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Draconic Testament

Page 4

by Zac Atie

  Bastion can see several presences, and he can feel people and cars around him, but he can only see presences. From the platform, he can focus a lot more than he could when drunk, on the streets… but why now? Why has this strange, unheard of power come out of nowhere now? Was it because of the supernatural presence that he has felt around the Haven his whole life? Bastion decides to withhold the questions. It seems that he now knows what to do next. Next, he was to spy, to look around for the killer. He examines the presences, one by one. 4 in total, now. One was Veronica, who was heading into the Library, as always. The second was a man, an unknown man. He focused, moving in closer like some sort of binocular contraption, trying to make out a face, but the glow was too bright to make out any unique, definitive features of the face. An adult, he didn’t know who it was, but he had a beard, and short fair hair, also wearing a medallion. This could be the killer… though the presence wasn’t familiar. He was in an apartment, what he was doing, Bastion couldn’t make out. He could only make out the environments very, very faintly, and it was likely that he would only recognize areas that he’d been to before, like the library Veronica was going into. “I’ll call you number 2” Bastion whispered, and then he switched to the third man. He felt as if this one was familiar… the killer? He focused on the man… but, all of a sudden, the man stopped in his tracks, going to some sort of lunch bar. Then… he disappears, dimming his presence to a level so small, that Bastion lost track entirely, fading in with the dark, unrecognizable environments around them, as if a pin in a haystack adopted the same colour as the hay for camouflage. He couldn’t find him. He then went on to the fourth man, and this one was also familiar. Too familiar. Right away, he pinned this one as the killer, he was exactly like the presence he sensed with the dead woman in the car park. He focused in on the man. He was sitting in an abandoned warehouse, something like what a tramp would hide out in, only he was on the second level. He was in the middle of a trashed room, and he looked as if he was praying… only, his mouth was moving. Now, he couldn’t hear anything all that well, but it looked as if he was talking to somebody. He didn’t know if someone else was in the room, but he didn’t think so. Whatever the presence was doing, Bastion wasn’t about to find out. He zoomed in on the man’s face. His lips were moving. He could make out a couple of words, but nothing made any real sense. Only words he made out properly were “I’ll find him.”.

  Biology, after lunch, once again. Though, the second Bastion walked into the school, he was everyone’s favourite man, the boy who found the body. People wanted to know a whole bunch of juicy facts about the killing, but ended walking away with nothing but disappointment at the lack of information that he had for them. He pushed passed the groups of people that tried to stop him and ask him questions as if they were the paparazzi. He ended up barely making it to his biology class, where the biology teacher welcomed him back and had him sit down, though he could see that within her too, lay curiosity about the killings. Vander made a few unnecessary wisecracks that drew attention to the fact that he was at the murder scene as he walked into the room, trying to embarrass Bastion. He succeeded, as Bastion sat down with a rather red face. Vander’s humour ceased as the lesson resumed. Bastion never really stared at Veronica this lesson, as he felt that he was over the whole supernatural feeling after what he’s done the past days. He could actually concentrate on the lesson now, which means that he should be able to concentrate more on the lessons he has with Veronica, and completely get rid of the whole teasing thing that Vander has going on. Vander also caught notice of this new development, and was puzzled by it. However, 15 minutes into the lesson, Vander spots Bastion peaking at something underneath his coat. “What’s that?” Vander whispers to him. Bastion jolts slightly at Vander’s notice. “Err. Nothing.” Bastion says, trying to put it away, but Vander doesn’t buy it.

  ”Don’t play coy with me, let me see.” Vander says, almost threateningly.

  ”’play coy’?” Bastion mocks him, and then Vander puts his hand inside his coat trying to get what Bastion was playing with. “Hey! Hey, alright, chill! I’ll show you…” Bastion submits, grudgingly. He takes out the medallion. “See? It’s just a medallion.” Bastion grumbles, though Vander’s face goes cold.

  “The fuck did you get that?” Vander hisses. Bastion looks at him, confused.

  ”I-… I got it from the dead body” Bastion whispers.

  ”What, are you crazy? Get rid of it.” Vander says. “Better yet, give it to me.”

  ”What? No, fuck that, it’s mine.” Bastion says, putting it away.

  ”Dude.” Vander groans. “That shit could get you into trouble. More than you know.”

  ”Who cares, none of your business.” Bastion growls. That put Vander in somewhat of a bad mood, though he kept peering back at Bastion, perhaps thinking of snatching the medallion away from him when he lets his guard down, but he doesn’t do so. The bells ring and Bastion gets ready to leave, not before sporting a quick, grudged goodbye to Vander. However, before he leaves, he spots something in the corner of his left eye. He looks. It’s Veronica, she’s sitting upright, staring at Bastion. The reason is clear. She knows Bastion has a medallion.

  Bastion had half a mind to straight up drop the medallion on her desk, and clear the slates with both Vander and Veronica. But, no. He was simply too much of a glutton for mystery, and a coward for drama. He also had half a mind to straight up drop the investigation, that perhaps he’s in over his head. The warning Vander gave him kept replaying in his head. ‘More than you know’. Why was he acting so strange over the medallion? Vander usually loved mischief, and it’s hardly like the police knew anything about a medallion unless it was a trend that they left out of the papers. Who else but Bastion could stop the killer? Do the police have technology to track the killer better than Bastion’s eyes? Why was he glowing anyway, him and Veronica both? That bothered Bastion greatly. He didn’t know whether to fear Veronica, or befriend her. There’s obviously something special about the two… and what about the third? The one who stopped, then disappeared, like he turned off his life support? What about him, who is he? Bastion left through the front gates, sighing, depressed, walking down the streets swarming with lively, energetic students wanting to go home. He didn’t know what to do anymore. “Bastion!” He hears someone call on him. He whirls around, startled, to find that it’s Talia, running up on him, smiling. She immediately kisses him and locks her arm through his. “You’re feeling better? How come you didn’t tell me?” Talia beams. “That’s lightened up my day.” Bastion smiles warmly at Talia. Students nearby make a few remarks towards Bastion, relating him to the murders, which angers Talia into insulting them. “Talia, don’t.” Bastion sighs. Talia had always been overprotective with Bastion when it came to anybody harassing or making moves on him, on a couple of occasions it ended violently, one with a boy and one with a girl, and the couple had won both of those fights, though Bastion hoped it never happened again. Seeing a catfight was… unpleasant for him, especially when your girlfriend is in that fight, and your mother raises you to respect women. “Bloody insensitive assholes.” She hisses, nearing the end of the street. “If they stopped to think what it would be like in their shoes, they wouldn’t do it.” Bastion kisses her cheek in response.

  ”It’s alright.” Bastion whispers to her.

  ”Come over here.” Talia says seductively, leading him over to an outdoor café table once they entered the town area. She sat him down, sat on his lap, and began kissing him. Bastion could feel that she had been through some stress over the incident, and it warmed his heart to see her care so much, and he put his arms round her as they kissed. However, Talia could feel that there was something wrong with Bastion. She pulls away, to Bastion’s surprise. “Something’s wrong, isn’t there?” She asks, getting insecure. “Is it me, wh-“

  ”No…no…” Bastion said. Talia often was able to make Bastion feel better about things that bothered him, like when his dog died, who he named Bah
amut, though he lied to Talia saying he named it after a being within Arabic Mythology, when it was actually from Dungeons and Dragons. However, the thing that was bothering Bastion was the whole killer thing, and if he should follow through with it or if he’d end up getting himself or others hurt. If he told Talia that that was the thing that was bothering him, she’d almost instantly tell him not to go through with it, perhaps even scold him for thinking about going through that again… but Bastion had faith in his abilities.

  ”It’s just… let me ask you something.” Bastion said, deciding he’d trick her. “If you yourself had this power, no, this… talent to stop something that may bring harm to other people…”

  ”Would I use it?” Talia finishes, squinting her eyes.

  ”Yeah…” Bastion sighed.

  ”Well, of course.” Talia says, kissing Bastion again.

  ”But...” Bastion managed to splutter with Talia’s tongue halfway down his throat.

  ”What?” Talia sighs, as she pulls away.

  ”What if it could backfire… hurt you, or perhaps the ones closest to you?” Bastion wheezes. Talia raised her eyebrow, suspicious. “What are you up to, eh?” Talia prods. “Wait, is this about the killing?” Bastion hesitated.

  ”No, no it’s not.” Bastion lied, but Talia picked up on it.

  ”You’re lying, Goddamnit.” Talia snaps. “The hell are you thinking, still going after him, who do you think you are, superman?” Bastion almost laughs as he thinks that she isn’t far off.

  ”No, look… There’s just… information. Information that I could acquire easily, I'm just…”

  ”Look, Bastion. The killer doesn’t know who you are” Talia says. “He’s not after you. The information is left confidential.”

  ”I know… it’s just.” Bastion begins.

  ”If you can do anything… anything, to stop more lives being taken… you should do it. What if it’s one of your friends who are next? You’ll be distraught… or… what about if it’s your little girlfriend, Veronica?” Talia teases, giggling at Bastion’s groan.

  ”What if it’s… at least a little dangerous?” Bastion asks.

  ”Stop beating round the bush, how dangerous is a little dangerous?” Talia asks.

  ”Like, checking out an abandoned apartment sort of dangerous?” Bastion asks. Talia frowns.

  ”No freakin’ way, Bastion…” Talia begins.

  ”If it wasn’t me. If it was somebody else who knew how to fight, like I do. What about them?” Bastion groans.

  ”Then I would, but it IS you…” Talia whimpers.

  ”I’ll take Vander with me.” Bastion says. “I won’t be alone, you know Vander can fight too, he’s been in eno-“

  ”Alright, alright” Talia sighs. “I know, I'm being a little selfish… but be careful.” She says, as she kisses Bastion. “So… you’re ok with it? You think it’s worth it?” Bastion whispers.

  ”…Yeah… Sure…” Talia admits, and then hugs Bastion tight. Bastion smiled, knowing that his involvement in the case has been approved by the person he holds most dear, and the one he trusts the most. Vander is a very good friend, but he’s far too worked up about this… for what reason, Bastion doesn’t know. “I gotta go.” Talia said, pulling away. “Every fortnight, I got grandma coming over.” Bastion kisses her goodbye, and then sets off home.

  Bastion enters his house to be greeted by his mother, who had her jacket on with her handbag. Bastion recalled that his mother had asked him to hold the fort because she was going out to her friends for a while. “Took your time, didn’t you?” His mother sighs, “Thought you’d never come!”

  ”Ah… sorry…” Bastion mumbles. It was lucky that he actually came by because he had forgotten. He gave his mother a kiss goodbye, and watched as she left the house. “Great. Now what?” Bastion sighs, taking out the medallion and fiddling with it. He went into his living room, with his large TV, and sat down on the couch. The room was clean and silent, not a sound being made save the grandfather clock. He sat there, examining the medallion even further. He had all the time in the world to mess around with it now. He closed his eyes… and to his surprise, the Medallion was actually a little stronger now. He concluded that the reason this was is because he stored some energy in the medallion while at the Haven, and therefore, until that energy is used up, he can see things to the extent that he could in the Haven. He couldn’t believe he was thinking about the medallion like this, but it seemed to be the only thing that made sense among all of the crazy things that had happened recently. “Perhaps things aren’t so bad, then.” He said. He could use this as if it’s a portable gaming device, charge it up for times that he’s not able to get to the haven, like now. “Can’t believe I'm simply taking all of this so well. Perhaps I am crazy.” Bastion tells himself, juggling the medallion. Bastion had lived with the supernatural sense from a young, impressionable age. It’s been a part of his life for a long time, and although it’s shocking he’s in these predicaments, he doesn’t feel that it’s beyond belief. Bastion stops juggling the medallion, and sits upright, staring into it. “Now… Where are you, number four?” He asks, rhetorically, as he closes his eyes and the environments around him simply fade to black, all except the few small, glowing figures off into the distance. Veronica was leaving her Library, earlier than usual. Bastion wondered why, but concluded that it wasn’t important, though he’d check back later just incase. Number 2 was in a shopping mall, doing some shopping, going from shop to shop, a few blocks away from number 4, who was actually still in the same abandoned apartment, though he was holding some sort of… sword. He was caressing it, stroking it, his eyes closed, saying something, stopping, then talking again. Bastion felt as if he could go further this time, make out more features. He clenches his teeth and focuses, straining his magic toward the man, trying to get his face out in the open. However, he fails to see his face. What he does accomplish, though, is being able to hear. He begins to hear small sounds of machinery, presumably cars, in the background, cars passing by, and behind all the noises of everyday tasks, he can hear the minute sound of the killer’s voice. He focuses on the exact spot that he was focusing on when he heard the noises, and the sounds become clearer. The cars become louder, to the point of deafening him, only the sounds were distorted.

  Bastion focuses harder, clearing the majority of the distortion from the noises in the area, and the cars seemed to dim. The voice’s volume rises. The killer could be heard perfectly. “That I’ve already killed didn’t know where he was. Perhaps he’s dead already. Have you checked the deaths of children the pas-” The killer says, but stops, as if he was interrupted. Was he talking to himself? Perhaps the killer was crazy, but if he was, then surely he would have been caught by now. “There’s hardly any left. I think there’s only one, actually. Once he’s gone… Yes. But, isn’t that moving out of the boundaries of magical activity? Going to Brighton would-… I promise, if we don’t find the bastard or the paladin here, we won’t find him anyw-“ The noise becomes distorted again, and he can only make out fragments of what he’s saying that doesn’t make any sense, however, he’s already heard enough. The glow disappears, and the zooming focused vision also decreases fast until he can no longer see anything off in the distance. He opened his eyes and looked at the medallion. It had no more power to it. He’d need to recharge to see more… but how come he could see things fine the night of the murder? What had gone so great then? He tried to stir up any more power within the medallion, closing his eyes and focusing again, but it was no use, he only got tiny flashes of glowing presences. He sighs, slumping back in his couch, now having to wait for his mother to get home before he could continue spying on the killer, waiting for his next move. He decided to turn on the TV, on the news, to see if there was any additional news on the killings. Turns out there wasn’t, but Bastion was being mentioned as an unidentified witness, although he hardly saw anything. Looking around the room, Bastion tries to think of something to take his obsessive mind o
f the killings, to dig his claws into. Perhaps reading? Perhaps he should go on the computer, and play some games? He sighs as the possibilities seem to be lost on him… then he catches something in his eye. He squints, trying to figure out what it was, near the window. But he doesn’t see it. But… then he sees it again, something glowing… Then, Bastion realizes, he’s not seeing something with his eyes open… but rather, with them closed, while he’s blinking. So, he closes his eyes, and sees one, singular glowing figure, and knows exactly who it is, right away. Veronica. And she was passing near his house. He jolted out of his seat, and closed the curtains to his living room before Veronica could come into view of the windows, then he closed his eyes, watching as she appeared, passing behind the small wall. He figures she’d just continue… when she stops, at the iron, paint encrusted, gates. Bastion hoped that she’d just turn, and walk away, like some sort of flesh, eating monster from a horror movie, trying to sniff out it’s prey, but instead, she opens the gates and makes her way toward the door. Bastion curses, taking a step back, then looks at the medallion. “What now? Can’t just give you up?” Bastion thinks to himself, and hides the medallion in his back pocket.


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