I’m moving to Nevada and marrying Matt.”

  “You’re getting married?” His fork stopped midair with a bite of crab on it.

  She nodded. “I love him, so I said yes.”

  “You haven’t been gone long enough to even get to know him.”

  “How long does it take?”

  That had him stumped. Sarah smiled and ate another bite of her lobster. It was delicious…

  “While I’m blowing your mind, I also have a new job.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Working as a cook’s assistant at the guest ranch.”

  Robert almost choked on his langostino. She was calmly throwing her life away.

  “Sarah, are you nuts? To recap here, you’re moving to a remote part of Nevada, working as a cook and marrying a cowboy?”

  She laughed. “You got some of it right. I’ll be a cook’s assistant, but Matt just bought a good ranch next to his grandfather’s place. He’ll be a rancher and take over his grandfather’s spread after he passes. Matt will do fine, Dad. Probably much better than fine.”

  “Okay, the part about the boyfriend sounds better, but a cook’s assistant, Sarah? What about your computer business plans?”

  “I’d like to do that too, but right now, that part of Nevada doesn’t have good satellite coverage for cell phone service, much less Internet coverage.”

  Robert knit his brows over that. “Hmm. Maybe I can do something to help you out there. Your grandfather and I are not without connections with the FCC.”

  “You know people at the Federal Communication Commission?”

  “Yes, sweetie. As governor of this fair state, your grandfather had fingers in many pies.” He grinned at her expression. “Maybe we can work a deal for you to get coverage. Then you can start your online business.”

  Sarah got up and walked over to hug him. “Thank you, Dad. I do love you.”

  “More than Matt?”

  “Different kind of love.”

  After dinner, they went into the living room with glasses of champagne to celebrate.


  “It’s not often that my only, beloved daughter gets married. Have you told him about us and our life here?”


  “What does he think?”

  “He’ll need to experience the East before he really gets it. And he needs
to meet you and Grandfather.”

  “So when is he coming? I noticed you came alone.”

  “He’s got to work up his courage, I think.”

  “To meet me?”

  “No, he won’t have any problem with that. I think he’s just afraid that you and our way of life here will lure me back.”

  Robert smiled. “Then I’ll have to inform him that you were a Westerner before you became one. I never thought you fit in here.”

  “Please tell him that.”

  “I will when I get to meet him. And this guy I’ve got to meet.”

  They smiled and raised their glasses.

  “Here’s to love, Sarah.”

  “Thanks, Dad, for not going crazy and telling me I can’t do this.”

  “What’s the point? You’re of age and would do it anyway.”

  They laughed and drank their champagne.

  Robert gave her a sly look. “Sure you won’t miss these niceties? Limo, driver, lobster, champagne… These are daily occurrences in our lives, Sarah. We’re wealthy people.”

  “You’ll need to come out when I’m settled, Dad. Matt’s bought a wonderful ranch with a beautiful house, land, property, horses. I think you’d approve.”

  “And these niceties?”

  “There’s champagne and lobster in Nevada. I don’t need a driver, and a limo would get stuck on the dirt roads.”

  It was Robert’s turn to roll his eyes. “Would Matt be upset if I give you money from time to time? Maybe I can buy you a horse or a cow occasionally.”

  Sarah laughed. “Well, I’ll take the contributions, even if he won’t. You can ask him yourself, when you meet him.”

  He took another sip. “You’ve said that before. So he is coming out?”

  “I sure hope so. I miss him already.”

  “All right, sweetie. You’re probably tired and I need to get you over to the hospital tomorrow.”


  “And I still want to hear about this horse drive Abby commented about. Did you do that?”

  A big smile spread across Sarah’s face. “That was one of the highlights of the trip, besides meeting Matt. I promise to tell you about it and how I fell in a river trying to rescue a friend.”

  Robert choked on his drink. “What?”

  “Night, Dad…” Sarah walked over to kiss her dad on the cheek and went back to a guest bedroom. She smiled thinking that Robert was taking it all very well. She’d have much to tell Matt when he called tomorrow night. Speaking of Matt, she pulled his toothbrush out of her cosmetic bag and laughed.

  “I have to get him a new toothbrush. I’ll never give up his.”

  * * *



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