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Friend (With Benefits) Zone

Page 8

by Laura Brown

  She needed her own place, deserved it. One day, she’d get it. If I could help her, I would. Anything to see her like this more often.

  I picked up my drink, banked on her not trying to kill me, and took a sip. Strong and bitter, but good. “You trying to get me drunk?” I signed when she handed Nikki something with a cherry on top.

  Jas cocked her head to one side. “It’s true, you’re easy when drunk.”

  I rested my elbows on the ledge. “So you admit you’re trying to get me drunk.”

  She held my gaze. I knew Nikki and Pete watched. I didn’t care. Not when this new sexual edge passed between us, filled with promise and potential. If she wanted me in her bed tonight, in any way, she’d have me.

  Jas backed up and collected her board, returning to the other tables. She either didn’t know what she wanted or was too afraid to find out.

  Nikki pushed at my shoulder. “You two kissed, and I missed it?”

  “It wasn’t a show.” I’d kissed her because I needed to feel her again.

  Nikki shook her head, long swishes with blond curls adding to the effect. “You two can’t do anything simple, can you?”

  I sipped my drink. For once in my life, I liked the idea of complicated.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I KISSED HIM. He kissed me. I wanted to gush to him, like I did with any important event in my life. Silly since he was there. He knew.

  Still, silly had some appeal.

  Len stayed out back longer than usual; he must’ve been sucking his way through an entire cigarette pack. Only now I had to juggle the bar area as well as the tables. It kept me busy and reduced any further conversations about me and Dev or with Dev in general.

  On my bathroom break, I needed five minutes to rest my weary feet. And a little silly went a long way to relieving aching toes. I went into the back room and plucked my phone from my jacket.

  Me: You know that guy I hadn’t told you I was crushing on?

  I stared at the words, and my heart kicked in my chest. No more obvious than kissing him. Did I dare click Send?

  I did. And then I buried my face in my hands until my phone vibrated.

  Dev: I know. Something happen?

  He wasn’t in the room, but I could see his smile, that full and bright one he reserved for me.

  Me: I sorta kissed him.

  Dev: Sorta? That was much more than sorta.

  I clamped my lips closed as I laughed.

  Me: Then what was that?

  Dev: Nice. Really nice.

  Warmth spread from my chest down to my belly.

  Me: Yes, it was.

  Dev: The next night you’re off, I’m taking you out.

  Me: Did you just ask me on a date?

  Dev: Yes.

  My hands froze, and my breath backed up. It didn’t make sense why those words affected me differently than our kiss, but they did. Everything became more real.

  Dev: You going to answer me?

  I swallowed past a dry throat.

  Me: OK, next night I’m off.

  My words weren’t as cheery as I intended, but he didn’t call me on it. Either he didn’t catch it, or he played it low-key.

  More than kissing my best friend, I was about to go on a date with him. Dates led to more kissing, and kissing led to sex. While the thought of being wrapped around Dev made me ache and yearn, I feared for what it would do to our friendship.

  Back in the main area, I poured beer, mixed a few drinks, and handled the grumbling customers who were not too happy they couldn’t voice their order. I had one simple and big rule: if someone became too drunk to write their drink, they were cut off.

  By closing time, I was dead on my feet. Len had returned, but I suspected he had sneaked whisky along with his cigs, so he was a useless lump. At least all the tips were mine and the customers were happy. As dead as I was, I also felt alive. Nothing like the rush and the liquid and swaying happy drunks.

  My friends left before closing, but I still had to see Dev back at home. I cranked my car and let the little engine rumble to life. Home. Was Dev’s place really home? Would that remain if we continued the not-friends dance?

  By the time I pulled up to his complex, my head wanted the night off as much as my feet did. I unzipped my boots in the living area. Dev’s blanket and pillow remained on the couch, but there was no sign of him. Which meant he was waiting for me in his room. I cracked my neck. He’d watched me work; didn’t he get I was too damn tired for anything right now?

  I checked my phone, searching for any clues as to what waited for me. Nothing new from Dev. One unread message from my boss.

  Len: Thanks for tonight. Take tomorrow off. You deserve it.

  I frowned at my phone. Sure, the tips were great, but I worked my ass off because there was a better life than this waiting for me. Nights off didn’t help, especially when they weren’t warranted.

  I didn’t type any of that. He didn’t want me to work; that was it. Maybe it was time to resume my search for a different job. Tomorrow I could worry about it. Tonight I had other things to deal with.

  In Dev’s room, I tossed my boots in the corner. He sat on the bed, above the covers, in plaid lounge pants and a fitted tee shirt. I wanted to curl up next to him and sleep. Just sleep. I unbuttoned my jacket and tossed it on a chair. “Before you start, I’m exhausted.”

  He patted the bed next to him. “Come over here.”

  I should have washed my face and prepped for bed first, but I did as he asked and sat stiffly next to him with my knees tucked close to my chest. My entire body felt sensitized to his presence, as if I’d either jump or be halfway to orgasm if he touched me.

  “I don’t want this,” he gestured between us, “to destroy our friendship.”

  I let out a breath and dropped my head to his shoulder. I took in his comfort, the way he wrapped an arm around my waist and squeezed me to him. Being this close made my pulse kick and my breasts ache. As scary as this was, we were heading here, one way or another.

  I picked my head up. “I can’t lose you.”

  His hand tightened around me. “Not happening.” His signing hand brushed back my hair and skimmed my cheek. I wanted to melt into him, always had.

  I leaned into him, chest to chest. He cupped my chin. Everything was new even as it was old. A part of me reveled in this, while another part wanted to move forward or back and get out of murky waters.

  Then our lips touched, and murky waters seemed just fine. I opened for him, and his tongue brushed against mine, shivers of heat spiking from the touch. An urge grew to straddle him and take and give until we were too spent to do anything else.

  Kisses would forevermore belong to him. To us. Everything was new and scary and tentative. And solid. Which made the whole scary factor shoot up a thousand degrees.

  Dev pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. Our breaths battled for higher ground. Then he straightened, creating room to talk. “Are we OK? You and me. Dating?”

  His eyes were so serious, I couldn’t help but take a jab. “We can’t be best friends with benefits?”

  The serious only intensified. He flipped us over so I was on my back and then hovered over me. I couldn’t catch my breath and didn’t want to. “Is that what you want?” He kissed the side of my mouth. My cheek. My jaw. My neck.

  I arched into him, my body in control, yearning for anything he gave. I wrapped a leg around his waist and connected my pelvis with his hard length.

  We broke apart—my ass pressed into the mattress as Dev held himself off of me. That was more than stolen kisses. Dev dropped his head, shoulders laughing. “You and me. We’re trouble.” But he smiled, eyes shining.

  I nodded. “Truth. Always have been.”

  He stood, adjusted himself. I wanted those to be my hands on him. “You OK with staying here now that we’re dating?”

  “You haven’t taken me out on a date yet.” Although, with my changed work schedule, said date could be tomor

  He shook his head. “In reality, I think we’ve already been on plenty.”

  Humor and lust faded. I thought back to all the times we’d hung out, gone to the movies, bowling, mini golf. Alone. Together. With this thing simmering between us. “Damn, we’ve missed a few anniversaries.”

  Dev smiled. “I’ll make it up to you. Answer my question.”

  There wasn’t any other place I wanted to be. “I’m OK. I’ve got your bed.” I snuggled down and wrapped myself around the pillow. “Len gave me tomorrow off.”

  Dev’s smile grew to a lickable length. “Then tomorrow, you become mine.”

  I’d been his for a long time. “I’m not property.” Damned if I’d admit it to a sexist line though. He’d figure it out soon enough.

  “Fine, scratch that. Tomorrow we go out on an official date. You game?”

  Bastard, he knew I couldn’t back down from a challenge, not that I wanted to. “I’m game.”


  Chapter Sixteen


  ANA HELD THE screen door open, bouncing on her toes, yelling what I assumed were encouraging words as I shouldered in the last box I had managed to squeeze into my car. I dumped it in the living room of the narrow two-story apartment, along with many other boxes.

  Today was moving day for Bea and her family. I blew off another day of classes in order to help, which included ignoring the incessant vibrating of my cell for the past hour.

  Ana ran over and pet a box with her name on it. “So beautiful,” she signed.

  Her older brother entered, voicing to his sister with hands dangling at his side. Whatever he said, she wasn’t happy. A scowl crossed her face, and then they erupted into a shouting match that had me turning my hearing aids off.

  As far as I knew, Bea had no hearing at all, but her mother skills were spot-on, a lot like my own mom. She entered the room, stomping, and in a flurry of signs, she intercepted the fighting and sent both kids to their rooms.

  They stomped up the stairs, but a secretive smile spread over Bea’s face. Sure, her kids were being brats, but for the first time in almost a year, they had headed off to separate rooms, not one large bedroom shared by all three.

  I couldn’t deny my soul felt full after a day like this.

  My phone went off again, and with no more boxes to lug in, I finally faced my next problem of the day.

  Dad: Where the hell are you? Your last class finished over an hour ago.

  Hell, I hadn’t even realized he knew my schedule.

  Me: Helping Bea and her family move.

  I cringed after I clicked Send, but I wasn’t here in any official capacity, and Dad knew the family. I wasn’t violating any confidentiality.

  Dad: The computers are all messed up. I need your help here.

  I looked around at the small apartment. Nothing fancy, yet it meant the world to the family who now resided here. I was supposed to leave this to mess around with Dad’s computer system?

  Katherine waved. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m needed at the accounting firm.”

  She nodded, but I caught the glint in her eyes; she knew they didn’t have me on board, not yet.

  I was torn, like there was a crack ripping me apart. I had almost no time left and this huge problem hanging over my head.

  At least tonight’s date with Jas gave me some much-needed happy feelings.

  Still, I turned my attention to my phone, ready to tell Dad I had to stay, I was needed here.

  I chickened out.

  Me: Be there soon.

  I said my good-byes, which took another twenty minutes, and accepted a cupcake from Bea for my help. I nearly ate it before remembering the matzo challenge. It pained me, but I deposited the cupcake in one of the trash bags littering my car. I drove away, knowing I had done good with my day.

  And landed directly in hell.

  Dad’s computers were fucked. Somehow, all the electronic filing had turned to shit. Since it was tax season, everyone was up to their elbows in work, and “normal” hours were a fallacy.

  I had Jas at home waiting for me, an honest date planned, and a computer problem that would take me hours to solve. My good day was up in smoke.

  At six, I sent her a text saying I had no clue when I’d be able to leave, and that grated. Yes, she knew me, she knew my situation and all the bullshit of my life. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t impress her.

  Jas: Poor baby. Grow a pair and talk to your father.

  Me: Not that easy.

  Jas: Types the man whose father is still alive.

  Sucker punch.

  Me: And you wouldn’t be arguing with your father if he lived?

  Jas: Yeah, over which vodka to purchase and how much cleavage I had on display. Don’t forget, I want to follow in his footsteps. You don’t.

  Jas: You’re miserable and you haven’t even graduated yet.

  I stared at my phone, the work in front of me forgotten. I tried to picture her in a world where her father didn’t die. She’d be working side by side with him, dueling for control, the spark I’d seen last night magnified tenfold. She’d be happy.

  For her the answer was simple. For Blake too. Not for me. I got up, ready to tell my father once and for all that I wasn’t working here in a few months. My hands were balled up and sweaty, knowing I’d be destroying a dream that had been brewing for over twenty years.

  Dad burst in, hair messed up in multiple directions. “Why are you standing there?”

  No time like the present, even if he looked ready to pop a lung. “I wanted to—”

  “Not now. I need the papers finished, or we’ll get even farther behind. Have you finished yet?”

  “No. I need to talk with you.”

  Dad shook his head, already backing out of the room. “Later. We need to stay until we’re caught up. All part of the fun.” Then he was gone.

  Fun my ass. This was torture. No way could I do this. I stood stiffly, my shoulders carrying far too much pressure. I had to have this conversation, more than ever. But during tax season it would be impossible.

  I relaxed my shoulders, defeat winning. I picked up my phone.

  Me: Talk postponed until after tax season.

  Jas: Among other things.

  Crap. I felt like used gum on the bottom of my shoe.

  Me: I’m sorry.

  Jas: Don’t be on my account. This is your life.

  Me: It was our date.

  Jas: I’m not going anywhere.

  That brought out a much-needed smile.

  Me: I’ll make it up to you.

  Jas: You better.

  I laughed and got back to work. I needed to see her, and the faster I finished this shit, the quicker I could.

  Not ten minutes later, the door opened again and Blake walked in, halting in an almost comic manner when he saw me. “What are you doing here?”

  I gestured to the work in front of me. “What do you think?”

  He shook his head. “You had a date planned.”

  “Tell that to Dad.”

  Blake looked around, as if the answers to some mysterious question rested on the walls. “Go. See Jasmine. I’ll finish up.” He moved to take over, but I stuck a hand out to stop him.

  “Don’t you have a date of your own?”

  “Yes. The difference being that this is my life, and Shawn knows it. If he can’t handle tax season, we’re going to have issues. This isn’t your life, and Jasmine shouldn’t suffer. Go.”

  I clamped a hand on Blake’s shoulder and collected my stuff.

  I sneaked out. No way around it. I didn’t want to bump into Dad. Best let Blake handle it. The minute the cold night air hit my face, my day from hell ended. Freedom awaited me. Jas awaited me. Time to take the right woman on a date.

  Chapter Seventeen


  NIGHTS OFF WERE a rare commodity. So rare I didn’t know what to do with myself. Tonight should have been spent with Dev, but his work had
gotten in the way.

  In some odd way, relief was the first emotion I had. I knew I should be excited to go on a date. And I was. I couldn’t quite remember the last time I had been out on one. My work hours and ambitions made it difficult to meet anyone, never mind plan a date. But first dates equaled nerves, and being nervous around Dev felt plain wrong. I didn’t think it was possible, but here I was, dealing with more nerves than I could count. Even now, with the date canceled.

  This was why I needed work; too much time left to myself, and my brain couldn’t be contained.

  I flipped through the pages of my notebook. Instead of expanding on a concept, I read through everything, the words inspiring a familiar surge of energy. It was all here, waiting for me. The next step, getting myself to a point where I could execute my plans, would be tricky. Time and perseverance would be my strongest business partners.

  Even all my hopes and dreams couldn’t hold my attention from what my night should have been like. I tossed the notebook aside and stared up at Dev’s ceiling, contemplating whether I wanted to change my nail polish or not. Not even Blake was home—proof of how crazy things were at their dad’s firm.

  If we kept this up, one day we’d have sex. I flashed back to this morning, when I had woken up just as Dev returned from the shower. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, water droplets clung to his chest, and a low-slung towel was wrapped around his waist. Nothing I hadn’t seen before, yet I had clamped my eyelids shut, letting him change in peace, wondering what his happy trail led to. I wanted my best friend naked, and one day soon, I might have just that.

  I closed my eyes and flung an arm across my hot cheeks as I remembered his lips on me, the way his body felt on top of mine, his hands digging into my hips—

  A hand grasped my wrist and removed my arm from my face. I startled, only to find Dev leaning over me. My cheeks flamed, and I bit my lip, lost in a mix of confusion and lust.


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