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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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by Renee Lindemann

  That speech fell on deaf ears as Emma was sound asleep. Holiday finished her charting then exited the room. She looked forward to five o’clock and a hot shower. This day needed to end quickly. Once she was home she confronted her feelings for Jax, and tried desperately to dismiss them. The wine didn’t help push those wayward feelings away. Her brain kept repeating his kisses while she languished in the bath tub. It was too much and she opted for a sleeping pill and sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Jax was right, Holiday avoided him like a leper. He supposed he couldn’t blame her, he had compromised her job with that kiss. His body had been so turned on and his control slipped. Whenever she was forced to be in the room with him, she was robotic and stiff. He could tell she was fighting hard to keep her distance. He didn’t understand how she could fight, when every nerve ending in his body stood on end when she was around. Jax stole gazes when she was around to avoid making her feel even more uncomfortable. Unfortunately, his time with Me-Me was coming to an end. She was less responsive most days or incoherent altogether.

  “Just do it already,” she grumbled one day. Jax sat up in the recliner taking her pale hand in his. He pushed the soft gray tendrils of hair from her face.

  “Just do what Me-Me,” he questioned. “I am not ready to let you go.”

  “Not me silly,” she whispered. “Her! She is scared, just do it.”

  “Me-Me, I can’t do that,” he explained. “She could lose her job. She could lose her nursing license. I would never want to take her away from her patients. Besides, I don’t think she likes me very much right now.”

  Emma gave a squeeze of her hand and a tender smile spread across her lips. Jax held her hand and stroked her face with a thumb. This woman had given him so much love. She had helped him to battle demons that deserved to die. How would he keep them at bay without her constant reassurance? Everything he had in this life could be traced back to Me-Me.

  “I am alright Jax,” she murmured. “Take a walk son.”

  Jax reluctantly let her hand go and stood to stretch. He read in the handbook that it was common for family members to pass away when their loved ones were out of the room. He most certainly hoped that wasn’t the case right now. She was right, he needed the stretch. For the last few days he spent most of the day in the room with Emma. His company was running smoothly without him and they could do so for a while. He would need time off when Emma passed. Every time he went to the condo he shared with Emma, he would find himself crying. It was easier to be strong at her bedside. Jax headed aimlessly down the hallway, acknowledging staff members as he walked past. Most of the flirtatious looks were gone as Emma’s health declined.

  It took him a second to realize that he was in the basement. Jax didn’t remember the elevator ride down or perhaps he took the stairs. His feet moved in the direction of the hospice office. He hadn’t laid eyes on Holiday all day, even though she had been on the floor. Jax supposed it was one of her administrative days where she didn’t do much patient care. He hoped she was in her office. He hoped she was alone. He needed a shoulder to cry on right now. When he approached the door, the light was on, a good sign. He turned the door knob and it opened easily. He didn’t spy any of the ancillary staff and looked down at his watch. It was almost five in the afternoon, most of them would be gone for the day. The familiar scent of lavender and strawberries let him know that Holiday was still in her office.

  Jax knocked on the door but managed to startled her anyway.

  “Jax, geez you scared the crap out of me. It gets pretty creepy down here,” she squealed. Jax tried to smile and indicated the chair in front of her desk with his eyes.

  “Sure, take a seat,” she smiled. Holiday stood and walked out of the room as his eyes followed. She locked the front door and shut off the lights. Returning to the room, she made for her desk. Jax stood and placed a hand on her stomach to stop her forward momentum. He moved her body towards him while reaching for the door of her small office. He pulled it shut and turned the lock button. Holiday felt her body heat up to a million degrees in mere seconds. Her breathing hitched and she struggled for air. His touch was electrifying. Jax was now behind her body snaking his hands around her waist. He looked down to see she was wearing a dress and thanked every deity he could remember.

  “Um Jax,” she whimpered. He didn’t respond with words. His hands gave her waist a reassuring squeeze as he inhaled the scent of her shampoo. He managed with his head to push a few of her brown curls away to expose her neck. His tongue lapped at the skin before kissing it tenderly. Holiday moaned and pressed her ass against him. Jax’s soft murmur of appreciation encouraged her to move against him once more. The hiss and movement of his hands up her dress, signaled their undoing. Everything moved so fast in that moment. He was cupping her breasts through the dress and grinding against her ass. The hardness of his erection driving her crazy. His fingers deftly undid the top buttons on her dress. This gave him just enough space to push up the fabric of her bra. Warm, soft, supple breasts spilled into his hand. Jax cursed under his breath as he pinched both nipples. The feel of her in his hands sent blood rushing to his cock. He was pretty sure he would explode out of his jeans soon.

  “Oh God,” Holiday whimpered. Releasing one of her breasts, Jax let the hand travel downward. He pushed up the fabric of her dress while licking and teasing her neck. Sliding his hand around he cupped the apex of her thighs. Bending slightly, he was able to slip a finger inside her panties. Nothing prepared him for touching her there.

  “Fuck,” he rumbled low. She was hot, wet, and ready for him. Holiday broke his hold turning to face Jax. Their mouths connected as he found his way back to her panties. He pulled the dress up and tugged the underwear down as their tongues danced. Using his hand, he palmed her mound before gliding over the insane wetness. Much to his relief, Holiday began unbuttoning his pants. She unzipped them and immediately reached inside his boxer briefs.

  “Shit,” he moaned. Her soft delicate hand wrapped around his taut cock. He had fantasized about this moment on many occasions. Not one fantasy could compare to the reality. Holiday was having an out of body experience. She couldn’t reconcile her actions in this moment except to say they were fueled by lust. Never in her life had she desired a man as much as she did right now. She was pretty sure she would die if Jax didn’t fuck her right now. His amazing fingers her were already bringing her close to orgasm. If he touched her there right now, she would explode. As if sensing her need, Jax rubbed the tight bud between her thighs. Holiday released him to hold on to his forearms. The orgasm raced up her spine forcing her stomach to flex wildly as she fought to stay upright.

  “Ahh,” she cried out. “Jax please!”

  “You want me,” he replied softly. “You want me inside you?”

  “Yes please,” she said with the shake of her head. Jax, abruptly, turned her away from him. He snatched her panties down her legs and off. With a forceful hand, he bent her to the desk. Jax finished freeing his harden cock, whimpering when it made contact with the warm globes of her ass. Fuck! She was gorgeous all over. He rubbed first one ass cheek and then the other. Her smooth cinnamon skin was driving him crazy. Jax had to brace himself, lest he come fast. It had been awhile and he was quite eager. He teased her entrance with the head of his cock and fought to control the scream threatening. Holiday’s soft whimpers and pleas would be his undoing. Slowly he inched himself inside, his body jerking along the way.

  “Fuck, so tight,” he cried out.

  “Go slow baby, you are big,” she replied in a hushed voice. That request only drove Jax insane with want and desire. He moved several more inches inside and pulled back. Looking down he could see she was practically dripping all over his hard cock. The sight of which pushed his control away. He moved his hips frantically in and out of Holiday. It took a few minutes for him to realize he was losing control of the situation.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. “Harder!”

  Music to his fucking ear
s. Jax kicked up the pace apologizing for the speed with which this was going to move. One hand gripped her hip while the other snaked around to find her throbbing clit. Holiday’s body jerked when he made contact. She began to frantically move with his strokes to increase the pressure on her clit. In a matter of seconds, she was quietly unraveling. It was the most beautiful thing Jax had ever seen. Due to their location, she could not scream out her pleasure. Instead her body put on an award-winning performance as it shook from the orgasm. Her face contorted then relaxed into blissful peace.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he murmured. Jax pulled out as she whined. He turned her around lifting her to the desk. Immediately, he slithered inside as the last remnants of her orgasm gripped his cock. Holiday wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him close. Their mouths connected once more and his thrusts became more frantic.

  “Come with me baby,” he urged. “Not going to last much longer.”

  Holiday felt her body obey despite the two previous orgasms. She rocked her hips in tune to each of his deep thrusts. Jax covered her mouth as their bodies shook simultaneously. The screams of his orgasm caught in his throat as his eyes rolled back. Holiday clenched around his cock, milking him as she too fought the urge to scream. Warm, sticky, and wet was the words floating in her mind as Jax emptied into her hot channel. Jax didn’t want to pull out as their shaking bodies tried to return to a normal breathing pattern. When he moved back, Holiday grabbed Kleenex from her desk for them to clean up. Jax enjoyed the visual of watching her entire body blush as reality set in. They just fucked in her office without more than a few sentences between them. What had she just done?

  Chapter 7

  “I didn’t come down here for that,” he stammered. “I mean, I didn’t mean to compromise you like that.”

  “I think we both take the blame for what just happened. I wanted it just as much as you,” she sighed. She was so screwed and fought to control the tears. Her nursing license was on her mind but more importantly, she never had sex like that before. Never in her life did she think herself capable of three orgasms in one session. Never in her life did she have an orgasm just from intercourse. Holy hell! Holiday covered her face with her hands as the weight of their actions rested on her shoulders. Jax pulled the hands from her face and spied the tears. He felt like a world class ass for pushing so hard.

  “I have never done that before. I don’t sleep with my patient’s family members,” she cried. Jax shook his head and tried for a tender smile.

  “I didn’t think so for one second,” he added.

  “I could lose my job, my license, and my future.”

  Jax lifted her chin and stated, “This was between us. Besides, I would never let that happen.”

  “But,” she stammered unsure what to say. Jax wrapped her up in a tender hug. He found her ear whispering, “Thank you! I needed that with you, very much.”

  Holiday eyed him skeptically and tried to push back the look of unease from her face.

  “I have fantasized about fucking you since the first day I met you. I felt like the worst son in the world given the nature of our business. Trust me when I say that was amazing.”

  Holiday blushed again then added, “I have never had sex like that in my life. I am not some wanton sex goddess. Actually, I am very inexperienced. I mean, shutting up now.”

  Jax laughed as she tried to explain. He found her sincerity endearing. He pushed a swath of curly brown hair away from her neck. His smooth lips placed tender kisses as his cock sprang to life once more.

  “Okay, so will this be weird now,” she asked. Jax covered her mouth in kisses. Conversation temporarily ceased. They spent a while just enjoying the exchange of tongues. As much as he wanted more, he needed to get back to Me-Me. Holiday needed to stop kissing Jax and figure out what to do next. She couldn’t avoid him forever to squelch this newfound desire. Now that she had sampled the goods there was no turning back. When they parted, he left for the elevators returning to Me-Me’s room. Holiday took the stairs and exited to the adjacent parking lot.

  Jax couldn’t help reliving the feel of being inside Holiday. She was so wet and tight, a perfect fit. The blanket was especially helpful to cover his continued erection. Holiday drove home with the memory of him sating the need between her thighs. He had created the need and then extinguished it only to have it resurface again. How was she going to help him with his grief after sexing him up in her office? She couldn’t do this with her vagina, that didn’t seem like a good avenue. Holiday believed he would protect her license. This would never go any further. It had to be a one-time thing.

  Chapter 8

  It took a lot of work but Holiday was able to take a professional stance around Jax, much to his consternation. As Me-Me continued to decline, he wanted to be comforted by Holiday. Not with sex necessarily but he wanted to hug her and have her hold him. The occasional hand squeeze or pat to the back was all that he could expect. Emma hardly talked now and spent most days sleeping or staring off into space. A few times when Holiday would enter the room, he could spy a soft smile on Emma’s lips. Had she known about what happened in Holiday’s office somehow? It would appear she was much more content. Jax wondered if she knew something he didn’t about whatever he had with Holiday. The woman unnerved him and today was no exception. Right now, she had a group of bigwigs in the room. She was adorable in a black belted A-line dress and her lab coat. One of the men kept gawking at her legs. Jax wanted to pummel the man and focus his attention on her speech.

  Jax allowed the group of men and a few women to ask him questions in response to his mother’s care. He, of course, sang the praises of the Orion Optimal Care staff but went above and beyond of his praise for Optimal Hospice.

  “I can’t thank Holiday and the other staff members enough for taking such excellent care of my mother. I don’t think I would have survived without the attentive care they provide,” he explained. The men shook their heads with understanding as the two women struggled with his insanely good looks. Holiday felt the annoyed expression cross her face and forced a strained smile.

  “Thank you Jax for your time,” Holiday said with a gentle handshake. He held her hand a little longer than necessary but none of the group seemed to catch it. She quickly cleared her throat and led the group away. On her way out she turned to give Jax a soft smile. He sent a wink her way and returned to Me-Me’s bedside.

  “I saw that,” Emma murmured before drifting back to sleep. Jax smiled and felt his heart rip at the same time. The woman was too amazing to die. He still had so much to learn from her and now he wouldn’t get the chance. Jax bent to place a kiss on her cheek.

  “She is the one,” Emma added. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “I am afraid to lose you. I need more time with you mom,” he whispered. “I love you so much.”

  Jax hardly ever called Emma mom but he was sure to refer to her as his mother. The name Me-Me developed when he was little. She would sing, “I’ll take care of you-you, and you take care of me-me.”

  Ever since then he called her Me-Me. She was his everything and even with some family left, he felt completely alone.

  Holiday finished up with the board members in her office. They were generally impressed with the performance of the in-house hospice. They weren’t making great piles of money but it was obvious with a bit more time, they would have a money maker on their hands. Not only a financial winner but a reputable business venture that had a strong customer following. Holiday knew her two years were coming to an end. She hoped to hell they renewed the program. Cleaning up the presentation materials she made a plan to grab take out on her way home. She was starved after all the talking and walking around the building. Now that her nerves were calmed she could focus on a decent meal. Edgar had handled the first part of the presentation but she handled the patient interaction segment. It had been exhausting and she needed food and a hot bath.

  “Holiday,” Jax whispered as she exited the office. She jumped
and turned to face the handsome man.

  “Geez, do you get off on scaring me,” she squealed. Jax smiled and shook his head. His smile did not reach his eyes and she was sure he needed more of her. Holiday knew she couldn’t help him with his grief using sex. The pleading looks in his eyes tore at her heart but she had to stand firm. Holiday nervously shook her head in a side to side direction. Several maintenance guys exited the mechanical room, neither paid any attention to them as they took the stairs.

  “Can we just talk?” He asked his voice almost a whisper. Holiday gave a soft sigh and turned to open the supply room. She would not allow him into her office lest they go at it like bunnies. She placed a few of the items from the presentation inside the supply room. Jax stood near the door, quiet and unassuming. She put the presentation materials on the shelf but turned right into his chest. His hands immediately went to the remaining items in her hands. He placed her purse, cell phone, and car keys on the shelf. She looked up at him with questions but he offered no answers. Kisses were all that he was offering for now. When he was done with her mouth, he unbelted her dress and pulled the material up high. He moaned upon seeing the cups of her bra. Greedily, he retrieved a nipple and sucked. Holiday’s body keened as his mouth sucked the nipple into a taut bud. His hand gently massaged the other breast. Jax was very aware of his surroundings and guided Holiday to the empty wall without stopping his work on her breasts.

  “Shit,” she murmured. The orgasm hovering on the edges of her mind would slam into her soon. All he did was suck on her breasts and she was ready to leave the galaxy. When his hand released her breast, and traveled lower, she detonated on contact. Jax’s confident grin greeted her explosion as she bucked against his fingers. Holiday was not to be outdone and began to undo the buttons of Jax’s slacks. She let the pants fall to the floor and eyed the huge bulge in his boxer briefs. With the flat of her hand she rubbed against his erection. Holiday had only tried oral sex once and it wasn’t her specialty, however she yearned to taste Jax. When she slid down the wall breaking his contact with her breasts and pussy, he moaned. Tentatively, she ran a tongue over the thick head of his cock. The small seepage of fluid did not deter her from continuing. The hiss of air through clenched teeth that escaped spurred her to continue.


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